WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stil...

By -despressos

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ON HIATUS If there was one thing known about Haven Salazar, it was that she would do anything for Scott McCal... More



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By -despressos




Haven stood behind Scott as he unlocked the door for Derek. A smile on her face when she saw the tall, curly haired boy standing behind him awkwardly. His face lit up at the sight of her two, but both of their smiles were cut short when Scott spoke.

"What is he doing here?" he questioned defensively.

"I need him," Derek replied as the two walked into the clinic. 

"I don't trust him," Scott said, talking  about Isaac as if he wasn't right in front of him. 

Haven sent Scott a stern look as she grabbed Isaac's hand, the two of them following behind Derek.

"Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you either," Isaac said to him, sitting down while Haven stood next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"And Derek and Haven really don't care," Derek interjected himself and Haven into the two boys' petty conversation. "Now, where's the vet? Is he going to help us or not."

"That depends," Deaton said, all eyes going to where he was standing against the doorframe to the next room. "Your friend, Jackson, are we planning to kill him or save him?"

Scott and Haven said, "Save him," at the same time Derek said, "Kill him."

"Save him," Scott emphasized as he looked at Derek, both boys shocked with each others' answers. 

Derek looked at Scott hard, like he was annoyed that he was going to have to agree with him and didn't even try to argue. Scott turned back to Deaton.

"Save him."

The five of them went into the next room in the clinic, gathering around the table as Deaton put a bunch of jars in front of them. When Isaac reached out to grab one, Derek quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Watch what you touch," Derek warned him.

Isaac leaned down on his elbows, staring Deaton up and down as he asked, "So, what are you? Also some kind of witch?"

Deaton squinted his eyes at the young werewolf, sassily stated, "No, I'm a veterinarian."

Isaac merely nodded along, Haven humming a laugh at her boyfriend as her hands went to his hair, playing with his curls while he leaned on the table.

"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin," Deaton told them.

"We're open to suggestions," Derek informed him.

"What about an effective offense?" Isaac questioned.

"No, we already tried," Derek said. "I nearly took its head off, and Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up."

"Has it shown any weaknesses?" Deaton asked.

"The thing is Jackson," Haven reminded Derek.

"Well one—it can't swim," Derek said, ignoring Haven's remark.

"Does that go for Jackson as well?" Deaton asked.

"No," Scott and Haven said together.

"He's the captain of the swim team," Haven informed the vet.

"Essentially, you're trying to catch two people," explained Deaton. He turned around, rummaging through his drawers for a few moments before coming back and holding something up between his thumb and pointer finger. A circular coin-like thing. "A puppet... and a puppeteer."

He placed it onto the table between him and the supernatural teenagers and Derek in front of him.

"One killed the husband, but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?" he asked.

Haven moved her hand from Isaac's hair when he stood up straight.

"I don't think Jackson could do it," Scott reasoned. "His mother died pregnant, too, and she was maybe murdered. I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else."

"How do you know it's not part of the rules?" Isaac questioned, and Haven looked up at her golden boy, smiling since he was making more of an active contribution to the solution than she was. She looked at the lamp hanging over the table, realizing Isaac was taller than it. "The kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies, too."

"Does that mean your father was a murderer?" Scott asked.

Haven placed her hand on Isaac's back, rubbing it softly as Scott brought up Mr. Lahey.

"Wouldn't surprise me if he was," Isaac said so softly it was practically a whisper.

"Hold on—The book says they're bonded, right?" Deaton asked, and Derek nodded. "What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson, but from the person controlling him? What if something that affects the kanima also affects its master?"

He started to open a jar and pour its powdery contents around the coin in the middle.

"Meaning what?" Isaac asked.

"Meaning the master can't swim," Haven said, making the connection. "But that could be anybody."

"Meaning we can catch them," Scott also said. "Both of them."


"You know, it'd be nice if you were at least tried to get along with Isaac," Haven told Scott once he and Derek left, crossing her arms as she sat on the counter. 

"He literally threw Allison and Stiles to the floor while helping try to kill Lydia," Scott reasoned.

"And wasn't that Derek's plan?" she pointed out, and Scott frowned. "That's what I thought."


"Hey, what're you doing up?" Merced asked, wrapping her cardigan around her body as she stepped into the greenhouse. It was well past midnight, her daughter awake in there with grimoires open in front of her. "Honey, are you pushing yourself too hard?"

Her eyes flooded with worry when she saw smears of red under Haven's nose and on her hand, showing she had been wiping away nose bleeds.

"No," Haven shook her head, using the table to support her weight. "I just... I need to get better at this magic thing. We don't know how to stop the kanima, I need to be able to protect my friends."

"Not at the cost of your own life, Haven," her mother scolded her. "We've gone over this. Since we come from a bloodline that activates our magic late, we have a looser grip on it, on control. You need an anchor to ground you or something to channel if you're going to perform spells large enough to protect you and your friends from a were-jaguar lizard thing."

"I have to try," Haven argued back. "I'll learn to control it."

"Go to bed," Merced said to her, snapping her wrist up and closing her palm, which closed all of the grimoires on the table, causing Haven to jump back. She then swiped her hand to the side, and all of the books went flying into their spots on the bookshelf. "Now."


"We're so going to be late," Haven giggled as she and Lydia sat in a drive-thru for coffee before school. "But a mocha is worth it."

"Yeah, you look like you're dead inside. How late were you up last night?"

"I didn't go to bed," haven shook her head.

"And why not?" Lydia questioned.

"I was studying," Haven shrugged.

"You don't have any tests today."

Lydia was cut off by the worker holding their drinks out towards the window. The strawberry blonde reached out the window of her car to grab the drinks and handing Haven hers.

