Find Yourself

Von ogdragontamer

36.9K 1.1K 1.1K

Victor's journey is far from over. He will struggle and learn who he is, find great love and great pain. Bu... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Halloween Special
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

776 27 7
Von ogdragontamer

     As Martin closed the door of Carter's new home, he says, "Dude, we HAVE to celebrate!"  I laugh and say, "Didn't we celebrate when the Vanderbilt's took me in last year?"  Martin gives me the same half-smile he always has and says, "Ya, but that was a foster situation.  Mrs. Merriweather wants to adopt you-"  I laugh and say, "You know, you can call her Georgina."
     Martin stops to look at me, and he asks, "So, have you heard anything about Dillon's condition?"  As soon as he asked, I felt horrible.  I haven't been to the hospital in weeks.  I mumble, "Um, I haven't been to the hospital in a week or so, but he is still the same."  His face turns to look at the ground as he says, "You know, it's pretty amazing that you still care after everything he did to you and your friends."  I attempt a half-smile and say, "Ya, well, now he is an orphan like I was."
     To break the tension, I whipped out my phone and shot Felix a quick message.  I quickly say, "Let me reply to Felix really fast and tell him the news."  Once I shoot the text to my boyfriend, I open the door to the car and jump in the front seat.  Martin was already inside, and he was waiting for me to tell him where to go.  I point in the direction that the car is parked, and I yell, "Onward!"
     Martin laughed and said, "Well, while we are waiting for Felix to tell you where we will celebrate, I have to drop off some paperwork at the office.  So, ONWARD!"  We both laugh as Martin drives off, and as he does, I take one look at the house I will soon call home.  I sigh and say, "So, Georgina needs to go through all the paperwork then the adoption trial, right?"
     Martin quickly says, "Yes, and hopefully, it shouldn't take too long until it's done bud.  You are still going to stay with Benji and Victor right?"  A smile comes to my face as I think of all the nights I have spent with Felix at Benji and Victor's place and say, "If that is ok, I was hoping too."  Martin laughs and says, "Ya, that should be fine.  When you move in, I will let you know."
     I looked at Martin as we drove towards downtown, and I asked, "So, can I ask you something?"  Martin looks at me quickly and then back to the road.  He answers, "Ya, what's up, bud?"  I take a deep breath and ask, "Why did you take such a liking to me when I got here?"  Martin took a deep breath and said, "You know, I did something pretty bad when I was at Creekwood."  With a look of shock, I asked, "What did you do?"
     Martin takes a deep breath and says, "I blackmailed a friend to help me with this girl.  I ended up outing him.  Because of that, and how everything changed and the pain I caused, I promised myself that I would never let another person feel that pain if I can help it."  I feel a tear start to run down my face, and I say, "You know, you are the only person, next to Felix, Victor and Benji, that never saw me as Carla.  But even when I was her, you still called me Carter."
     Martin smiles, I can see tears running down his face.  He says, "Ya, I know, that is because Carter is who you are.  Why should I acknowledge you as her, when you are so clearly Carter Baxter."
      The rest of the way from my future home to downtown where Martin's office is, we talked and laughed the entire way.  When we pull up to the building, Martin jumps out of the car and says, "Be back in like five minutes."  He grabbed my file and ran into the building.  Wondering why I haven't heard from Felix yet, I whipped out my phone to call him.  "OH MY GOD, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, BABE!"  Felix yelled as soon as he picked up the phone.  I got a tear in my eye, and I said, "Thanks, babe!  I haven't been this happy since you first kissed me!"
      From the background, I heard Victor say, "Have you told him about the triple date yet?"  I ask, "What is this I hear about a triple date?"  I could feel Felix blushing over the phone because he said, "We wanted to celebrate by all going out on a special triple date."  I start to laugh and ask, "Who is all going?"  I hear Benji grab the phone from Felix and say, "Well, my brother Owen, Lake, Felix, you, of course, Victor and myself!"
