Chapter 25- Ponds and arrows

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Gwen POV
Well I've got powers now.
For one I'm super confused.
"Did you see her call her own cloud.", Dad said shocked and mum looks like she still trying to process this.
"Yes.. Gaxin are you ok?"
My little bro nods and hugs me.
"Thanks sis."
I smile and hug him back.
"Sooo can we go test out my powers dad?"
He nods and calls for his cloud. We hop on and zoom into the gym.
Do my powers are like dads.
He's showing me the son combination.
"Well work on these three ok?", He said and I tried to do the first one and failed.
"It's fine you'll get it."

Now that I've got my soul weapon and powers im the talk of the school.
Gevari and me have been getting closer and I think I like him. He's got the cutest green eyes and coolest vibes about him.
He's older than me by two months aswell.
We have a lot in common. For one we always talk about mums book when we meet.
We meet without Kuang now. I still hang with him once a week at our spot.
"I don't see what you see in him.", Ku said as he crossed his arms.
I fired an arrow at the tree and made it move with my mind into the perfect spot. That's one of my powers. Dad can move his staff with his mind so it makes sense I can move my arrows and bow with my mind aswell. Granny Elsæ makes my arrows. She sent some down on my birthday, and she made my bow, dad chose the bow out of a collection of weapons and he guessed it right.
I've always been good with a bow, I'm bad at anything else. I'm good at hand on hand combat but nothing else comes close to how good I am with a bow now.
"He's handsome, funny, extremely cool. I've told mum all about it, she tells me to make my move.", I explained and he winced.
"What are you jealous? I'm always going to be your bestie."
He scoffed and walked infront of me.
Gevaris the same size as me but Ku is taller than me.
He looked down at me and took my arrow out my hand.
"That's not it cutie."
The names grown on me.
I can feel myself turning red at how close he is.
I'm not used to this closeness from guys you see.
"K-Ku.. Can you step back?"
He smirked and stepped closer, so close his breaths on my face and my voice catches in my throat, and my ribs feel like 100 butterflies are flying in there.
"Do you want me to cutie?"
I try to say anything.
"You don't really like him do you?"
"Y-Yes I do!"
He smirked.
"If you did you wouldn't be nervous at how close I am?"
He's leaning in now, I'm scared to do anything. His eyes are closing... He placed a trembling hand on my cheek and I stare into his eyes to see what he to see what he's playing at, his eyes are looking at me softly.His hands are on my cheeks and he's leaning in..
I turned red and did the only thing I could think of. I swiped his leg and stumbled back on my own.
"Ah K-"
I fell into the pond and felt my self scream.. I felt the water fill my lungs and I struggled to move. I never learned how to swim..
Everything went black.

Gaxin POV
I ran at my dad and he smirked and jumped.
No far..
I pout and chuckled as he passed me a wooden sword.
"Dad. I'm nearly ten when can I get my soul weapon?", I asked seeing as my sister Gwen has got hers.
"You'll get it when your 13 the same age as her. It's dangerous to give them to children under that age my son.", He explained and I crossed my arms.
I tried to do my puppy face but he rolled his eyes and picked me up.
"Come on now you don't need powers yet, your the best student I've ever had with sword!"
I giggled and played with his hair. He chuckled and ruffled mine.
He put me down and I saw mum running at us. She looked distressed.
"It's Gwen! Oh god. Kuang just carried Gwen all the way to his house. Sandys treating her and Pigsys told me.", She said panicked, dad walked over and placed his hand son her cheeks.
"She'll live my monk."
They kissed and I made an Ew sound. Girls are still gross, Lily's more like a boy.
Uncle Pigsy was in the gateway panting.
"C-Can I get a drink?"

We all made our way to Kuang and Gwen.
Gwen isn't awake but she breathing.
Her clothes and Kuangs are soaking wet.
He looked white and he's holding her hand.
"It's all my fault. If I hadn't tried to.. She'd be here.."
Auntie Sandy hugged him and I saw her holding a spare change of clothes.
"I didn't know if you wanted me to get her changed Trips.", She said and mum smiled.
"It's fine I'll change her, all I want to know is what happened?!"
Kuang looked up at them both.
"We where playing and she tripped and fell into the pond."
"We go there all the time it's our spot, an s-She fell and I didn't know what to do so I jumped in after her and.. I could breath in the water.. I felt like I belonged in it.. I dragged her out and she wasn't breathing. I could sense the water inside her so I somehow controlled it and got it out of her lungs.",He explained and halfway through sandy grinned.
"You got your powers!!!"
He smiled and squeezed her hand.
"I hope she'll live."

She woke up and hugged him tight.
"How'd you save me?"
"Used my powers cutie.", he smirked down at her and she looked up at him and before I knew it she pecked his lips with her own.
She pulled of and her face was red.
"I-I should get going..", She said and I walked over to her.
"Let's get going then sis."
I watched as Kuang stared at her with confusion.
"I'll walk you back.."
"No need I've got my own cloud now.", Gwen smiled proudly and called for it.
She doesn't do the same motion dad does. It's kinda the same. She whistles and clicks her tongue three times.
Her cloud did not show up.
"Well, walking it is.."
I decided to stay with mum and dad seeing as her and her boyfriend just kissed.
Hehe she'd kill me if she knew I call him that..

Gwen POV
What was I thinking when I kissed him?!
It was in the heat of the moment.. I do not like him like that.
I'm fumbling with my borrowed clothes as we walk. I'm waring a cyan blue dress with beads along the waist.
I can't say anything, it's awkward.
Why did I kiss him?! I like Gervari..
I look up at him and look at him.
I never said he wasn't handsome. He is. He has the most blueish eyes, and curliest hair ever. He looks like he'll get a nice looking jaw and- what am I thinking?! Just yesterday I liked Gevari and after he's saved me I.. May like him..
"Soo... I got powers?", He said trying to start a convo.
I know he'll be irresistible when he's older. You can see that.
His eyes, the way he can stare at you. The butterfly's come back. I grip onto the dress and bite my lip.
"C-Cool..", I squeak and he side glances at me.
He and me do it atleast 15 times before I finally stop and stare hard at him.
"Why did you try and kiss me Ku?", I snapped and he stared at me.
"You kissed me?!"
"I meant earlier.."
"Oh.. Um..", Hes unclenching and clenching  his hand a nervous energy radiating of him. It's unknown of to me.
"I-I kinda like you?"
Oh.. OH!
"Yeah.. Sorry, I know you like Gevari-"
"What! I'm sorry but what!"
"Are you ok?"
"N-No.. How long?"
"Um a year?"
I had the urge to slap him.
But instead I fell uneasy like I might faint.
My lips have gone dry and I lick them.
I'm staring up at him and I can't think of anything to do..
He instead leans in and pecks my cheek.
"I'll go now, cutie."
I'm frozen..
He starts to walk of and I grab his arm.
Before I know it I've grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him.
I pulled of and blinked.
He's blushing and he licked his lips.
He leans in again and his hands on the back of my neck now.
I pulled of and giggled.
"I.. May like you to?"
"Oh come on just admit it, we've kissed three times now.. God your as clueless as your dad."
I punched him and stared into his deep misty eyes.
"Ok.. I do.. Can we keep this a secret for now?"
He nods and holds my hand.
"Well stay friends if we break up right?"
I giggled and nodded.
"Ofcourse Ku'."

The new legends of monkey- Tripkey- The prince and his monk.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن