Valley of Wolves: Raven and J...

By Sahiba_KT

17.9K 758 271

TV Show: Teen Wolf Pairings: Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale Status: Ongoing Notes: I DO NOT OWN THE MEDI... More

Chapter 1: Missing Vowels I'm CRMNL
Chapter 2: Putting things in Perspective
Chapter 3: Basted Eggs, Chocolate & Hounding Black's
Chapter 4: Put Your Back into It
Chapter 5: Of Snakes and Human Affairs
Chapter 6: Chocolate & Bloody Mary
Chapter 7: Apples and Oranges
Chapter 8: Spectator Sports
Chapter 9: How to Pick Up Girls in a Maze
Chapter 10: Partner
Chapter 11: Interlude
Chapter 12: Interlude II
Chapter 13: Interlude III
Chapter 14: Interlude IV
Chapter 16: An Idyllic Getaway...sort of...

Chapter 15: Interlude V

721 39 19
By Sahiba_KT

Key for this chapter:

Stiles' Thoughts

Anyone Else's Thoughts

'Telephonic Conversations'


<Sounds Rather than Actual words>


""Not an Actual Speech or Thought""


Warning: Alternative POVs

Monday 20th, October 2015

11:30 AM


By the time Peter and Derek had managed to find their way back to the cafeteria, they were greeted by a cacophony of noise; it really reminded him of the caterwauling Frenchman from an ancient Gaul village in the middle of nowhere.

"What in the—"

"Stiles", Derek breathed and rushed past him, ignoring the hunter who had a firm grip on said teen he hovered anxiously, "Is he okay, is he hurt, why are we here? We should take him to a hospital", he demanded hands reaching out to take, but not really touching the boy.

"He's fine, well fine-ish", Chris Argent corrected, and "We were just about to take him to the infirmary when we came upon you two", he stated softly, eyes on James who nodded.

"I'm coming with you", Derek stated without waiting for any input from anyone else.

"We should go then", the hunter agreed he told his companion to stay, and pausing in front of Peter he hummed, "They're in conference room 2, you should really be there as the Left Hand, your pack Elder is already there", he warned and then he walked past Peter.

Derek barely nodded at him before following the Hunter down the path.

Peter turned to the lone hunter who nodded at him;

"This way", the man said and guided him through another set of corridors before stopping in front of a large door, he knocked once and at a light 'Enter' he opened the door.

"Ah James", someone called identifying the man easily. "You're back and you brought a guest?" a crisp female voice greeted them.

James stepped aside and showed them Peter's visage.

"Ah. Hello Peter Hale, it's been a while", she addressed quietly.

Peter looked up and nodded politely at a woman with white hair, cut in a shoulder-length bob-cut, her heart-shaped face the perfect frame to twinkling mischievous brown eyes as she smirked at him slightly amused and more than a little delighted at Talia's shock just barely suppressed, it would fool the humans but half the room was made up of werewolves.

"Madame Carver, it's an honor to meet you again", he stated politely.

Madame Carver smiled softly, "It's an honor to see you too, my boy, it truly has been a while, and six years I say?" she smiled again pleasantly.

"Yes Ma'am", he answered grinning boyishly at her as he made his way to stand beside his alpha and his Elder as well.

They were interrupted from further conversational pleasantries as the door to the conference opened for a second time and the sheriff walked in;

"Ah good you're all here", he stated and then turned to the hunters first, "First of all, thank you for bringing back my son", he stated bowing respectfully to James and The Black Hunters and then nodding as they replied accordingly, "Second of all, the only people in this room, are the people who were present on the site, excluding the druids still working on finding out how a demon breached their defenses", he stated with barely concealed anger. After a pause, he continued, "As such, no one else will be permitted to enter this conference room until we finish this debrief. However long that takes", he warned everyone strictly with a tone that suggested it brooked no argument.

When no one argued he nodded and continued;

"First order of business, as most of you, know there is a barrier around Beacon Hills, it's the first thing you feel when you cross into the borders of Beacon Hills, so explain to me how when we have several demon-hunters, druids affiliate to the three most prominent packs in the county and a witch on loan! HOW THE HELL DID A FREAKING DEMON ENTER BEACON HILLS!!!" he yelled out loud enough, all the werewolves winced.

"Um... Sir, please calm down", James raised his hand wincing.

