colliding โ†  stiles stilinski ยฒ

By simplybilinski

30.6K 840 264

โ Death didn't scare her anymore, she had so many people waiting for her on the other side that it wasn't suc... More

c o l l i d i n g ~ p l a y l i s t
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
๐™šseason five
twenty four


2K 52 17
By simplybilinski



STILES WAS PACING around the grey room un-patiently, and Olivia's eyes were getting tired of following him around. Each step was filled with more anxiety than the last, the sound of his shoes hitting the floor echoing throughout the otherwise silent room.

They had been in the room for about twenty minutes with no sign of Scott, Lydia, or Kira. The strawberry blond had been separated from Olivia as soon as they were ever-so-kindly escorted back inside the building by the two guards, so she had no idea where they were and it was driving her insane.

"Stiles, if you keep pacing like this, you're going to have to put me back in Eichen." Olivia rubbed her droopy eyes, which were starting to feel heavy once again.

Stiles stopped and sighed, turning to Malia whose head was resting on Liv's shoulder lightly. Ignoring Olivia's remark he instead asked, "Do you hear them? Can you hear Scott?"

The other brunette's head lifted from her resting position and looked at him with sad eyes. She huffed out a breath and shook her head.

"Can you hear, Kira, Lydia, anybody? What are they saying?" He rambled out while his hands ran furiously through his thick brown hair. Olivia knew how much his friends meant to him, so she could understand why he was continuously acting paranoid.

She looked at him as he was fidgeting anxiously, pacing around the space that they were being held captive in. Turning to Malia, who still looked defeated, she gave her a supportive smile.

"I can't concentrate. I..."

"It's okay, Mal." Olivia eyed Stiles who shrunk back at the heated glare.

"There's too many sounds and voices." Malia huffed.

Stiles walked over to the two, squatting down in front of the stressed were-coyote. "Just breathe." he said in a soft voice.

An idea then formed in Olivia's head, a memory resurfacing back to a time where she was trying to calm herself down— something that worked well for her and could possibly work for Malia.

"Hey, hey. Malia, look at me."

Malia turned to face her, completely stressed and overwhelmed with all of the buzzing sounds that surrounded her, making it extremely hard for her to focus.

"Think of a time where you were in the woods, the forest. Think of the sounds that you would hear. Focus on that instead of all of the sounds in here. That's your happy place, right?" Olivia instructed the other girl sitting in front of her.

Malia hesitantly shut her eyes and focused. It was hard tuning out all of the voices and the loud sounds from the rave downstairs.

Olivia and Stiles were anxiously sitting side by side, watching her focus and waiting for her to say something. After a solid minute of waiting, Malia opened her eyes, but they weren't her normal hazel brown eyes, they were electric blue, glowing with light.

Liv smiled to herself, jaw releasing from its wired position and shoulders that used to be tense, relaxing. The silence was starting to set in, seeping through the walls and the anticipation rising by the minute. The only noise was the were-coyote's trance-like-breathing that sounded throughout the room.


Malia's eyes turned back to its beautiful brown color, blinking a few times to clear her vision. Olivia smiled at Malia like a proud mom, she had been doing a lot of training with her over the period of time that she was in her ninja mode (that's what Olivia would call it) and it seemed it's starting to pay off. Every time Olivia would be training with a punching bag or anything, Malia would be right by her side.

"That's impossible."

Her eyes shifted up to the Stilinski boy who was up again pacing, but more furiously and with a confused— no —terrified expression painted on his face.

"That can't be what he said." Stiles bit his lip, hard enough to draw blood.

Malia and Olivia looked at each other, just as confused as the other. The two girls' eyebrows pulled together, seeing Stiles anxiously playing with his hands and his eye's staring at the ground like he was thinking, long and hard.

"Why? Who's Kate?" One of the two girls spoke up, breaking the silence.

Stiles stopped walking back and forth, looking like he was coming to terms with the words that seemed to haunt him. He came over and plopped down right next to the girls who were still waiting for an answer.

"She's a hunter." He paused, breaking eye contact and staring at the ground once again, "An Argent"

As her eyes widened in surprise, Olivia was now listening with her full attention.


