WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stil...

By -despressos

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ON HIATUS If there was one thing known about Haven Salazar, it was that she would do anything for Scott McCal... More



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By -despressos

comment quota: 20



"You should go with them," Stiles told Haven.

They were parked in the school's parking lot so Allison could go back for her car. Afterwards, Stiles and Scott were planning on going after Derek to find Jackson. Scott was in the backseat sitting with Allison, who started to get out with Lydia.

"What?" she whispered, furrowing her eyebrows. "Don't you guys need help with ya know."

"You'll be safer this way," he told her, reaching over her to open the door. He looked at her and then to the open door when she didn't move. "Please."

She rolled her eyes, grabbing her bag and unbuckling herself. She got out of the car and leaned against the open window, looking at Stiles with her best puppy dog eyes.

"You know I'd be more useful going with you guys," she said, batting her eyes.

"Nope, those aren't going to work on me," he shook his head. "Just gonna make sure Lydia's okay after what just happened, she needs her friends."

"I guess you have a point," she said, stepping back reluctantly.

Scott got out of the backseat, pulling Haven in for a hug. He rubbed her back for a moment before sending her his best smile.

"Stay safe," she said to them.

Allison was waiting by the driver's side of her car for her, only to get in when she started to walk over.

The car ride was silent, the two brunettes both thinking of what to tell the strawberry blonde. No matter how Haven formed the explanation in her head, there was no right words. How does one tell their friends that she was a witch, Allison was a werewolf hunter, Scott was a werewolf, and her ex-boyfriend was a scaley monster that could paralyze people with its venom?

"I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened," Allison finally broke the silence, stopping her car in front of Lydia's house.

"I'll promise not to say anything about what just happened if either of you can tell what the hell just happened," Lydia exclaimed, looking at Allison and then to the back of the car at Haven.

Haven unbuckled herself and leaned forward, sticking her head in between the two front seats.

"It's—It's kind of complicated," Allison replied, turning around to look at Haven for help.

"Well, how about you guys start with why was Derek and Isaac there?" Lydia asked. "Or where Jackson went, or what is wrong with Erica?"

The two other girls let out sighs, looking at each other and then looking down, unable to answer her.

"Oh, do you need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?" Lydia asked them.

"Part of the reason why we're asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other, okay?" Allison responded, which wasn't a lie. "So, it's better if you just keep what you know to yourself."

"Fine," Lydia whispered. "I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend—which is nothing—to myself."

Lydia started to get out when Allison said, "Hey."

She stopped and turned back around when Allison grabbed her arm.

"He's not just my boyfriend. You get that, right?"

"Let me go," Lydia said.

Haven sighed and leaned back in the seat, not knowing whether they should come clean to her or not. She watched as Allison seemed to upset her, but didn't want to tell her the truth if Allison didn't want her to know.

"Just for one second, please," Allison pleaded. "Try and remember."

"Remember what?" Lydia shouted, irritated.

"Remember what it feels like," Allison said passionately. "All of those times in school when you see him standing in the hall, and you cannot breathe until you're with him. "Or those times in class when you—you can't stop looking at the clock because you know that he's standing right out there waiting for you."

Haven moved in her seat, Allison's words hitting too close to home. Allison was talking about Scott, and Haven was all too familiar with the feeling of liking him, wanting him. But her words resonated with Haven because of another boy, not because of Scott.

"Or when he's in the class with you, and you can't focus on everything but the back of his head, and totally zone out on what the teacher is saying," Haven added, earning the attention of the two in the front seat. She had a dazed look on her face as she spoke. "Feeling like someone hit you in the gut whenever you're in the car with him or showed up in your room in the middle of the night, just wanting to be there with you. Being their safe space, and them being yours. Wanting to stay even when you guys are at an all time low wondering 'who do I still?' but the answer to that question is love. When seeing them hurt, hurt you. Sometimes their head isn't in the right place, but their heart is."

What Haven didn't realize is that her words described not just one, but two boys in her life. While she may have been thinking she was talking about Isaac, who sat in front of her in French before or who had driven her to school or the dance before, she was also referring back to a certain buzzcut idiot, one of whom she didn't even really look at like that.

"Don't you remember what that's like?" Allison asked her.

Lydia started to slowly shake her head, stating, "No."

"What do you mean, 'no,'?" Allison questioned. "You've had boyfriends."

"None like that," Lydia whispered, and a singular tear fell down Haven's face when she said it. Because it hurt knowing her friend was hurt.

Lydia opened the door and left, this time Allison letting her go. The two brunettes looked at each other solemnly. When she was in her house, Haven slowly moved from the back seat to the front, neither of them talking.

"The boys should've let me go with them," Haven muttered as Allison got back on the road, making her way to Haven's house. "I'm more useful there with them."

"They're just worried about you, that's all," Allison replied.

"Yeah, worried that I can't control myself," sighed Haven. "It sucks. Having these powers, but not being able to use them. Not being able to control them. Why have powers if I can't even help protect the boys?"

