Changing opinions//Draco malf...

By malfoyslittlewhore

15.9K 300 174

||| COMPLETED ||| - SPICYish (at times) - 🤰🏻Celina washes up at Hogwarts after a freak boating accident.Du... More

0.5) prologue
1) Where?
6)why though?
8) Suspicion
10)Dracock InmyMouthfoy
11) Write up
15)Catch on!
16)Detention Attention
17)did someone say Draco Malfoy?
18)Lemme tell your fortune
19) + 19.5) +19.75)
20)Good Chr!stian girl
21) Like a G
22)We love a bad boy dont we?
23)On her knees for J3sus ;) (Seggs)
24) The damn cleanup
26)Snap goes the ankle
27) Gluck - gluck 99,000(seggs)
28) No more Lies
29)A good Die job
30)New bitch who this?
31)Frickin'n a jacuzzi (seggs)
32) A good Dye job
33)Marry me Rosie
34)The tides will sing
34.5) epilogue
35) but life still goes on (end)

25) 1/4 of a hunny

335 8 2
By malfoyslittlewhore

SPELLING MISTAKES - are unfortunate autocorrect! (If you spot a mistake please comment on it so I can fix it!)

Sorry these bitches r longgggg :/
I'll try to shorten them from now on...

I woke up this morning feeling different. I'm kind of numb from the waist down but it starts to wear off as I walk down the hallway to my first class.

I can't rub this stupid little smile off my face as I rethink last night. I can't stop rethinking last night.

I get these sudden urges where all I want is Draco Malfoy. Just to see him! I don't even have to talk to him.

He's actually in my first class but he isn't there when I arrive. Snape frowns down at me as I walk in and take my seat. A Hufflepuff girl soon sits beside me. My palms become sweaty when I see the emblem on her uniform. all my fantasy thinking I almost forgot about Cedric...

I look away quickly although she didn't even acknowledge me.

"Move." Draco suddenly tells her. I turn quickly to see him towering over her. One of his friends...I think Goyle? Who also takes potions looks at him in confusion. It's only a two person bench.

The Hufflepuff girl quickly gets up and grabs her stuff. She looks petrified. Her and Goyle take the only empty seats at the back of class. I hear Goyle protesting and can feel him shooting dirty and confused looks our way the whole class.

"What are you doing?" I ask him quietly, eyeing Snape to make sure he doesn't look down or hear us.

"What?" He asks, pretending to be clueless. He takes out his book as Snape instructs.

I sigh and take mine out too. As much as I appreciate him sitting beside me, it's a bit public considering he's never really done it before. And considering that he left his now very angry friend to sit beside me.

We barely talk through the whole lesson. I'm too awkward to even say a word and the fact that last night keeps replaying in my head doesn't help.

"Stop it!" I grab his arm after he throws a marble from the marble pot on the table at Harry Potter's head for the sixth time.

"Huh?" He asks as he snaps out of a little trance and turns to me. I shake my head, "Stop throwing stuff at Harry!"

He laughs and Snape looks down furiously but realises it's Draco and turns back around. Wouldn't deduct points from his own house it seems.

"I mean it!" I finalise sternly. He just keeps a cocky smile on his face and I know he's not going to listen to me. He doesn't throw anymore during class though but maybe that's just because we moved onto note taking and he was preoccupied.

   At four I waited outside the library. Ten minutes passed and he still hadn't shown up. I gritted my teeth to prevent what I knew to be tears forming. I tried hard not to be sad. Did he really just build up a relationship for weeks to use me and then ditch me?

At half four I gave up and just entered the library, furious at myself for letting me believe that he would actually care enough to show.

"There you are bloody hell I've been here for ages." He exasperatedly complains as I enter. I spin in shock to see him sitting at a double table in between a book shelf. I smile brightly and so does my heart.

"The hell are you smiling about? I had to actually do my homework I was that bored." He huffs as I come over and sit down. I laugh happily and take out my books.

"So you guys actually studied while you were in here?" He looks puzzled as he sees me taking out my books.

"Yes?" I ask him as I look up to him. "It's a library it's what you do!" I shake my head in disbelief and begin reading my notes.

"Ughhhhh...." he sighs in boredom as he stretches his arms over his head.

"What did you think we did?" I ask suddenly curious.