"Oh?" he asked with a decidedly calm voice that had the hair on the back of Peter's neck stand on end.

Like father, like son...

"You want me to calm down?" he hissed, "My eighteen-year-old son, playing a game designed by a bunch of demon hunters, was just attacked by a demon. Tell me James why should I be calm right now, when the irony is so bleeding messed up?" he demanded, "Now, I don't care how, I don't care who the hell is supposed to be in charge, if anyone of you thinks you're above the law and continues to play God, it will be my sincere pleasure to correct you of this misconception", he promised, "Pack Leaders step up! Find out who the hell is trying to invite demons into Beacon Hills!" he demanded, "If you do not trust the people around you outsource some help, and let us deputies help you discern between real and frauds, we may not have super senses, but I believe we aren't controlled by genes that distract easily", he crudely insulted.

Any other time and there'd be more than a few claws and fangs ripping into the fleshy human, but clearly, they had no say, given the man's son is in mortal peril not a few moments ago and directly responsible for sending all wolves to safety.

"Sheriff", Madame Carver began, "Given the circumstance, we are incredibly aware of the danger this stray demon has wrought and the hunters on site have relieved us of its scourge—" she paused and turned to Maya, "Right?" she queried.

"It has been contained", she stated simply.

Madame Carver nodded, "And as you see several of the Carver pack members were hurt, the Carver Pack will step forward and begin the research as to how a demon entered Beacon Hills, we will bring any findings to the sheriff's department, does that assuage your of the fears you seem to be having?" she asked softly.

"It's a start", John answered tersely.

"The Ito pack will stand by the sheriff's department and begin a thorough investigation of the townsfolk and the borders", Satomi added.

James stepped forward, and "The Argent Clan will step forward and conduct thorough searches and work with The Black Hunters in regards to any demons incoming", he answered quietly.

John nodded calming down in slow increments, now the decision to take charge fell on the Elders of the McCall Pack, and Talia's pack, since Anya and Peter were technically outsiders they both stayed quiet and despite how much his Elder pinched his thigh, Peter avoided making any calls as Talia stewed.

"Well, Melissa where does the McCall pack stand?" John asked curiously.

"We don't want demons any more than you do, John", she started ignoring or completely oblivious to almost everyone wincing as the woman completely ignored all social cues and disregarded titles respected by many.

John closed his eyes rolling it and pinching the bridge of his nose—indicating the regular occurrence, shaking his head he sighed, "Alpha Hale?" he decided to ask instead of tackling that particular windmill.

A wise decision...

Talia looked up, "Though I am not sure how a demon entered the grounds, despite Druids, Witches and Black Hunters specializing in demon-lore were in charge and on duty. What I do know is, my pack beta was injured severely enough, she needed to be rushed to the nearest medical center", she hissed through gritted teeth, "As the first Alpha of Beacon Hills, we, my pack and I, we will make sure there is no dark druid in Beacon Hills or any teenager or adult playing games of summoning demons", she promised with a vindictive edge that brooked no argument.

John nodded, "Good", he exhaled roughly, "Now, if you will excuse me, we will hold a meeting within the next week, on Monday, please bring news. Meanwhile, the deputies will be on standby and will assist the packs and hunters, so be at ease, we will not stand in your way. However be advised this does not mean the deputies will be used to do your bidding", he warned, "As Neutrals, we are still the Law", he stated, "Have respect for our work, and we will have respect for yours", he said sharply with no more arguments he hummed, "Excellent, now I'm off to see my son", he huffed and then left the room without another word.

Peter raised a brow, thinking back to another instant and internally smirking at the similarities.

Like Father Like Son...


John stared at his son in silence.

"He'll be okay John", Jordan whispered, placing his hand on the man's shoulder.

"I know", he nodded grabbing the man's hand anchoring himself, "I just never really like being on this side of the fence you know", he murmured weakly.

"John", Jordan whispered weakly unsure of what else to say.

"I know", John repeated this time turning and wrapping his arms around his lover's waist, "I heard from the nurses and doctors, a state of extreme exhaustion, and magic backlash", he muttered and then huffed, "And yet all I can do is sit here", he huffed weakly.

"But that's all you have to do", Jordan whispered, "I know it sucks, but that's all we can do", he whispered quietly.

