By Anakinkwhorehouse

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You are a new knight of ren, the most ruthless knight of any generation , named "bloodhound" officially, and... More



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By Anakinkwhorehouse

'You are her and I am you. Forever shall our light bloom, awaiting inevitable doom.

Stretching far, watching the sun rise bringing true darkness to its demise.
Brave warriors lay, shining bright under the golden hue, what is left of us but a few.


I am the carrier of the disease and the cure. Caught at a crossroads where evil lure. Pandora is the beginning, pandora is the end. Who are you to dictate how the the world should mend.

The sith will be gone and the world shall move on. Not a word spoken of the heroes only of the fallen villains. Paint our names in your soul, those of you who dare console.

Tears and kisses of forget me nots while the countdown for doomsday starts it's clock.

Death awaits all and we, the fighters of freedom shall ensure that all sith fall'

- Pandora

"This is where the fun begins", you heard Anakin turn to his daughter.

You let out a war cry and the others followed your scream. You ummsheathed your katanas which let out a darker light. Darting towards the enemy with my katanas held behind me.

You eyes were locked on Nihilius as he approached. "Nihilius!!!!", your demonic voice cried out. You took long strides on your run before pushing your whole body upwards with one push of your feet. You attached the ends of hilt together, creating a double sided blade. You raised your weapon above head while in the air before bringing it crashing down on Nihilius's head which he dodged with a simple spin. Your katana entered the cracks between the ground. You snapped your head at the boot that was to come crashing down on your face. You pulled back your body while swinging your katana upwards, managing to injure the great Nihilius.

Your plan was simple, distract Nihilius and keep him on you until he eventually tires out. He seemed weaker than before; making your objective that much easier. He tried pulling you in to his grasp alas he failed when Ben plunged his saber into the Sith Lord.

"That was my kill", you looked at him with disappointment. He only shrugged before focusing his saber swings on blocking a red streak that almost killed you. You ducked, sharply turning around to plunge you katana into one of the siths. You nodded at him before moving closer to provide backup for Satine. You stuck your back against her, eyes wandering at the approaching bodies.

You only gave each other a curt nod before moving to attack the enemies. Satine was perfectly capable of handling herself. Once, you were done with your kill, you moved to push through the large crowds of sith lords that made their way to you. Its as if their main focus was on bringing you down and they were not wrong to do so. If you had passed so would the force ghosts that fought with you and against them. You hadn't realised in the midst of your hunger for sheevs blood, someone had gained ground. Another crash of a green saber, hummed together behind you. You snapped your head, leia plunged her saber deep into the neck of a Sith added a light push to throw the the attacker on the floor. You flashed her a smile before the words that left her mouth froze your body. You started at her with wide eyes and a jaw that parted way with your mouth. You had no inkling of what she had said until you let those words sink in.

"No one hurts my grandchild", she winked at you. Her smile was a beacon of light and hope and everytime you looked into them, it reminded you of what you were fighting for. You offered her a nod of gratitude before turning your head to maul who's path had been blocked by none other than Revan. His towering height was almost frightening if not unnerving.

"Buir (Mother) ", he jerked his head.

"Apprentice", you moved your katana over to your side, tightening the grip. You pursed your lips into a thin line, when the old feelings of killing him washed him. Your thoughts were out in the open and for a manipulator like revan to consume and feed his toxicity. He scoffed, moving his head away in disgust. You played his game and thrusted the katana into his abdomen and pulled upwards with all your strength until your hands left the drip as the katanas stopped just, pinned his chest. Breaking away the hilts joining points.

He raised his head to meet my eyes. "No honour among Siths, right?", you jerked your head, mocking his first head movement. You delivered a butterfly kick on the end of the hilt pushing the katana in to him. You smirked as his body fell to the ground with a loud thud. In your moment of retrieving wasted energy, Dooku's hilt connected with your jaw, leaving your head to snap to the side, fresh blood spattering on the grey stone that you called your homeland. The knights scattered all around but your eyes caught the sight of kuruk being outmanned by many who pushed their sabers closer to his neck. "Kuruk!", you let out an animalistic roar. All the attention snapped towards you as Vicrul yelled out.

"Pandora, let go!", vicrul knew exactly what his words would cause.

You outstretched your hands to the sides and let out the energy as night in the forest...the day of kronix's passing. Burning every sith to ashes in an blink of an eyes before setting my feet back on the ground.

