Chapter 28- The ending

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Gwen POV
The refugees soon made home in Jade city.
Mum and dad made it there new priority to see the rulers once every two months now.
6 months have passed since then. I've started maturing and I hate.. Hate my time of the month with a passion.
I sometimes beg Ku to see if he can just control my flow and get it all out in one swift movement. Yes gross I know but he can control water!
"Nope Cutie.", He calls me it often now.
Today's a Saturday, this means me and Gaxin our the house. Gaxin runs of and joins his two mates and I wave him good bye.  I'm hanging out with my friends and I sit down next to Peach.
My mum and dad have been let's just say, more intermit or, ur embarrassing. They're always kissing, doesn't matter where either. School, you name it. At the dinner table, yep. And they do more than that on Saturdays. The thought makes me shudder and I have to stop myself from loosing my sanity there and then.
This is why we leave Saturdays, at exactly 9:55 to walk to the city centre and meet our mates.
I don't hope I'll have another annoying sibling soon.
"What's up with you?"
"Nothing, I'm cool I'm just thinking about how crap it would be if I had another sibling."
"Well you might, your parents haven't been that private when kissing during school."
I put my head in my hands to hide my blush.
"Oh god I beg them to stop."
I do I really do.
Peach laughed and plays with my hair.
"You've got beautiful hair like your dad. I wanna brush it."
I giggled and rolled my eyes.
"No. Now I'm going on a date with Ku in 30 minutes. What you wanna do to pass the time?"
"I dunno.. Food?"
"It's nothing fancy just a picnic.", Kuang stated as were sat down at the spot.
But to me it's everything. It's the effort he's put in that makes me want to hug him until he pops. He's made me ham and him tuna sandwiches, two slices of cake and two peaches and I take it in my hand ever so gently.
We're sat on a red and white blanket. A basket in the middle of us and he staring out into the pond.
I eat the peach slowly and moan into the flavours on my tongue.
"Save the seeds and well plant them.", He suggests and I giggled at him.

I'm side glancing at him and a small smile spreads across my face.
If there was ever a moment I knew I'll love him forever it was then.
The way his blue eyes are staring deep into the pond, full of nothing, full of peace, the soft gentle breeze making his curly hair flys into face and make his eyes even more majestic. He turns to look at me, his lips slightly parted-I May have gulped. I look down and fumble with my dress.
He smirked and wrapped a hand around my shoulder.
"I love you to Cutie."
I kissed him and he rubs my cheek with his thumb.
We pull of for breath.
I smiled and snuggled into his soft shoulder. We both stare at the pond and hope this moment would last forever.

I hold my pregnant stomach and turn to see him staring at me the same way he did 15 years ago. (Nebbias eyes where brown, So Pigsy won the bet.)
My little sister Jade is swinging her axe nearby with precision and skill. She's sick and I don't mess with her. She's a mixture of mum and dad. She's cocky like dad and kind when she wants to be like mum. She wares her hair in a messy bun and she has one earring in her right ear. She chops down a tree, does a front flip and smirks. She walks over to us and sits down. She's pretty much the definition of a bad girl.
Gaxin on the other hand has actually become a monk. He lives in the monastery where the tavern is. I see him once every 5 months.
"How much longer sis?"
Her voice is raspy and has such a chill tone to it. She's waring a black tank top and blue shirts. She's a nice looking girl and I'm surprised she's single.
"For what?"
"Till you pop."
"Ah.. 2 months."
Jade does a sligh smirk and smacks the axe in the ground next to her.
"That's cool. How's Gaxin?"
"He's good, he likes being a monk. Never actually ever thought he'd be one but you know life full of surprises."
With that she smiled and wrapped me in a hug.
"I'm proud of you, don't ever forget that.."
I stare at her confused.
Our relationship is not like normal sisters. We act more like besties than sisters. But she's still distant.
"Where's this coming from?"
Since her 14 birthday she's always mysterious. She sometimes clambers into my bedroom window drunk out of her mind.
She's a mess and her face is tear ridden.
"You can't let them see me like this."
I always help her.
"No where.", She wipes her eyes.
I smiled and kissed her forehead.
"You can tell me anything."
For a split second I'm convinced she was going to tell me.
But she bites her lip and grabs her axe.
"Told you nothing wrong."
I wish I had seen through her act. I wish I had stopped her from running away.
She soon became unknown and all I heard where rumours about where she ran of to. We all couldn't understand why she did it. Why she would run, why she would drink loads.
But all I know is we'll get through it together and she'll return when she wants to.
I hold my sweet little boy in my arms.
"'s perfect.."
Kuangs holding onto me and I sighed and felt completely in the moment.
"I love you.. All of you.."
I look at my parents, my brother who delivered him into the world. Sandy and Pigsy who are holding onto each other and crying.
"Look it's our grandchild..", Pigsy chuckled to sandy, Monkey and Tripitaka. They all rolled there eyes.
"You named him after Jade.", Mum smiled and I held her hand.
"Ofcourse I did."
Jade- my sweet little mermaid.

It finished. Thanks you so much for reading I'd like to mention this reader who's given me lots of positivity and made me want to finish this, her name is RebeckaDanielsson I hope she'll read the next chapters aswell.
I might make a sequel if I feel like it but it's finished for now.

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