Unseen: Mass Effect FanFiction

By RedzDragon

8K 178 22

Unlike her famous Spectre brother, Captain Shepard has always preferred to work in the shadows and away from... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 1

991 19 1
By RedzDragon

A black-haired woman geared up in armor stepped out of the transport and looked around. Not finding anything unusual, she stepped out of the transport, bag in hand. It was a quiet night on the Citadel with only a few dock crewmembers working around. Captain Aster Shepard was glad for the late arrival, she never really liked being in the spotlight. One could say that she hated being noticed because of who she was associated with. Her brother, Spectre John Shepard, was well known throughout the galaxy for his heroics to stop an assassination attempt on the Council members. He was considered, by most, a hero and an icon if you will. Captain Shepard didn't hate her brother, on the contrary, she loved him but she also didn't like being compared to him. While her brother thrived in the spotlight, Shepard preferred to operate in the shadows. She was part of an Infiltrator squad that specialized in infiltration, hostage rescue, and other specialized tasks that most individuals would think twice about doing. Shepard was nowhere close to being in the same league as her brother, but she was the best at what she did. If you wanted something done or make something go away, you send Captain Shepard. If you wanted the galaxy to be saved, you send John Shepard.

"Captain," her pilot, Cortez, called out behind her. "Major Anderson wanted to see you when you docked."

"Doesn't he always," Shepard muttered quietly taking another look around.

Shepard wasn't paranoid but she knew that over the years she made some powerful enemies that wanted her dead. She couldn't afford to be careless. Satisfied that no one was lurking nearby, Shepard shifted her bag onto her shoulder and began to walk toward the elevator. Anderson wasn't known for his patience and Shepard wasn't known for her tardiness. Major Anderson was known however for his overprotectiveness of Captain Shepard, more so than her brother John. She was, after all, a bit younger than John when they lost their parents during the initial batarian attack on Eden Prime. Regardless of the circumstances that brought the Shepard sibling to Anderson, they owed him a lot.

It was a known fact that the batarian was out of control and little was being done to stop them at the moment. Humanity and the Turians were still recovering from the war and many of the species on the Citadel didn't have a strong enough army to stop any batarian attacks. Since the Batarian renounced the Council and anyone associated with them 10 years ago after the war between humanity and the turians, they had gone on a rampage killing everything and everyone they came across. No territory was safe from the slaughter.

Shepard waited patiently for the elevator to open into the center of C-Sec. It had been several months since her visit to the Citadel but the music was worse than ever. A lone turian maned that C-Sec security desk when Shepard emerged from the elevator. She wasn't surprised to see Chellick watching a vid on him omni-tool, after all, every time she came back from a mission, he always seemed to be waiting for her. Some wouldn't think it weird to see the turian at the desk but Shepard knew Chellick was keeping tabs on her departures and arrival. Shepard really didn't like anyone knowing her business, not when knowing her could get them killed. It was one of the main reasons she requested late arrivals, she wanted to avoid people as much as possible.

Chellick looked up from his omni-tool just in time to see Captain Shepard walked out and had to hold back a smile. Many wouldn't give this figure a second glance but Sergeant Chellick knew the distinct aura of Captain Shepard. There was something about her that oozed strength, confidence, and a deadly killer instinct that no one would dare mess with. Her black hair, turquoise eyes, and olive skin made her the prettiest human Chellick had ever seen. Not that he would admit it to anyone, turians and humans still weren't too fond of one another.

"Captain," Chellick called out in greeting. He was always happy to see every time she returned from a mission. "Good to see you."

"You're still here Chellick?" she asked, walking closer. "I thought you would have gone home by now."

"Got the late shift," Chellick replied. There was no need to tell her, he had traded his shift with someone else's just to get a chance to talk to her.

"Going to see the Major?" he asked, hoping to continue the conversation.

"Yes," Shepard replied shifting her bag to her shoulder. "He'll want to hear all about my trip."

"Of course," Chellick answered, thinking of a way to continue the conversation.

"Chellick," Shepard said. "If I were you, I would be careful about how familiar you become with my habits."

"I-" Chellick was speechless.

"It's not safe," Shepard continued. "You've been warned."

With that, Shepard said goodbye and continued on her way.

"Bye," he said, quietly watching her go. "Until next time."

Shepard made her way through the Citadel watchful as ever until she got to the offices of the Human Embassy. Major Anderson had an office right next to it even though there wasn't an elected Human Councilor. Shepard stopped in front of the doors and tried to look presentable before knocking A soft enter was heard before the Captain squared her shoulders and entered the room. Admiral Steven Hackett and Major David Anderson, her adoptive father, were waiting for her. Shepard walked up to them, stopped just a few feet in front of them, stood to attention, and saluted.

