Broken World

By T1NightHunter

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Year after The destruction of Earth, a powerful race known as the Scattered, have attacked Humanity's remaini... More

Daniel Norway
Hive Fleet
Relics Part 1
Relics Part 2
The Hunt
Destiny 1
Old Memories Part 1
Old Memories Part 2
On the Run
The Greater Enemy
Immortal Hands
New Earth
Civil Unrest
Battle of Jupiter Part 1
Battle of Jupiter Part 2
Growing Empire
New Regime
Battle over Aurora
The Second Grand War
New Alliance
Occupation of Olympia
Siege of Olympia
Beginning of The End
The Map Part 1
Battle of Enclave
The Map Part 2
Rapture Part 1
Rapture Part 2
Rapture Part 3
The Truth
Coming Battle
Final Battle of Aurora Part 1
Final Battle of Aurora Part 2
Final Battle of Aurora Part 3
Final Battle of Aurora Part 4
Salvalation v.s Extinction

Cruel Judgement

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By T1NightHunter

November 21st, 2860. We were helded in a prison cell on the Protector for days before Chorus and two 51st elites showed up. I stood up as Chorus opened the cell door.
"Norway, I must say you and your crew are a big thorn in the galaxy. NHR wants you dead, and now the Grand Vizsla does as well." Chorus explained smirking.
"Get to the point." I said.
"Of course, you and your friends are being transported to Enclave 12. Pyrex wants to meet you, and question you personally." Chorus replied. "I wonder what he will do to you."
He then closed the cell door and left with his guards. "Well this won't end well for us." Hanzo said. "Pyrex is the most feared commander in the universe, he'll have us executed if we're not careful."
"He might just execute you and me anyway." Isia said. "Hanzo's the most wanted pirate in the 51st, that and I'm a rogue."
"Will make sure it doesn't happen." I said. "Count on it."
"I hope so." Isia said.
We continued to wait until the ship's intercoms went off.
"Attention! Arriving near Enclave 12. Please prepare all hands!"
"This is it, be ready for anything." I said before a squad of 51st troopers came and took us towards one of the loading ramps.
It opened upon our arrival, revealing massive legions of 51st soldiers saluting for Chorus as he walked by with us being escorted behind him. We passed the onlooking legions into a transit car, once we got onboard it started moving through the dense city. The sights were interesting, but didn't last when we arrived at a tower that looked similar to the Communicon back on Niflheim.
"Welcome to the Site. The 51st Militia’s capital base." Chorus said, smirking. "Your death bed."
Upon entering the Site, we were escorted off the transit car by Chorus and his troops to a massive chamber, where Grand General Pyrex was standing on a platform several feet above us. The guards aimed directly at us when we arrived.
"Daniel Norway, Sauna Norway, Arc Talus, Venom, Isia Alison, and Beta-17. The crew of the Destiny 1, all wanted criminals of the universe." Pyrex explained. "Now you are here because of your crimes and information valuable to Operation: Judgement. Tell us and you may live longer."
"We don't know what you mean!" Isia yelled.
"But you do. The shards, the Greater Relics capable of finding the very thing equal to god’s power. We know you have them. So just give them up, Norway." Pyrex said, smirking.
"I won't." I said under my breath.
"I'm sorry." Pyrex said annoyed. "Would you speak up."
"Never!" I yelled.
"Then I will take them. Search him!" Pyrex ordered. Chorus and a trooper looked through my pockets, eventually grabbing both pieces.
Pyrex lowered himself down to grab them and the trooper's gun.
"Now how to punish you, in a way that will haunt you till death." Pyrex instantly looked towards Sauna. "I know."
He instantly aimed the gun at Sauna.
I closed my eyes and heard him open fire.
I looked to see Sauna knocked away and Hanzo bleeding on the floor.
"Hanzo!" I yelled going to him.
"Hey....I'm good." Hanzo said. "Guess my times up."
"You'll make it, come on please!" I yelled trying to cover his wound. He stopped me before I could help.
"Борьба с братом..." Hanzo said faintly before dying in my arms. He was gone.
I got up and grabbed Chorus by his neck enraged at Pyrex.
"Let us go or I'll kill him!"
I threatened Pyrex, but he only sighed before killing Chorus without mercy.
"Please, men are easily disposable." Pyrex said grabbing my neck. "Your no leader, not if you don't allow your men to die. Take them away!"
The troopers instantly grabbed the rest of us and took us out of the chamber. Hanzo was gone, and I wouldn't let Pyrex get away with this.

The troopers put us onboard the transit system, they were apparently taking us to a labor camp on the planet. I looked to see my crew was in despair, we had lost Hanzo. I finally had enough and started fighting the troopers onboard. I took them out before letting everyone loose.
"We're not finished yet, still got a long way to go." I said grabbing everyone's gear.
"Norway, are you sure. We don't have a way off world." Isia said, concerned.
I showed her the beacon I had linked to the Destiny 1 before cutting through the floor of the transit.
"Let's get out of here." I said.
"Right, sir." Beta said jumping out first.
I followed behind him, landing in the jungles below the city, everyone else landed right behind me. "What now?" Arc asked.
"Find a safe spot away from the 51st and get off this rock." I replied.
"Then let's go." Sauna said leading us deep into the jungles.

We ran for hours before resting up for the night. I tried to sleep but saw Sauna standing alone nearby, I went to her knowing why.
"Hey, I know you thought Hanzo didn't need to do that." I said holding her hand.
"I just wish it went a different way." Sauna said, upset.
“I know. I wish it did too.” I said, remembering him as a mentor and even my best friend. “But, he won’t die in vain. We’re gonna stop them and avenge Hanzo.”
Sauna smiled and held my hand. “I’d bet he’s proud of you right now.”
“I know he is. He’s always been since New Earth.” I said smiling back. "Hey, we can just wait here if you want."
"I'd actually like that." Sauna said, leaning on me.

November 22nd, 2860. We waited there till morning finally came before setting out again. We about left until I noticed someone watching from above. I shot towards where they were, but the shot came back near my feet.
"Deathseeker." I said. "I know it's you!"
Deathseeker instantly came out and landed in front of us. He changed his look since we last met, he had no mask and wore a black jacket and cape, along with armor covering his right arm.
"Why do we always run into each other." He said annoyed.
"Says the person who nearly killed me." I said pointing my energyblade at him. "Came to try again?" "Hardly, just realized the 51st got all five shards, meaning they have the map." Deathseeker replied. "Map?" Isia said, confused.
"Ugh, for veteran mercenaries you're all pretty uninformed." Deathseeker said annoyed before another person in a dark blue cloak arrived behind Deathseeker shortly after he was.
"Seeker, why weren't you behind me?" She asked before seeing us. "And who are they?"
"Some old faces Saki, and they don't know about the map they nearly had." Deathseeker replied.
"Exactly what map?" I asked. "I'm a little out of the loop, I thought the shards led to a means of defeating the Scattered?"
"You're joking right? Okay then, guess I have to educate another dense swordsman." Saki replied. "Follow me."
We instantly followed Saki and Deathseeker to find out about this "map"...

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