Rose Petals (Discontinued)

By littlenerdrosey

183K 3.2K 382

"Why? What's the problem? I thought you didn't love her anymore," Klaus grips Rosalie's hair. She winces and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five

Chapter Seventy-Seven

505 6 0
By littlenerdrosey

Season Four: Catch Me If You Can

"Jeez" Rosalie whispers. She wipes Matt's bloody neck clean with a damp towel. Damon called for her to come over last night to the lake house, saying he'd need help with something. She wasn't expecting this.

Klaus had compelled an entire bar after turning them into vampires, to attack Matt so Jeremy would be forced to kill them to save his friend. Damon only thought Klaus turned them. Plan's change.

"Sun's up" Jeremy places the gun on the window seat. "They're long gone" Damon hurriedly walks into the room where the three friends are. Rosalie frowns at the older Salvatore.

"What were you thinking, Damon?" She places the stained towel down and stands up. She crosses her arms. "I thought you were teaching him how to fight" Damon shrugs.

"He's not the best student in the world" He grumbles. Jeremy scoffs.

"Wait, now this is my fault?" Damon pours himself a drink.

"Stop talking" He looks at Jeremy in disgust. Rosalie scrunches her eyebrows together. "Look. I know you're upset, but my way was the easiest, fastest, and safest way to complete his mark to get the cure" Rosalie shakes her head.

"So bloodthirsty vampires chasing and biting Matt is safest and easiest way? This isn't the right way to get the cure, Damon. I'm not going to have my best friend murdering innocent people and have my other best friend as vampire bait. We're not putting them in danger anymore" Rosalie rants.

"Hey. There would have been no danger if he hadn't gone all bleeding heart" Damon goes and blames Jeremy for the second time.

"He killed someone. Damon, killing someone isn't normal, and he shouldn't be getting use to doing it. These were innocent people that Klaus turned" Rosalie gets closer to the blue-eyed man. He stares down at her.

"But the mark grew, didn't it?" Damon points out. He was completely missing the point. Rosalie rubs her face. She decides to drop the hunter's mark topic.

"We need a plan. There's a group of compelled vampires out there, and as soon as the sun goes down, they're gonna come after Matt, so we need to find a way to protect him" She plops down on the sofa next Matt.

"Yes, I know, but there will be no problem when big Jer and I here go on a hunting expedition" Rosalie shifts uncomfortably. As much as she loves Damon, she definitely didn't trust him with Jeremy. "Rosalie, I know it's tragic, I get it, but we also agree that he had to kill them. Now we have added incentive, so you take the least most valuable player home and Jeremy and I will finish this" Damon explains harshly. Matt grimaces at the vampire at his comment about him.

"I'm not leaving you with Jeremy anymore. Not after what Klaus just pulled" Rosalie instantly shoots down. Damon walks over to Rosalie and kneels down in front of her.

"Trust me. I will keep him safe, okay?" Rosalie clenches her teeth. She wants to stay.

She releases a tired sigh and nods her head. Damon smiles thankfully.


Rosalie and Matt walk into Elena's house. She allows him to go in first and she closes the door behind her. Rosalie licks her lips.

"Mattie, I'm sorry you had to get involved in this. Are you sure you're okay? That bite was...vicious. I wasn't expecting Damon to--"

"What were you expecting, Rosalie? It's Damon" Matt looks down at his friend in disappointment. Rosalie frowns.

"I didn't want anyone to get hurt and Damon has been trying not to do it, but's hard" Matt shakes his head.

"Well, then Elena shouldn't have left him in charge. You could've said something, told Damon not to go" Rosalie throws her hands up.

"I can't tell Elena what to do for her brother. It wasn't my choice. Damon needed to do something since Stefan has to stay here and handle stuff. We didn't have a lot of options" She argues gently. Matt stares at her. Her large hazel eyes plead with him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I know you didn't have a choice--with Elena's sire bond and all" Rosalie runs her fingers through her curly hair.

"It's fine, really. I know your anger isn't actually directed at me" Rosalie grabs his hand.

"I just...The old Elena would've never left Jeremy with Damon, especially after what happened last night" She nods.

"He can be a good guy. He just wants to get this cure. Everyone wants this cure that they're putting everyone's life at risk. Rebekah attempted to get Tyler to kill Caroline, Stefan and I. April was able to survive the stab wound. Everyone's out for blood" Matt sighs.

Rosalie's phone rings, interrupting the intense conversation. She quietly apologizes and takes her phone out. It's Jeremy. She scrunches her eyebrows together. Why is he calling so soon?

"Jeremy, what--

"Rosalie, we're in trouble" Rosalie gulps.

"What's going on?" Rosalie quires calmly. "Where's Damon?"

"Listen to me. Kol attacked us. I barely got away, but he's got Damon" Rosalie covers her mouth. Matt looks at her concerned.


"A bit ironic you coming to me for help. Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb?" Klaus rests comfortably in his chair with a smirk. Rosalie licks her lips. His living room is dimly lit by the six lamps hanging on the wall and the fire behind Rosalie.