"Do you know why Allison needs archaic latin translated?" Lydia questioned as Haven took a sip, the girl stopping abruptly as she attempted not to choke.

"Uh... no? Why what has she said about archaic latin?" Haven lied.

Lydia shrugged, putting her own drink into the cup holder and starting to drive off to school. 

"Nothing," Lydia said. "That's why I was wondering. So, how are you and Isaac?"

"We're good," Haven nodded. "We were rocky, but we're doing just fine."

Lydia sent her a genuine smile, saying, "Good. Because you deserve the best. You deserve to have someone that makes you feel the way you described it in Allison's car."

"So do you," Haven told her, and Lydia just sent a smile, grabbing her drink and sipping on her it before placing it back in the cupholder.


"Excuse me, pardon me, put your damn shirt back on Greenberg, there's a girl in here," Haven said, weaving through the boy's locker room.

"Heyyyy Salazar," one of the boys winked at her, and she just glared at him as she made her way towards Finstock's office.

The door swung open before she could get close to it, Bobby Finstock walking out.

"Salazar!" he practically barked, scaring the girl and getting everyone's attention.

Scott and Stiles looked over, confused why Haven was even in there in the first place.

"I was told you were looking for me Coach?" she said, feeling awkward to be there in the first place.

"Yes, do you know where Jackson is?" was what he asked her.

Taken aback by the question, she just furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and furiously shook her head no.

"Hm..." Finstock trailed off, nodding as he looked into the crowd. "Can anyone tell me where the hell Jackson is and why he missed morning practice? Stilinski! Jackson?"

"Sorry coach, I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him," was Stiles' answer, causing Haven to shake her head in embarrassment for him.

"Oh, and when was that?"

"Last time I saw him? Was definitely the time I saw him last," Stiles answered without actually answering.

Finstock looked ready to smack Stiles. "Again. Danny, tell Jackson no missing practice this close to the championships, okay?"

"Sure, Coach."

"Goes for all of you. I should be teaching college. And Salazar? Out of the locker room!" he said, pointing to the exit. "There's hormonal teenage boys in here, for Christ's sake!"

"You called me here!" she yelled back.

"Out!" he said, closing the door to his office.

When Haven made her way towards where Scott and Stiles was, she saw Isaac's head peak out behind them, grabbing them by their shoulders and pulling them back.

"How do you two losers even survive?" Isaac questioned them.

Stiles looked irritated, glaring at him.

"What we we supposed to do?" Scott asked. "No one's even selling."

Isaac patted Stiles' chest, walking away towards the other end of the locker room as Haven leaned on the lockers next to Scott, looking at them in anticipation. 

"Where is he—"

The three of them started to flinch when there was a bunch of clanking against the lockers, Isaac going to beat tickets out of two people. 

"Yup," cringed Stiles. "That's excessive." He turned to Haven, "You find that attractive in men?"

She shrugged, "Morally grey area. We need those tickets to save Jackson."

"That'll bruise," Stiles continued with his commentary. 

"Ow," Scott cringed.

"Well, okay."

Isaac came back, handing the tickets to the boys and saying, "Enjoy the show."

He looked at Haven, then back to the two boys he had just beaten up, then back to Haven. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, "I... uh."

"It's fine," she shook her head.

The door to Finstock's office opened again, his eyes narrowing down on Haven.


"I'M LEAVING!" she yelled back at him.


"You look like literal death," Stiles said, leaning against his closed locker while Haven took books out of her own. "You okay?"

"I was just up late last night, that's all," she said, her sentence interrupted midway with a yawn. She blinked back the water forming in her eyes before yawning again. 

"You're pale," Stiles added, placing a hand on her shoulder to make her look at him. "What's going on?"

"I've been practicing spells," she said softly. "Just trying to get a hang of it."

"And it's draining you?" he asked.

"No," she shook her head, even though he might be right. "I just got carried away last night and stayed up too late. Shouldn't have. But I'm fine, feeling better already."


"We need you and Haven's help."

"I'm not in the game anymore, Chris, and Haven's just a child, she can barely do basic magic without getting nose bleeds," Merced shook her head, placing her keys on the counter as she walked into her house with Chris and Victoria Argent. 

"You're one of the best witches around, and Haven can learn," Chris argued. "And we don't know how else to catch this thing. We have people dying, Mer."

"I know," Merced nodded, her hands on the counter as she spoke. She sighed, looking at the couple, "But I almost lost my life the last time I played hunter with you guys. I lost Talia, I lost my husband."

The Argents looked down, knowing that everything Merced was saying was true.

"And bless the soul that was Ricky, but Merced—" Victoria started.

"There is not 'but' Victoria. My daughter had to grow up without a father! Without her godmother! And she doesn't even have a remember that Talia Hale was her godmother. She doesn't even remember playing with Derek, Laura, and Cora when she was a toddler! Her father never got to meet her," Merced continued, getting angrier at the minute.

"You know she's going to try to enter this fight without you," Chris added, glancing around to make sure that nothing started to rumble at the sight of the witch's emotions becoming angry. "She's just like you, would do anything to protect her friends."

"I tried protecting my friends by helping you guys weed out bad werewolves, and your sister set fire to a house full of innocents!" she screamed. 

"And your daughter is about to be one victim of one of them if you don't help us catch this thing," Victoria yelled back.

"Just think about it," Chris said, holding an arm out between the two girls to deescalate, eyeing the slight shaking of the bowl on the table, meaning that Merced's control was slipping. "We'll get out of your hair."

When they left, Merced started to cry, the cabinet doors flying open and shut as she sobbed. Chris paused outside of the house, glancing back at it when he heard the commotion. He and his wife glanced at one another once more before going to their car.



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