A thunderous roar beamed again as if the galaxies have started a countdown on their doomsday. Panic spiked an adrenaline rush into you allowing the pain of jaw to subside and be coated with hungry growls. You pulled your katana upwards slicing through him with one swift movement. Blood trickling down my silver blades while The Counts body split apart, crumbling to the ground. I smirked at his curled hilt that he lodged onto my jaw leaving a prominent bruising that would cease to wipe itself.

"Dad!", you snapped your head at the familiar voice of your lover, watching him fight with his father and mother side by side as one. You had to hand it to the Solos, they sure did know how to put up a fight. They were in a tight formation, watching each others backs. You could sense how protective Ben had gotten around his parents as he fought off any and everything that came in their path.

A red saber began cutting down on the Siths, you watched with furrowed brows before widening your eyes. The burns all over his naked chest that he wore like a armour glimmered under the dim sun. His mask staring straight at you. He held his saber tightly, fighting through anyone just to get to you. Eyes stringing with tears, vision slightly cloudy from the sight. A smile under your mask, you pressed a button, retracting it to take a clear look at him before whispering between your light sobs. "Father", you kept your gaze glued to Ren. He must've heard your broken voice because he picked up his pace to rush over to you. You didn't waste any time before letting your feet, carry you to him. The harsh air pushing your tears past your ears, you ran as fast as you could to him. He dropped his hostile stance, opening his arms for you to dive in to them. "Father!", you let out a small chuckle in the midst of the cascading tears before falling into his arms.

"My moon", he spoke out. His voice, though scrappy brought you peace. His fingers wrapped tightly around your waist while your legs held themselves still around his waist, carrying you just as he did to you as a child. He deflected blaster shots with his free hand. His shaky breathe was a proof of his shock. He slowly placed back on your feet while your arms clung to his shoudlers and your head burrowed deep into his neck. "My little scorpion", he laughed. Uncaring of what danger laid ahead, "You've found yourself, empress", he nodded as your pulled away to stare into his visor.

"I am still your daughter and I forever will be your daughter", you answered back with a soft smile.

"I know, little one. I know", he caressed your cheek, wiping away the tears with his gloved fingers. Encasing me, in his warmth. Ren was a good father but a quiet one. He was never good at displaying his love, you weren't even sure if he loved you until he had passed. You remembered a small faint memory that the darkness in you, locked away.


You were on your way to your training on a silent morning, the only day you could remember that didn't have the thunderous sounds of never ending storms. The halls were naked with no bodies to fill them with the eagerness that every student of ren carried. That particular day would mark you for generations to come. Ren had been speaking with Vicrul, though at the time you weren't aware of his name. The broad shoudlers were hard to miss nor forget. Ren spoke of an emperor for his heiress. You would never invade your father's privacy for the punishment was never worth it. Your carefully followed set of rules would be broken by your own curiosity. You let out a soft cry, hearing about my marriage. You could not imagine a life of such devotion and commitment. Father heard my hard to stifle sniffles and dismissed Vicrul. You cursed at the silent winds that wasn't plagued by lighting. "Make your self known, daughter", he spoke out, not turning to glance at your bloodshot eyes and swollen lips. Your clammy palms fidgeted with its fingers on both sides. He stated into the blank glass that stored the katanas; clasping his hands on his back. "You are now a grown woman, gorgeous, fierce, strong willed. These characters are high in demand-", you cut his words of. Your first step in disobeying him.

"High in demand?! I am no object, ren", there it was your second step. His name, you've always called out to him as master or father but never his name.

"WHAT YOU ARE-", he raised his voice. "-is my heiress and in need of a husband", his jaw tensed.

You shook your head, denying any acceptance from his statements. "No....what I am is a warrior not an empress but a soldier and that is what I forever will be. If need be find yourself a new heir if you desire a man who is half of what I am to rule your empire of the dead", you huffed. Turning swiftly on my heel to walk through where you had arrived from but before you could step any closer to the hallway, you sensed an object move behind; approaching you. You skillfully and as quick as one could turned to your side, watching the blade reach you. That was when time slowed down for you, when blade passed infront of your eyes. You grabbed the hilt and rotated the sword to your comfort and lunged a series of unforgiving attacks at ren all of which he managed to dodge except the last. As he ducked and spun his body under the blade, you grabbed a hold of a dagger, you hid beneath your tight outfit and brought to his neck as soon as he stood up straight to fight back. Hair sticking into your mouth, you panted heavily with eyes that demanded retribution. "I am not a toy but if you fail to see that", you twirl the dagger on your palm, offering him the blade. "Then kill me now and get it over with. I am the daughter of darkness not a scrapyard droid", you raised your chin, displaying courage and acceptance of your end. The stone walls begin forming cracks around you while you clenched your hands together in disappointment.

