Changing opinions//Draco malf...

By malfoyslittlewhore

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||| COMPLETED ||| - SPICYish (at times) - 🤰🏻Celina washes up at Hogwarts after a freak boating accident.Du... More

0.5) prologue
1) Where?
6)why though?
8) Suspicion
10)Dracock InmyMouthfoy
11) Write up
15)Catch on!
16)Detention Attention
17)did someone say Draco Malfoy?
18)Lemme tell your fortune
19) + 19.5) +19.75)
20)Good Chr!stian girl
21) Like a G
22)We love a bad boy dont we?
23)On her knees for J3sus ;) (Seggs)
24) The damn cleanup
25) 1/4 of a hunny
26)Snap goes the ankle
27) Gluck - gluck 99,000(seggs)
28) No more Lies
29)A good Die job
30)New bitch who this?
31)Frickin'n a jacuzzi (seggs)
32) A good Dye job
33)Marry me Rosie
34)The tides will sing
34.5) epilogue

35) but life still goes on (end)

361 9 34
By malfoyslittlewhore

Bitch I'm f!cking warning you RIGHT NOW if you have SKIPPED to this chapter GO HOME go f!cking home go back I swear to j3sus go BACK you will regret it

Spoilers guys spoilers

It's been almost ten years since I washed up in a quiet lake in outer London. I remember that day so clearly.

  The people who found me looked shocked, extremely shock and they immediately brought me into their house, serving me a mug of hot chocolate and layering biscuits upon biscuits in front of me while they called the police.

"Draco...where's Draco?" I pleaded with them, looking around. They looked at each other cluelessly.

"W-where am I?" I asked, looking around at the little cottage.

"You're in London dearie." The old woman rubbed my hands with hers. "You've been missing for quite a while." She nodded slowly.

"No!" I shook her off on a whim, unintentionally. "I-I have to go he needs me!"

They looked at each other with great concern.

"Dearie, we have no idea who you are talking about!" She exclaimed calmly.

I ran my hands through my wet hair stressfully.

"The police will be here soon." Her husband nodded as he cautiously left the room.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Gosh I looked a mess.

"Where my necklace?" I suddenly turned to the woman.

"Oh!" She smiled nervously as she headed over to a little box on a rustic wooden cabinet and pulled out some jewellery.

"Here you go." She smiled as she placed it in the table.

I frowned as tears began to form in my eyes. I stroked the green gems with my finger. Suddenly I noticed another item, the beautiful ring that Cedric had given me. I gasped and felt a tear fall onto my hand.

"Here," the old lady patted my back as she carefully placed both items of jewellery into a pretty little bag. "Now they'll be safe."

"No!" I exclaimed through tears as I ripped the necklace back out of the bag and struggled to put it around my neck.

The lady helped me when she seen my panic. I hung my head in my hands and broke down crying.

The last thing I remembered was life replayed before my eyes. My life began when I arrived at hogwarts and ended when I hit the ground however.

The police arrived an there was a huge fuss. They cornered off the lake and began examining it. They questioned me for days. Paparazzi tried to take my picture.

I was reunited with my parents. "I don't have any parents!" I cried as the police drove me 'home.'

However once I stood inside the door of that 'home' I remembered everything. I don't think I ever cried so hard.

They never believed me when I told them about Hogwarts...about Draco Malfoy. But I knew it was real.

My parents began to think I was ill however. Just a year after I returned they sent me away to a mental institution. They ripped down my mind maps and drawings of Hogwarts and of Draco.

They convinced me I was crazy in there. They convinced me that I had suffered extensively while lost at sea and that my memories were just fragments of my imagination.

My parents felt awful and visited me almost every single day. "Please get better." They begged me.

I tried. I slowly began to believe what these people were telling me. And so the memories faded and the magic began to disappear.

When I was finally discharged after four years, I was back to 'normal' as my parents said. I read every article ever written about me during my disappearance.

I was a somewhat celebrity and I hated it.

I never understood how I didn't die....
Well I did....
But I didn't...???

My only theory was that while I died in the Wizarding world my body carried on like a clone and came back to life in the muggle world.

Or perhaps Dumbledore had something to do with it...although I doubt it.

Now, ten years on. I work as an accountant. I hate it. Sometimes as I sit behind my desk my memories run wild and I remember my teenage years.

I remember a boy with icy grey eyes and a cheeky smile. I remember the monstrous castle called Hogwarts.

But I quickly dismiss them. See I suffered extensively while I was lost at sea.


  It's the tenth anniversary of the day I was found today. It's raining so heavily. I trudge home from work in the doom and gloom. Back to my little apartment. Back to my little daily routine.

Suddenly a car honks viciously as it passes me. "Ah!" I squeal as water splashes up all over my trench coat.

I give up. I squat down and leave my umbrella beside me to fill up with water as my entire body begins to soak through.

As I squat there and tuck my head into my knees I suddenly notice how quiet everything has gotten.

The traffic has stopped coming. The people around seem to have all disappeared. Even the birds have stopped chirping.

I slowly open my eyes and turn my head but see nothing.

I sigh deeply and stand up, brushing off my coat and reaching for my umbrella when I notice it.

There...across the zebra crossing....standing in the rain is a man...

That's not just a man.

Can it really be?

My heart beat begins to surge up towards my ears and my mouth drops open.
I find my legs moving by themselves as at first I walk, but then I sprint in heels, across the zebra crossing. The figure meets me halfway.