He shrugs. "Don't know...Diggorys quite mushy, maybe painted each others nails?" He shrugs.

I try to contain my laugh but it eventually escapes and he joins me in laughing. "You can't laugh at your own joke!" I tell him as we do.

"Shh!!!" a fellow student angrily shushes us from the table down.

"Sorry!" I blush and I quickly go back to note taking. Draco rolls his eyes and half bares his teeth at the younger student and they turn away quickly.

He doesn't take out a book for the two hours we're there. He just taps his fingers annoyingly off the table and watches me scribble down notes and do my homework. It confuses me because apparently he's quite smart.

He keeps sighing obnoxiously loud and I feel my patience running low every time he does.

When two hours is over he abruptly slams the table with his hands, stands up and stretches loudly. The same student as before looks at him but says nothing this time then looks away.

"Finally, lets leave." He grins in relief and waves his hand telling me to get up. I roll my eyes and slowly stand up, packing my books away.

I refuse to do this ever again.

"If you're going to be doing this with me then you're going to have to study...or bring a book you enjoy and read it or something!" I suggest. Anything would be better.

"No way!" He declares as if I've just said something scandalous. "I'm not doing that."

I sigh. What exactly can I say to that. Suddenly I stop in my tracks. Is that...oh no! It is!
Cedric stands halfway down the hall from us in a group with his friends. They talk loudly.

I rub my neck nervously and hit a sore spot.
Draco laughs and puts his hands on his knees.

"What!?" I ask him repeatedly. I run to a mirror that is attached to the hallway wall. A group of female students put them up to inspire others. 'You're beautiful!' Is written along the top of it.

I gasp and drop the two books I had in my arms as I look at myself.

A huge crimson love bite sits in plain view on my neck. My mouth hangs open in shock.
Draco keeps on laughing at my reaction. He leans against the wall as he can barely control himself.

"What way...!" I whisper in disbelief. How could I have forgotten this!?!?
Was I really walking around all day with this. Thank god I wore my hair down.

"You-why didn't you tell me!" I viciously whisper to him, spinning around.

"I didn't see it until now." He laughs. I can't tell if he is lying.

I groan uncomfortably and turn my head. Thank goodness Cedric has not noticed us yet.

"Let's go!" I beg and head off back the way we came. "No." Draco says sternly. I furrow my brows in confusion. He pushes me back a step in the opposite direction and ushers me with his hand to keep walking.

He picks up my fallen books and walks a few paces behind me. I give him a pleading look as we near Cedric but he doesn't budge.

I keep my head down as I near and pass Cedric. He's in the middle of the group and is so engrossed in conversation that he thankfully does not notice me. I start to jog the second I pass him.

Draco catches up with me a few seconds later however he did not run.

He laughs to himself thinking he's hilarious. "Your so cruel." I huff and snatch my books off of him. He laughs and doesn't take insult to my words.

"I was hoping he'd see you, and maybe a gust of wind would come and blow that pretty hair out of the way." He continues laughing. heart races for a second.

"By the way..." he suddenly stops walking, looking all serious again. I stop and watch him.

"Don't talk to him." He tells me. He doesn't ask me he tells me.

I wince slightly. "Well-that's impossible!" I declare. "We're not ten years old Draco-we're still going to talk...besides...we never properly broke up..." I risk telling him and watch carefully for his reaction.

His face falls slightly and he looks annoyed. I thought he might look guilty and sad for being indecent with a girl who is technically in a relationship.

"Well break up with him then!" He impatiently demands of me. "But then don't talk to him after that."

His demands are so childish yet I can tell he means them. I gulp slightly and shuffle uncomfortably. As much as Cedric has hurt me I still want to remain civil. He made me laugh a lot and made me happy. He did a lot of things for me when I had nobody else.

I frown.

"Why? Is that not what you want-do you not want to break up with him!?" He hisses. He's getting quite annoyed and flustered now. He seems not to be able to handle uncomfortable conversations or situations without getting upset like this.

"I-I no,I do!" I quickly respond. "I do...but I just-I don't know never mind!" I add. I can't say anything regarding this to him. He won't understand.

He frowns this time. He looks upset and saddened slightly. I feel quite bad but keep on walking.

"When are you going to break up with him?" He asks me immediately as he catches up with me.

"Uhm..." my eyes dart around unsurely. "Maybe tomorrow?"

