WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stil...

By -despressos

109K 3.4K 3.9K

ON HIATUS If there was one thing known about Haven Salazar, it was that she would do anything for Scott McCal... More



2.1K 78 202
By -despressos




Stiles and Scott ran into the house to see Haven looking around, scared as fire grew from the marble island countertop in her kitchen.

"Haven!" Scott yelled, pushing Stiles behind him when the flames grew. "Hav! What happened?!"

"My-My mom!" she yelled back, glancing to the other end of the kitchen.

Merced laid there, unconscious and with a bloodied forehead.

"I'm sorry," she started to sob, holding her wrist as she cowered away. "I'm so sorry."

Stiles and Scott ran over to Merced, Scott checking her breathing.

"She'll be fine," Scott nodded at Stiles, both of them standing up to look at Haven again.

Scott put a hand out, attempting to calm her down as she frantically looked around, crying and scared.

"Hey, Haven," Stiles said softly, trying to walk in the gap between the island counter and the fridge towards her. "It's okay, it's just me."

"No, Stiles, stay back!" she cried, moving away, only causing the fires to grow larger.

"Hav, if you don't calm down you'll burn your house down!" Scott yelled, making her cry harder.

"Seriously?!" Stiles yelled angrily at Scott. "Shut up!"

He continued his slow walk towards her, the girl hyperventilating.

"Shhhh, Haven. Just breathe, just breathe," Stiles said once he got close enough to touch her, grabbing onto her hands in his, no longer in sight of Scott with the fire between them. "Just breathe."

Scott watched as the fire died down, revealing Stiles and Haven. Stiles looked at Scott with worried eyes as Haven buried her head into the crook of his neck. One of his arms was snaked around her waist and the other held her head as she shook, repetitively saying she was sorry. Scott let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Stiles was able to get her to calm down.

Scott rushed back towards Merced when he heard her groan, the older Salazar getting up with Scott's help. She looked around, seeing that nothing that caught on fire, and let out a sigh of relief. The only thing the fire left behind was a smokey kitchen.

"What happened in here?" Scott asked her softly.

"She asked for her memories back," Merced sighed, letting Scott help carry her weight. "I thought maybe now that she's older, she'd have better control over her magic. I was wrong."

"What do you mean better? Didn't she just unlock it?"

Merced cringed. "For the second time, yes," she nodded with a shrug. "I had repressed them when she was eleven."

"She knew wolves as a kid?" Scott questioned. "But I knew her as a kid!"

"Yes, those are the memories I was talking about. She grew up with the Hales," Merced informed him, information that Haven had the chance to tell her friends.

"How did I not know know this?" Scott asked.

"I was good at keeping our human life and our supernatural one separate when she was a kid," Merced replied, looking at her trembling daughter. "Perhaps I should've kept her without her memories. Excuse me."

She put a hand on Scott's shoulder before she excused herself upstairs, likely going to tend to the burn mark Scott saw on her wrist. He turned back to his friends, the two boys going to engulf Haven in their arms.

"What're you guys doing here?" she asked as she pulled away from them, her eyes still seeming dazed.

"We brought ice cream and pizza," Stiles said, scratching the back of his head. "Which is probably cold and melted by now... we were planning on surprising you with a movie night after the day we've had with the whole kanima drama, and it's something we haven't done in a while... it's supposed to bring spring break... and that's when we saw the flames from the window."

"Oh," she nodded, rubbing her hands on her arms. "Well, put the ice cream in the freezer and let's heat up that pizza."

"Are you sure you're up to hang out right now?" Scott asked.

"Anything is better than having to think about the eleven years of my life that was missing and is now back," Haven said softly, a tear rolling down her face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Stiles asked her, brushing her hair out of her face.

"All you have to know is that Derek's mom is my godmother, my mom is his, and I was really good friends with his sister Cora," she informed them, her voice shaking as she spoke. Stiles' eyes widened at the information. "And Talia and Cora are both dead, and I watched them burn in a fire before passing out. And somehow I woke up in my bed the next day with no recollection of how I got there, and it was that pain of losing them that my mother took away from me. And now I'm feeling it again."

Stiles wrapped his arms around her again, placing his chin on top of hers as he rubbed her back.

"I'll go get the ice cream and the pizza," Scott said, rubbing her back before exiting the house.

When Merced came downstairs after her shower and tending to the burn on her wrist, she found that the two boys who had stuck by her daughter's side almost all her life had her sandwiched between them on the couch with blankets in between them. She smiled as she watched Scott feed her ice cream while she leaned on Stiles.

She had chosen two extremely loyal friends, and Merced couldn't have been more proud of her for it.


"You had a mental breakdown last night, and now you want to go back to normal?" Stiles questioned, standing in the kitchen with Haven as she cooked breakfast the next morning.

"It's the full moon tonight, Stiles. I can't just sit around and mope over deaths that happened when we were eleven when we have a werewolf best friend, a kanima half-friend, and I also have a werewolf godbrother and boyfriend."

"Does full moons do anything for you? Yanno, there's always talk about how the full moon is when witches are like, strong or something?" Stiles questioned, watching as she put bacon onto the plate in front of him.

"Yeah, my mom mentioned something about how we draw power from the moon, so while werewolves are out of control on the night of the full moon and crave to wolf out, witches are calm and collected, at their best."

"Now, c'mon, can you drive me to Allison's when we're done? Lydia asked me to clear my schedule and head straight here," she asked, turning off the stove and standing across from him as she ate, as if she was totally ignoring the fact that the kitchen island they were eating over hadn't been in flames the night before. "Because while tonight might be the full moon, it is also a very important date: the love of your life's birthday party. And we're going."

"You have your permit, are you ever going to take your driving test?" Stiles asked her, ignoring the fact that she had just called Lydia the love of his life.

"Why would I do that when you take me everywhere?" she asked with a smile.


"You sure you're okay?" Stiles asked as he pulled in front of Allison's.

"I'm sure," she reassured him, even though every time she had a minute of free time, her mind drifted to the fire. She nodded and smiled at him, "Just promise you won't tell Allison, Isaac, or Derek about what happened last night."

"Don't talk to Derek, hardly like Isaac, but I promise I won't tell Allison if you promise not to tell Allison what happened with her mom and Scott. Scott doesn't want her to know."

Haven nodded understandingly, going to give Stiles a hug. "You're the best."

When Haven got to Allison's, Lydia was holding a few Macy's bags, a huge smile on her face.

"How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?" Allison questioned.

"It's my birthday party," she said, and she started holding dresses out as she listed which parts of the party she'd be wearing them at, three dresses total.

"I noticed how you didn't send out any invites," Allison pointed out, her and Haven sharing a look.

"It's the biggest party of the year, Allison. Everyone knows," Lydia responded.

"I was wondering if maybe this year things, you know, might be different," Haven suggested.

"Why would anything be different?"

"Just 'cause things have been off lately," Allison said. "Things and people. Like Jackson."

Lydia looked at her when she mentioned Jackson, asking, "What do you care about Jackson?"

Allison just chuckled and shook her head, ignoring the question as she asked, "Do you know if he's coming tonight?"

Lydia said, "Everyone's coming."

Though the room was tense, Lydia grabbed a dress and started to explain it to them, before pulling out two dresses and holding them out for Allison and Haven.

There was a knock on the door, the two of them turning around to see Victoria. She and Haven shared a look for a moment, like they were both scared of one another. Victoria was scared of what Haven might tell her daughter, and Haven was scared over the fact that the woman had tried to kill Scott the other night.

"Ms. Argent!" Lydia said cheerfully. "What do you think of this one?" She held out a dress.

"It's lovely. Uh... Allison, could I grab you for a moment to talk? Just the two of us?"

"Can we do it later?" Allison asked her.

"Actually, uh, to be honest, sooner would be—would be better," Victoria responded, a hand on her left shoulder as she spoke. She tried her hardest not to look at Haven.

"Party's at ten," Lydia said.

"Will you be around before then?" Victoria asked.

"I think so," Allison nodded.

"You think so?"

"I don't know," Allison shook her head, seeming to be getting annoyed.

"Alli... I think you should just go talk to her for a bit," Haven told her, glancing at the fake smile on Victoria's face. Something just wasn't right, Haven could feel it in her bones. "I'll help Lydia."

"No, I can talk to her later," Allison reassured Haven as her mom walked away.

Haven watched her go, the feeling in her stomach that this wasn't right never went away.

