∞Moments Of Clarity∞ (Austin...

By Kira_Lancaster

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Cara is just a normal girl going through her average life, school growing up & friends. Until her best fr... More

∞Moments Of Clarity∞
Chapter One: New Beginning
Chapter Two: Close For Comfort
Chapter Three: Morning High
Chapter Four: Awkward Silence
Chapter Five: Deadly Distraction
Chapter Six: A Whole World Ahead Of You
Chapter Seven: It was meant to be the night of my life
Chapter Eight : My World Spun Around Me
Chapter Nine: Sweet Surprise
Chapter Ten: Sometimes It Must Be Done
Chapter Eleven: Craving The Unexpected
Chapter Twelve: A Cold Breeze To Comfort
Chapter Thirteen: Caught In The Act
Chapter Fourteen: A little reassurance
Chapter Fifteen: Within a blink of an eye
Chapter Sixteen: Give Me Some Clarity I Need You
Chapter Seventeen: A World Wind Of Surprises
Chapter Eighteen: A Touch That Makes You Weak
Chapter Nineteen: Time Will Tell
Chapter Twenty: We Scream Out All Night Long
Chapter Twenty One: A Wait That Lasted Forever
Chapter Twenty Two: Everything Is Not What It Seems
Chapter Twenty Three: Take My Breath Away
Chapter Twenty Four: Clarity
Chapter Twenty Five: Patience Is A Virtue
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty Six: It's About To Go Down

200 8 2
By Kira_Lancaster

Flashback                                                                                                                            -Enough about that jerk let’s get back to where I was… Cara I was wondering if you, if you would be my girlfriend?” his words made my stomach flip in somersaults, was this really coming out of his mouth. 

“I know it sounds really high school, but I don’t want to rush anything I mean technically you’re still engaged. Oh gosh yes you are… I probably shouldn't have asked its just we were having a moment and- I cut off his rant placing my lips onto his.


I've been through my closet top to bottom looking for an outfit but I guess this will have to do. It’s been around about a week since I left the hospital, and for now I’m living with Austin and the guys. Were due to go into court today, and it will be the first time I would have seen Danny since the hospital. I’m not going to lie I’m more than nervous about seeing him… I can’t wait for all this to finally all be over.

I walked past Austin’s shoe closet laughing to myself, who really needs so many pairs of shoes! I switched on the radio while applying my last bits of makeup. Guess this is as good as it’s going to get, I chose to wear pants and a sweater with a jacket on top. With all these layers covering me up nicely, you can’t see my bump so easily. We have to be careful with what I wear right now. In case the paparazzi are outside, we haven’t announced the pregnancy yet... and I want the fans to know first.

‘Good morning everyone we have Taylor swift on next with Bad Blood’ the host announced as I reached over turning up the volume. I began humming to myself when I looked at my reflection, I peeked out the doorway no one was around. I spotted a deodorant on the side picking it up and singing along to the radio.

Once the song reached the chorus, I was dancing around the bathroom like there was no tomorrow.

Austin’s pov

I entered the house thankful that the heating was already on, the cold December air was really kicking in. Hanging my jacket on the banister I could hear something coming from upstairs. I made my way up when I caught a glimpse of Cara singing along in the mirror she’s such a dork…

She hadn't noticed so I simply stood watching her for a minute or two, until she caught me in the mirror. “Omgsh Austin how long have you been there?” she stumbled over her own feet, her chest panting nervously.

“Long enough babe you shouldn't be dancing like that when you’re that far along” I chuckled memorizing her horrific dance moves. “Ugh shut up I was just messing around” she blushed hard twirling a piece of her hair. “Well for the record your voice is good I've always said we should do a song together! But those dance moves… let’s just hope our daughter doesn't inherit them” I teased when she slapped my arm giving me a stern look.

I looked down at my phone guilty, I hadn't really been on twitter very much and I felt so bad. At least after all this and the press conference I can tell my fans what’s going on, there trust is what matters most to me.

Cara's pov

We've sat in this courtroom for hours this amount of concentration is driving me insane. “Okay does anyone have any further evidence they would like to bring forward?” the judge questioned only to be returned with silence.

“Alright so we have reached our verdict, Mr James you have been found guilty of violent actions towards Mr Mahone. And although they were not acted onto him, you did in fact commit the crime onto another victim. Threatening the life of an unborn fetus. You also chose not to listen to your lawyer and you indeed did visit the victim during her hospital stay. You have been sentenced to over 6 year’s imprisonment” she concluded leaving the room, Danny shot a glance over to me just before the guards took him away.

6 years…. That’s such a huge amount of time I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, I mean he didn't mean to hurt me. But then again I can’t have him hurting Austin, or worse him anywhere near the baby.

“One down one to go!” Austin sighed rubbing my shoulders soothingly. “Austin I was thinking you shouldn't let your fans find out through a silly press conference…it should be more personal they deserve that. He looked at me understanding, he knew exactly how he was going to tell them. Even if he’d get in trouble with Mike.

‘AUSTREAM ANYONE? Got some things to clear up for you guys😜’ Austin tweeted making everyone go insane, I knew this was a much better way for them to find out. The Ustream connected the chat going into a frenzy, the Mahomies eager to find out what Austin meant by things.

I waited behind the laptop my palms sweating, I didn't want them to hate me or hate the baby. “Hey guys! I decided to have this Ustream, because I was supposed to tell you some stuff during the press conference next week. But after thinking it over I didn't want to tell you that way, I thought this way would be more personal this way” he swallowed hard, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

“I wanted to let you guys know that I love you all very, much I owe you everything I would have none of this if it wasn't for you and I can never tell you how much you all mean to me!! You've been there for me through all the bad and good times, and this time I hope you’ll stay with me through what we’re going through now!” he pleaded opening up to them telling them almost everything, a tear escaped his eye as he continued.

This was his moment with his Mahomies, I should leave them to it. I slowly got up leaving the room. “Everything alright Cara?” Alex questioned helping me sit down on the couch. “Yeah just sitting there I realized it was something he need to tell them himself, it’s a lot to take in and me being there would just make it harder” he nodded as Zach walked out, shades on in the house helping himself to the entire pot of ice cream.

“Uhh Dorsey could you s” I was cut off by Zach’s stern look telling me that was a no. “Pregnant…” I pouted at my stomach raising my eyebrow. “Hungry...” he replied sarcastically smirking, making his way back to his room.

“I got it!” Alex sighed grabbing his coat leaving the house, it was so helpful having two pregnant girls in the house. Not only could we both moan about being hormonal together. But Demi said I could borrow her personal slave whenever Austin wasn't around.

He returned 10 minutes later the boy is fast! Opening the bag Demi & I attacked the contents, he’d thought of everything I honestly felt like crying. “I love you Alex!” I strangled him in a bear hug, sucking on my yogurt spoon like a toddler. 

“Hey hey what did I just hear? You love AC what about me?” Austin teased tickling my sides. “Austin stop!” I giggled in between breaths. “No I’m serious if you don’t I might end up peeing myself” his hands quickly let go, a grossed out look on upon his face.


One Week Later

The car pulled up in Michele’s drive way, I was feeling rather tired so Michele offered to keep me company while Austin attended the press conference.

“You sure you’re okay staying here, I have my cell with me so if you need anything you call me right away!” Austin stressed tucking a pieced of hair behind my ear.

“She’s fine Austin you need to get going, you’re only going to be a couple hours! Kiss before you go...” Michele chuckled pushing Austin out the door, cornering him reaching her arms out making him blush. He quickly dashed past kissing my cheek rushing out leaving us alone.