Ren chuckled at your behaviour, clasping his hands on his back. He was in deep thought, that was apparent but so was his hesitation. Your brow pinched together, watching his heels Rubs against the stone ground before setting on knee on it. Your eyes were then shot wide open, with shock. Your father kneeled before you. His head hanging low. "Long live the empress of Ren", he spoke.


"Long live the empress", he spoke those same words as you slowly pulled away from the hug. A soft smile casted upon your lips granted him permission to hold you tight again before moving to push a Sith into the merciless sea of Malachor V. We spared each other one last nod, turning our backs to against each other to continue on the fight for freedom.

A lighting bolt shot your way, you rolled away avoiding its attack but it continued to follow you. It was then that your realised that it was no natural behavior, someone had to have been controlling the pattern of the bolts, ceaseless attacks. Your eyes snapped to the man in the hood. "Palpatine", you muttered under your breath. Jaw clenching, brutal need for his blood in your hands, a need so strong you could not control it.

"Ben!", you called out. Ben quickly pivoted in his heel. Eyes darting back and forth from my visage to palpatines hodded figure. At that moment, he had the similar expression and emotion that your mind exuded. Your connection ever so strong, bonded over revenge and love. An epic tale for every boom written.

You stood on your feet and readied myself. Ben rushed the emperor with his saber hanging loosely on his palm, while his focus had been on the using his force. The emperor outstretched his hand but finding himself unable to push Ben back. Your smirks was kow wider. You were fueling bens body with your force, making him as equally powerful as the emperor himself. Palpatine outstreched another hand, this time with his lighting forming, Ben caught the bolt and pressured his body to return the attack that palpatine had sent his way. Incapacitating the emperor.

You let out a war cry as ahsoka readied her palms and crouched slightly. You sprinted towards her, jumping on her palms to allow her to send you flying into the air. Your raised your katanas high up over your head before bringing it down with abrasive force. The katana entered the centre of the emperors head. You landed on the ground, kneeling. Stray hairs falling all over you eyes, too blinded by the strands to see the look on the emperors face as he glanced at you one last time before every sith disappeared to nothing but the wind. Standing down from their stance, the jedis and the clone kept their eyes plastered between me and the emperor before Ben brought his saber close, plunging it into the Sith Lords abdomen. "I'll see you in hell", Ben whispered into his ears. Backing away and watching the soul less body fall to the ground and paint it red. You began panting, letting out exhaustive breathes to calm your racing heart. It was over, it was finally over.

You couldn't reason with your emotions when tears cascaded down your cheeks. The torture that anakin had been through was not in vain padme's sacrifice for her children had been honoured. Leias and Hans faith in their son proved them to be right. The clones were given justice, the mandalorians were granted their freedom. Ahsoka had been reunited with her hope in peace. The resistance and first order celebrated their win, landing on the ground and embracing one another with open arms. He was gone yet something felt empty as if something would occur as of this moment that would shatter your heart into a million pieces. Ben could sense it, it was why he crouched to your position to cup your cheeks and brush off the tears. "We won", he smiled but before we could celebrate further, another roar left the killing machine. How could you tell your lover that this is where your end would soon meet you?

You pursed your lips into a thin line and turned your attention to the machine, avoiding bens enchanting gaze. Your brows knit together in panic when you spotted a figure climbing up the stairs and closer to the beams of the weapon. Squinting your eyes, you soon realised who was drawing closer to it.


You quickly gathered yourself and raised your body, rushing over to the weapon and screaming out his name. Ben followed behind and all of a sudden the whistles and cries of celebration came to a stop, adding to the suspense of the situation. Kross's fingers fidgeted with one another while his mind drifted into a deep state of thought, ignoring your howls.

~ Kross ~

It wasn't making any sense, the scriptures around the weapon wrote a poem about you but it was vague, truly vague. 'How could pandora be the end if she came to destroy the weapon?' He asked himself.