     I look out the window to see Martin is heading back this way.  I quickly ask, "Where do I meet you?"  Felix yells into the phone as Martin gets back into the car, "Olive Garden!"  Martin immediately asks, "What about Olive Garden?"  I laugh and say, "We are having a triple date at Olive Garden."  Martin smirks and asks, "Do I get to meet your friends?"  Felix laughs and asks, "Hasn't he met us already, though?"  Martin laughs and says, "I haven't met you since you two started dating!"
As we all get out of the car and walk up to the entrance of Olive Garden, I take Benji's hand in mine.  He looks at me and mouths the words, "I love you."  I blush and kiss him on the cheek.  Owen laughs and says, "Bro, you definitely are happier than you ever were with Derek.  You would have never agreed to a triple date with him included.  In fact, I think I only met him twice."
     Benji blushes and says, "Well, Derek was, Derek.  He didn't want to be around my friends or family.  Remember the last time you met him.  He started that argument with me about the band that we were all going to see?"  Owen starts to laugh and says, "Ya, he threw a fit and threatened to leave because we wouldn't see his friends band."  Lake, who has looked like she wanted to speak this whole time, blurts out, "So...  This is a triple date?"
      Owen laughs and says, "Ya, don't get any ideas."  Lake has a look of sadness on her face, and Owen grabs her hand.  As soon as he does, she looks like she did a few minutes ago.  As I open the door, I looked inside to see that it's packed, but it isn't the fact that it's packed that I noticed.  The couple that was checking in is what I immediately saw.
     I walk up to the couple and say, "Hey Simon, hey Bram!"  Simon turns around immediately, and Bram tackles me, and I almost hit the floor.  Benji and Felix follow me inside, and they join in.  I ask, "So, what are you guys doing here?  I thought you guys were back in New York."  Simon laughs and says, "Abby and Leah want us here to help plan the wedding.  We are only here a week or so before we head back."
      Simon looks at all of us and asks, "Are you all here as a group?"  Felix quickly says, "We are celebrating the fact that my boyfriend just got adopted!"  Bram squeals and says, "Carter got adopted?!"  Simon turns back to the podium to speak to the host.  Once he returns, he says, "So I got us a group table."
      Luck must have been on our side because the host takes us to our table because not even a minute goes by.  Once we are all seated, a tall blonde haired boy steps from behind the host to say, "Good evening, my name is Cal, and I will be your server."  Simon and Bram look up right away, and Simon says, "Oh my god!  Cal!  How have you been?"  Cal blushes, and he says, "I have been good, just back here for a while.  What about you, guys?"  Bram laughs, grabs Simon's hand, and says, "We moved to New York."  Cal laughs and says, "It's been nice to see you!"
      After all of the pleasantries were finished, Cal took our drink order, and Felix made sure to let him know that we are expecting one more.  Like he had been summoned, Carter heads over and weaves in and out of the tables.  He is followed closely by Martin, who is staring intently at our table.
      Once they were at the table, Carter immediately sat next to Felix, but Martin just stood there staring.  I looked around the table to see who he was staring at, and it was immediately apparent.  He mutters, "Hey, Spier."
      Simon, who was clearly trying to ignore Martin, looks at him and says, "Hey Martin."  Once the words leave his mouth, he looks to Bram, who looks just as upset as Simon clearly is.  Bram looks at his boyfriend and says, "Babe, are you ok?"  Simon nods his head and continues to keep Martin out of his sight. I blurt out, "You all know each other?"  Simon nods his head and says, "Martin here, is the reason why I didn't get to decide how I came out.  He almost made me lose Bram, and my friends and I went through a dark time because of him."  Carter quickly asks, "Wait, you blackmailed Simon?"
     Martin takes a deep breath and says, "Spier, I don't expect you to forgive me.  I know I wouldn't.  But, what I did to you, changed me too.  I never want another person to feel how I made you feel, so I became a caseworker.  Carter is one of the kids I was helping."
