
By BlaBlaBaby

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"Stones can only hit glass so long before it shatters." More

Small Note
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By BlaBlaBaby


Monday slowly rolled around. I was almost sure that I had lost the only friends I had at school. I didn't really mind though. I didn't need to be friends with people who find joy of being mean to others. People looked at me as I walked down the hall. I could see them staying stuff to their friends. I brushed the stuff off. I wasn't going to let stuff like that bother me. I wondered where Luke was. I didn't know what to do, should I go and find him and talk to him? I decided against it. 

I walked into class and Luke wasn't in his usual seat. Maybe he would come in late. I sat in my seat waiting for class to start. I was glad Stark and the other guys didn't have this class. It would have been really awkward. The bell rang and a few people walked in late but none were Luke. I hoped he was okay. 

The class dragged by, I wasn't really paying attention. The bell rang, signalling that class had ended. Luke never came to class. I grabbed my bag and left the class making my way to my other class. Somebody slammed into my shoulder making me go into the lockers. 

"Oops I didn't see you there." I looked up and Stark was walking away, laughing with Clark and James. 

"Jerks." I muttered under my breath. 

My other two classes went by fast, considering I actually paid attention in them. Lunch came around and I wasn't sure on what to do. I know I didn't have anybody to sit with, but I could always sit alone and listen to music or act like I was doing homework. I waited a bit to get to the lunch room, I finally walked into the lunch room. Some people looked over at me but most didn't even pay attention. I scanned the room and saw Luke. He was sitting by himself. I walked over to the table, his eyes followed me once I came into view. 

"Can I sit here?" He watched me, slightly nodding. I didn't sit exactly next to him, I gave him his own space. 

"Thanks." I smiled at him but he didn't return it. 

I pulled out my books and a notebook. I was deciding if I should go get something to eat. "Are you hungry?" He looked at me again, he shook his head. 

He didn't show any emotion, he just sat there staring forward. I pulled out my phone and headphones. "Do you want to listen to some music?" I held out my headphone out to him. 

He hesitated, but slowly nodded. I moved my stuff over, and sat down next to him. I handed him the headphone and he put it in his ear. I picked a random song and it started playing. I started doing some homework. I knew Luke didn't talk so I stayed quiet. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Stark making his way over to the table. "Freaks." He said, making sure we both heard it before walking past the table. 

I looked over at Luke and he was looking down at the table. He was playing with his lip piercing. I would be lying if I said I didn't find it hot. He looked up at me and I quickly looked away. I could feel myself blushing, Luke caught me staring at him. I shifted in my seat and got back to work. The rest of the lunch was spent with me doing my work and listening to music with Luke. Luke didn't make an effort to talk and I didn't pressure him. It was nice.

The bell rang, I put my stuff in my bag. When I lifted my head up from my bag Luke was gone. I looked towards the door and I didn't see him in the crowd of people. Well I tried. I don't know why I wanted to get to know him so bad, but I needed a friend and so did he. Besides he was cute. I grabbed my bag and left. I went to my locker, almost getting tripped on the way there because of Stark. Jerk. 


The bell rang and I got away from the table as fast as possible. I didn't know why Ashton was talking to me, didn't he know talking to me would ruin his life? When Stark and  the others walked by and both called us freaks, I didn't know how Ashton would react. Playing with my lip piercing as I became nervous on what he would do. Would he get up and move away, but he actually stayed. When I looked up at him he was already staring at me. Blushing while he looked away. 

I made it to my next class without running into anyone. Clark was in this class but since it was math, we were always busy so he never had time to do anything. Math went by fast and my mind kept going to Ashton. He was in my next hour, but so was James. I was pushed against the lockers, Stark. 

"So I see you have a new friend, what does that make...your only friend?" He was alone and the hall was getting empty. I didn't say anything. He slapped me across the face before leaving for his class. The bell rang, I was late. Great. 

I walked into the class five minutes late. The teacher gave me a look but didn't say anything. I sat in my seat, but not before making eye contact with Ashton. The teacher went on talking about some project. This project required a partner. I hated this, nobody would want to be my partner and then I would get stuck with some random kid. I decided to pay attention so I wouldn't have to ask my partner anything. 

Apparently we would be just doing a project to get to know our partner. It was to help us to get to know others better and I guess the teacher to get to know us better. I really don't know, its not even the first week of class so I didn't understand why we were doing this. 

"I already paired you up with people, so no worries of being left out." She looked at me and I heard a few people laugh. 