"Only if you stay", he begged, "I don't want to be alone, not here in a hospital", he paused, "Or well the infirmary", he corrected weakly.

Jordan nodded, "Agreed", he stated, "I'm not going anywhere", he promised and then sat down beside John.

John laughed softly, and "Any minute now he'll wake up and ask what this 'inappropriate behavior' between us is", he laughed again, chuckling ruefully.

"More than that I think he'll want to know why a kid is with his father", he muttered weakly.

John snickered, squeezing his hand tight, and "I think it will be more along the lines of what an old man is doing with a young man", he laughed again.

"Oh God, you have the exact same sense of humor as your son", he whined lamenting the future no doubt.

"Well there is that", John agreed amused. "But we've been over this. Stiles takes after his mother more than he takes after me", he chuckled lightly.

Jordan smiled, "I wish I could have known her", he muttered half to himself.

"If she'd met you, you would have been one of her adopted strays and I'd have been kept at arm's length", he paused, "I don't know how I feel about that", he pouted weakly.

Jordan paused and looked down at the sheriff and started sniggering, "I love you", he laughed amused.

John huffed, "Sure, I can feel the love", he snarked.

Jordan smirked, "I think we can feel each other up later", he cheeked.


Jordan and John swiveled their head and turned to see Stiles struggling awake.


"Owie..." the teen winced giving up and closing his eyes.

"Sorry", the sheriff whispered, "How are you?" he asked quietly.

"Tired", he answered, he paused, "Will — address — this... later", he barely looked at them, squinting really as he continued, "So tired — happy you're happy—but tired..." he repeated and then closed his eyes, falling back into sleep.

Jordan winced, "So", he paused as John kissed his son's forehead, "He's not completely disgusted", he noted idly.

John snorted, "Told you", he grinned cheekily, silently weeping at the relief that his son was better, at least now he was sleeping voluntarily and not because of some messed-up magical backlash that rendered him unconscious.

Jordan nodded gently grasping John's hand and letting the man feel the relief sweep through him.

Sleep well, Stiles...


(Sometime later that day)

Derek and Cora stood outside the infirmary door, silently daring the other to walk into the room, each one making more exaggerated expressions with every passing second.

Peter took one look at them and snorted, incredibly amused, "You realize they probably already know you're standing outside, what with there being a shifter inside the room, albeit a hellhound, but still", he muttered amusedly.

Derek flinched, "Well if you're so brave", he waved his arms wildly indicating the door, and wordlessly proclaimed, 'Have at it!'

Peter sighed the pup had already forgotten it was better if hadn't dared him, what on earth was Laura teaching the pack-kids these days.

//I dread to think...//


Knocking on the door, he waited for a beat before a gentle quiet reply greeted him;

"Come in".

"Hello", he said as he greeted the person inside, his eyes roamed the room carefully, his gaze on the female deputy sitting beside the bed, reading a novel aside, the room held no threats he could discern. Call him paranoid, but Peter had been in awkward situations and deadly situations too many times for old habits to be kicking the bucket this early in his life.

"Hello", she answered, "And who might you be?" she asked closing her novel.

"My name is Peter Hale"; he informed inwardly knowing lying here would be kind of pointless, "The kids wanted to see Stiles before I haul them back to the packhouse, would it be okay for them to see him?" he asked her.

The deputy, Naomi going by her tag nodded, "I've been informed by the sheriff to let in any kid except the Alphas", she answered succinctly.

"No alphas here, just two wayward betas and me", he answered.

"And you are?" Naomi asked.

"An omega", he answered honestly, "Left-hand liaison to the Hale Pack", he answered softly.

Naomi nodded, "You understand why I will not be stepping out of the room?" she asked.

"Given the possessive brats hovering, I'd be surprised if you could make it out the door", Peter answered and then turned, "Derek, Cora, get in here, the others wait outside", he ordered sharply.

Cora poked her head and looked around cautiously, she nodded at whatever Derek said and then walked into the room. Naomi shot him a weird look and he shrugged, as they watched Derek walk into the room, eyes equally suspicious as they swept the room.

"What are they expecting to find?" she muttered to herself.

"It's not like there's anything here it's just a cautious thing, a wolf thing", Peter muttered as he eyed the deputy, she reacted a bit like a rabbit, very twitchy.