      Bram snaps, "That is nice that you think you get a free pass because you became some born again-"  Simon blurts out, "I forgive you, Martin, I am happy that what you did to me made you realize what an asshole you were, in fact, why don't you join us."  Bram asks, "Babe, are you sure?"  Simon nods his head, and when he does, Martin starts to cry.
"As I am waiting in the airport for my sister to fly into town, I am standing here, staring into this mirror, gathering the courage to text the man who ruined my marriage,"  I mumble to myself as look at the woman who, for the first time in almost twenty years, get to find out who I really am.  The woman at the sink next to me looks at me and says, "Just message him, and don't make it a big deal."
      With this random stranger blurting that out, I felt myself blush.  I mutter, "Um, thanks."  She walks off, and I grab my cell phone and scroll to my Messenger to the Facebook that Pilar made me.  I find Roger and start to type, "Hey, so I just wanted to let you know that Armando and I are getting a divorce.  I am staying in Atlanta.  This isn't an invitation for you to come here now.  It is just a friend messaging a friend."
      As soon as the message sends, my phone starts to ring, and it's my sister, Monica.  I answer quickly and ask, "Oh my god!  Have you landed?"  She laughs and says, "Girl!  I just landed, get your ass over here!"  I laugh and say, "Monica!  Language!"  She laughs and says, "Oh my God Isabel, you sound just like mom!"
     I slide my phone into my purse and run out of the bathroom and instantly see my younger sister.  She always has to dress stylish.  She is wearing a blue blouse, tan short shorts, her Gucci sunglasses, and of course, her Gucci handbag.  Once she sees me, she screams, "ISABEL!" She runs over to me, almost knocking me over.
      I laugh and say, "Monica!  Thank you for coming!"  She laughs and says, "And miss my older sister's life fall apart?  How can I miss that?"  I laugh and say, "My life isn't falling apart."  Monica takes off her sunglasses and places them in her purse.  She looks at me with her hazel eyes and says, "Oh, really?  Divorce, Pilar hates you, Victor came out, you moved across country to try and fix your marriage, and that didn't work, and now you call me to save the day."
      Laughing, I say, "Well, Victor coming out isn't a bad thing.  His boyfriend is adorable, and they are so cute together."  Monica laughs and says, "I called it by the way."  I quickly ask, "Um, what do you mean you called it?"  She laughs and says, "Last time I saw him before he moved, I said, 'I am sure that he is going to be in a pride parade in a year.' 
     Monica continues, "Well, since the calvary has arrived, I can deal with Pilar.  She always has loved me.  Also, you may love Victor's boyfriend, but he hasn't met Auntie Monica yet."  I pull out my phone to show her a picture I took of Victor and Benji last time they came over before the big announcement.  Once I show it to her, she blurts out, "Victor got his taste in men from me."
      I laugh at that comment and say, "So, I have an apartment for us, it's close to where Armando and Victor live."  Monica blurts out, "Victor isn't living at home?"  I look at the floor and say, "Um, he hasn't since Armando hit him after coming out.  Now he is living with his boyfriend."
     Monica gives me a look that screams, "What the hell."  She laughs as we get in the car and says, "Well, at least he can't get pregnant."  I laugh and try to play off the idea of what Victor and Benji do in the bedroom.  I have tried my hardest not to think about it.
      As I start the car, I blurt out, "I texted Roger."  Monica turns the key to off as she says, "YOU DID WHAT?!"  I mutter, "I texted Roger."  Monica says, "You mean, the man who ruined your family, and made you bring in the calvary, Roger?"  I nod my head and say, "Ya, he just gets me.  When Armando wouldn't listen to me, he was there for me to talk too."  Monica lets go of the ignition keys and says, "He still is a homewrecker."
Please remember to vote, comment, and follow!! Thank you to everyone who reads this story every week when I post the new chapters! If you could, please comment and let me know what original characters you like the most, and what ones you would like to see more of!

Reminder! On Monday, I will be posting Chapter 2 of Redeeming Dillon, Chapter 1 is already up if anyone is interested!  Chapter 3 of Leviathan will be posted in two weeks! Love you all!


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