The warm air blew gracefully against Olivia's face, carrying dust from the desert road. The pack had finally reunited: Lydia, Scott, Kira and Olivia Plus Stiles and Malia, ran towards each other in relief, just happy that no one died.

They were then escorted out into the outside world, led by Araya Calavara and Scott with Olivia in the back. Her head was swimming with the recent information that she had just been told. It was consuming her slightly that Allison's not-so-dead-aunt was holding Derek hostage.

"I sent four men out to where Kate was rumored to have been seen. None of them came back." Araya said, guiding them throughout the back of the buildings.

Stopping at a gate, she stopped the pack, "Let's see if you can do better."

Olivia had been picking at her jacket, not aware that she had been staying behind until her name was called. Her head jerked up and saw that Scott was leaving and that the rest of her friends were waiting for her at the rusty jeep that was parked in the middle of the road, eyeing her curiously.

Before she could walk towards the car, her arm was snatched, not allowing her to go any further. She could already tell it was Araya by the extremely strong grip on her arm.

Looking up, she made eye contact with the hunter, her cold stone eyes staring right back at her.

"Just so you know Olivia, you might want to dig in on your family. Some things might be revealed. Certain people didn't agree with keeping you protected." She said, not releasing her firm grip that held Olivia in her place.

It was like she was stuck in her spot, glued to the floor by an invisible force that kept her in place, while her eyes never left Araya's cold ones. That was something that she did not expect to come out of her mouth at all. Olivia was half expecting a threat to come from her or a mild goodbye at least.

Shaking herself back to reality, she searched the woman's eyes, hoping they would tell her something—something regarding the stuff she wasn't telling her. Lately she had been feeling like she was missing a piece of the puzzle, but she didn't know what. It was annoying to feel so incomplete.

The grip softened on her forearm, Araya nodding to her as a form of a goodbye, and Olivia scurried away towards her friends, keeping her head down in thought.

"What was that about?" Malia was the first one to come up to her, asking the question that most of her friends were thinking.

Olivia inhaled deeply, "I honestly have no clue." But she would find out sooner or later.

Scott saw how Olivia was eager to change the topic of discussion, so he did. "She thinks she knows where we can find Derek."

Stiles pried his eyes away from the girl beside him and to his best friend at the front, "She gonna tell us where?" He questioned the wolf.

Scott's bushy eyebrows pulled together in uncertainty which made Stiles even more confused, "Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide." He finally said.

As if on cue, a motorcycle came through the old dirt road of the New Mexico town, people moving out of the way for the vehicle to come passing through. It came to a stop right between the group, parking in the middle.

The person took its hemet off and it was a woman under it. She had beautiful black hair and a dark skin tone that complimented her hair and brown eyes. The woman had a full leather outfit on and had three long— claw marks?— along her neck as well to complete the badassery.

"Do you know her?"

"Braeden." Scott breathed out in surprise.

The four girls were standing together watching the Braeden stand up from her motorcycle, Lydia looking at her with a tint of familiarity.

Kira spoke up from the small group to the girls, "Who's Braeden?"

"I second the question." Olivia added from the side. She looked at the woman and did not know her at all. She had never seen this woman in her life, but it seemed that Lydia and Scott had.

Lydia crossed her arms, pulling them closer to her as the wind blew in their direction. "She's a mercenary."

Olivia didn't know what a mercenary was so she just smiled and nodded.

The woman, who could definitely hear their conversation turned to them, "Right now, i'm the only one who's gonna take you to la iglesia."

"The church?"

"What's the church?"

"It's not a place you'll find god."


The old blue jeep rattled along the bumpy dirt road, almost every second Olivia's waist would be impaled by someone's elbow from the bumpiness of the road that she hated.

Next to her was Malia, Lydia and then Kira was to the far while she was being crushed in the corner.

No one had spoken the whole trip. Being cramped in a car full of silence that was beginning to choke her was not ideal. The while that she had been in the jeep she had starred out the window, looking out to the desert where all she could see was sand and hills for miles.

"Okay, I'll ask." Olivia heard Malia speak up, but she kept her eyes trained on the outside world, trying to escape the tension that was consuming the small jeep.

"Who's kate Argent?"

As if the jeep couldn't get anymore smaller.

Kira, who was sitting to the far, raised her hand up in the back,"Uh, I'd like to know too." She piped up.

