Goodbye Solitude

By hurlingturtles

192K 6.1K 7K

Bakugo has always had a secret fascination with Kirishima's teeth. One day, a drunken bite turns Bakugo's fas... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

12.1K 426 358
By hurlingturtles

Kirishima's eyes widened. "I have?"

Bakugo wiggled out of Kirishima's arms, his face heating. He fought the cowardly urge to run and hide. "You heard me, shitty hair." There was no point in trying to take back the words now, and he wasn't sure he particularly wanted to anyway.

Kirishima beamed, his face suddenly so radiant with joy that Bakugo had to look away. Away from eyes that sparkled and sharp teeth fully displayed in a grin. An answering smile tugged at his lips and he attempted to frown to cover it up. He could feel the awkward twist of his lips and knew he looked just strange now.

"Are you sure? This is your last chance to take it back," Kirishima warned.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

Kirishima crushed Bakugo in another hug, happily burying his face in his blonde hair. "I'm still not sure that I'm not dreaming. Don't wake me up if I am, ok?"

"So dramatic," he grumbled. It was silent in the locker room for a moment. "Well?" Bakugo said, anxiety spiking slightly.

"Well what?"

"You're just going to leave me hanging?"

"Huh? I already told you that I love you. You need me to say it more often? I love you so much Bakugo, I feel like my heart might explode with it." His breath tickled Bakugo's scalp.

"Wait, what? When did you tell me?"

"Uh, at the restaurant. Then you ran out. I was afraid it was your way of telling me that you didn't care about me in the same way, so I was avoiding you because I didn't want to hear what you'd tell me the next time I saw you. The past couple days have been awful," Kirishima admitted. "Then when I saw the bite on your neck I was crushed."

"I didn't hear you. My head was so messed up I couldn't hear much of anything. I'm a huge mess nearly all the time. Are you sure I'm worth it?" Bakugo mumbled into Kirishima's shoulder.

"You're worth it. I'd go through this all over again if it meant it would lead me to this moment."

"Damn," Bakugo breathed, his throat aching with the urge to cry. "That was way too fucking smooth." Kirishima burst into a surprised laugh, his Adam's apple bobbing in this throat. Bakugo pulled Kirishima's head down and bit it gently, freezing the laugh immediately. "You wanna get out of here?" he asked Kirishima silkily.

Kirishima groaned. The world tilted alarmingly as Kirishima picked Bakugo up and threw him over his shoulder. Bakugo swatted Kirishima's butt, which was about at eye level now. "Hey, shitty hair! I still need to drop off my gauntlet!"

Kirishima ignored him, carrying him out of the locker room. Kaminari gawked at them from where he stood guard by the locker room door.

"Hey, Bakugo!" A familiar voice echoed around the Home Office main floor.

Bakugo squinted and craned his neck, a bit disoriented from being upside down. Tetsutetsu was jogging toward them. Kirishima swung around and Bakugo frantically grabbed at his belt, afraid of getting dropped.

"Go away!" Kirishima snarled. "He's my boyfriend, you're lucky I don't snap every one of those teeth out of your mouth for what you did!"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, I wasn't in my right mind," Tetsutetsu said soothingly, as if Kirishima was a wild animal that could lash out at him. "I'm not trying to steal him away from you. Bakugo, I was just wanting to check and see how you were, if your neck was okay."

Bakugo sighed, getting more than a bit sick of being upside down. "I'm fine. It'll heal, don't worry about it."

"Oh, and Kirishima, for the record, I'm not really into guys at all. No judgement, of course. I just couldn't resist messing with you a little." Tetsutetsu shrugged sheepishly. "In fact, I have a date that's supposed to be meeting me here any minute."

As if on cue, the front door to the Home Office opened and familiar woman walked inside. Bakugo frowned. He couldn't quite place her. Kirishima paused and finally put Bakugo down. His head swam a little as the world reoriented itself.

"Oh!" The woman's jaw dropped. "It's the guys that saved me at the bar! You remember me telling you about that Tetsutetsu?"

"That was them? Hah, small world!" He walked over to the woman and gave her a friendly hug. "Lauren, this is Kirishima and Bakugo. Guys, this is Lauren. We met over the weekend and we really hit it off." Tetsutetsu and Lauren smiled at each other shyly. It was disgustingly cute.

"Thanks again for what you did," Lauren told Kirishima and Bakugo.

Kirishima nodded politely. "No problem, those guys were jerks." He tugged Bakugo toward the exit. "Well, have fun you two...."

A thought struck Bakugo like a bolt of lightning and he stopped just before the doors. "Wait a second. I remember your eyes glowing a bit right before you left the bar. Did you do something to us?" His eyes narrowed suspiciously. A horrible thought occurred to him. That was the night Kirishima first bit him. What if it was all because of her?