Cora hovered by Stiles' bed, she winced, "I want to reach out and pat his hand, but he looks like one big bruise", she whispered weakly.

Derek had no qualms as he gently pats Stiles' head, he nodded wordlessly.

Peter frowned eyeing them a bit confused, "Has Laura not taught you how to take someone's pain?" he asked genuinely worried about their growth.

"You can take someone's pain?"

You can take someone's pain?

Two voices asked in unison, but not the two he would have expected, Derek looked up as Naomi and Cora both turned to face him.

"Inside voices", he hissed though he didn't make a difference Stiles hardly twitched, "Come here", he muttered as he gently took Cora's hand, using a claw he sliced down her arm gently a superficial wound.

Naomi stepped forward but Derek blocked her path, "What the hell are you doing?" she asked as she reached for her weapon.

"I'm not hurting her, right?" he asked Cora, "Can you feel that?" he asked curiously.

"Not really, I mean it's bleeding a lot and I feel kind of sleepy", she answered her knees buckling.

Derek moved and caught her, "It's like your adrenaline was pulled out of your body", he murmured worriedly.

"Not her adrenaline, her hormones and all the chemical madness inside her are going out of whack", he explained, "When the body heals, blood cells, including oxygen-rich red blood cells, arrive to help build new tissue. Chemical signals instruct cells to create collagen, which serves as a type of scaffolding, and other tissues to begin the repair process. But I just took her pain, so her brain went from, 'The body is hurt! Prepare to Heal' to 'what just happened? Where did the pain go?!' It worked double time in its confusion and took energy from the body. An overly emotional person or a person used to pain would have the reaction of sobbing or crying, in Cora's case she's emotionally in a good place except for her worry for her teammate, but as I understand it, you're already all cried out, right?" he asked amused as he wiped away her blood.

"Bawled like a baby!" Walker answered from the hallway, low enough only the werewolves heard him clearly.

Cora glared, and "I did not", she huffed.

Peter hummed, "Sure", he nodded, "I believe you", he muttered, "Do you recall the sensation of me pulling your pain?" he asked quietly.

"Sort of, the wound healed too quickly for me to make heads or tails of it, but it felt a bit like I got goosebumps under my skin, it's a very ticklish feeling", she explained. "Hard to describe", she muttered.

"Wanna try on me first?" Peter asked quietly.

Cora nodded once, "In hindsight, we really should have done this somewhere other than in front of deputy", she muttered amusedly.

Naomi shrugged, "I'm a shifter too, this is interesting", she stated, "So there's no problem when you take in the pain?" she asked curiously.

"Barely a tickle as she explained", he answered, "My body heals fast enough I wouldn't be able to feel any pain I'm pulling in. The only difference is this—" he pulled up his sleeve and gestured Derek forward, and slit his forearm, his nephew winced briefly but as he started taking the wolf's pain, they all reared back sharply, Peter barely kept his grip on Derek as the wound healed.

"What the hell is that?" Naomi and Cora hissed in unison, Derek made a weird face and nodded along with them.

"My blood cells are working at triple time to pull someone else's pain not to mention, not confuse it with any pain my shifter senses aren't picking up on when I'm doing this. Just because I'm a werewolf doesn't mean I don't get hurt, my body just takes care of everything within seconds, but taking foreign pain in causes the working blood cells to work triple time, that's why when they're pulled in, you can actually see my blood working under the service, and since blood is essentially white and our veins are blue-black we get this creepy effect", he grinned wolfishly.

"Blood is red", Naomi muttered.

Peter stared at her and sighed heavily and internally whined;

Stiles wake up already....

"Blood is actually a sort of white-ish yellow in color, 55 percent to be exact", he corrected with a tired put upon sigh, "Blood is made up of four components: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Protein hemoglobin, which contains a red-colored compound called heme that's crucial for carrying oxygen through your bloodstream. Heme contains an iron atom which binds to oxygen; it's this molecule that transports oxygen from your lungs to other parts of the body", he hummed, "It's also what makes up about 90% of the smell of blood, always taste metallic", he muttered making a face.

"Is that why that's happening", Cora asked eyeing his wrist where the pulled pain drifted off and faded into grey.

"Well yeah, it's the movement of blood, because it's pumping faster than it normally would", he explained, "So are you ready to pull his pain", he asked itching to get his hands on Stiles, it had been too long since he'd felt Stiles' warmth.