“Anyway… I was looking through the basement, and I found some of Austin’s baby stuff. I thought we could go through it and you could use some of it for your little one” she smiled sweetly rummaging through some of the boxes. “Girls?” I heard from the front door only to match it to Lisa’s beaming smile.

“Oh this bring back memories” she chuckled lifting a batman suit that look like fitted a four maybe five year old. “He refused to take that off for a week! Claiming if he wore it to bed, batman would come it was sweet” Michele shook her head giggling, opening the last box.

“Oh look Austin’s baby grows!” she passed them around he used to be so small! “I always had a gut feeling it was gonna be Austin’s! I can’t explain but… Lisa knows what I mean I just knew!” she smiled walking us to the couch to watch the conference.

We switched it on and as soon as I saw his face my heart began to pound. The team decided to switch it up a little. Instead it being just media, Austin managed to get fans to be able to come too. He’s going to be traveling a lot and I’m too far along to fly. It’s going to weird not having him around, but I know when he’s on the road it’s the closest thing he feels to being home. The fact that he’s going to be a dad before he knows it, I can tell is frightening him.

“Alright so you announced a week or so ago that you are in a relationship with Cara… and that you guys are expecting a child. Will that corrupt your career?” the interviewer asked making Austin shuffle uncomfortably in his seat.

“Well of course having a child will change my career as I won’t be travelling all the time. That’s why I’m doing this mini tour now before the baby arrives. I mean it makes me feel like I’m letting my Mahomies down yes; but I wanted them to know even though this is a big change, it’s something we can all go through together as a family!” he smiled as the crowd of fans below screamed.

“You’re still young Austin, you don’t seem very prepared have you given much thought into this? You still have to achieve big things and that moment which is the greatest day of your life!” the interviewer comments harshly.

“You’re probably right! But as far as I know that day I found out Cara was pregnant, that was the greatest day of my life! And while I’m truly honored to travel the world and have such amazing fans… my career where I sing, if I sing is not a choice I make alone! It is now the choice I will make with my girlfriend and my family! Cara couldn't make it out here today but I wanted to say something, as I know she’s at home listening. Cara… no matter what happens in this crazy life we live everything will be okay! I've never been happier and I just want you to know that I love you no further questions!” Austin concluded removing the mic leaving the stage.

I whipped away my tears, Michele rubbing my back softly. We sat talking for an hour or so, until Austin barged through the door a huge grin across his face. “You watched it didn't you?” he picked me up off the stool hugging me tight.

“Of course I did” he placed his lips onto mine, cupping my face in his warm hands. “Oh and I love you too” I giggled making him break into a smile. He turned round hugging Michele and Lisa sitting himself down.

“Okay so I talked it over with Mike and Clint, after the tour me and you are going on a vacation. The last week I have fully off were going to go home and see all of the family” he beamed over joyed with the news.

“So start packing your bags I’m taking you and our bump on holiday”

Months later

According to the guys I look like I’m about to pop which is… encouraging? Guess that’s the complements you get when you’re eight months pregnant.

It feels so good to be home back in Austin’s old home, his old room. The posters still covered his walls I sat on his bed reading through them. We had the house to ourselves which was even better, Austin was downstairs doing something. I was aching from the journey so I decided a bath would be the best idea.

Waddling my way towards the bathroom my robe tied around my bulging belly. I looked at my reflection in the mirror laughing at how drastically my figure had changed, I did really look as if I were about to pop any second. I lifted my heavy short arms above my head, tying my hair into a messy bun so it wouldn't get wet. Shuffling my way to the tub I slowly lent over in attempt to reach the tap, when I heard a chuckle come from the door way.

“Don’t hurt yourself ducky here let me do it for you” Austin snickered to himself walking into the other room sitting me on the bed. Yes Austin thinks it’s beyond funny to call me ducky because I apparently I waddle like one… “Can you quit with the pet names we all know I’m the size of house!” I sighed my lips breaking into a smirk. “Well I think you look beautiful, as always like right now you have this glow that makes me heart race. I love what our baby is doing to my girl” Austin quickly kissed my forehead sneaking out of our room.

