Chapter 1- The scrolls

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Tripitaka held herself as she slowly let the realisation hit in.
Monkeys dead.. Gaxions dead.. What where they going to do now?
The others turn to look at her for answers but Trip just let out a sigh.
"M-monkeys dead guys.. We should start to look for the others scrolls like he said..", she said and the others just nodded.
"Ok Trip."

Sandy POV
Around a few days has passed since the battle of shadows. That what Trip called it in the book she's writing.
Tripitaka was trying to be a leader but I could see through the fake smile she puts on. She's hurting..Ofcourse she is. Monkey and her where the duo first. I faded into mist and stood next to Pigsy as he picked out some spices.
"She's not ok is she Pigsy?", I said and he looked at me a small smile on his face.
"You care a lot for Tripitaka huh sands?", He chuckled and I felt myself stare at him in aw.
Ever since the plant I feel different around him.. I'm immune to those feelings anyway! And he's Pigsy.. A friend. That's all I am to him so I should just keep my feelings like that.
"Ofcourse I do. We're all hurt by monkeys death but.. She's obviously hurt more.. I just wanna know why so I can help!", I said and Pigsy places a hand on my shoulder.
"Your smart.. But somehow you can't seem to figure out the obvious thing..", Je sighed and I crossed my arms.
"Your no help with your riddles!", I snap and he ruffled my hair.
"Ya but that's why you love me.", He said and I stared at him and began blushing.
"I love you?..."
"Yeah I love you and Tripitaka.. Your my best ally's and friends.", He chuckled and I nodded trying to hide how suddenly hurt I was by those words.
"Come on let's go find her.", He said and I followed him using my water powers to stop myself from crying.
We found her reading the scroll of knowledge. "How to get rid of feelings..", she sighed and she suddenly noticed we where there and she blushed.
"Hey Trip! Pigsy just got some stuff for later and the villagers are nice at letting us stay here.", I said and she smiled a thin one.
"Good. We need rest and tomorrow we head for the scroll of Truth.", She said and shoved the scroll of knowledge in the leather things. Her hand lingered on them and she takes it of shaking a little bit.
"C-come on we've got a quest to complete.", She snapped and stood up walking over to where we where staying. I sigh.
Still guarding her sadness from us.
We walk over to the hotel and the person points us to a room.
Trips already in there making her bed. She faces the wall not looking at us. We both notice she's holding onto the leather scroll things and I can feel her sadness trying to escape.
I sigh and set up my bed next to her.
I sit on it and notice Pigsy looking at trip and then he stared at me.
"I can't believe Gaxions funeral was that quick.", He said and I felt a pang of guilt. I was the one who told them to do a quick funeral and to leave it at that. We set his body on a raft and put loads of flowers on it. We then let his body flow down the river.
The least we could do for him.
"It was needed. We need to get a move on with the quest.", Trip snapped still not facing us.
"We know.. And we also know how sad you are trip.. Why do you guard it from us?", Pigsy sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder. She swiped it of.
"Leave me alone please.."
We both sigh and I snuggle in my bed.
I'm on my side and Pigsy is staring at me.
I don't say anything I just stare at him.
He's staring back and I can feel a blush spread on my cheeks.
He smiled and turned to face the door.
I stare at the back of his head and sighed.
Why would he like you back? Who says you like him? You have more important things to worry about than your feelings.
I sigh and fall asleep.
Trip screamed snapping me awake.
She sobbing and clutching the leather.
I touch her shoulder and she doesn't seem to notice.
I try to grab the leather but she clutched it harder.
"Go away!! Please..", She said and I sigh.
"Please trip.. What's wrong?"
She looked at me and I saw her tear ridden face.
"I keep having this nightmare.. It's shadow he returns.. And he kills you and Pigsy and makes me watch.. He then makes me watch him kill monkey.. I can't do anything.. I see his face of pour hurt and god-I-It's horrible..", she sobs and clutches the leather.
I smile.
"It's just a dream Tripitaka."
She sniffles and nods.
"I don't feel safe without him here.. I know it's silly but he's always protected me. I..", She trailed of and clutch the leather.
I wonder why she keeps doing it?
I just let out a sigh.
"Look Trip.. Tomorrow we've gotta get the new scroll ok? Let's just get some sleep.. Here sleep with me tonight?"
She sniffles and nods before clambering in and she's clutching the leather. She goes to sleep and I rest my head on my hand.
"Why.. Why are you like this Trip? Always keeping secrets.. Just tell us what's wrong."
As we exited the hotel the next morning Trip acted like last night hadn't happened. She still held onto the straps of the scrolls but she took the lead.
"Scroll of knowledge where is the scroll of truth?", She asked and she looked down at the scroll.
"It can never just give us a straight answer now can it?!", She snapped and stopped sighing.
"It says to find the scroll of truth you must first tell the truth.. But I'm an open book there's nothing I have to hide?!", She snaps and we both look at each other.
"So we have to be honest to find it?", I asked and trip nodded.
I sighed.
"I kinda have feelings for Pigsy and I'm scared of people leaving me..", I sighed and stared at the floor.
"I eat my emotions.. And I don't like you like that Sandy..", he said but he flinched.
"Hold on lie!"
"Ummm I hate monkey!", Trip snapped and then flinched.
"When you lie you flinch.."
"So I was telling the truth..", I said and turned to Pigsy he stared at me frowning.
"I don't have feelings for you.", he flinched and stepped back.
"Ok this is weird.. I have feelings for you??? Since when??? Or why?!!", He snapped and we turned to trip.
"What I told you? I don't have any secrets!", She flinched and we both smirked.
"No.. I don't want to tell.."
We both looked at each other and then to trip.
"We don't care just say it."
She bit her lip and gripped on the leather.
"I LOVE MONKEY! I HATE THAT I DIDNT TELL HIM!!", She shouted and it echoed through the valley.
She didn't flinch and we all turned to see a bright door opening.
I just registered what had happened and felt a huge blush appear on my face.
"Welcome.. You have admitted to all of your secrets you may enter."
As we walked through he doorway we walked into a massive marble palace.
The person who let us in was wearing all white and he looked a lot like Gaxion.
"I'm the protecter of the scroll of truth.. All of the truth and been revealed but you must pass this test to obtain the scroll.", He said and we all nodded.
"The test is simple.. You must figure out where it is in this maze and I will tell you the directions I'm either lying or not.", He said and Trip nodded.
We where then teleported into a maze and we all looked around.
"Let's stick together ok guys.", Trip said and she held my hand and I held Pigsys hand. Tho way we couldn't lose each other.
"On your first path is a left or a right.. Go left it's the right way.", He said and I listened closely.
"It's right.", I said and we all went right.
"Well done.. The next is simple.", He said and we carried on walking until we got to another right or left sitch.
"Is it right or left? I'd go left.", he said and I nodded left. They just followed my desision. Ofcourse they should. I can tell if people are lying. After years of thinking I was a demon getting lied at I can figure out the difference.
We evtually made it to the scroll. It was over a ledge so I leaned over And I grabbed it. I let go of pigs hand in the process and then I realised I was lost.. I had the scroll but I couldn't see them..
"Tripitaka!!!", I shouted and looked around. The maze was getting bigger.. I felt it surround me and I put my head in my hands and held the scroll.
I felt myself focus on the water in the leafs of the bushes and followed it until I felt them.. I then traced my hand along the mazes bush until I found them. I held his hand and held the scroll in my other. I traced my fingers along the leafs and eventually made it out of there.
The persons smiled and faded into bush leaves. We exited the door and I smiled at the scroll in my hand.
"Good job using the water in the leafs to get around Sandy.", Tripitaka said and I handed her the scroll.
I then turned to Pigsy who was staring at me smiling. He looked away blushing. Oh yeah.. We kinda admitted our feelings.. And so did Trip..
"You love monkey?!!!!", I snapped as I remembered and we both turned to trip who was blushing like mad.
She nodded her head.
"It's doesn't matter he's dead.."
I then had an idea.
"Let's ask the scroll if he is or not? Wait what does the scroll of truth do?"
"It tells the truth.. It could tell us if shadow monkeys really dead or if monkeys really alive.."
We turned to trip but she sighed.
"Alright.. Scroll of truth.. Is monkey alive?"
It did nothing..
Maybe it deciphers lies?
"Um I hate Pigsy."
It then put the words,"I love Pigsy" on it and I blushed like mad. "It only works out the truth.. That's it.", Tripitaka sighed and put it away. We then stare at her and smiled.
"Come on Trip let's get some rest and search for the fifth scroll in a few days ok?", Pigsy said and we all nodded.

??? POV
I smirk and see a peasant bow infront of me.
"Your evilness.. We haven't found Tripitaka or the monkey king yet.", It said and I used my powers to clutch it's neck.
"Find them quick you insolint little boy!", I snapped and pushed him to the floor. He nods and scurries of.
"When will I get my revenge on him? That monkey king defeated me once he will not defeat me again.."

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