Chasing my Dream

By Rioronnie

103K 6.3K 305

An academy fanfiction Pria doesn't think she is worthy of dreaming until two Dads show her the love she has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaoter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Authors note
Chapter 54
Authors note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 70

1K 74 1
By Rioronnie

After spending time with my boys and eating I was feeling much better.

When we were ready for the meeting Axel had advised we were going 20 minutes earlier so I can check on Derek. After much arguing I agreed to take a wheelchair and let them fuss over me.

As we pushed into his room Derek was sat up in his bed with the biggest scowl.   I laughed outright at his expression.  His eyes darted to me.  "What you laughing at?" he barked. 

"It's good to see your sitting up you monster.  Stop giving everyone a hard time for gods sake or I'll drop your ungrateful ass back in that forest" I said before standing.

Derek rolled his eyes before softening his features just a bit.  "Pria you doing good" he asked.

"Sure am thanks to you" before he could reply I went over and gave him a hug.  Ignoring the sharp intake of breath and his stiff body I let my gratitude show.

As I leant back i got eye contact "Thank you.  Don't be stubborn.  I know only part of what your feeling so stop trying to force yourself to be in this world.   Give yourself time" I said quietly.   He nodded.

I sat back into my wheelchair and introduced everyone to Derek.  As we were chatting it sounded like the door exploded when a man burst in.   He had pitch black hair and the darkest of eyes but but they were laced with kindness and concern.   As they landed on Derek they filled with joy. 

He launched into Derek's arms sobbing into his chest.  I waved at the boys to leave the room and give them some space.  As we got into the corridor Brandon closed the door. 

I looked at them "Derek told me he was undercover over a year.  That must have been hard for his partner" I stated. 

They all mumbled their agreements.   "I think it's best to let you know his name isn't Derek it's Dan" Corey said. 

"Thanks" I smiled. 

We waited for a while in the corridor before another man and woman flew down the corridor and into Derek.  No Dan's room. 

We waited again as we heard some shouts of joy and then some talking.  The door opened and the woman from the corridor stood looking at us. 

"Hi I'm Shelley Dan's sister.  Come in so we can introduce everyone" she said brightly.   She was a tall red headed woman with warm brown eyes and the biggest smile.

We settled in the room and Shelley took charge.   She introduced William the first man to enter the room and Steve was the second man.   They were both in a relationship and team with Dan and had been struggling without him.   The undercover op had only initially been for three months when Dan had disappeared.

"Will and Steve have been following Pierre but he kept Dan separate to his public life and we couldn't trace his alternative connections.  When he went to his safe houses he just disappeared.   We have been unable to trace them until you" Shelley looked straight to me.

"You may not realise it but your involvement helped us find Dan and break down a lot of Pierre's network.   The last hurdle is finding the dick" she said. 

Shelley was Academy but hadn't found a team so she worked with Dan's team when they needed help but she was mainly teaching at HQ. She was vibrant but I liked her she was open and sweet.

The Admiral knocked and as he came into the room he had a few other officers and there was another Academy team who have been working in Russia.

I firstly gave my report and descriptions on anyone I met and confirmation Igor was dead which seemed to please most. They confirmed Pierre had escaped but they had a report of him in Vienna they were chasing up. No one had found Kaylie which was a concern but they thought my information on her alter ego may give them new leads. They advised that Jay had been arrested but he had Vlad trying to coerce him into working for him but he was fighting it.

Vlad has attempted an escape but in the venture he had been shot and killed. It had exposed rogue academy members so the only things to tie up were Pierre and Kaylie.

I didn't hear much else as my exhaustion won over and I fell asleep in the wheelchair.  

I woke on the hospital bed again with Corey curled into my side and Brandon sat in the chair on my side.   I met his eyes as he smiled. 

"Was there much more to that meeting?" I asked.

"No just assignment of tasks.  The Monroe team who has been following leads in Russia involved in a trafficking ring.  They were following a lead for their top suspects new girlfriend.   Turns out it was Kaylie.   Their contact has been apprehended and the ring dissolved but she escaped with Pierre.  They have gone over to the safe house you were at with Pierre.  They want Kaylie.   Alex and Marc are going with them to check for any clues.   The admiral is happy to help clean up any rubbish from the area" he explained.

"Ok what about any leads on Pierre" I asked.

"Dan and his team are working with Shelley.   There's been rumours of a new criminal player in Vienna.  We think that this may be where Pierre is heading.   He has no other contacts in the wind" he said.

"Ok so if he's getting cornered he's going to become dangerous" I said.   I sat there quietly a moment and thought of the time I'd had with Pierre. 

"He won't go to anyone making a name for themselves in the criminal field.  Anyone we may be watching he will avoid.   But he is desperate.  Speak to my dad's.   They need to get to a safe house.   He's either coming for them or me" I said looking back at Brandon who was furious. 

"I think she might be right" Corey said from beside me. 

"Ok I'll call Axel, Corey you call her Dad's with Pria" Brandon said leaving the room. 

We made a call to my Dad's and they agreed we needed to try and predict Pierre's movements.   Derek was also going to make a call to Jay also at my request to ask him to be careful. 

Once the call was finished I snuggled into Corey.  "Are you hungry sweetheart" Corey asked. 

"In a bit.  I've missed my cuddles" I said inhaling his scent and letting it soothe everything. 

Suddenly there was a boom and I felt the bed shake.  I turned my wide eyes to Corey to see his panic.  He shot up as I turned and pulled out my IV. 

Corey pulled a gun from his back and handed it me.  "Hide love" he said before running out of the room. 

Fuck.   I checked my side table and found no clothes.  Shit.  I went to the door and checked the corridor was quiet.   I crept out to find no one.   I got to the end of the corridor and found Dans room.   Sneaking in it was empty.   I checked the cupboards and found jogging pants and a shirt.  I pulled them on with some socks and snuck out again.

I found the doctors office and again it was empty.   My panic started to rise.   As I got to the end of the corridor I saw a hole where a wall should be.   Pierre.

Right this fucker is going down.   I made my way to the hole and again saw no one.  I returned back into the building and down another corridor I hadn't been.   I found the security office and it was locked.  

Looking around I noticed a room sighed storage.   Going in I searched and found some safety pins.   I pulled one out and straightened the pin.  Going back to the security office I pick locked my way in. 

Closing the door I wedged a chair under the door handle and sat in front of the cameras. 

I located Corey near to the entrance gate with the admiral.   Two mean were tied up on the floor and it looked like Corey was arguing with the admiral. 

I flicked through more cameras and found a dark clothed figure in the ward I'd been in.  They were apparently angry my bed was empty.   As they turned I saw it was Pierre.

I switched the locks back on for the site so that I knew his only escape was breaking out of the ward through the hole.

I had him trapped.   I picked up the hand held radio for the security gate and asked for Corey.  I told him to make his way back into the building Pierre was on site. 

I watched him dash from the gate back towards the medical ward.   Checking the camera Pierre was trying to escape.  I tried to keep my urge to run and get Pierre. 

Corey entered the ward with his gun pointed at Pierre but I noticed another figure in the corner.   Fuck.  I got out of that security office an ran down the corridor. 

As I got to the ward I peeked in the window to see a woman with her back to me and a gun raised at Corey.  Pierre demanded to know where I was.   I slid my gun into my knicker line hoping because the joggers were so big they wouldn't notice.   I walked into the ward.

"Did you miss me Pierre?" I said sauntering in.  Pierre turned to me looking pleased.  I walked around the woman and then noticed it was Kaylie. 

"Oh look here's the whore" she said.   As I looked her way she pistol whipped Corey.  I kept my cool knowing Corey was hurt but he wasn't dead.

Pierre kept his eyes locked with mine and raised his gun.   I didn't flinch not wanting to show Pierre any fear.   He moved his aim towards Kaylie. 

"Drop your gun" he commanded. 

"What are you doing Pierre.   You said it was you and me.  I've prepared our escape just kill her" she whined.

"You really are dull my dear.  You offer yourself so readily that it shows no class.   You call her a whore yet you have worked yourself though most of the criminal fraternity.   I have no use for anyone that has no loyalty" before either of us said anything he shot her. 

Whilst his attention was on Kaylie I pulled my gun and shot at Pierre.   It was quick and I was unable to get a good aim but I got his right flank.   He shifted slightly backwards as I aimed again and shot him in his chest.  

He fell and his gun coasted across the floor.   I disengaged his gun and went to Corey he was breathing thank god.  The doors banged open as the Admiral and a couple of guards burst in. 

"You took your fucking time" I said.   The Admiral looked at least sheepish. 

"Sorry Corey didn't explain why he left and we had taken the prisoners to the guard room.   I was just going to my office to call in reserves to lock down the medical bay when we heard gun shots" he explained.  I glared. 

"Where is everyone?" I demanded. 

"The doctor and nurses on duty have been found tied up in the doctors office.   Dan and his team were found drugged in the canteen.   We will lock down the base" he instructed the guards to remove Kaylie's body.  

The doctor came in to check up on Pierre.   He was transferred to a trolley to be taken to surgery.   Corey's eyes fluttered as he started to wake.

"Corey love you ok?" I asked holding onto a sob.

"Head hurts but otherwise ok.  How are you? Pierre? Kaylie?" he asked sort of mumbling Kaylie's name.  

"Pierre has been taken to surgery.  Two bullet wounds.   I'm sorry Kaylie is dead.  Pierre" I said softly. 

I looked into his beautiful eyes to see a little sadness.  "I don't love her Pria.  I didn't wish her dead but if it means your alive I can live with that" he says as he lifts his hand and cups my cheek wiping away a tear.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Don't be.  She chose her life and is responsible for her own actions.   I think she had an addiction for something we didn't have.   That's not love.   Nothing near love.   You have shown me that is something so much more.   You are my life" he said as he leant and placed a warm kiss to my lips.

"As well as a big bad Russian" he said and I giggled. 

"I want out of here" I said softly.   Corey pulled out his phone and redlined everyone.  

"Fuck where is Brandon?" I said. 

We both jumped to our feet as an angry looking Brandon came in.   He dragged me in his arms.  As he reached over and pulled Corey into our hug. 

"Sorry love I went for take out" he said.   "It might be cold now though" I laughed. Loud and hard.  Happy to be here.  Just here. 

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