Chapter 11- Demons and gods

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Tripitaka POV
I stretched and rubbed my eyes.
I turned to see monkey sleeping, his hair across his face.
I smiled softly and started collecting my clothes up.
I heard a knock to the door.
"Come in..", I said after I had got changed Monkey on the other hand had covers covering him.
Yitoshi opened the door and stared at monkey and gave him a look of...Disgust?
"I need your help in getting a few gods to help in the battle.. My words simply aren't enough.", He said and he leaned on the door.
"Oh.. I'll tell monkey I'm joining you.", I said simply. For one he's been well flirting with me, and two I want monkey to know where I am so he doesn't panic again.
I nudge his shoulder a little.
"Monkey.. I'm going with Yitioshi to help him talk to some of the gods ok?"
He smirked and grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me, like the first time we had met.
He pulls of his signature smirk on.
"See you soon.", He said and I saw him stare at Yitoshi as if to say,"Stay away from my monk.".
"Ok.", I said and he smiled.
I then left the scrolls with him and he gets up to grab them.
I follow Yitoshi down the corridor and he seems to be unclenching his fist and clenching it.
"How long have you been.. Messing around with him?", He asked anger present but he try's to hide it with a politeness.
"Oh.. 5 days.. And it's not messing around, we love each other.", I said politely back.
He seems to flinch at the word love but he runs a hand up to his bun. He takes it out and it lands on his shoulders. His hairs just a bit longer than monkeys. It's thin and definitely not worth brushing.
"Oh.. I see.. You do know he was known as the player to us 500 years ago.", He said and let it sink.
"Yeah.. Well.. Ofcourse.. But he loves me.", I snapped but my vioce wasn't covering my wariness.
He stops and turns around.
"And Your sure of this? He's probably only told this to get in your pants.", he said angry and he pushed me against the wall.
"You know he has had relations with every girl in jade mountain.. Even Gwen.. I'm sure you picked that up if you saw them together.. You know what I'm saying is true don't you? He doesn't love you.. Even if he says he does he's lying!"
I stare at him tears ready to spill.
Why where his words hurting so bad? I know there a lie but..  A small part of me believes it.
"Y-your wrong! He does love me!", I snap and he leaned close to me his face dangerously close.
"Are you sure about that?"
He leans away chuckling and he carry's on walking down the corridor.
"Come on Tripitaka we'll be late.", He said as if the entire conversation had never happened.
I take a Moment to collect my thoughts.
He's just trying to get in your head! Monkey loves you.. He tells you everyday.
I snap out of my thoughts and walk down the corridor to see 10 gods sat at the table.
"Tripitaka. Welcome.", one of them said there voice was not welcoming.
Another stood up and smacked there hand on the table.
"Why are we listening to this human! She slaves around with the monkey king and expects us to help her?! We heard the stuff coming from your room..Its disgusting! Humans and gods together.. No it shouldn't happen! Humans are supposed to worship us! Not the other way around!", She snapped and stare at me hatred in her eyes.
I'm taken aback.
Ofcourse there would be gods who didn't like the thought of humans and gods together..
Im lost for words and she speaks up again.
"The way.. He stared at you.. That.. Eww.. Love in his eyes it's wrong! Humans do not deserve to get with gods! It's an act of inhumanly contact! You don't deserve a gods love Tripitaka.. Consider yourself lucky for if this was a weaker god you would be disgraced upon. He's the most powerful here! Why has he chose such a.. Weak human? Your not even strong. Your a girl.. A little liar. A-A worshipped human!! Ugh.. I can't word how wrong it is.. Again.. Yitoshi.. Why are we following this human?", She said this at Yitoshi. He tied up His hair and coughs in his hand clearing his throat.
"Well.. We have to. She is Tripitaka, a human chosen by the heavens to show us the way.. So if she.. Has relations.. With the monkey king we have to stand by it even if it is wrong.", He said and I stared at him anger risisng.
How could he say that?! Me and monkey love each other! We should be allowed to be together! We are.. Many gods support us.. These ten.. Monkey would snap if he heard what they were saying.
The women sat down and growled.
The man who welcomed me in stared hard at her.
She clenches her fist and stared at me.
"Just because your.. With the monkey king doesn't Mean your special.. I got with him.. He said I'm the best women he's ever got with.. Ha. He's a player.. He doesn't love you. He just wants to get in your pants.", She snapped and I step back a little.
"What?! How could you say that! He loves me! He's not lying...", I snapped and the girl smirked.
"Ah... You've fallen for the dude haven't you? Your not the first.. I have.. Every one has. As he says he is the most handsome god..", she smiled and I gripped onto my scarf.
"I-I.. I don't want to tell you my feelings for him it's none of your business!", I snapped but my voice betrayed me.
"Hah.. Hilarious! He's got you falling on your knees! Maybe it's the other way around.. I didn't know Monkey worships a human.. Yes I've got with humans before but never with actual feelings.. It's wrong."
I clenched my fist.
"No it's not! We love each other!", I snap and she stared at me and smiled.
"Oh yeah.. And does he tell you this while pounding into you?"
I finally snapped and threw my staff at her. I forced it back and growled.
She chuckled and then flipped the table over.
I jump over it and the other gods are holding her back.
"Leave it out you two! Tango! Stop it if you hurt her monkey will snap.. And you!", Yitoshi strolls over and smacks my staff out of my hand.
"Just because the monkey king f**** you doesn't Mean your anything less than an insignificant human!", He snapped and I hit the wall with my back.
"I despise you. I-I can't comprehend how he could even want to touch you?! He's got with the hottest gods ever and he goes for an ugly weak human.. I know your Tripitaka.. I know we should follow you but.. How can I if I don't like you... The whole flirting sharada I have to pull is annoying.. And.. He only follows you because you have him seduced around your finger!", he shouted poking me and I felt tears escape.
"Us gods are the last of the masters pupils.. The monkey king destroyed jade palace and murdered him! No wonder he's got with a human!", he snapped and his face was leaning in.
"But a part of me wants to.. Worship you.. Just to annoy him.. Just to show him.. How insignificant you are.", he smirked and licked his lips he leaned in close.
My breaths become ragged now.
I push him away and grab my staff.
I extend it and press a button so the dagger escapes the end.
I couldn't say anything as I stared hard at him.
"Oh..Ha.. Didn't expect that.. A human wielding a gods weapon.. Wait.. How can you wield it?"
I look down at it and back at him.
"No clue."
He lets out a hiss.
"Your a demon... Why would he be.. A demon..", he said and I couldn't help but tremble.
His eyes flicker down to my left wrist and I flinch as I see a smirk cross his face.
"Those are new.."
I hiss and tremble.
"Leave it out.. I thought this was about getting those lot to join in the battle.", I said and he smiled.
"Kinda.. a part of me wanted to show you how wrong it is to be in love with a god."
I tremble and my breathing has become quicker.
Please.. Help me monkey..
"Why or how.. Could he love a human? Your not even a human anyway!"
I stared at him and closed my eyes tight. His word effecting me.
I feel warm arms warp around me.
I elbow and look up to see him staring at me.
"What where you just doing to my monk?", Je snapped his eyes full of thunder.
"We told you not to touch her!", one of the gods said.
"Your a disgrace to our kind monkey king! Fooling around with a human!", another said and I closed my eyes shut.
He growled, like a dog at the god.
I heard gasps and steps back.
"Leave it out..I love this human! I have enough gods to help me anyway..", with that he picked me up and walked me out of that room.
I finally processed what had happened.
I sobbed into his shoulder...

The new legends of monkey- Tripkey- The prince and his monk.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant