Breaking the Code

By hiddenwriter1028

188K 12.8K 3K

Cover by @theWritersed - they are super amazing!! Sang spent her childhood waiting for the next punishment an... More

Three years ago
The Broken Light
See the Small Things
Help Requested-Author's Note
Breathing the News
No Matter Who Deserves It
Can't Leave You
Friend or Foe
Watching and Waiting
Just a feeling
What Did I Get Myself Into?
No One
The Final Straw
Useless Hopes
Setting You Free
My Smile
What Are You Hiding?
Caught In My Head
Help Please!!
Full Fucking Force
Smutty Reward
The Flow
The Truth Comes Out
What Do You Know?
Another Way?
Information Session
Life is Dumb-Author Note
Here Goes Nothing
Go With It
Telling All... Most... Okay, Some
I Saw It
That's Where She Lives
I Want to Live
Tell Me
I'm Sorry
For Now
For Hacker
I Can't Let Them
Question For My Readers
What The?
I Need To Know
They're Back
No Context Just Choose
You Needed It
Don't Do It
He Won't Leave You... Right?
Seeing Red
I Have To
Book 2

Who Are You Helping?

3K 206 32
By hiddenwriter1028

Woah! Two updates in one day! CRAZY!! Lol this one is dedicated to @Clockworkgirl7 Your comments helped spur this chapter on. Enjoy everyone! Loves!!


Oh we are so so so screwed! I've been searching everywhere and I can't find ANYTHING about a Sang Sorenson. Either this isn't her name or she's a ghost. The problem is that our facial recognition network should have pulled her name if it was fake. Who the HELL is she?

I throw myself back on my bed just as Brandon comes in. He sits in my chair and stares at me. I throw my pillow at him, nailing him in the face. "What do you want? I can't find anything on her ok?" I say flouncing my head back again. I hate not knowing things.

Brandon smirks at me "Well baby brother, I was actually going to ask if you've heard from your hacker friend. I know with everything going on you might not have checked so I'm here to remind you so you aren't whining later." Six minutes! He is six minutes older and feels he has to constantly rub it in.

Sitting up I let out a heavy groan and bury my head in my hands. I can't believe I forgot to check! I got an email a few minutes before B texted us about the meeting and I didn't get the chance to check. Stupid Corey! Stupid! "No. No I haven't checked! Damnit!" I nudge B out of my chair and he lands on the floor in an exaggerated heap.

"Geez Cor been workin' out there?" B laughs as he goes to lounge on my bed. I smirk over my shoulder at him "Well, I do have to control Raven. So what do you think B?" I see my brother shudder and fake gag. "Way too much information Cor. WAY too much!" I laugh at his reaction while pulling up my email. "B! I got an email back!" I almost leap out of my chair with relief.

Camomile tea saves me from me.

You don't know how much I want to meet you, how much I want to escape but things have changed. I can't leave where I am. People here need me to protect them. I have a whole system worked out to make sure they stay ok. I want to meet you more than anything but I can't leave. I've attached a tracer to this email. Once I know where you are we can figure out how to meet. It might be that we can't yet. I don't know where in the world you are but I'll find you and eventually we can see each other. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear but I have to stay. You help people everyday but so do I. I just go about it in a different way. Don't disappear again Crawler, I don't want to lose you again.

Signing off for now,


SHIT! All of my systems start blaring alerting me of the tracer she warned me of. "Cor what's going on? Dude can you shut these up? Please!" Brandon is behind me using my pillow to block out the noise. "I'm trying ass! Hacker sent a tracer so that we can meet up or something."

I finally get those sounds turned off. "I'm trying to back trace but her firewalls are insane. On top of that it looks like she uses public servers. Shit!" I can't find her. She won't come with me even if I did find her. "It doesn't matter B. It doesn't matter because she won't let me save her. Read it for yourself." Brandon reads over my shoulder for a couple minutes.

"Corey, she's helping people. You can't make her stop that. She wants to find you and she doesn't want to lose you but she has to help people. Maybe you can help her. Maybe WE can help her. Find out where she is, find out what she's doing to help people and we can still help her."