Stiles turned back to answer her question, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter than he should be, Well, we were at her funeral." He huffed, "So, i'd like to know how she got out of the casket that was buried six feet underground." Adding his usual level of sarcasm.

Olivia couldn't help but listen in the conversation that was going on around the little cramped jeep. She didn't really have anything to say—I mean what could she say? So she continued to look out to window with half of her attention on the conversation.

"She was Allison's aunt."

Her body tensed up at the name.

"And a total sociopath." Lydia added to her sentence.

The silence was loud after that, no one daring to speak about anything any further, that was until Kira decided to break it."You don't have to talk about if you don't want to."

Scott shifted in his seat before responding, "Yeah, she's right."

From what Olivia could gather, apparently Kate Argent was the one who set the fire that killed Dereks family. It was the one thing that caught her off guard. She had no clue that Derek had no family besides Peter and Cora. And then Peter slashed Kate's throat out of revenge.

And she thought her family was complicated.

But to top it all off, Peter was the one who bit Scott.

"We saw her buried."

Scott was quick to correct his best friend from the passenger side, "We saw a casket remember? She wasn't in it"

"The Calavaras heard that she was killed by an Alpha's claws. They wanted to make sure she was really dead. Her body was healing. More and more as she got closer to the full moon. She was coming back. So they switched out the bodies and they took her." Scott started.

"If a hunter is bit, they have to take their own life. before they change"

That was one of the things that Olivia hated about being a hunter, even if they weren't hunting. There was always a risk about the job.

"The Calavaras, they treated the code like law. They make it they responsibility to enforce it." He finished.

Malia, who was besides the squished Olivia, leaned forward to the middle right between the two boys up front. "Well good job, I wouldn't do it earthier."

Olivia sighed to herself, I mean she had the right idea, but-

"Would you kill half a dozen people to get out?"

Olivia was quick to intervene,"Don't answer that." Malia gave her a small chuckle and rolled her eyes playfully in return to her remark. Olivia was hesitant to hear what Malia would've said since she still had the instincts of a coyote.

"So Kate's a werewolf now?" Kira spoke up.

"I don't know." The teen wolf replied, "There's a saying, sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are."

"What kind of shape is a sociopathic bitch?" Lydia sneered from the back seat.

Out of nowhere, the jeep hit a bump or a rock in the road and started to swerve and eventually to a stop in the middle of the road. Olivia was rocked between the four girls in the back seat, getting elbowed in her ribs which hurt quite a lot if she must say, and let out several groans.

Everyone fell out of the car and out onto the sandy road.

"What the hell happened?" Olivia walked over the where the group was standing around.

Stiles was running frantically around his precious jeep, trying to figure out what hurt his car, but not finding anything. "I don't know. It felt like we hit something."

Bredaen came up off her motorcycle that was stopped a short distance, "Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise."

Stiles and Scott shared a look between each other, silently debating about what they should do. Stiles was the first to break their small talk, "Go."

"Not without you." He instantly replied.

Stiles walked up next to him and sighed, "Dude, someone needs to find Derek. We'll figure something out. We always do. Just go."

Scott still didn't move, having an ongoing war in his head about what to do. Not wanting to leave his friends alone, or go save Derek. After a short silent period of time of intense starring he spoke up, "Okay."

Olivia walked around the car, looking under it, over it, trying to find anything out of the ordinary, but she didn't see anything wrong with the car. She came around front and saw Scott and Kira hugging and she let out a soft aw.

She wondered if she would have anyone like that.

Of course Kira and Scott weren't official, but she could tell by the way they both look at each other.

Scott then drove off on Bredaens motorcycle leaving the remaining five to fix the broken down jeep. Coming around front, the brunette popped down right next to Malia who was looking at the tires and her eye's found something in the round piece of rubber.

Malia had seen it too, she picked it out of the tire and held it up to the two of them.

"Hey, Stiles?" Malia started, gaining the attention of the boy who had just popped open the hood, "I don't think we hit something. I think something hit us."


school sucks that's all I have to say.

I actually really like how I've planned out this book so far tbh. I honestly hate the first book so much omg, the way I planned that one out was beyond horrible like I had no idea how to do plots, how to write-yikes.

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