"You'll get better, at it" Allison said confidently. "And then you'll be the most badass of all of us."

"You think so?" laughed Haven, the atmosphere in the car become lighter.

"Yeah," Allison replied with a smile. "I'll help you practice whenever you're mom's busy."

"You're gonna help me practice magic? You don't even know how to do magic," Haven laughed.

"When I go out for target practice, you can practice offensive spells," Allison shrugged. "We'll figure something out."

As they approached Haven's house, they noticed a figure sitting on her front porch. The two shared a look as Allison's headlights revealed who it was. Sitting there in the dark was a sad looking Isaac.

The boy looked up when he saw the car parking, sitting up straight when he looked into Haven's eyes. He had ditched the leather jacket and was now wearing a sweatshirt with another jacket over it, as if he had taken note of Haven's dislike of the leather.

The Salazar let out a heavy exhale, grabbing her school bag from the back of Allison's car.

"You want me to go with you?" Allison asked her, turning off her car as they saw Isaac standing up.

"No, I got this," Haven said.

"Do you want me to wait?"

"It's okay," Haven shook her head. "Thank you, though."

The huntress nodded, looking carefully between Isaac and Haven as the girl walked up her driveway towards him.

"Hav, I—"

"I don't want to talk to you," I said, shaking her head as she dodged around him.

As she stepped onto the patio, she whispered an enchantment she had read over a few times in her grimoire when she was looking for sealing spells for Scott's house. Isaac tried to follow her up the steps of the patio, but was stopped at the last step, something physically not allowing him to pass. It was like an invisible wall had been put up.

She searched for her keys in her bag, holding it to her chest as she fished for them

"C'mon Haven, can we just talk?" he asked her.

She spun around, her keys in her hand as she looked at him with a fury in her eyes.

"Talk, Isaac? I tried the whole 'talking' thing already. When you broke into Scott's house and tossed my friends around like rag dolls, I tried to talk to you. Do you know how it feels to have to look at your boyfriend and try to talk him out of killing one of your best friends?" she whisper yelled, careful so that none of her neighbors could hear them.

"I'm sorry," he said, putting his arms up and letting them fall down to his side in

"Sorry wouldn't have brought Lydia back if Scott hadn't come in when he did, now would it? You guys were going to kill her because you guys thought she was a monster, but she wasn't. You guys were going to kill an innocent girl, and now she's traumatized, and I have no idea how to explain to her what's going on!" yelled Haven.

"I admit, we made a mistake," he said softly, his hands holding onto the invisible barrier.

"Who even are you? Because you're not the same guy I met in French class and went to the dance with. Because you look like you, but you're not acting like you. That guy was sweet and shy and attentive. Come find me when you find him," she said.

She turned around and unlocked her front door. Once she had it locked, she waved the barrier away and heard a thump outside, and she could visual Isaac falling over it and hitting the porch.


"Shh!" Haven scolded Stiles and Scott as they climbed through her window, making a lot of noise as they got through.

"Sorry," whispered Scott as he found his footing, trying to be silent as he walked. "Is your mom home?"

"I wouldn't be shushing you if she wasn't," she sassed back. "Someone explain to me what happened."

"We followed Jackson and Derek, the Allison's dad and grandfather ended up being there, too, then we followed him into a gay bar where he went after Danny and his ex," Stiles whispered really fast. Then, he put his hands in his pockets, shrugging like it was no big deal when he said, "I got hit on by a few drag queens. Got in a fight with my dad."

"Someone paid for my drink," Scott said, smirking as he tried to one-up Stiles on who got hit on more at the gay bar.

"What do you mean you fought with your dad?" she asked, sitting back on the bed as the two boys leaned against the dresser. "W-what happened?"

Stiles shrugged, still trying to act like it was no big deal. "He's just fed up with me lying to him, said he doesn't even recognize me these days."

"Is it a good idea that you're here instead of home, then?" she asked.

"Yeah, no, I played it off, it was fine in the end," he said.

"Well, is Danny okay? What about Jackson?" she asked.

"Danny's fine, going to the hospital," nodded Stiles.

"And Jackson?"

"About that," Scott said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Look, it was either kill him like Stiles wanted... or...?"

"Or what?" she questioned.

"We stole a cop van?" Scott replied as if it was a question.

"You stole a what?"


Bright and early, before Merced could wake up and notice the two boys sleeping in her daughter's bedroom, the three had snuck out to the woods where the boys had parked the stolen police van.

"You guys are idiots," she muttered, shaking her head.

"How did last night with Lydia go?" Scott asked Haven as the three

"As good as it could've, I guess," she shrugged. "She was shaken up, Allison and I had no real explanations for her, she left upset."

He nodded, all three of them fidgeting in the cold.

"And how are you?" Stiles asked. "I mean, you did a few small spells yesterday. Do you feel okay, did you get lightheaded when you got home, any nose bleeds, fainting?"

She laughed, shaking her head as she found his concern adorable. "I was perfectly fine, Stiles. I'm getting a hang on this witch thing. Even put up a barrier for a few minutes while I yelled at Isaac outside my house last night."