"I guess so, uhm what do I have to do?" she asked curiously and cautiously.

"Place your hand on a part of his body, directly on his skin", he advised and Derek pulled part of Stiles' pajama pants up, and Cora placed her hand on his ankle, "It's based on tactility, and we can do it easily. I'm not sure of other shifters though", he shrugged as Naomi seemingly leaned closer.

"I'm still going to be watching you", she smirked at him sharply; her fangs glistening as she eyed him.

Peter laughed and nodded, "Noted", he stated and then turned back to Cora, "As I said, tactility, do you feel the blood rushing under his skin, concentrate on that, and pay attention, can you feel that?" he asked.

"It's that same icky feeling hard to describe", she answered.

"That's his pain, now as if you can feel it running under his skin, anchor onto it and pull it out", he advised, "As if you were reeling in a fish, for a lack of a better term", he shrugged amused.

Cora gagged but agreed, and she frowned and then made a strange face, before her features shifted slightly, "What the hell?" she asked.

"Derek, catch her!" Peter hissed as he realized how much pain the teen actually had, "Is he in a medically induced coma?" he demanded.

Naomi shook her head, "No one actually knows, the doctors and druids both said, it's an exhaustion effect, that he isn't hurt just tired. They added the IVs and left him to rest, basically sleep it off, none of them both druids, doctors and the witch on loan from the Hale pack could find any pain", she informed, "Is he okay? What's wrong?" she asked worriedly hovering anxiously.

"He's in a lot of pain", Peter answered through gritted teeth, "Cora! No..." he ordered and gave Derek a sharp look, as the older werewolf grabbed her and pulled her way ignoring her struggling. "Deputy get a Healer of Light now or a High Priestess!!!" he ordered as his knees buckled and pulled more pain from the teen, "Walker! Get in here!" he ordered sharply.

The younger wolf ran in, "Sir", he asked skidding to a stop beside him.

"Get the sheriff, and get some security here ASAP!" he ordered.

"Peter!" Derek gasped as he pulled a struggling Cora out, "What the hell is happening?" he asked distressed.


Peter hit the ground hard and winced, biting down his lip; he spat out the blood and winced as he pulled more pain out of the teen. His veins dyed black caused his eyes to shift between his molten grey and his shifter blue.

Deputy Jordan and the sheriff ran into the room, just as he started coughing out the blood, caused by his blood cells rupturing, "Healers?" he asked barely as he coughed up more blood.

"What is that?" Jordan asked scandalized, the sheriff stumbled towards Stiles, as Jordan rushed forward, when Peter collapsed, his hands leaving the teen's body.

Peter hacked out another wad of clotted blood and gagged, "I can't—pull out anymore—pain", he coughed out wiping his mouth, "This is immediate, he needs a healer", he paused, "And someone strong enough to handle that level of crazy", he whined as he gagged all over again.

"He's in pain?" the sheriff asked his voice trembling.

"His body is in pain", he answered accepting a glass of water from Walker who returned, as soon as the sheriff and Jordan entered, gulping down the water he made a weird face and pulled a mint from his pocket, popping the spherical candy he sucked on it for a few seconds, before crunching it and eating it in three bites, "That just tasted vile", he grumbled.

Jordan eyed him warily, "What, were you tasting?" he asked more than a little disgusted.

"Pain", Peter answered, "I was trying to ease Cora's heart and I told her she can pull people's pain, I figured given how peaceful he looked to be sleeping, he wouldn't be in any pain", he grumbled, "What druids were on duty, a single tactile touch rendered an average beta to her knees and I threw up blood, the human body is made up of 70 percent water and obviously earth, wood and the gases that exist on planet earth, if a druid can't even pick up on any of these nature-based elements, they really should be able to pick up on the imbalance in the ether for crying out loud", he grumbled as he pulled out another candy and popped that equally bitingly.

Internally still gagging at the taste of pain he threw up.

Peter exhaled, "Which idiot was on duty?" he asked genuinely curious at the level of incompetence.

The sheriff and Jordan exchanged a rattled glance, their scents giving off a certain mixed basket of senses that caused both Peter and Walker to sneeze in unison. They answered in unison.

"Alan Deaton".

A snake indeed...


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