Chapter 14- These creatures are stubborn

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Monkey POV
A month has passed since the peace treaty was signed.
In that time Sandy and Pigsy have started dating, Kaedo and Jack are back to being friends, and I'm soo in love with my monk.. It gets more powerful everyday I'm going to have a heart attack of love soon.. God that's cheesy.. Not my style.
Me and Pigsy are on a mission to try and pursued a demon leader, Fang, to join our course. He's the leader of the snake clan, he's a weeks trip from Jade Mountain on foot, but a few minutes on my cloud.
I'd say it's going as good as if he burnt dinner..
So yes.. Badly..
I turned and hit a demon with my staff, killing it. All the demons wore masks and black cloaks.
"Join us fang!", I shouted at him.
He chuckled.
"No! Our kind hunt humans and demons to kill for money so no, I will not join your caus monkey king."
I growled and gripped on my staff.
"Hunt something else?! I don't know.. But join us, we are trying to have peace between our kind.", I snapped and he snarled like an animal.
"Peace?! Between us predators and our prey? Never will happen!"
I sighed and jumped up to him.
He hissed and turned to me, his eyes where now a sickly green colour.
"Do not anger me monkey king!!", he snapped and then stood up smirking, I stepped back but stopped myself from showing any signs of hostility. "Do you know why they call me fang?"
I shook my head.
He chuckled and hissed at me, opening his mouth wide to reveal, snake fangs.
He hissed and jumped at me.
I fought back and he scratched my eye.
I pulled away, squinting and he then bit in my neck.
He injected me with snake venom or tried to because I stabbed my staff through him.
All of his followers stopped fighting.. And started fighting each other?! One of the less stony builds walked out of its hiding place and pulled its mask of.
"Alpha monkey.. He has killed our alpha.", It and I realised they made a sssss sound when they said anything with s.
I stumbled and held my eye.
"He scratched me Pigsy.", I said and he took my hand of.
"Yeah.. Um.. Snake-clan. Do you have anything to heal.. Ur.. Alpha Monkeys eye?"
The one who called me alpha walked up and licked my eye.
I hissed with pain and noticed her tongue was now covered with green.
"Poissson.. Sssorry if I hurt you alpha.", She squeaked and I smiled.
"No it's helped thank you."
She smiled and I then realised after they took there masks of there skin was skaly like a snakes.
"We are descendants of Snakions, we call ourselves the snake clan, we are forced to hunt humans for Fang, thank you for freeing us.", She said and I noticed how the men where hissing and fighting, they acted like actual snakes while the females seemed to act like humans.
"Oh yesss geneticss wasssnt kind to the malesss.", another female spoke up. She looked like this ones mother.
"Ah.. So that's why, they wouldn't reasons with us.", Pigsy said and I chuckled before hissing with pain in my neck.
"Fang has poisoned you, don't worry, a days rest and medicine and you'll be fine Monkey."
I smiled as they called me that. I know.. These Snakions have been slaves, and the males have been stripped of any Brian cels other than fight for alpha and breed, but I can feel the status going to my head..
"Monkey?.. Don't let it go to your head stupid!", Pigsy snapped.
"SSShould we kill him?", A male snapped before getting tackled by another male.
"No thanks I only keep him around for food."
"Thanks monkey.", He said not hiding the sarcasm in his voice. I chuckled, me and Pigsy could actually hang out for a day, we haven't done this in ages.
The little teen chuckled and the mum smiled.
"I am, Jewel, my little girl here is, Gem."
I smiled to Jewel and looked down at Gem who was spitting out the venom form her tongue.
She smiled and I smiled.
One thing I was wrong about is that these creatures aren't demons, from what Gem said there descendants of an extinct species of snake-like dragons called, Snakeions.
Not sure what happened to the actual Snakeions, I was born atleast 300 years after they went extinct.
As we started walking through the camp we turned up to a little straw house with two beds in and a fire in the middle.