"Klaus, I'm sorry for what happened. You clearly got your revenge on Tyler. But you forced Jeremy to kill all those vampires, and made Matt the reason to do it"

"And my little brat of a brother has gone and made things worse. Well, he never did like Damon. I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I?" He teases the Phoenix girl. Rosalie gulps.

"Please, Klaus. Call him off" Rosalie begs.

"You are in no position to make demands, love" Klaus frowns. Rosalie sinks back in the chair. "Whilst I'd like to cure Elena to make more hybrids, I do have other reasons for finding the cure, not the least of which is destroying it. So you lot can't use it against me" Klaus glares.

"I didn't plan on even touching it. I'm asking you to do this for me. I'm begging you to help him. What can I do?" Klaus gapes at her for second before pulling out his phone. He clicks one button and presses the phone to his ear. Rosalie sighs.

"Little brother. Just two day home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess" Klaus smirks.

"Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun" Kol playfully whines.

"Those vampires were for my hunter" Klaus relaxes.

"I'll make some more. There's no shortage of people" The hybrid rolls his eyes.

"Where's Damon Salvatore?" He demands

"I gave him a good and proper beating. Just for old time's sake" Kol chuckles.

"Yes. Well, you've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or you'll find yourself back in a box" Klaus threatens.

"Hey. No need to be nasty about it" Rosalie crosses her legs and plays with the end of her orange sweater.

"On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. You understand?" Klaus frowns.

"Fine. I won't touch him. You have my word" Kol hangs up.

Kol smiles the glaring Salvatore who has a large steel thin rod in his chest.

"Alright, push it in further" Damon groans.


Rosalie rests her back on the wall of Gilbert kitchen. Jeremy comes up the stairs with even more weapons. Rosalie frowns.

"Jeremy, it's over. You can put all the weapons away, okay?" She murmurs.

"Klaus still wants me to finish the mark. He's not gonna stop" Jeremy loads a gun.

"Damon will be back soon. We can figure out something--"

"Seriously? You still trust Damon?" Rosalie frowns.

"Jeremy, I trust him with my life" He scoffs.

"Yeah, your life. He'll only save yours. He only saved me for the map. He doesn't give a damn about me" Rosalie walks over to him.

"Jeremy, I care about you" He nods.

"I know. But I also have to rely on myself in these situations. As much as you care for me, you can't help me. You're not a vampire, or werewolf or a witch. There's not much you can besides yell. You won't purposely hurt someone" Rosalie gulps. "The hunter in me is in overdrive right now" Rosalie nods.

"I know. I'm so sorry, Jer" Jeremy shakes his head.

"It's not your fault. I know what I have to do, Rosalie. I really want to get that cure for my sister, but...I just--I don't how I'm gonna do this" He admits. She sighs; nodding.


A knock on the door alerts Rosalie. She pops off the couch and runs to the door. She whips the front door open and there's Damon on the porch. She sighs happily. She hugs him tightly.

"What happened?" She breathes. Damon hugs her back.

"Kol happened" Rosalie nods.

"Thank god you both got away" She pulls from him with a smile. "If Kol had taken Jeremy..."

"Is he here? I just want to talk to him really fast" Damon peeks inside. She scrunches her eyebrows together.

"He's at the grill. He wanted to check on Matt" She explains.

"Well, I should go apologize to him. I was--I was pretty tough on him today" The brunette stares at him carefully. Damon doesn't apologize unless he's done something really bad, especially not to Jeremy.

"Okay, I'm come with" He nods.


Damon and Rosalie walk into the Grill together and the Salvatore man easily spots the blonde pickin up the white dishes. He rolls his eyes, but continues to make his way over to him. They jog down the stairs and speed walk over to him.

"Do you ever take a night off?" Damon raises a brow at the blonde. Matt glares at the vampire.

"I took two days off to help you out at the lake house, remember? I almost got killed" Rosalie looks down at the ground.

"Where's Jeremy?" Damon was sick of Matt's attitude.

"He's in the back I think" Damon nods and leaves them. Rosalie takes his the blonde's side.

"Are you doing okay?" He nods.

"Yeah. All things considered" She smiles and gives him a brief nod.

"I gotta catch up with Damon, he's not the best at apologizing" Matt rolls his eyes.

"Clearly" She waves goodbye to him and looks down Damon.

She notices how stiff his body is and how quickly he's walking. He bumps into several people when heading to Jeremy. Rosalie scrunches her eyebrows together. She looks at Jeremy's face. He looked worried and fearful. Rosalie takes action and runs over to her friend.

"Damon!" She shouts. Damon freezes. He blinks and turns around to face the brunette. He looked worried. "Are you alright? What's going on?" She gently places her hand on his arm. Rosalie looks back at her best friend to see that he went back in the back room.

Damon doesn't say a word and continues to go find Jeremy. Rosalie struggles to keep up. "Damon?" Did Jeremy do something that made him angry? He charges into the back room and looks around for Jeremy. He wasn't there. "Damon, what's wrong with you?" The door shuts behind them.