Wonderful, I hated this almost as much as picking my own. I hope I wouldn't get paired with James. I secretly hoped for Ashton. The teacher listed off names, "James and....Emma." 

She went on and on, "Ashton and Luke." 

I was relieved, I could feel Ashtons eyes on me. The teacher talked some more and said we could sit wherever we wanted in the room with out partner. The teacher left the rest of the hour to work with them. The sounds of desks and chairs moving filled my ears. I just sat there staring at my desk, hoping Ashton would be the one to move. A few seconds later somebody sat down next to me, Ashton. He moved his desk closer to mine. 

"Hey." He said, he smiled at me. 

I didn't understand how he could be happy all the time. He pulled out some paper, I watched as he put his name at the top of the paper. He handed me the paper. Then he handed me a paper and a pencil as I didn't have one out. I took the pencil and wrote my name at the top of the paper and gave it back to him. 

We sat there in silence for awhile, not awkward silence a nice silence. 

"Sooo Luke." I looked at him, "We should do this." 

There was something about Ashton, I wasn't sure what it was but I could feel myself smiling a little bit. The first real smile of a long time. 

"You have a nice smile." I could feel my cheecks get slightly red. Nobody has even complimented me on my smile. 

"Thanks." I barely whispered. I don't know why but I felt like i should talk to Ashton. I just couldn't stay silent around him. 

I gave Ashton my paper with his name and I took his. I wrote my age on the paper and I think Ashton got what I was trying to do. He knew I didn't really talk, so this was the next best thing. I sat there trying to figure out what to write, I looked at Ashtons paper and he was writing away.  By the end of the class I only had down my age, grade, and my brothers name. 

"You don't have a lot written about yourself." Ashton was looking down at my paper, I shrugged. 

The bell rang, "Since we have next hour together do you want to walk to class together?" Ashton asked and his cheeks were slightly pink. I thought it was cute how he was nervous to talk to me. It was a new feeling. I nodded and he broke out into a smile. 

"Do you need to go to your locker?" I shook my head. I followed him to his locker, people were looking us but I didn't care. 

We got to gym and Ashton went into the locker room. I never change so I went to go sit in my corner. Kids slowly came out of the locker room and started running laps. The teacher made his way over to me. 

"Not doing anything today Hemmings?" I shook my head. "You should at least try. You get full credit for trying." I shrugged. Not really caring. 

He walked off leaving me alone. I saw Stark running, Ashton was slightly in front of him. I had a feeling I knew what would happen but I didn't think he would actually do it. I looked back from the teacher to them, once the teacher turned his back Stark pushed Ashton. Ashton fell, people running around him, some were laughing. 

"Irwin get up and get going on those laps!" The teacher yelled out. Ashton ignored him, he made his way over to me and sat down next to me. People looked over at us, including the teacher. He just shook his head and started to instruct the class. 

"You know people here are complete asses." Ashton looked annoyed, and I didn't blame him. We sat there in silence. 

"Um...Luke?" I looked at Ashton. "Do you have a phone?" I rolled my eyes at him and got my phone out. He took my phone from my hands. A few seconds later he gave it back. 

I gave him a confused look, he laughed. "I texted myself, we can text right?" I nodded. "Great." 

Ashton talked during the rest of the class, I just sat there and listened to him. Soon the class was over with and we could go home. Ashton asked me to wait for him to change and so I did. Ashton was the last one out of the locker room. We started walking, I figured he was going to his locker so I turned to go to mine. He grabbed my wrist and I pulled back in pain. He looked me over, "Come to my locker?" I nodded and started walking with him. 

My phone went off saying I had a text from my brother, Im outside waiting for you. 

I coughed, causing Ashton to look at me. "My um brother is waiting outside for me." I whispered. 

He nodded and once we got to his locker he threw his bag into it. "Lets go." 

I then led us to my locker, Stark was nowhere to be seen. Along with the others. We walked out of school together, I pointed to my brothers car and Ashton looked and smiled. Right before we got to the car Ashton stopped. 

"I'll text you later Luke?" I gave him a small smile and nodded. He walked away and I got in my brothers car. 

"Good day?" I realized I was still smiling. 


My brother smiled, hearing me talk for the first time in a year. Today was the best day I have had in awhile thanks to Ashton. I wouldn't call us friends, but it was the start of something. 

a/n: I hoped you guys liked this chapter. Vote and comment and share it with others. It would mean a lot. Thanks, ily guys. 

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