He returned 10 minutes later carrying a bag secretly under his coat, slipping rapidly into the bathroom. But now I was beginning to grow impatient I just wanted to take a dam bath and relax, but instead he’s messing around.

“Austin hurry up I have a cramp I can’t reach it!” I shouted out as he ran out to my rescue, his hands raided the bedside cabinet until he found some lotion. “Better?” he questioned massaging the lotion in easing the crap away. Once he finished he helped me up gently leading me to the bathroom. The dark room was carefully lit by candles scattered everywhere, rose petals lay around the bath and floor. The beauty before me reminded me of when Austin took me to dinner. I smiled to myself looking down at the ring he’d given me I’d never taken off. He knew exactly how to make me feel like a princess, his romantic side was the reason I completely fell for him.

“I’ll let you go relax by yourself, if you need anything just give me a shout” he smiled weakly and headed for the door, as I took hold of his wrist turning him to me. “I want you to join me you goofball!” I giggled draping my arms around his neck, tugging gently at the end of his hair. “I was hoping you say that” Austin smirked slowly untying my robe, letting it fall to the floor in attempt to tease me. “Woah my girls hot look at you!” his hand fell onto the small of my back.

Giggling at his silly comment, I slipped off his shirt and sat at the edge of the tube where he helped me in. The hot water hit my skin heating it giving me goose bumps, the bubbles flew in the air making some slip into my mouth.  I looked over at his perfectly toned body feeling slightly envious of his never changing figure. Once he got into the tub he pulled me towards him pecking the tip of my nose. I couldn't help but feel a little bad we’d both gotten in, but all I could think of was how much I really wanted ice-cream. Just as if he read my mind he lifted his hand there in front of me was a tub of the exact ice cream I wanted, he knew me oh too well.

“Am I a good boyfriend or what, I knew you’d get in and want this so I prepared before” his eyebrows raised the spoon scraping the tubs content, the creaming mixture looked irresistible on the spoon. Austin’s face turned serious as he floated the spoon around my lips making train noises, as the ice cream slightly hit my lips he pulled it away putting it into his mouth.

“Hey! Pregnant girl over here deprived of ice cream me wants some!” I stuck out my bottom lip making a sad face. “Aww does baby feel left out, should I fix that?” he grinned as I nodded fluttering my eyelashes. Finally Austin stopped teasing and gave me what I wanted, the cold creamy texture hit my tongue melting instantly when his lips attached to mine. I responded back straight away leaning into the kiss, his wet hand placed at the back of my neck soaking my hair.

“Ugh why do you have to be pregnant, I really want you right now!” he groaned kissing my neck, unable to hold it in I began giggling. After the endless teasing we decided to get out before my fingers got all wrinkly. 

Dropping the towel and slipping into Austin’s shirt, I sighed all relaxed. I walked across the room hanging my towel on the door, his eyes on me the whole time. “I could watch you all day, I swear I'm the luckiest guy alive” he grinned pulling up the duvet so I could slide into bed. “Swearing is bad Mahone, and lucky for you all day is what you pretty much get” I snickered wriggling my way closer to him.

Austin lay in just basketball shorts his chest bare, as I was wearing his shirt. His scent filled my nose I could feel myself drifting off.

I woke abruptly a bad dream had startled me waking me up. I brushed the hair out of my face calming down. I laid back onto my pillow, staring at Austin fast sleep when I felt a wet feeling. I couldn't have wet myself Id of known… which means

“Austin!” I shook him gently receiving a simple groan from him. I didn't want to scare him by screaming and freak him out. “Austin!” I called louder shaking him much harder this time.

“Mmm what’s up I'm trying to sleep?” he moaned turning over, running his hands through his hair still half asleep.

“So was I but Austin my waters just broke!.....

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