"We live like this, Gem and I. There are only 20 females in our clan, most of us are to old to have anymore kids, and the rest are only starting to walk, but my Gem.. Fang wanted to marry her, I sent the letter to you monkey king.", She explained and I recalled getting a letter from a person with very bad hand writing. It said the regular, demons, killings, help us.. Didn't even guess it could be from someone in the clan.
"Don't worry, I'm already married.",I said and Pigsy stared at me confused.
"Your not. Unless you and Trip had a secret wedding."
I blushed and Jewel chuckled.
"Trip? She must be special to get with such a powerful god.", She said this whist mixing herbs together in a bowl.
"Yeah she is.. Does that work?"
"My Gems gotten bitten, Love bites, one to many times.. And this recipe helps it up before she's bonded to the snake. I think venom bites work the same apart from it supposed to kill you and not marry you, unless Fang was secretly into males.", She gave a chuckle after that and I chuckled to.
"I'd still take it then, I've bonded with Trip so."
She smiled and I noticed Pigsy and Gem has ran of somewhere to go watch some males fight in the street.
"Ah, marriage then?"
I let out a chuckle.
"No.. Soul bond.. It's a god thing."
She scoffed and smiled shaking her head.
"Nah us Snakeions wrote the ancient scroll of love.. We are known for our ways of love.", She said and I stared at her flabbergasted.
"Not me! Nonono.. My ancestors wrote it, you gods translated it into the ancient language after forcing them and stealing the scroll of us, then killing us."
Oh.. That's why I was never taught about them.
"I'm sorry. I would've stopped it if I was alive then."
She smiled and placed a wet, pasty, sludge on my neck.
"It will heal don't worry."
I sat there thinking for a minute.
"I heard soul bonds where dangerous."
She chuckled and I saw her wrap her tail around her.
"Yes, to those who are not soulmates they are."
I got the hint.
"Soul mates?"
"Yes.. Soul mates.. Us snakes have it easy. Our soulmates have the same birthmark as us.", She said and lifted up her top to show a diamond shape.
"Why I was called Jewel, my love, Ruby has the same one. He's Gems father, you didn't kill him but Pigsy nearly did."
"I'm sorry I'll tell him to be more careful."
She chuckled and rubbed her head.
She had scaly skin, with dark green snake eyes and fangs. She had no hair on her head or anywhere on her body and I'm half convinced she's cold blooded.
"Yes please do.. You only have one soul mate your entire life."
I smiled and turned to her.
"So.. If it's a love bite that's bonds Snakes together.. Is the powers in the fangs?"
She nods and smirks.
"Yeah it come from our fangs, but soul bonds are something our species doesn't need to do because once we do the love bite, it's like a soul bond but only snakes can do it, we are connected to them anyway.."
I nodded and put my staff in my hair.
"So.. You know I'm the monkey king?"
"Yes. My husband told me about you and about the peace treaty.. He told fang but he wouldn't listen.. And he was going to marry my Gem.. Even though she's not his soulmate.", She explained and tears formed in her eyes.
"He was going to force her to marry him, she's not his soul mate or anyone's, she was born without a soul mark, what we call birthmarks."
I put a hand on her shoulder.
"It's fine.. I won't be alpha for long. I won't marry her."
Terror crossed her face.
"No please! You must stay! Every snake wants my daughters hand in marriage.. If you've noticed she's special.. She has my healing knowledge put with Snakion power genes that have skipped me..That's how she took the poison out of you eye, you would've turned blind in it otherwise.", She begged and I smiled.
"I will not let that happen don't worry.. I have to leave to go back to my friends.", I said and she looked down and trembled.
"Don't let them marry her.."
I sighed.
"I promise they will not marry your daughter.. And anyway.. How come she doesn't have a soul mark?"
"She was just born without one, and nearly every guy here's wife has died so they wanted a fresh start.. Especially Fang.. I'm sorry about dragging you out here Monkey king."
"No need to be..Thanks for the healing stuff, I should be on my way."
She gripped my arm.
"No! Stay for one night please.. The paste needs to work it's magic over night anyway.."
I sighed.

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