Rules are rules (Charlie Rowe...

By Serena_281999

2.1K 40 6

Vanessa Pertica, 13 years old, has been living a hard life with strict parents that she thinks are her paren... More

Rules are rules
I love Mondays
The best bus ride ever.
Taps on the shoulder
The meeting
Tuesday night is Mayhem night
Morning Suprises
DNA and the love for music
Secrets out
Makes sense now

Surprise at the door

122 7 2
By Serena_281999

Vanessa's POV

It was Saturday now and the first time in ages, I'm going to one of my friend's house and all because mum and dad want me to go to an England boarding school.

I'm in the car know and the radio was on I can't believe I'm going to Danielle's house. I wonder what I'm going to do there. On the way to her house I saw Charlotte walking on the side of the road. I decided to be a bit more of a pain in the lower back to my dad and ask Charlotte if she wanted a ride to Danielle's house. My dad pulled up on the side of the road and Charlotte hopped on in.

It was a noisy ride to Danielle's house. Dad dropped us off a street away as usual. I guess Charlotte and I could just walk down.

"So where are the noodles you promised me?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh shit. Sorry, I forgot to get it. Don't worry i can make it at the school picnic for you." I promised her.

"You better I've been craving for it ever since you promised me." Charlotte said.

"Aww sorry I couldn't get them any sooner."

"Don't worry I only have another 19 days till I leave school." She said.

"Wait! You never told me you were leaving!" i was so shocked and I thought my case was bad, Charlotte leaving before me.

"Yeah, Vanessa. You are so smart. Considering that it is the last day of school can you make the noodles extra tasty? Thanks."Charlotte said with a smile.

"Oh for goodness sake Vanessa, move your fat ass!" I heard Ruby screaming. I walked up to her with Charlotte by my side.

"Hello Ruby how nice to see you again." I said.

"It's time to talk boys."She dragged me in and I was dragged into a room where I saw Eleanor, Darcy and Danielle, all sitting a circle, on the floor, chatting away like crazy.

"Hey guys," Charlotte and I said.

"About time you two." Darcy shouted.

"Geez, doesn't anybody say hello anymore in the 21st century?!" Charlotte yelled. It's like she read my mind.

"Oh. Hi," they all said in sync. Charlotte and I sat down and I realised that they were talking about what outfit they should bring to England."

"Oh, I know the perfect dress to wear!" Danielle walked down the hallway and turned left to a door, which I'm guessing was her room. In about 2 seconds she brought the most cutest floral dress I have ever seen.

These girls are all excited to leave to another country whereas I'm sitting here petrified of going to that boarding school. 

All of a sudden the doorbell rang and everybody was looking at each other thing. Who could it be? 

"I didn't know that anyone else was coming Danielle." Ruby whispered so that the person at the door didn't know who it was.

"Neither did." Danielle said in a shaky voice.

We all got up simultaneously and walked to the door slowly. Was it a robber? Nah couldn't be robbers would just break in wouldn't they?   I thought to myself.

Eleanor looked through the window and yelled out. "False alarm! it's just the paper boy"

"We don't have paper boys in the 21st century you stupid and now he can hear us. Are you happy?" Danielle walked over to the door as I walked back to the couch with Charlotte.


Charlie's POV

I'm standing at the front of Danielle's house dressed as paper boy in hope that Vanessa might be  here. I heard the door open and I saw Danielle standing there.

"Yes who are you and what do you want?" She started to interrogate me.

"Is Vanessa with you?" I asked her politely so i wouldn't get on her bad side.

"What does a paper boy want to do with Vanessa?" She had a point. I should've said no to Pete's genius idea.

"Well, it's actually me, Charlie. I need to talk to Vanessa." I begged.

"Oh it's you, Charlie. Y'know you should've got a better disguise you may have fooled my sister but there aren't any paper boys in the 21st century." I definitely should've thought this through better.


Vanessa's POV

Charlotte and i were talking about how she was leaving and that we should throw a massive get away party but she says she can't because her parents would disapprove. I know how she feels.

