Alive | ør | Asleep •Jyler•...

By -M-I-N-E-

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Alive | ør | Asleep, Book Two of: We're Human. COMPLETED Disclaimer: it mentions depression, self-conscious... More

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𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲


20 2 22
By -M-I-N-E-

—  I will add a header photo later. I am running out of edits for the headers so if you have any edits you want me to use, let me know where to find them and I will give credit.

Warnings: mentions birth, blood.

I merged two chapters into one for this. I write chapters and they usually are a good length until I actually try and post them! 😂😂

Words 1847


Pain. All of the pain. All the pain in her trembling body pierced her back, and traveled to the top of her stomach as if it was squeezing itself back into her original form.

It hurt.

She awoke suddenly, gasping, taking small breaths to help the gnawing pain. It was not what she imagined. It was actually much worse.

Tyler was already looking at her, he looked as though he was trying to process what she was doing. And seconds later he was flinging the covers off of himself and roughly tugging his jean drawer open.

She felt the pain ease down and she took a deep breath in and out. "Oh my god. That was the worst pain ever."

Tyler was already done getting dressed and was by her side to help. "Yeah, you're definitely having her." He said uncovering her from the sheets to see a very wet spot on the bed. "Unless if you just peed yourself."

Jenna shook her head, not willing to laugh at such a stupid joke. She got herself off of the bed but felt herself fall as the painful sensation returned. Tyler held her up, helping her to walk through the hall downstairs and into the car.

She took really small breaths in and out although she seemed to have forgotten the breathing exercises she was forced to do at the birthing classes. "Oh my god, that one hurt worse."

Tyler shut her door behind him as he flung the baby bag they has been prepared with for weeks into the back of the truck. He was out of the house faster than he had ever gone. Jenna placed her hand on his leg, the only part seeming close enough to touch. "Tyler slow down, we have time."

"But they're going to get you on that pain stuff. Don't you want to get that pain stuff?" He asked frantically, although he looked quite calm. It was odd seeing him so calm but frantic at the same time.

Jenna shook her head. "If a cop pulls us over then what are we going to do?"

That's when Tyler eased the break to slow down, sighing with defeat. That was true, and that would be a pain in the ass.

Another sharp pain, worse than the other, blew up jenna's back, traveling to her stomach.

She let out a whine, pushing her head into the headrest, her arms moving every which way on her stomach to maybe ease the pain.

Tyler pulled into the parking lot not long after, his face finally developing a worried look.

They entered the hospital, checked in, and were now in the pregnancy rooms, waiting for the doctor's instructions to push. They gave her some things that were supposed to dull the contractions slightly, and boost the birth along.

Tyler just held her hand, letting her squeeze it whenever she got a contraction.

Man, his hand was going to be sore afterwards.


"Alright, you're going to push again, Jenna." The nurse said urgently, and Tyler stood up. He knew it was probably selfish of him but he felt like a needed a water. His body felt sweaty and his nerves were going bonkers.

"You doing really good, baby." Tyler enthused.

Through all the struggling and the groaning and the crying Jenna shouted, "don't speak!"

Tyler nodded quickly, going over towards the small water machine that was in the room. He had vowed to himself that he wouldn't look at Jenna's junk.— not for any sexual reason, but because he was honestly scared of what he'd see. He knew it wouldn't be what he was used to.

But of course, as he approached the water machine, he seemed to have an urge to see. He wanted to know what it looked like in a way. He shrugged and turned around.

His eyes grew wide at the sight of indeed a mother pushing her baby out. It was honestly traumatizing. He regretted looking, because now he would never think of it the same. He then felt himself become dizzy, the feeling of throwing up, and then the feeling of his legs giving out and his body falling.

He was unconscious.

(Before continuing, I know that was a very lousy description but it is better than going full detail about what her hoo-ha looks like lol.)



Tyler walked ahead as they approached the right side of the trench's wall. There was a curve in the trench, and they were approaching a very watery and rocky ground. It had multiple yellow flowers that Tyler had only seen once in his life.

He had named the flower Jenna, and had been meaning to give it to Jenna but seemed to have forgotten. "Wait, I want to get you a Jenna."

Jenna held her breath for a second, before letting it out slowly. Her back was killing her, but she had stayed behind Tyler so she could be quiet. "A what?"

Tyler turned, glancing over Jenna's figure. "You alright?"

Jenna nodded, letting out a huff of breath in the process. Tyler did a 360 turn, examining his surroundings. He the spotted a cave at least a few minutes away. "You think you can make it there?"  He pointed.