Lauren shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. "That was just a little thank you gift. My quirk isn't that impressive, but sometimes it can come in handy. I call it Serendipity. It gives people a little push toward what they want, I suppose you could say. It's a little different with everyone. Sometimes it gives people a little bravery when they're afraid, sometimes it helps them focus when they have a big test, sometimes it helps cheer them up when they're sad. It doesn't last very long, though. Maybe an hour or two."

Bakugo's shoulders dropped as he relaxed. "It's not a mind control quirk of some kind, then?"

She shook her head. "It can't make you feel anything that isn't there already, it just enhances what's already in you, to help you get something you really want." She tilted her head and looked at Kirishima. "I hope whatever it was worked out for you."

Kirishima's eyes widened and he glanced at Bakugo. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, thanks, I think it did. Anyway.... it was nice seeing you again!" He pulled Bakugo toward the door again.

"Okay, I'm going. Tetsutetsu, I left my gauntlet in the locker room, can you take it to Maintenance?" Tetsutetsu nodded and waved as they left Home Office.

As they buckled in Bakugo's car he looked up at Kirishima slyly. "So, what did you want?" A smile curled up the corners of his mouth

Kirishima looked at his lips with crimson eyes dark with desire. "I think you know. Now, let's get going to your place."

Bakugo peeled out of the parking lot and straight home as fast as was legally possible. He was painfully aware of Kirishima, who laid his hand on Bakugo's thigh during the drive. He barely felt the ground underneath them as they made their way up to his apartment. As he stood in the elevator and watched the floor numbers tick by, arousal hummed underneath his skin, amping up as he felt the weight of Kirishima's eyes on him. His hands trembled slightly as he punched in the code to his electric door lock.

He barely managed to close the door when Kirishima tackled him. Startled, he misstepped and tripped, sending them both tumbling to the floor. He hissed when he hit his funny bone on the floor.

"What the fuck! This again, Kirishima?" Bakugo snapped.

Kirishima snorted into Bakugo's chest and looked up, his eyes bright with laughter. "Sorry, but at least I'll remember this." He kissed Bakugo gently, lovingly. Bakugo circled his hands around Kirishima's back and kissed him back firmly, pulling a pleased grunt from Kirishima. When they finally pulled their lips apart, they were panting with desire.

Bakugo rubbed Kirishima's back and peppered kisses along his jaw. Kirishima sighed contentedly and arched his neck to the side invitingly. Bakugo sucked on Kirishima's Adam's apple and Kirishima groaned. He rolled his hips against Bakugo, rubbing their erections together desperately. Bakugo could feel his heart thumping heavily in his chest, his vision dimming slightly. He wasn't a hero in this moment. He was just a being of sensation. Everything felt painfully electric, every brush against his skin like fire, the texture of Kirishima's skin endlessly fascinating under his fingertips. He wrapped his legs around Kirishima's waist.

He licked the crook of Kirishima's neck, feeling the muscle flex under his tongue. More. In a haze, he bit hard into the muscle with his dull, flat teeth. Kirishima's whole body went rigid and he gasped raggedly. Bakugo squawked in protest when Kirishima suddenly picked him up, carried him to the bedroom, and dropped him unceremoniously onto his bed.

"Shit, Bakugo, you almost made me cum in my pants like a teenager." Kirishima tenderly touched his neck in wonder. The teeth impressions in his skin were growing darker with each passing second.

Bakugo smiled slightly, in satisfaction. "Clothes. Off." He pulled his own shirt off and paused to watch Kirishima shuck his clothes off, one piece at a time, in an unintentional strip tease. When Kirishima finally stood naked at the foot of the bed, he arched an eyebrow knowingly. Okay, maybe not entirely unintentional.

"Like what you see?" he teased.

Bakugo launched a pillow at Kirishima's head. Dodging and laughing, Kirishima climbed on the bed between Bakugo's legs. Worshipful hands swept over his chest, followed by hot, wet kisses and the scraping of teeth along his skin. His brain was dull and sluggish with lust so he was only dimly aware of Kirishima flicking open the top button of this pants. He gasped as Kirishima roughly pulled down his pants and bower briefs down in one motion and his hard dick slapped his lower abdomen.

Kirishima's hot, hooded gaze roved over him. "Gorgeous," he breathed and trailed a finger over his twitching dick.

Bakugo snorted and threw his hands around Kirishima's neck, pulling his weight down on top of him. "I guarantee you are the only one who thinks that."

"Lies, but I appreciate the effort." Kirishima's voice was laced with satisfaction as his dick rubbed against Bakugo's. Hot skin sliding on hot skin, searching thrust against searching thrust. Heavy breaths huffed into their ears, until they didn't know who made which noise. They were just a mass of muscle and hormones writhing against each other.

