Unexpected Times || Taekook

By silverblxde

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(Completed) Meeting him was his fate, becoming his friend was his choice, but falling in love with him was be... More

I. Meeting an old friend
II. Things get changed
III. Backpack
IV. Friends are the wine of the life
V. First meeting
VI. A cup of life
VII. Dynamite
VIII. Shine with snow
IX. Chaos in market
X. "Try losing sometimes"
XI. Honey eyes & Bunny smile
XIII. Sometimes it's not easy
XIV. Rubik's cube
XV. Gypsy Soul
XVI. Late Autumn
XVII. Like old times
XVIII. Starry night
XIX. Underwater wonderland
XX. Sandy toes & Sunkissed nose
XXI. Fire around ice
XXII. Be the light
XXIII. Parachutes in blue
XXIV. Unexpected times
XXV. Take a moment
XXVI. A New beginning

XII. You and I

2.2K 171 58
By silverblxde

I just want to grab your hand and be like, you're mine. ~ unknown


Last night Jungkook ended up sleeping in Jimin's tent, they all slept late but the excitement for further trekking woke them up.

They continued their trek, the area looking like an unfinished painting. So much of the canvas was still perfectly white as if waiting for the artist's hand to return.

They didn’t have any race the next day, so they all were enjoying a lot, having snow fights, making snow angels, each person was living the moment fullest.

Forest grew thicker and trees had icy frost on their leaves. It looked like someone was calling them into those mysterious jungles.

After a long trek, they finally reached the peak point of Seonjaryeong that was Seonjaryeong Ridge.

The whole group took a group selca. Taehyung and Jin were enjoying clicking and capturing everything. They took many funny pictures and were cracking up after seeing them.

"So guys, this is it, our trek's highest point! We'll be setting camps here tonight, so you can relax" Bogum said.

"Hey, Bogum! What's up there?" Taehyung pointed towards a red flag which was much higher.

"That? That’s the Bhuta mountain."

"Let's go there! What a view it will be...we still have time until sunset."

"Hmm, Bhuta… does anyone know what 'Bhuta' means?" Bogum asked, looking around the group.

"Nopes…" everyone denied.

"Bhuta means haunted."

Everyone gasped.

"According to the village elders, there used to be an old shrine, they said any wish made there on a full moon night would come true... hundreds of people would go there in search of this magic but no one ever returned," Bogum told them and all were in shock.

"I think the shrine no longer stands but they say, on every full moon night thousands of spirits gather there. Hoping for some kind of miracle to occur. Interesting thing is that tonight is a full moon night! Still interested in that view?"

They all denied but Taehyung didn't react.


"What if the camp area is haunted?" Hoseok was already scared so much.

"They say ghosts love the red colour" Yoongi mocked him while pointing at Hoseok's red jacket.

"Ahhhhhh…" Hoseok quickly removed his jacket.

"Come on Yoongi, don't scare Hobi hyung more," Taehyung said.

They all were seated near the campfire and resting.

"I want to go home! I'm dying to get off this stupid mountain" Jimin exclaimed.

"I'm going to order ten pizzas the second I'm home... I'm sick of eating this cup noodles!" Namjoon complained while eating.

"You know I haven't washed my hair for three days!...as soon as I get home I'll take a long bubble bath."Jin cared about his skin and hair a lot.

"Ahh Jin, didn't you think of doing anything else... I'm only waiting to get away from your snoring." Taehyung chuckled.

"Get used to it Tae...what are you going to do when we'll be roommates?"

"Roommates? Are you going to stay together" Jungkook curiously asked Jin.

"Yeah dude, we'll be renting an apartment and decided to open our own photo studio, maybe a gallery in future."

Taehyung didn't react to Jin.

"Woah man, nice idea, can I join you guys...as you know we all three have the same major it will be fun working together," Namjoon asked.

"Ahh, why not!! That's a great idea Tae?"

Taehyung just hummed and smiled faintly.


As night fell, the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars. They shone as sugar spilt over black marble. The full moon shone down on the crystal white snow.

And there was Taehyung trekking up alone in the middle of the night with his backpack. It was already past midnight but he wanted to explore the view from that Bhuta mountain and whatever he wants to do he does and then do not listen to anyone after that.

The forest was ancient. The trees were not that thick but were covered with dove white snow. Moon was glowing like a bright bulb in the sky. 

The moonlight was breaking through the cracks, lighting up the snowy path ahead of him. The silence caressed his skin like a cool winter breeze.

It was icy cold at night. Taehyung kept climbing while drinking sips of his liquor for warmth. Suddenly there was a ruffling noise behind him. He turned and aimed his torch but found nothing.


"Ahh" Taehyung fell backwards.

It was Jungkook, he was giggling hard, "You shouldn't poke around in the dark, you never know what you'll find!"

"What are you doing here, Kookie?"

"Come on," Jungkook lent his hand to Taehyung, "If there was really a shrine here, I have something to ask for." He smiled.

Taehyung was confused but he was happy he had company now, "What does he want to ask for...Mysterious Bunny" he chuckled to himself.

It was a steep slope, they were climbing up for the past 45 minutes. They both were tired.

"Want to sit?" Jungkook asked, seeing Taehyung's condition.