"It was Kol. He must have compelled me" He breathes heavily.

"To do what? What does he want?" Rosalie demands nervously.

"If I find Jeremy...I might kill him" Damon looks down at the gaping hole in the wall where the vent is suppose to be. He instantly uses his vampire speed to run down there. Rosalie blinks.

She crawls through the hole to follow him. She wouldn't let him hurt Jeremy.


Rosalie stands underneath the grill, wandering aimlessly. She couldn't hear Jeremy or Damon and she couldn't discepher if that was a good or bad thing. She hurriedly dials Stefan's number.

"Hello, Rosalie" Rebekah answers in annoyance. She scrunches her eyebrows. Why is Stefan with Rebekah?

"I don't have time to deal with you, Rebekah. Stefan, I hope you're listening. Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy. I was lost where they are and I seriously need some help right now. They ran into the tunnels, please help me" Rosalie begins to jog and turn corners. She can't dilly dally right now.

She hears someone scream; Jeremy's scream. Rosalie hangs up, she didn't know if he was actually going to come or not since Rebekah there's. She bolts in the direction of the scream. Rosalie was begging her senses that she went the right way.

"Dumb move, Jer" Damon growls. Rosalie takes a deep breath. His voice echoed through the tunnels. "You can't fight me in closed quarters.

"It was worth a shot!" Rosalie finally reaches them when Jeremy shoots Damon in the chest repeatedly. She gasps and runs over to them. Damon grunts and falls to his knees.

"Jeremy!" Jeremy pants on the ground.

"You're gonna have to shoot me, Jeremy, in the heart" Damon grunts.

"No, no, there's no more shooting of any kind"

"I'm not gonna be able to stop myself" Damon growls. "Do not listen to her. You are a hunter. You know you want to do"

"Stop, this isn't--there's--" She couldn't form her words.

"Do it" Jeremy aims the gun at Damon's chest. "Do it" Jeremy switches his aim and shoots Damon in the head. Rosalie covers her mouth. That took all of Jeremy's will power to fight himself from murdering Damon.


Rosalie and Jeremy run through the forest together, she had to keep him as far from Damon as possible. Jeremy bumps into a tree and staggers a little bit before landing on his knees.

"Jeremy, come on. I have to get you out of here" Jeremy weakly pants. His arm and hand is bleeding. "Jeremy please" Rosalie panics. Jeremy whimpers in pain. Rosalie couldn't do anything for him.

"Jeremy" Rosalie and Jeremy get up off the ground and stare at Damon. "Shoot now"

"No, no" Rosalie's eyes widen. Jeremy doesn't hesitant this time and shoots.

Someone blurs into the picture and pins Damon to a tree. Stefan stands there and smiles.

"Hello brother, long time no see" He snaps Damon's neck. Rosalie gasps. Stefan doesn't stay a second later and leaves with Damon.

"What the hell" Jeremy pants.


Damon weakly groans. He flops his head to the side and coughs. Stefan sits across from him watching his brother closely.

"Easy there, buddy" He comforts. Damon sits up slightly Stefan stands up and walks over to him. Damon finally recognizes where he is. The cellar in the Salvatore house. "You lost a lot of blood" Damon groans. He looks down at his body to see a bloody wound on the side of his stomach.

"So you bled me out?" Damon growls.

"Yeah. I didn't really have much of a choice. Kol's compulsion is still in effect, so you need to stay locked up. We don't have any vervain, so..." Stefan plops back down on the rock he was sitting on. "This was the only way I could weaken you" He smiles. Damon scoffs.

"You sound real torn up about it" Damon pants when he sits up. "Shouldn't we be going after Kol, make him decompel me?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure. That sounds easy enough, Damon. I'll get right on that" Damon slides back down on his back and coughs.

"At least let me see Rosalie" Stefan frowns.

"No. She's safe upstairs. That's all you need to know. She's warming up by the fire" The younger Salvatore gets back up and stands by the door.

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" He breathes.

"It's better for Rosalie if you stay in here for now, at least until we find the cure for Elena. She'll be able to focus without worrying about you" He closes the door behind him.

"Stefan, wait, Stefan!" Damon groggily shouts. The door locks and Stefan walks upstairs.

He goes into the living room where Rosalie is sitting with a blanket wrapped around her body on the couch closest to the fireplace with a cup of water in her small hands. Stefan smiles and walk over to her. She looks up from the fire and smiles at him.

"Hey" She adjusts herself to sit up right. Stefan comes and plops down beside her. She twists her body to face him."How's Damon?" Stefan shrugs.

"He's okay. He'll hate me after this, but he's okay" Rosalie chortles.

"I'll talk to him. Don't worry" Stefan frowns slightly.

"Yeah. You're right" Rosalie grins at him. She places her cup on the table and flops onto Stefan's lap and gives him a tight hug. He grunts and lets out a chuckle. He wraps his arms tightly around her waist.

"I love you, Stefan" She pecks his cheek. Stefan smiles lovingly at her.

"I love you too"

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