The new legends of monkey- Tr...

By ToeTrixy

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Basically takes place after the end of season two. Tripitaka and the gang have started the search for all of... More

Chapter 1- The scrolls
Chapter 2- New found feelings
Chapter 3- Humans can't weild gods weapons
Chapter 4- Wanting him..
Chapter 5- Nothing was going to stop me this time
Chapter 6- I hate demons.. Especially this one.
Chapter 7- Cloud rides.
Chapter 8- The scroll of love
Chapter 9-The last scroll
Chapter 10- that explains alot..
Chapter 11- Demons and gods
Chapter 12- The battle of fate
Chapter 13-The peace treaty
Chapter 14- These creatures are stubborn
Chapter 15- The truth
Chapter 16- Soulmates
Chapter 17- Time is the greatest healer..
Chapter 18- Retreat.
Chapter 19- God-kings
Chapter 20- The finale
Chapter 21- Jade school
Chapter 22- The tavern
Chapter 23- Truth
Chapter 24- Trips book
Chapter 25- Ponds and arrows
Chapter 26- Rogue demons
Chapter 28- The ending

Chapter 27- Orange-Rangers

58 1 0
By ToeTrixy

I ran as fast as my powers would go.
I ran up the stairs and into Tripitaka and Monkeys room.
"Gwens been kidnapped!", I snapped and opened the door. Wasn't expecting to see them making out. I glance away and want to rub my eyes with bleach.
The pull of each other and Monkey coughs nervously.
Tripitakas red but she dusts her dress of and walls over to me.
"She's what?!"
"Rogue demons they want the scrolls.", I explained not trying to hid the tremors that are rubbing down my arms and legs.
I don't even try and stop the tears either.
"I-I couldn't s-stop them.."
Trip pulls me in for a hug.
"Aw it's ok.. I know you tried it fine. Hon? I can't believe this but we need to kill these demons. We know the clan that took her.", She said more to me.
"The Orange-Rangers. They've been keeping s low profile so we thought they wherent a threat. It's seems we where wrong.", She sighed and steps backwards toward monkey.
"Find our armour."