"Maybe?" He questions me impatiently.

"Well yes then! Tomorrow!" I too get impatient and he smiles. He really gets something out of making me annoyed.

"Great!" He beams as he walks in front of me backwards, his hands lazily in his pockets. "Come on then!" He laughs and he starts jogging away looking back at me with a bright smile.

"Where are we going!?" I laugh as I struggle to keep up with him.

He uses a spell and 'accios' my books which leap out of my hands and go flying into his.

"Keep up you're so slow!" He smiles to me. "I thought Crabbe was bad but you're really something else." he teases

I open my mouth in offence at his remark. I don't want to be mean to Crabbe however so I quickly shut it.

"How mean!" I say instead.

We soon reach the top of what I know to be the Astrology tower. I have never had a class up at the top of it and I gasp at its beauty.

"You can see all of Hogwarts from here!" I smile in admiration as I hesitantly follow Draco to the rail. "Bit scary though." I frown as I look over the edge.

"Whoopsies!" I cheekily smile as I mimic pushing Draco over the ledge with a little push to his upper back.

He gasps a bit but then laughs at my joke. "You wouldn't have the guts!" He laughs as he grabs my waist from behind and despite me squealing and protesting, lifts me up a bit so that my feet rest on the bottom rail of the fence.

His hands grab onto either side of the railing and his cheek rests beside the right of my neck as he looks out at the beautiful view.

I gulp inaudibly as my pulse speeds up.

"It's a bit like the 'Titanic' isn't it?" I quietly ask, referring to our position.

"Huh? What's that?" He asks in confusion.

My eyes widen as I remember who I am. Wizards probably don't know about the Titanic.

"Oh! Uhm nothing you've probably never heard of it!" I dismissively laugh. Thankfully he doesn't seem to think much of it and just 'hmm' 's it off.

"I wonder has anybody ever fallen off?" I change the subject with my weird, on the spot question. I didn't know what else to ask but it seemed like a good question in my head.

"Pfft," he laughs at my question which causes me to blush. "Don't think so...thought I would have by now being in Snape's classes for all these years."

I laugh heartily but I don't know if he's actually joking so I soon stop despite him slightly laughing along too.

"Imagine being able to fly." I tilt my head to rest it on his as he rests in my shoulder. He wraps his arms slowly around my stomach and I feel butterflies arising.

"Hmm..." he replies, lost in the stunning view.

"Uh!" I quickly shoot my head up and leap off the railing to my side. He looks extremely confused and annoyed that I ruined the moment.

"We can't forget about Lyra!" I fuss as I grab my books from where he has left them on a bench table near a telescope.

We arrive at the clearing by nearly eight o'clock and it's pitch black.

Draco grunts and then sighs as he hauls himself up into his tree. I happily trot after him with a huge smile on my face. I start climbing it but his heel finds my hand and with a sharp tap he knocks me back to my feet.

"Hey!!" I exclaim as I rub my red fingers. I shoot a dirty look up to him.

"What makes you think you're allowed up here all of a sudden?" He frowns protectively.

I look at him in disbelief. "Draco! We're-" i exclaim, but stop myself mid sentence as my face turns red. What even are we? Friends with benefits? - friends with a beneFIT...??? Just friends???

I gulp and awkwardly look around at nothing.

He raises his eye brows and drops them. "We're what?" He puts me on the spot, watching me squirming inside to answer him.

"Oh! Lyra you looks so pretty today!" I change the subject after a short silence of him waiting for my answer. Lyra saves the day by strolling into the clearing.

I catch Draco rolling his eyes and picking an apple from the tree as I run over to the Pegasus.

We stay an hour. I take out the braids I put in her mane last week and run my fingers through her silky hair. I blush as I run them through mine and receive a flashback from yesterday. I gulp as my whole body starts to heat up.

"We better go." I say once my temperature has cooled. "Filch will be furious if he spots us out any later."

Draco pretends to snore but I see a smirk on his face. He really does think he's hilarious. I cant help but laugh. I pick up a stone, making sure it's not too big or sharp and hurl it at him, hitting him on the chest.

"Ah!" He clutches his heart as if he's been stabbed. "You'll pay for that!", leaping from his tree he chases after me. My stomach hurts from laughing.

What a perfect night it was.

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