"I need to use the bathroom," Haven informed them, leaving the room for a second. She caught up with her mom, "Mrs. Argent."

Victoria turned around, her terrified look in her eyes still there with she looked at Haven.

"Haven, I—"

"We don't have to talk about last night," Haven shook her head. "That is between you and Scott, but you were fumbling with your shoulder and seemed adamant to talk to your daughter. I have a feeling—"

"You are just like your mother," Victoria smiled at her. "I wish it didn't have to be like this, but we're on two sides of the same fight. Whatever feeling you're having about me and my shoulder, I just want Allison to have fun today."

Victoria walked away, and Haven went back into the room to look at clothes with her friends.


Haven walked into Derek's without knocking, surprised he just left it unlocked.

"This door being unlocked is unsafe for so many reasons," she said, seeing as he was setting up restraints for his betas.

"Shouldn't you be helping Lydia set up for her party?" Derek asked when she saw him.

"Shouldn't you be living somewhere that isn't an abandoned the abandoned Railway Depot?" she asked back. "C'mon Derek, my mom's asked you if you wanted to move in with us."

Isaac looked at them confused and unsure whether he should be concerned, but he kept his mouth shut as they spoke.

"And where would I have my werewolf lair and house your boyfriend if I moved in with my godfamily?" he asked back.

"Godfamily?" questioned Erica.

"Oh, didn't you know? Derek's my godbrother," shrugged Haven.

"Since when?" Isaac asked, confused.

"Since her birth, technically," replied Derek monotonously. "She just didn't remember until about fourteenish hours ago?"

"And you had no intentions of telling me, now did you?"

"Your mother is a scary woman."

"She's 5'2!"

"And scary!" he replied, watching as Haven walked over to Isaac to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Anyways, if you want to spend time with your boyfriend before the full moon, I suggest doing so now and bringing him back before the sun sets."


"Is your mom home?" Isaac asked as they walked into her house.

"Nope," she said, the two of them kicking off their shoes.

"In that case," Isaac smirked, twirling her around to face him, pinning her against the wall near the front door and planting a kiss to her lips. "We hardly get time alone these days. It's either Derek, your mom, Scott and Stiles, or Jackson trying to kill people," he said between kisses.

She laughed, pressing her lips against his as he had to bend down to reach her, her hands running through his hair.

"I know," she replied.

"And I finally got rid of the stupid kiss quota," he mumbled against her lips. "God, I just love making out with you, you know that?"

She giggled, pushing back on his chest. He stepped back from her, the two of them venturing further into the house.

"I'm glad you're able to work together with Scott and Stiles, finally," she smiled at him.

"Have you eaten?" she asked, turning into the kitchen. "We have left over pizza, want a slice."

"That'd be great, thanks," he nodded.

She grabbed a slice out of the fridge and put it on a plate, popping it into the microwave for him. Isaac got in front of her again, grabbing her waist and lifting her onto the kitchen island. He stood in between her legs and held her waist, going to kiss her again.

"You let a boy kiss you whenever, and he wants to do it all the time," she laughed as he moved his kisses down her face to her jawline, then to her neck.

He started to suck on her skin for a second, only to be cut off by the microwave beeping.

They went up to her room, setting a movie on her computer as they cuddled. It was the brief moments where she felt like a proper teenager again that she wished would last forever, but nothing could change the fact that in a few hours, she'd be going to Lydia's birthday party and Isaac would be chained at the Railway Depot to control his transformation during a full moon.

Nothing could change the fact that she was a witch, that she had experienced one of her best friends' mothers trying to kill her life-long best friend the other night, and nothing could change the fact that she was anything but a proper teenager.

They laid with Haven's back half against a propped up pillow and half against the headboard, Isaac's head resting in the space between her chest and her neck, his cheek against her collarbone as he stared at the computer. After a while, he heard her heartrate slow down, and looked up to see that she had fallen asleep.

She had been looking pale lately with droopy eyes, like she was always ready to fall asleep. He glanced at the time on the laptop, noting to himself how many hours they had before she had to go to Lydia's, and turned off the laptop.

Then, he just laid there, awake the whole time. Listening to the peaceful rhythm of her heart beating.




· i honestly cannot wait to start writing for season 3, i already know where i'm taking this story in terms of the love triangle, and you guys are NOT READY for the plot twist i have in mind

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