I really hate it when Brandon is the one making sense. I look over at him with narrowed eyes. "Who are you and what have you done with my brother? He isn't nearly this rational." With a laugh he claps my shoulder. "Well Cor, when you're out of commission in the rationale department someone has to step up. One more thing though. We should really tell the team about her now. Especially if we're going to try and find her." FUCK! Twice in one conversation.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah. I'll text them all for a family meeting. It's not like we didn't just have a multiple hour long one with the Blackbourne boys or anything." I hear Brandon snickering as he walks out. I'm pretty sure he wasn't even listening to the last part but it doesn't really matter because I was just bitching. I send out a group text.

Corey: We need a team meeting. I've got some things to tell you all.

Axel: We'll be over to your place in a few.

Marc: I'll order pizzas. Will this be long?

Brandon: Probably.

Raven: On my way, Мой солнечный свет.

Well here goes nothing. Before they all get here I send an email back. I need Hacker to know that I can help her. I won't abandon her again.

English Breakfast tea silences the noise.

I understand that you need to help people. I get it really because I need to as well. Here's the thing though Hacker. Family is a choice and Family comes first. You can't help anyone until you've taken care of family. Hacker you ARE my family. Tell me where you are and I can help. If you tell me what you're doing to help people I might be able to help with that as well. Please let me help you with your system. Let me help you help them. Hacker, I want you to meet my chosen family. I want you to be safe.

Signing off for now,



I drag myself into my bedroom after Mrs. is done with me. This time was bad. It seems that the longer I'm here the worse the punishments get. She might kill me before I can escape this Hellhole of a house. Grabbing my backpack I carefully make my way back to my tree. I know I shouldn't but I can't sleep under this roof tonight. I can't do it.

I jump through a few trees before making my way to the ground. Every part of me hurts but I have to do this. I can be gone tonight and as long as I'm back after school tomorrow no one will ever know. As soon as I hit the ground I stifle a groan. I may be far enough away from my house but you never know who else may be in the woods.

Making my way to a grove of trees I found last year I listen to everything around me. I can't be caught unaware. Once I've made it there and sat down on the soft grass I hear leaves rustling. I know I should leave. Go back to the house even but I can't. My body won't move now that I'm down.

"Hello?" A male voice calls from beyond the tree line. Suddenly a yellow blur comes speeding towards me. I don't have the energy to move so I just sit there as it crashes into me. A dog. I let out a weak laugh as this dog licks all over my face. "Max! Come!" The same demanding voice from earlier is now closer. The dog, I guess his name is Max, takes back off the way he came.

If I was lucky the voice and dog would turn around and leave me. Here's the thing though. I'm not lucky. That's ok, I'll live. Some days though, some days I wish I was lucky. "Hey! Hey are you ok?" I see a figure kneel down in front of me and emerald green eyes stare back at me from behind black frames. I guess I finally get to meet Glasses. One of the boys I've been watching for two years.

I blink a couple times before weakly replying, "I'm fine. I'm okay. You should go on with your walk." I try to smile but I think it comes out as more of a grimace. Glasses stares at me for a moment before shaking his head.

"My name is Kota and you obviously aren't ok. Do you need me to call anyone? Can I help you with anything?" I blink up at him as he pulls his phone out. "Stop!" I think I said that a little too loud because his head snaps back. "Don't call anyone. I'm fine." To prove my point I attempt to stand up only to fall immediately. Kota catches me before I hit the ground. I try to hide my flinch, I really do but I think he saw it.

"Please, let me help you. What's your name? I can just take you back to my place if you want. It's close by. I can't leave you out here alone." I'm shaking my head when he reaches for me again. "Sang, my name is Sang." I see the moment that he recognizes my name. I knew when I went off earlier that it would haunt me. "Please Kota, I'll be ok."

He stares at me for another moment before sitting down in front of me. I sigh heavily, "You aren't going to leave me here are you?", when he shakes his head I continue. "We-we can go to your place. Just don't call anyone and I might need help getting up." As soon as I've said this he scoops me up and places me on my feet. After a moment I can stand alone so he backs up. Feeling like I'm making the death march we make our way to his house. I'm looking over my shoulder the whole way.

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