Jenna nodded. She didn't want to speak right now she just needed to sit down.

So, leaving the Jenna flowers behind, Tyler grabbed Jenna's hand and helped her along through the creeks that covered the earth, towards the cave.

As they walked, a splash sound of water hitting water quickly made it to Tyler's ears and he stopped, looking around for anything that could either harm them or very well help them.

"Tyler..." Jenna trailed off, her head down and her legs spread apart to help her legs from getting wet.

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows before looking down to see drips of clear, with a tint of red liquid traveling down Jenna's leg. He gulped, giving himself time to process before he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pushed on towards the cave, except quicker now.

"Just don't think about it. Don't think about it until we get to the cave and then it'll be okay." Tyler breathed under his breath. His words were quick and frantic.

"Calm down, Tyler. It's fine we have ti-" she stopped moving as her face scrunched up. Her back pains seemed to have gotten worse, squeezing her body.

"Nope, we're not doing this out here." Tyler demanded, as if he was refusing the possibility. He hoisted her up into his arms bridal style as he quickly scurried over to the cave.

Luckily it wasn't as far as it seemed and he settled Jenna on a rock at the entrance of the cave.

Jenna breathed in and out as the pain got worse, her face red and her eyes watery.

Tyler breathed heavily, his body freaking out with nerves. "Hold on, Jen. H- hold it in."

"How the hell am I supposed to hold her in?" Jenna shouted aggressively, although it was only the pain she was trying to conquer.

Tyler searched through his bag before pulling out a blanket and all of the pillows they had brought which were 3 small pillows and 2 normal sized ones. (They had room in the back of the pack.)

He set them out quickly before helping Jenna onto the makeshift hospital bed.

"Okay... okay." Tyler mumbled repeatedly. He slid Jenna's pants off and sat there on his knees, wobbling himself back and forth as he tried to think of what to do. "Um... Jenna, just push."

Jenna grabbed the blanket into her fist, squeezing it as she pushed. "Okay, okay. It's working!" Tyler smiled for a split second before shifting himself between both of his knees again.

Jenna released, taking quick breaths in and out as she tried to numb the pain. The pain seemed to dull, and she was able to breath for a few minutes. "They stopped."

Tyler nodded, placing his hand on her knee. "Just do what your body wants you to do. When you have contractions push-"

Jenna let out groan as she again scrunched her face up. This one was worse than the others, and she pushed as hard as she could, ready for it to be over.

Tyler's eyes went wide as he stuck his hands under to catch the baby. "Oh god, it's working." He looked up at Jenna, "I think just one more push, baby."

Jenna took a deep breath before pushing, the feeling of relief washing over her as she heard some sort of cry. "Oh god, okay. Alright. Stay still." Tyler rambled as he brought his arms close to his chest, the baby's pale body became red with her blood traveling through her veins.

Tyler grabbed the blanket beside him, wrapping her in the blanket. His eyes were wide, and his face pale. Jenna had a small relieved smile, and her hair was smeared across her forehead.

Tyler stared at the baby, her small mouth opened wide as it screamed. It seemed as though everything was quiet except for her cries. Tyler hesitantly gave her to Jenna, his face stuck in some sort of shocked yet blank expression. "Here. Um... I'm gonna go get some water."

Jenna nodded, her face lighting up at the baby in her arms. Tyler stood up, taking his water bottle and venturing out of the cave and to the creek.

He took a deep breath, his body relaxing. That baby was beautiful. His baby was beautiful. He could tell it was Jenna's.

He took his time to fill the water bottle. He was going to need it to wash his baby. He looked around before his eyes landed on a odd color.

A red color that seemed to sprout from the ground. He furrowed his eyebrows as his curiosity led him towards it. It was another flower, however it was a flower he had seen before. Josh had showed him one before, telling Tyler that it was his grandfather's. It was a flower that was in a pot in Josh's apartment window. Josh had said it was a Rose.

Tyler smiled as he plucked it. Wincing slightly as the thorns pierced his skin. He carefully removed the thorns, before walking back towards the cave.

"Jenna, I found a rose outside, maybe we should name her Rose!" He cheered, smiling at his lovely wife who had now moved to the other side of the cave. She looked stunning even though she was noticeably tired.

Her eyes went wide in shock, and Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. "Or not." He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck, "just if you want— whatever you want to— whatever you want." He stuttered, and Jenna only smile letting out a breath of relief.


I know this one was kind of odd to read. If you are like me then you do not care too much to read about birth. haha. but I had to for the sake of the story.

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