Eleanor walks in the room and says "Lover boy is here to see you."

I had a flash back on what my brother said to me last night. "There is no boy. THERE IS NO BOY. How could you Vanessa."  

"I don't think he's my lover boy anymore."

"Why?" Eleanor asked

"Well i accidently said that there was no boy." I said honestly.

"What in front of him?" She had a shocked face.

"No, not in front of him, Ms Laygan was questioning me and I don't want a teacher to know about my love life." I told them the story. All of a sudden I heard Danielle screaming from the front door.

"Hey Eleanor did you tell vanessa or what?!" Danielle screamed from the front door.

"Hang on a second Daniel!! So how did Charlie find out?" She pointed out.'

"I don't know maybe he heard." I heard Danielle walk into the living room 

"Don't you dare ever call me that again you jerk!!" She screamed at Eleanor.

"I can call you what I want!" I walked out of that room as quick as possible. Walked up to the front door and saw Charlie I tried not to make eye contact.

"Hey Vanessa," He said in his normal voice, British and sexy. I heard the twins having a fight and they were really loud. I think people in China could hear them yell. "Let's move to a more... quieter place." We were walked to the front gate of the house.

"I didn't mean to say what I said." i blurted out without even thinking.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Y'know, how I said... there was no boy." I said slowly.

"So it was true." He exclaimed as though he just solved a puzzle.

"Wait you didn't know about this?" I asked slightly confused. Maybe he didn't hear it.

"No, Bryan told me. But it doesn't matter about that anyway. You're my friend's sister. I shouldn't care anyway." He said.

"Oh..." I sighed quietly to myself to my surprise he heard me.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as though he was actually caring for me. Aww he's so cute when he worries about me. Focus Vanessa.

"N-nothing, I'm fine." I finally said. "Um.. So why are you here?" I asked curiously.

"Well Pete said he had to pick you up anyway and he dragged me into this saying that we had to sort things out betwe- I mean I had to sort out the washing." I knew he was lying but I let it slide.

"So you decided to sort out the washing at... Danielle's place?" I questioned him.

"NO! No no no, Uh.. I had to pick up some washing powder on the way home." He started scratching his head. Aww he's too cute to interrogate I'll just drop it. I saw Pete hidding behind the neighbour's tree. What a genius.

"Pete, you can stop hiding now. I can see your fat ass behind that tree." I yelled at him.

"Why you looking?" Pete asked me. I started to blush. For a dumbass like him he sure knows how to come up with good comebacks.

"I thought I wrote down 1:30 to pick me up not 11:30." I yelled at him more. Pete came walking towards us from behind that tree.

"Oops, must have read it wrong." I swear, he really does get on my nerves... like all the time.

"Pete, that paper boy prank on the girls didn't work at all they weren't buying it,"

"Sorry man, I guess that means that girls aren't gullible after all,"

"Hey, I'm standing right here sometimes I feel invisible. Anyway let's go home, the girls are talking about going to England and I really don't want to be thinking about the boarding school it's literally haunting me and can we stop by at Wall-mart, Charlie needs to pick up some washing powder. Don'tcha Charlie." I said with the biggest grin.

"Okay," Pete said without question 

"Um... Maybe we don't have to stop by because i just realised I forgot my home," He said.

"Oh Okay..." I said with a sarcastic tone.

We all started walking me walking next to Pete in front and Charlie walking behind. It was awkward silence and I didn't have my iPod with me so that means no music. Great!

All of a sudden, I felt something touch my hand. I turned around and to my surprise it was Charlie. I walked back a few steps so that I was walking at the same pace as him. He's hand was warm and soft. I can't believe this is happening.

"I could tell that you weren't falling for the 'I have to sort out that washing' lie," He admitted.

"Clearly. So what did you have to sort out?" I asked being really curious. 

"I wanted out things between us." At the moment I felt the blood rushing to my face and I honestly could not breathe at that moment. Did he really just say what i thought he just said? 

As we walked, I felt Charlie squizzed my hand tighter. As if he was trying to protect me. 

OMG! He did just say what I just thought.

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