With an explosion of tears, I leap into Draco Malfoy's arms. He wraps them securely around my waist to the point when I almost cant breath as he sobs into my ear.

We pull apart and he lets me back down to the ground.

Gosh...he's barely aged a day...he looks so mature and manly now but his skin and hair is almost the exact same as it was ten years ago...

And it's's still black...

"Am I dreaming?" I sob, not even paying attention to my loudness. I look up to his tormented face. Tears stream down his face. It's obvious that he's been through a lot in the last ten years by the way he looks at me.

He shakes his head as he suddenly grasps my face with his huge hands. "How are you here?" He questions.

I shake my head and tears seem to fly off my cheeks. "I don't know!" I smile as I cry. "I really don't know!"

"You died!" He answers immediately. A sudden wave of sadness hits his eyes again. "You fell from the tower and you died."

I nod my head, "I know...I remember...they tried to tell me it wasn't real! That it was all in my head! That I was crazy and you weren't real but I knew!-I knew you were." I close my eyes and scrunch up my face as my history begins to torment me. All those years spent wasting away in hospital.

We stand in silence as he looks down into my eyes searching them.

"Promise me this is real..." he sighs exasperatedly.

I quickly nod my head reassuringly, "yes-yes this is real, I'm real." I gasp.

His chin trembles but he smiles widely suddenly. My heart practically explodes in my chest. I laugh and so does he. That same, cheeky and troublesome laugh.

Suddenly I have an ephipany, all my memories flood back to me crystal clear. From me arriving at Hogwarts to Pansy Parkinson pushing me from the tower.

I grab his face just like I used to and pull him in for a loving kiss. It's been years since I kissed anybody. As matter of fact...Draco Malfoy was my last kiss.

We break away and we both gasp at the same time. I look up into his eyes and smile.

Suddenly, just like magic the rain seems to retract from the ground and from our bodies and flies back into the sky. The dark clouds are replaced by bright, sunny and happy ones and a beautiful rainbow smiles across the light blue canvas.

Draco smiles as my face lights up in awe just like it used to ten years ago.

I look back at him and we stare into each others eyes. We don't have to say anything...nothing at all.

The eyes are the door to the heart as they say...

Next thing I knew, I was pregnant.

Yes pregnant!

We made up for the last ten years in less than a year...👀

I remember our wedding day like the back of my hand. Almost everybody that I knew at Hogwarts arrived. There were tears...lots of tears...

I cried when I hugged Cedric Diggory for the first time in over ten years. I cried even harder when Lee presented their two year old daughter 'Celina' to me.

I cried when Harry and his wife Ginny and Ron and Hermione entered with their beautiful children.

I cried when we said I do and I cried when Draco got his way and turned the cake from chocolate to mint with a tap of his wand.
Well it was the hormones I guess, I didn't know I was pregnant.

Just eight months later I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy, Scorpius!
...and then ten months later I gave birth to our baby girl Arcadia...and then eleven months later another boy we named Daiyu. He's almost two time flies!

Draco always talks about how he must have 'died and gone to heaven' whenever I catch him staring at me. I just smile lovingly back at him. I guess I will never understand what he means.


I sit outside our little cottage house in the middle of nowhere. Far from all the chaos of the world. My eyes soak in the beautiful sunset. It turns the whole world orange. Suddenly two beautiful little birds hover around my head before they shoot off into the sunset. I laugh. Lovebirds.

Draco comes out, wiping his hand with a tea towel which he throws carelessly - but perfectly onto the clothes line.

He extends his hand out to me and smiles down on me.

I tilt my head to the side. "What?" I ask, with a mischievous smile.

"Come on no questions!" He tuts and rolls his eyes. Somethings never change. I take his hand and let him lead me through the fields to the shed.

"Draco," I cross my arms but can't help smiling. "What about the kids?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes. "The bloody kids," he immediately thinks he's in trouble and clears his throat. "The kids are fine." He smiles fakely.

I glance back at the house. The television is playing and I see three little heads perched happily on the sofa in front of it. Their dazzling blonde hair shining in the light.

I turn back to my husband with a happy smile. "Okay!" I squeal excitedly. He laughs at me as he moves out of my way and I hop the fence.

"Come on girl!" I greet Lyra as I open the fence gate.

Draco helps me up just like he used to and grunts as he hops on behind me, his hands wrapping around my waist.

"Where to sir ?" I ask cheesily.

"To the stars..." he responds mockingly. I can tel her really did not want to say that.

I finally got him to watch the Titanic.

We laugh at our cringeiness as I give Lyra a nudge and we fly off happily into the sky.


I'm actually crying...sounds vain? But it took me so long to write this i acc got attached to this charachter
Maybe you hated the ending? If yes...
Suggest anything I can do to improve it?
It's a world of magic so anything is possible....
What did you guys think? I'd love to hear it especially after this taking so long to write!!!
Please let me know and if you DONT want me to reply to your comment just put a ❤️ emoji in it and I won't!!!

Thank you so much for reading this! And for voting etc!

Please share it anyway you can! It took me a while and I'd really appreciate it! Thank you !!
#REVIEW : comment your review here (if you have one) 🖤 I love feedback#

I couldn't bring myself to let that butch die so I had to publish this draft.
Low-key hate myself now but it's ok!
Period siss's I'm outta here!

Thanks for reading ♥️

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