Month Till Fullmoon [Yandere...

By J_C_Coltt

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"N-No, I won't return to the sea unless I have you by my side!" . . . [Yandere Selkie x Female Reader] Y/N to... More

1. Fullmoon Walk.
2. The Key To O'Connell Street.
3. The Gateway.
4. Murphy's.
5. Rón.
6. Mave.
7. Scolded.
8. Retun to Murphy's (Or FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TALK.)
9. Unwelcome Visitor (Or FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T TALK.)
10. Denae's House of Tea and Tailoring.
11. Summer Suburbia.
12. Conversations.
13. How to Human.
14. Long Time No See.
15. Welcome to the Real World.
16. Movie Night.
17. Lightning and Thunder.
18. Nearly Caught.
19. Fun in the Surf.
20. The Lightkeep.
21. Honesty.
22. Lost in the fog.
23. Home Late.
24. Good Evening.
25. Unexpected Answer.
26. Search Cut Short.
27. Losing Time.
28. Search Cut Short pt2
29. Preparing for a Break-in.
30.Whitford Marine Research Lab.
31. Whitford Marine Research Lab pt2.
32. Confession.
33. A New Plan.
34. Waiting.
35. Not The Right Witch.
37. House Arrest.
38. New Ally.
39. The Final Battle.
40. Slán Go Fóill.

36. The Right Witch.

1K 75 42
By J_C_Coltt

"TWO AND A HALF DECADES?!" Y/N screeched in horror. Roan would be lucky if he had a few days left, and their only hope of staying together was a sorcerer who hadn't been seen for a quarter of a century.

Roan was just as appalled by Mave's skewed time-table as Y/N. He clutched her hand tightly in his and sniffed, fighting against the wave of hopeless sadness washing over him. He sniffed again, trying not to cry.

Starla had also opened her mouth to say something on the subject, but she was suddenly interrupted by the dozens of clocks contained within the teahouse all chiming in perfect unison. Even the clocks in the old paintings that hung on the green walls of the room had sprung to life, joining in the cacophony.

Once the eleventh ring was struck, all was quiet again, and Mave stood from her seat as though she had been expecting the noise. "That will be the owner, she always seems to know when she's needed."

The stooped woman walked to the doors of the greenroom and pulled them open to reveal a surprisingly familiar figure. With an elaborate dress complete with a train, and a hat even more outlandish than the one Y/N had last seen her in she was unmistakably the same girl who had visited her in her bedroom.

"Good afternoon, Miss Coltt," Mave greeted her, stepping to the side and ushering the young woman into the botanical room. "It is a pleasure to see you again after all these years."

"The pleasure is mine. I am most pleased with how you have maintained my teashop in my absence," she said as she crossed the room elegantly. "I have been meaning to stop in for years, but free time as a working woman is nearly impossible to come by these days, I'm sure you can relate."

"I'm just glad you got here when you did, we have a time-sensitive ritual, and you were the only one who I thought might know how to do it," Mave said very quickly. She seemed to be equally happy and nervous about the arrival of Miss Coltt. "Y/N, why don't you ask her about the enchantment since you're the one she will be doing it for?" Mave asked turning her attention to the H/C haired girl.

Y/N however, still needed some time to process the current cognitive dissonance in her mind when she realized that the eccentrically dressed teenager who looked to be a few years younger than her was actually old enough to have owned the teashop 25 years ago.

"Why should we trust her?!" Roan snapped, noticing that Y/N looked uncomfortable around the new arrival and despising the woman because of it. He glared daggers at her with all his might for daring to bother Y/N. "We don't even know her name."

"Forgive me for not introducing myself, how rude," she replied with a silvery laugh void of mirth. "You can call me Miss Coltt. I am the owner of this teahouse, but Mave manages it for me."

Starla and Roan started to introduce themselves, but she held up a dainty hand to silence them, "I already know who you both are. You are Starla, Mave's apprentice of several years," she nodded in the blonde's direction before turning her attention to Roan. "And you must be the Selkie boy Roan. Murphy's has been turned upside down trying to keep you alive, but I can see why, you are a cutie." She pinched his cheek affectionately, ignoring his obvious displeasure at her actions. "And I have already made Miss L/N's acquaintance," she concluded.