Whilst you battled revan, kross picked that small window of opportunity to scan through your mind, finding visions of you tearifn up at one thought and one thought only, leaving behind everyone after the battle. Then suddenly the words all made sense. You were not the carrier of destruction but the cure. You were the ultimate sacrifice for the galaxy.

Kross's mind ceased to function, freezing him into a tight form, watching you fight your way through. Tears spilling from and traveling to his quivering lips. He was in pain, he was already in mourning just then, he made a promise to never allow that to happen. He was almost as strong as you and if destiny needed your powers to put an end to it. He could use his to replace you.


"Kross!!!", you yelled your lungs out, finally catching his attention. Tears stringing your eyes but before you could climb the stairs the the beaming laser that growled into the atmosphere, a yelp escaped your lips when your stomach was met with thick arm, stopping you from moving any closer. You fought and fought and fought to free yourself from the clutches of the strong hold.

"You and I share the same force, (y/n)", Kross raised his voice high enough for everyone hear. You shook your head, knowing exactly what his next words would be. This was pain, this was fear. This. Was. Grief.

A sad whisper of denial escaped your lips, a small glint of hope that he would step aside and let you finish the job. Glossy eyes and flushes cheeks staring back at you, telling you how much it loved you. "Think about Roxy, please!", you cried out.

"Roxy will be okay. For her and the galaxy to be okay, you need to be alive. I couldn't let you just end your life!", his voice cracked. "I never could. You didn't even deserve an ounce of pain yet there you were standing still amidst a storm. I abandoned you!, (y/n)", he was sobbing while you watched his expressions with wide eyes and cascading tears.

"No, you didn't....please Kross...Don't do this", helpless pleads were all that were left at this point. Kroos was just as stubborn as his little brother and you always admired that about those two but was a cold cold day to be you. You weakly punched Ben's arm that held you back. "Let me go, Ben", you muttered with every punch but he did not even flinch at your blows only tightened his grip around your waist. Your force was draining, you could feel your body weaken; sensing the outstretched arms of all the jedi, holding you back.

"I must...they need you to stay alive. I need you to stay alive. Peace is where you walk, my darling not chaos. I will forever love you and that will never change. You made me a better man, you made me, my very best version. I owe you my life. Forgive me, I must", he turned around, his back now facing me.

"No No, Kross!",you were struggling to breathe, the air had just been knocked out of you, he was stepping closer to the weapon and you were powerless to stop it. Self loathe and pain clouded your mind.

A small turn of his heel and he glanced at you one last time. Smirking and nodding as he held back his tears before speaking into your mind. "Take good care, my goddess. I will see you soon", the exact words that left kronix's lips, today left kross's. He closed his eyes before walking straight into the laser.

You broke into a sob, screaming, howling. Breathing become a luxury you could not afford. You fell apart, head dropping down, laying weightless under Ben's hold. "no...", you whimpered. The loud growls and trembling of the ground came to a stop just as the beaming laser disappeared into nothing but silent winds of threatening storms that were to come. Ben placed you in the ground, sensing the way your knees gave in, peppering kisses on your head as you stared blankly at the ground. Words had long forgotten your lips. Head, aching with both sharp and dull attacks while your eyes grew heavy with need for rest.

Every man and woman, dead or alive surrounded you and your lover as he held you close. Their sabers no longer humming, their blasters no longer drawn. Dropped shoulders and silence only welcomed you. Anakin stood right infronf of you, blocking the view to the weapon. His Armour, fitting perfectly, just as you remembered it to be. "The chosen one", he spoke in a soft tone before kneeling. The others soon followed; laying down their weapons beside them as the bowed down to you. You scanned your surroundings with no emotion but a soft tug of your lips.

"All hail, the goddess of force", voices announced in unision. It was as if suddenly, you knew the reason behind Kross's sacrifice. That small tug soon turned to a wide smile. There was a piece of Kross in every body that stood here as they too believed in you and in that moment, you vowed to honor not only the dead but the living.

Every single being stood and fought for my honor only.

A/N | One more chapter and we wrap up the journey of pandora. Thank you for being patient with me. I love you all so much. This book has become something so so close to my heart that I found it painful to put it to an end. But all journeys must come to an end, whether fruitful or not.

Thank you once again.


P. S I'm too lazy to re-read so ignore the typos.

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