"Isaac was at your house last night?" Scott questioned.

"Yeah, a few hours before you guys showed up. He was there when Allison dropped me off," she nodded, pressing her lips to a thin line. She sighed, "Told him to come find me when he finds his old self."

Stiles wrapped an arm around her shoulder, having her lean on his shoulder as he leaned his cheek onto her head. "It's gonna be okay, Hav."

Scott stepped closer to them, wrapping both of his friends up in his arms.

"Stiles? McCall! I'm gonna kill you!"

Their trio hug was interrupted by an extremely pissed off Jackson Whittemore, causing them to all jump away from one another.

"You guys deal with Jackson. I want breakfast and to go to school," she said, turning around and walking back to Stiles's Jeep, getting in the backseat.

The two boys looked at each other before joining her in the car.

"Breakfast for the lady, then get Jackson something to eat and wear, then to figure out what the hell we're gonna do since he's the freaking kanima!" Stiles freaked out as he backed his car back onto the road.


The first thing Haven noticed when they got back to school was the crew of people setting up more security cameras in the halls, but what freaked her out way too much, was when Allison's mom walked into her English class with Allison and Scott. She was their substitute.

She slumped back in her seat, really wishing Stiles wasn't with Jackson so he could witness the awkwardness in the air with her.

"They know," Allison told her, the two of them speed walking towards her car after class. "They've got to be looking for him right now. We have to warn Stiles."

Scott was going to check on Danny, which left Allison and haven to try to figure out what to do about Jackson since his parents had already gone to the police and the school about his disappearance.


The two girls whipped around to see Isaac standing there, looking at her with his sad eyes.

She looked between him and Allison.

"I'm busy," she told him, turning around to start walking towards Allison's car, but she wasn't following her.

She turned to look at her friend, and she just shook her head. Haven walked back to her, confused why she wasn't hurrying.

"We have to go help Stiles," Haven said, tugging on her wrist.

"C'mon, Haven, remember what you said last night?" she asked, before quoting her, "Being their safe space, and them being yours. Wanting to stay even when you guys are at an all time low wondering 'why do I still?' but the answer to that question is—"

"Love," Haven mumbled, remembering what she had said. She looked down at their feet, recalling her whole rant about love.

Parts of that wasn't even about him, she admitted to herself. But that part was.

"Talk to him," Allison said, putting her hands on her shoulders. "Because feeling like that and being allowed to... don't take it for granted."

Allison squeezed her shoulders and walked past her to her car, leaving Haven a few steps away from the Lahey boy. He adjusted his backpack on his shoulders, looking at her like he couldn't breathe.

She let out a huge exhale, trying to think of what to say to him.

"You're not gonna electrocute me again are you?" he asked her. "Because if you are, I'd prefer the magical invisible wall."

She walked closer to him so that they were next to each other, walking side by side towards the entrance of the school.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" she asked, fumbling with her hands.

"When I woke up after Scott knocked me out, Boyd told me that you said I was as good as single," he said slowly.

"Yeah, I can't be in a relationship with someone who tried to hurt my friends," she stated.

He licked his lips, trying to find the words to say. "I know you can't. And I like that about you. You're set in your standards, and I'd want nothing less for you."

She blushed, smiling down at her feet as he opened the door to the main hallway, letting her walk in first.

"But I also just really like you. So, if you'd let me, I want a second chance to be the guy from the dance again, I promise I'll do right by you," he said.


"I promise I won't try to kill anymore of your friends—"


"Jury's out on Jackson though, he did kill my dad and Stiles' auto mechanic—"


"But I swear the others, they're safe, I won't touch 'em—" he said, putting his hands up for emphasis and shaking his head.

"Isaac—" she tried to cut him off again, but the boy kept on rambling.

He stopped walking in the middle of the hall, grabbing her shoulders and looking into her eyes as he said, "But if you can't find it in you to give me a second chance, at least break up with me in person, not through Boyd."

She couldn't help but smile and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting one of her hands comb into his hair and pull him in for a kiss. When she pulled away, Isaac's eyes were still closed and his lips puckered. He slowly opened his eyes, looking down at the shorter girl.

"Was that a breakup kiss or a second chance kiss?" he whispered.

"Don't mess up again," was all she said, intertwining her hands with his as she pulled him towards her locker.

She knew the lives that they were living were less than ideal, so how could she get mad at him for acting rashly when she knew Stiles also wanted to kill Jackson now that he knew he was the kanima? Isaac being influenced by Derek was what was making him act different, but she thought that if she could pull him back towards her, maybe she'd be able to bring back the Isaac she had been falling for before everything else happened.


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discussion board is down below


· comment songs that remind you of this book so i can add them to the playlist (it'll also be cute if you added why, but you don't have to.)

· how do you feel about haven giving isaac another chance?

· who, other than isaac, was haven talking about in the car with allison and lydia

· any friendships/relationships/people you want to see more of?

· overall thoughts so far

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