Y/N had so many questions that she wanted to ask Miss Coltt. She opened her mouth to let out a tirade of queries, but she hesitated. As much as she wanted to know more about Miss Coltt, every moment they sat around chatting was a moment that Roan lost. They were running out of time and didn't have any to spare for frivolous questions.

Putting her curiosity aside, Y/N looked across the table and asked as directly as she could, "Miss Coltt, I want to become a Selkie, but I don't have a sealskin. Would you be able to enchant one for me?"

"Yes, I can. It is actually quite a simple ritual, but the ingredients are difficult to come by," she sighed and looked around sadly. Y/N felt hopelessness creeping up on her again, but it dissipated when she heard Miss Coltt's next words, "luckily, as Mave says, I know when I am needed and I took the liberty of bringing the ingredients to enchant a sealskin along with me."

She pulled a piece of driftwood, seashells, some strange black crystals, and an empty vial from her voluminous skirts and placed then on the table. "Shall we begin?" She asked, looking around the room. When she saw that everyone had nodded their consent and were paying full attention to the odd grouping of items on the table she began the enchantment.

Taking the piece of driftwood in her hands it suddenly burst into flames and she set it back down on the table taking care to not set it directly on top of the sealskin, "wood from the nearest beach," she muttered under her breath. Next, she scooped up the white shells and crushed them in her fist. She opened her hand and let the powdered shells fall onto the sealskin, murmuring, "shells from the northern seas."

Picking up the black crystals she tossed seven of them into the fire. "Black salt," she whispered. She suddenly reached out and plucked a couple of hairs from Roan's head, causing him to squeak at the unexpected pain. "Hair from a willing Selkie," she said, tossing the hairs onto the burning driftwood while Roan rubbed his sore scalp and glared.

After the hair was added the fire went out at once, leaving a charred stick behind. Miss Coltt grabbed it and began using it to draw something on the sealskin when she had finished a strange rune-like symbol that none of them had seen before was present on the sealskin. 

Picking up the empty vial, Miss Coltt turned to the other people in the room and said brightly, "next I need seven tears from someone with a broken heart. Any volunteers?"

Y/N looked at the others and saw that none of them were volunteering. Could it be that none of them were heartbroken? She and Roan were both in a happy relationship, at the moment at least, Starla Y/N knew had never been in a relationship, and judging by Mave's silence, she wasn't heartbroken either.

"I should have guessed as much," Miss Coltt sighed. "Nevermind, I can just do it myself." She held the glass vial up to her eye and after a few moments of gazing off into space with glossy eyes, tears started to fall down her cheeks. She collected seven of them and quickly regained her composure. She emptied the droplets onto the sealskin than turned to Y/N and motioned her to stand up. "Hold out your hand."

Y/N did as she was told and held out her hand. Miss Coltt grabbed it and held it over the sealskin. She reached into her sleeve and pulled out a dagger, but before Y/N had time to see anything more than a flash of silver Roan had snatched her hand from Miss Coltt's grip and wrapped his arms around her.

"Just what were you planning on doing to Y/N with that knife, witch!" He seethed, angrier than Y/N had ever seen him before. "You can't hurt Y/N! I won't let you!"

Miss Coltt wore an unfazed expression on her face that could rival even Tomás'. "I wasn't doing it out of spite. 'Blood from the one to be bound to the sealskin' is the final ingredient." Roan still shook his head furiously at the idea and she sighed. "Now that it's enchanted it will work as a selkieskin, but it is unbounded, that means that whoever uses it before midnight tonight will be bound to it, and if it goes unused it will lose its enchantment."

Miss Coltt started to leave, but then she turned back around and looked at Y/N, "you really shouldn't be walking around dressed like that." She clapped her hands and bright light encased Y/N for a second before dispersing.

She was wearing normal clothes and blushed bright red when she realized that she had been in her pajamas all that time, (she also felt slightly violated that Miss Coltt somehow knew her size.)

"Well, I must be going, but if I were you Y/N, I would take care of any business today that I deemed prudent because tonight is your one chance to leave and be with your Selkie," She tipped her overly large hat in the direction of the other people in the room and vanished in a puff of smoke.


All the pieces are falling into place, don't worry though, there are still a few more twists and turns before this story is over.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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