Kaedo and Jack stumbles up the stairs and dropped some heavy looking bags on the floor of the dining room.
"Jesus, give us a heads up next time aight monkey?"
"Yes Kaedo.", He rolled his eyes a smirk on his face.
Kaedo smiled to Monkey ruffled his hair.
Kaedo looks half human and half snake?? He's the alpha of the snakion clan and he's a good friend and ally of monkey and Tripitakas.
He's also extremely funny and good company.
"No hair touching.."
"Awww don't you want me to brush it again?", Monkey smirked only to get lightly shoved by him.
"You look grown up.", He said to me and I smiled.
"You to."
He sure does.
He's 26 now.
Jack ok the other hand is stood awkwardly.
"Hey dad.", He Hugh's his dad and wacked it awkwardly.
"Hey son."
Jacks changed his hair a bit, it's in a Mohawk now.
He's 530 now.
"Hey dad.", He replies and pulled of.
"Mum, what's up? I'll help in anyway I can, I promise. Elsæ sends her love."
I don't know who this Elsa person is.
"Thanks send it back.. Now we sadly have a clan to go up against. We need our best ally's you two.", She said and Monkey was twiddling with his staff.
"You now what's creepy? Dad still looks the same as he did 13 years ago.", Jack stated and Keado smirked.
"God age, Monkeys atleast 1000 years old.", He said and frowned.
"Age doesn't really matter to a god does it?"
"Not really.. We age mentally and usually stay lookin around our 20s until we're atleast 5000 years old. That's must means pigsys even older than that huh."
I wonder since I'm a god how long I'll live for.
"On the age note I've got something here for you.", Jack said and kneeled and searches through his bags.
He pulled out something in cloth.
I take it of him to see it's a..
"Nunchucks..", Trip answered my question for me and I swing it around.
"My soul weapon?"
"Yeah, your parents decided it was time..", Jack explained and I swung the things around.
Never used them before and yet it felt so right..
I chuckled and put them in my school bag.
"Thanks jack."
His eyes flickered a stunning yellow as he smiled.
"No probs kid."
Well yes there where problems.
For one the Orange-Rangers are a lot more powerful than we inticpated.
Also.. I shouldn't be following them but I am.
Gaxins and Nebbia are under protection and I'm joining the adults.
"So what's the plan?", I casually asked and they all turn around.
"Kuang.. What are you doing here?!"
"Um helping?"
"Your only a kid go back home!"
I rolled my eyes and before I can go anywhere demons surrounded us.
By us I mean, mum and dad, Tripitaka and monkey, Kaedo and jack, and little old me.
Monkey rolled his eyes and pulled his staff out.
The smirk on his face and the fire that's ignited in his eyes prove some thing, he's going to love killing theses demons. The way his muscles tense around the staff proves how longs he wanted to kick some ass with it aswell.
Tripitaka has pulled hers out and I remembered they have a soul bond.
I take my nunchucks out and realise I am to.
The don't attack and a demon who I suspect is leader walks out and pokes monkeys nose.
I wondered why he hasn't attacked but I see the answer.
Gwen. She's tied up and has a knife to her throat.
"Let the kid go. She's done nothing wrong.", He snapped his voice laced with anger and it shakes at the word wrong.
"Oh, well you have dear monkey king. Give me the scrolls or she dies."
"You can even read the ancient language!"
The leader smirked and walked over to Tripitaka.
"Tripitaka does, I have every right to make you my wife."
Every word makes his anger flare up.
I can notice the little flickers of lightning coming of his fist as he clenches it again this staff.
"Leave her out of this."
"No, I hate all of this peace stuff and I want to reverse time and stop it. Is demons had control 16 years ago you know that right? I do now here, come here sweetie.", He stalks closer to Trip and she snarls at him. Monkey stoops between them and hissed.
I can sense the tension and I can imagine my dad cutting it with a thick knife.
"I knew I should've killed you where you stood you slimy, evil-"
He blasts him back with magic and holds my patents back.
I've turned myself invisible.
"Comecome Tripitaka.", He smirked and grabbed her armour and pulled her forward.
"Monkey, The scrolls or I will kill them both!"
Trip smacks his hands if her chest but he brings her even closer to him.
"I can see why he loves you, you know human. I'm sure he would be crushed to see you kiss another guy."
Trips face has gone pale and she's leaning back.
"Awwww.. Have some fun."
I see Gwen petrified, for her mum her dad everyone.
I try to think of any plan.
Then I realise the logical thing.
I wrap my shaky hands around my weapon and I run up to Gwen and swiped the sword of her throat. The demons confused and in an instant the battle starts.
Tripitaka wacked her head on the leaders and he stumbled back.
Monkey jumped up and snarled at the leader.
Gwens using the sons and in figuring by her side.
I'm throwing and hitting People back with my water powers.
I flick my hand and pick a demon up and throw him into some nearby trees.
Gwens quick aswell.
She calls for her cloud and it zooms down.
I soon realised its the first time I've seen it. The cloud itself isn't at all like moneys. It's got a light pink glow to it.
She jumped on and starts firing arrows at the demons.
Mum and dad are fighting aswell.
Kaedo is biting and poisoning the demons.
Jacks using his sword and in a battle with a demon.
I'm busy and I fire loads of water st the demons.
In the middle of the fight monkey is lacking to sleep for comfort at the leader. His teeth are clenched and he's shaking with anger.
"Time to die demon.", He snapped and they collide.
Monkeys got thunder all over him and he looks as though he's trying to foam himself down.
Trips at his side and stabs the demon.
He died and Monkey smirked and helped finish the others of.
A few of them where cowering and I protect them from Jack etc.
"Leave them alone! They aren't a threat!", I snapped at them. There all So adrenaline's up and shaky from the battle they're clearly not thinking straight.
"He's right.", Gwens hops of her cloud.
"We can't kill them if they aren't attacking us. Remember your teachings."
Trips the first to blink and step back.
Then mum. Then dad. Then jack. Then Kaedo and Monkeys still got his staff out. He's obviously still on his killing high.
His eyes aren't thundering but there's still a storm in them.
A rain storm, a dark wind he's trying not to show everyone. He bites the inside of his cheek and shrinks his staff.
"Fine! Gather them up and we'll head back to Jade Mountain.", He snapped and stomped ahead.
We all look as confused as each other.
Tripitaka sighed and jogs to catch up with him.
It's obvious they start talking and she grabs his hand and I think rubs a tear of his face.
Gwen smiled and I barrel into her. Giving her a massive hug. I pulled of and kissed her lips. Resisting the new urge to make out like Gevari. I pulled of and smiled.
She still a bit shaken from having to kill demons. I hadn't thought about it until just then but.. Its weird. Monkeys and etc are used to killing them. We've been brought up knowing them in school and being friends with them. I shivered and rubbed my forehead. It's fine. They're evil and we would've given them a chance like this lot.
Talking about this lot they seem quiet and they follow without uttering a single word. There's children mothers and even father among the demon refugees. I walked back in mostly silence.

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