"Captain Aster Shepard reporting, sirs," she said.

Admiral Hackett saluted and motion for Shepard to take a sit.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Shepard asked making herself comfortable.

"I wanted to hear the report straight from the source," the Admiral replied.

"I'm assuming you read the report, Sir?" Shepard asked a bit confused. Shepard couldn't understand why the Admiral of the Alliance forces would take a personal visit just to hear a report.

"Yes," the Admiral replied. "I find it quite amusing."

Shepard was sent by the Council to retrieve Councilor Tevos's daughters. There had been rumors of an assassination attempt on their life and since John wouldn't be back in time, they decided to send in another Shepard for retrieval instead. It was a simple mission really, a pick-up, and drop-off. The easiest mission Shepard had been on since her graduation from the N7 program.

"It was the least I could do," Shepard replied, sounding as genuine as she could. "They've been so kind to me."

In reality, Shepard really didn't like being sent out on meaningless missions; her skill was definitely being wasted. The Admiral and the Major shared a look but didn't reply. They knew she was lying.

"Is there something else?" Shepard asked looking at them both. "I find it odd to see both of you together."

"No, nothing for you to worry about," Anderson quickly said. "How about we go get some dinner?"

"You'll be joining us, Admiral?" Shepard asked, standing up.

"No," he replied. "Maybe next time."

With that the Admiral excused himself leaving Shepard and Anderson alone.

"What was all that about?" she asked staring at the door Admiral Hackett had gone through. "He never shows up without a reason."

"Nothing for you to worry about," Anderson repeated grabbing his things. "Come on. I hear the soup place you like so much should still be open."

Anderson and Shepard made their way toward the Wards careful to avoid the roaming C-Sec officers on patrol. It was best to stay away from them and remain hidden. If they were seen, the patrol would insist on escorting them. The trip wasn't far and in no time the pair were in the lower market behind the black market where a salarian had opened up a soup shop by the name of Saertall Soup. When they entered, they were greeted by Saertall himself.

"What will it be?" he asked, wiping his hands on his apron

"I'll have a number 3 and a side of your honey marinade," Shepard answered taking a seat at one of the tables. "Oh, and a tea."

"I'll have the same thing," Anderson answered, also taking a seat.

Saertall excused himself and went to the kitchen to prepare their meals.

"How's everything?" Anderson asked. "Anything new?"

"Not really," Shepard answered. "Just trying to keep busy, you know. Not much to it."

"So that rumor about getting cozy with a certain turian in C-Sec is nothing but a rumor?" Anderson asked nonchalantly.

"Ah," Shepard said smiling. "There is nothing there if you're wondering."

"You sure?" he asked as Saertall came by with their drinks.

"Yes," Shepard answered taking a sip. "You honestly think I have the time to be wasting? If that ever changes, I'll let you."

It didn't take long for Saertall to return with their food.

"Instead of worrying about those rumors," Shepard began. "How about we eat our dinner and head to bed. I could use a nap."

Shepard had been right to be worried, she hadn't been the only one worried about attracting unwanted attention. If Anderson knew about Chellick knowing her, then that meant that other people could also be watching.

After they ate their dinner and left the soup shop, the pair of them headed toward the Tiberius Towers which was located on the Silversun Strip. Silversun Strip was part of human housing that the Council had given Humanity as part of the peace treaty.

"You seeing Dr. Chakwas later on tonight?" Shepard asked, as the pair of them entered the building and headed toward the elevator.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied hitting his floor number.

"Of course, you don't," Shepard said, hiding a smile.

When they reached the third floor Shepard said her goodbyes and went into her apartment. Shepard took a quick look around to make sure the apartment was empty; the kitchen was on the right-hand side, followed by the living area to the left. There was a small office, a workbench, a bathroom, and one bedroom. It wasn't big or anything but it was good enough for her since she rarely had a chance to stay more than a few days.

After removing her armor and placing it on the workbench, Shepard put in quick order of groceries to be delivered to her place and grabbed her clothes to take a shower. She would have preferred to take a long bath and enjoyed her stay but unfortunately, Shepard didn't have the luxury of relaxing. She wasn't sure when she would be sent on another mission. The doorbell rang as Shepard pulled on a hoodie, wearing nothing underneath. She thanked the delivery man, tipped them, and went to put away the groceries.

The cupboards and fridge were empty since she always made sure to only buy food for two days. It was best not to waste. Once that was done Shepard sat on the couch and went through a list of movies to choose from. She didn't have much but she preferred to have some type of background noise while she caught up on emails and reports. It wasn't long before Shepard fell asleep to the blurring of words on her omni-tool.

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