Chapter 21- Jade school

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Gwen POV
I can't remember ever really leaving Jade Mountain. Until I was about 8.
Dad flew on his cloud with me. He sometimes lets me have goes on it. I wonder if I'll be able to have my own cloud?
I hop along and see my younger brother climbing up a peach tree, well what used to be a peach tree it's just a leafless, lifeless sad piece of wood.
"Get down Gaxin you'll hurt yourself!"
He pokes his tongue out at me.
"No I won't! Dad used to climb these and mum used to climb mountains! I'll be fine!"
He annoys me sometimes.
He knows so much about mum and dad that I don't. It's because I don't ask. I know everything I need to. My dad is the monkey king, and he saved us all from evil demons, my mum is Tripitaka, a holy human blessed by heaven to help dad find the scrolls, somewhere in there mums supposed to be a boy? I don't know but my mum and dad named the little nightmare, Gaxin because he saved my dad.
I know I'm named after Gwen someone who saved my mum, and was friends with dad.
"Yes you will, I don't wanna drag you down.", I snapped and he smirked and climbed higher.
He has dads smirk. Mum says I do to but I look more like her than dad. I got my dad beautiful hair though, Gaxin has his hair short like mum. I have my hair in a bob like dad.
"Look, I don't wanna use my powers on you now do I?", I lied, he thinks I have powers and that I matured early, hah little brothers are so gullible.
"No.. I'll get down.", he sighed and hopped down.
"Come on Where's Lily and Ajuk?", there his best friends, Lily's a human and Ajuks a demon.
"They've left to go to there homes down in town.", He said and crossed his arms.
He's so adorable it almost makes me feel and for lying to him.
I ruflled what bit of hair he has.
"Leave it out Gwen!", He snapped and I poked his button nose.
"Aww but your so cute!!"
He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Stop it sis."
I chuckled.
"Alright.. Come on, Kuang said he'd meet us in town let's go."
Kuangs my best friend, we've been inseparable since birth. He's the son of Uncle and auntie. Sandy and Pigsy. They teach at the school aswell. Sandys a counceler and Pigsys a chef, and a historian. Mum teaches us the ancient language and dad is head master, we will be in this school till we're 18. Dad will be here always to protect the scrolls. They are in a secret location he only knows about.
Me and my brother make our way down town and he runs of to see his friends. I don't have as many as he does, I'm more focused on learning the ancient language and reading than play fighting and messing around with friends. Kuang can do both. That's why me and him get on. My brother gets his mischievous and devious personality from dad, he's always trying to get better at fighting. Me on the other hand can fight but I prefer to do other things. I'm a lot more like mum this way.
"Hello cutie.",Kuang smirked at me as he appeared infront of me handing from a branch. He has brown curly hair like his dad, and he has his mums misty eyes. He doesn't brush his hair like his mum, atleast it looks that way by how frizzy and curly it is.
"I told you not to call me that, Misty.", I smirked and he leaped down infront of me.
"You know in a years time we'll both have powers right?"
"I'll get mine before you you know. I am 12 nearly thirteen.", I said and poked his nose.
"Ya duh, I know that I'm saying well both have powers."
Me and him are both 12, I'm older by 4 months.
"So we're going to our spot?"
He nods and we go there.
It's outside the city so we sneak thought he gate.
"Lady's first.", He said as he held out the gate.
"Pfftt what a gentleman.", I chuckled as I held his hand and ran to our spot.
Our spot is a pond in the middle of the woods. Me and him know the path like  the back of our hands.
It's surrounded by trees and there's a big apple tree in the middle we eat apples from when there ready. I usually read and lean on the tree. Kuangs likes it here because of the pond.
I sit by the pond and throw twigs in. I see Kuangs eyes light up and he walks over to the apple tree.
"Gwen, come here."
I crawl over and see him put a K+G in the tree with a sharp rock.
I grab the rock and put a heart around the initials. I see in the corner of my eye he's staring at me smiling.
"What? Have I got food on my face?"

I stayed out later than expected. So I know mum will be mad.
I make my way upstairs to my room to find her sta down on my bed. She sees me and smiled.
"Sorry I'm late. I was hanging out with Kuang."
She smiled.
"It's fine, Gaxin told me."
I sat down next to her.
"Mum? What is love?"
She ponders for a moment.
"Well, I know it's powerful, it's a feeling you get around someone, it's a craving, you want to be with them all of the time. You feel like a peice if you is gone if they go. It's now I felt when you dad sacrificed himself. That's when I knew I loved him. Why? Someone special in your heart already?"
I chuckled and shook my head.
"No Mummy."
"Now, it's family dinner."

Dad cooked dinner and he made his favourite, steak. Gaxin made the sauce.
"So got any powers yet?", dad asked me as he ate.
Dad looks the same as he did 7 years ago.
He's got the same brown hair, same scar and he still loves mum the same, even if they sometimes have arguments. One time I was scared that they would break up, mum and him got mad at each other and she left for two nights. Dad was in his bed for that time. Me and Gaxin tried to get him out but he wouldn't budge. He just laid there. We stayed with sandy and Pigsy sewing as they found us and let us stay with them.
When mum returned she hugged us both and sobbed. She was to scared to see dad so I went to get him down stairs.
When I went into there room he wasn't in bed. He was on the balcony. He decided to go flying and he forgot to call his cloud. He stepped of and I ran and gripped onto him as much as a 7 year olds body could. He looked at me and called his cloud.
"Silly.. I forgot to call my cloud.", He said as he lifted me up. Him and mum made up and she hasn't left again.
I haven't told anyone about when he forgot to call his cloud, it's our secret to keep. That happened 5 years ago and he's never forgotten to call it again.
"No, not yet."
He always ask this question because when I saved him I used powers, I haven't been able to awaken them again after that.
"Oh, they'll come soon little monk.", He smiled.
Every time he smiles it makes me remember him stepping of. Because it looks like a fake smile. I groan and put a hand to my head trying to forget it. They all look at me with concern.
"H-headache.", I lied.
After dinner, and games, I went to bed and dad followed.
He sat on the end of my bed.
He placed his hand on my forehead.
"Feeling better?"
I nod and stare at him.
"Dad.. What if Mummy leaves again?"
His hand flinched on my forehead and he took it of.
"Mummy's not going to leave again."
"B-But What If She does?"
He chuckled and fidgets his hand.
"She won't leave again my little monk, she loves all of us.", He said and I put my hand on his.
"Dad, just know I love you."
"Oh. I love you to little monk.", He said and kissed my forehead.
"Mum loves you, I know she will always."
He smiled and tucked me in.
"Want me to tell you a story about uncle Pigsy?"
I nodded and he told me the story of how uncle told everyone Sandy was pregnant with Kuang.
It went something like Pigsy ran in the room and shouted it out. Sandy had been sick and they all thought she had caught a sickness or something, then he runs in the room and shouts, "it's ok guys she's Pregnant with my kid!"
This raised lots of questions from everyone including older brother Jack.
"Is he coming to stay soon?"
"Jack? Yeah, he misses his little nightmares.", He said and I yourned.
"Cool, I miss him."
Dad smiled and sighed.
"Me to, little monk."

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