"Lube!" Bakugo finally barked out, knowing he'd cum pretty soon if this continued too much longer.

Kirishima paused, his pecs heaving as he struggled for control. "Where?"

"Bedside stand. I bought some after... well, after the last time we... did stuff here." His face flamed in embarrassment as he stammered out an explanation.

Kirishima strained as he reached over without leaving Bakugo and pulled out the bottle of lube and a condom. The bottle clacked as he opened it and drizzled the liquid on his fingers. Bakugo tensed, feeling suddenly nervous. Sensing the change in mood, Kirishima paused and leaned down to kiss Bakugo again.

"I love you Bakugo," Kirishima murmured against his lips and Bakugo hugged him harder against his chest.

He gasped as he felt gentle fingers circle around his dick, made slick from the lube. Kirishima began pumping his cock in a maddeningly irregular rhythm. The longer it went on the hotter his body felt, until his dick throbbed in time with his racing heart.

Only then did he feel fingers rub against his puckered hole. The feeling was strange at first, but the longer Kirishima touched him, the better it felt. A stream of nonsensical words tumbled from his lips, begging for something he'd only barely begun to fantasize about. Then the tip of a finger breached his hole, ripping a deep groan from his throat. Gradually, Kirishima's finger moved, diving deeper and deeper into Bakugo's body. Bakugo fists the sheets on his bed as the odd sensation, like with the rubbing, started become something pleasant. Then one finger became two and they moved against something that sent bolts of pleasure strike through his body.

"Oh God, oh God," he gasped.

"You're doing so good Bakugo," Kirishima said, his voice rough yet soothing. "That was the spot, huh. So beautiful. You're almost ready."

The bottle snicked open again, and then there was a tiny bit of pain as three fingers thrust inside of him. The pain and pleasure spiraled higher and higher until he was writhing on the bed and barely hanging on. "Kirishima! I-I want you!"

"You have me, baby," he promised.

"No, I want to come with you. I need to."

"Shit," Kirishima cursed. Fingers left him suddenly and Bakugo whimpered, feeling empty and bereft. A wrapper crinkled and Bakugo watched, his eyes heavy with lust as Kirishima rolled the condom over his cock. Kirishima never looked more handsome then he did in that moment, naked and kneeling on his bed. His heavy muscles glistening with a fine sheen of sweat in the dim light. His hair was even more of a mess then usual as he looked down at Bakugo with a hot single-minded focus.

Bakugo never felt more alive in his entire life. The loneliness that he tried to ignore every day when he came home from work seemed like a dim memory.

His mouth fell open as Kirishima's dick slowly filled him. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt before, his body invaded by another man's hot length. Kirishima dropped onto Bakugo with a groan. "So tight, so good," he breathed in his ear. Kisses rained over his face, lingering on his lips until they fell open. Their tongues danced, tasting each other, devouring their combined taste.

Restless, Bakugo reached around Kirishima to grab his ass with his hands and squeezing hard. Kirishima's hips flexed in surprise and the movement made them both moan. Unable to hold off any longer, Kirishima began to thrust deep within Bakugo. His body ignited and his breath came out in ragged pants as he looked up into Kirishima's lust-glazed eyes. The harder Kirishima's cock plunged into him, the tighter something coiled deep within his gut. The familiar tingle of his rapidly approaching release made his balls tighten.

"Kiri!" he rasped, frantically. His fingers dug into the muscle of Kirishima's back. "I'm going to cum!" The words barely left him when he erupted, white spurts of cum splattering over his chest. His vision whited out of a moment from the intensity of his orgasm.

Kirishima's eyes lit up and his thrusts grew erratic. Sharp teeth nipped at his neck. An animalistic, guttural groan escaped from him as he plunged into Bakugo deeply one last time and froze, his dick twitching as he came. He collapsed onto Bakugo for a moment and then rolled them both onto their sides so he wouldn't crush Bakugo under his weight.

For a long time they lay together, just holding each other and panting as the intensity of their love-making wound down. Bakugo became slowly aware that Kirishima's softening dick was still inside him. "We're a mess," he observed in amusement, his cum sandwiched between their chests.

"Hm. Correct." Kirishima smiled at him in drowsy satisfaction. He pulled himself out of Bakugo and disposed of the condom. "I should get up and clean some of this up."

Bakugo snorted and pulled Kirishima back down into his arms. "Screw that, stay with me." Solitude was overrated anyway.

Kirishima settled back down with a happy sigh. "If you insist."


Author's note: I started this story knowing it would be very smut-driven, but I feel like there was a lot more to it then just that. I hope you all had fun :)

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