"No..no... I don't get tired…"

Jungkook giggled, "Not you, I'm tired... let's sit."

"Ufff" They both sat down under a tree.

It was pretty cold, "Got any booze?" Jungkook asked, rubbing his hands together.


"It's freezing...just a little?"

Taehyung chuckled, “You are full of surprises today" he took out the small liquor bottle from his bag.

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" Jungkook pouted.

"Ya sure."

Jungkook took two to three big sips while scrunching his nose.

"Okay, enough... control...does it taste good?" Taehyung asked while taking it back.

"Hehe..Ya...not bad."

They sat there silently for a while and rested. The silence was somehow comforting and spoke for itself, it was a peaceful and beautiful sight at night.

"Do you wanna see something?" Taehyung asked.

"Ya sure,” Jungkook smiled.

"Wait...read this" Taehyung took out a big scrapbook.

There were famous tourist places around the world that were handwritten with their pictures and information. It seemed like it was a photo and travel collection sort of thing. Some of the places were empty. Just the name of the place was written.

"Venice... London... Chicago, Tae what is this scrapbook," Jungkook asked curiously. There was an envelope between the pages of Chicago.

Taehyung quickly grabbed that envelope and shoved it in his bag. Jungkook let it go and didn't question it.

"This book is my dream… I want to see every corner of the world, Kookie."

"All this will take a lifetime to do."

"Uh...I know but I don't want to lead an ordinary life."

"So then, what kind of life do you want Tae?"

Taehyung came closer to Jungkook, "Adventure...madness... every day should be so exciting that I can feel my blood rushing in my veins."

Jungkook was mesmerized by Taehyung's husky deep voice.

"I want to fly...I want to run, I'll even fall but that's okay, it's just, I never want to stop. Like climbing this mountain, it may be a random experience for you, but for me, this is what I live for." Taehyung lifted his head in confidence and stood up.

Jungkook was lost seeing Taehyung, he was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice.

"I got carried away, didn't I?" Taehyung sighed.

"Uh.." Jungkook was speechless, he just smiled.

"I never say these things to anyone, not even to Jin or Jimin, why am I telling you?"

"How would I know? You didn't even say hi to me when we met!"

"Okay then...I'll say it now...Hi Jungkookie!" Taehyung softly said, tilting his head.

"Hii Jungkookiee!!" Taehyung said in a more sweet way.

"Hehe...Hi Taehyung!" Jungkook giggled.

Their expressions became soft and now they were just staring into each other's eyes deeply. 

Jungkook noticed Taehyung’s tousled dark hair, with a bandana, were midnight black and his eyes were mesmerising dark chocolate brown, framed by graceful long lashes. His tanned skin was glowing under the moonlight.

His face was strong and defined. His well-defined jawlines and chin were looking flawless. His usually playful boxy smile had drawn into a hard line across his face. He stared deep into Jungkook's eyes and Jungkook couldn't help but blush hard.

Jungkook's heartbeat was fast and he felt warmer inside. It was a euphoric feeling that he felt seeing Taehyung. He felt a tenderness of the soul which was making real connection with the other.

On the other hand, Taehyung was also lost in Jungkook's beauty. Jungkook had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. His smooth milky skin was shimmering in moonlight and of course, the blush that accompanied, it was a dead give-away.

His big doe eyes were just like the eyes of the deer which were having a rich colour of coffee. His lips were a deep pink that reminded Taehyung of a rosebud. The top lip was thinner, but not too thin, the bottom one was larger and plusher, those were ripped and ready to be kissed.

That attraction towards Jungkook was like addiction. He could see his own reflection in Jungkook's eyes. He could feel his body against Jungkook's, vividly alive, the slamming of his heart in his rib cage, the heat of his skin. He reached out to hold-

They suddenly heard a ruffling sound that brought them out of their thoughts. They noticed that there were two baby mountain deers playing in the middle of the night. They hopped and went into the woods deep down. The sight was beautiful, how marvellous and vast the earth was.

There was something truly miraculous about that mountain and that miracle was...LOVE.


Finally, the sun was rising by the time they reached the top, where the flag was. They stood atop the rocky surface. That jagged peak of the snow-capped mountain caused a stirring in their souls. 

The sunrise illuminated the blue as if it were igniting the most perfect flame. Bright morning sun rays gave them an icy cheerful greeting and snow coated the mountain top. Their skin tingles and heart beat a steady tune, as their ears welcomed the rush of the cold wind and the stirring of the earth.

They both smiled and entangled their hands, raised them in victory. They took a deep breath and let it out, "WOAAAHHHHH!!!!" They both screamed at the top of their voices expressing their joy, their happiness, their madness.

Jungkook had never before felt this kind of happiness, this kind of unknown and new feeling, this kind of pleasure of being with someone…

He was in love and he wanted to scream and tell the world, but most of all he wanted to tell him…

Jungkook doesn't know if there was ever a shrine or not but he still wanted to make a wish, a very simple wish, in fact just one word….TAEHYUNG!


Jungkook finally realized that he is in love with Taehyung, it was a pleasure to write this beautiful chapter.

Just for the information, there is no such Bhuta mountain there in Seonjaryeong. Other places like trail, windmills, resorts and stations are real, you guys can visit there following the same route.

This is the longest chapter I have written, I hope you liked it.


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