The imperfect perfect man

By michking126

2.7K 106 20

Lilith Blackwood survived nearly being killed by her abusive husband Christian. She woke up 3 days later in... More



117 6 1
By michking126

I woke up earlier than normal feeling like my life was about to change for the better. I looked over at her sleeping next to me and I felt like I was home for the first time. This massively suffocating house that I hated finally felt like a home. I could see her vision, little feet running all around. I could hear them calling me daddy and I want this so much it hurts.

"Baby I'm going to start getting ready for work, why don't you stay home and rest today and I'll come home around noon with a pregnancy test." I kissed her on the cheek, but she got up and out of bed too.

"Are you trying to get me in trouble with Mr. Kane?" She winked at me.

"I think Mr. Kane would prefer to see you lying there naked in bed then behind a desk." I gave her a devilish smile.

"So, you're saying Mr. Kane wouldn't prefer to see me naked on his desk?" She was now kneeling on the bed in front of me.

"Get your gorgeous ass dressed before we're both late for work." I kissed her and smacked her ass like always, "It's not good when the boss come in later then the employees." We did our usual shower, get dressed and eat breakfast. I tried to convince her to stay home again but my beautiful stubborn workaholic wasn't having it.

"Damian, we need to stop at the nearest drug store" I said to him getting into the SUV.

"Yes Sir." He closed the car door and got into the driver's seat.

"You really want me to take a pregnancy test today?" She asked a little sad.

"Yes. What's wrong?" I had a concerned look on my face. What if she doesn't want this and is only doing it because she thinks I'm going to fire her over that fucking contract if she doesn't get pregnant. "Do you not want a baby? You can tell me I'm not going to get mad or fire you."

"I want to have a baby. I want to give you a child so badly but what if I can't get pregnant? What if he damaged me beyond repair that I can't have anymore children and you realize that you're wasting your time with me and you leave me, and I love you so much that it hurts to know that I could lose you if I can't give you a child..." She started crying and hyperventilating.

"Baby stop you're working yourself up." I held her face in my hands.

"I just don't want you to be disappointed if the test is negative." She had tears running down her face.

"If you're not pregnant we will go to a doctor and figure out our options, but honestly I think you are pregnant." I kissed her "But I would never be disappointed in you and the best part about making a baby is the sex" I winked at her and she laughed.

Damian pulled up to a drug store around the block from our company and we both went into the store. We found the aisle with the pregnancy test right next to the condoms. How ironic I thought to myself. I started to put every test they had into the shopping basket Lilith was holding.

"You just put 20 tests into the basket." She said looking at me confused.

"Do you think we need more?" I asked grabbing for another one.

"I think we just need one." She started to put them back.

"What if we mess it up then we will have to come back to get another one." I put the one she put back into the basket again.

"Okay we'll get two." She said starting to put them back again.

"What if we mess them both up?" I asked her.

"Then we should seriously reconsider this whole baby thing." She laughed.

"Smart ass" I said then helped her put back all but two of the pregnancy tests.

We paid and continued on our way to work.

She sat down at her desk and turned on the computer.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Starting my day" She gave me a cunning smile.

"The hell you are" I lifted her out of the chair, and she laughed as I carried her to the office. "Now go pee on the stick."

"So bossy" She grabbed the test.

"Hence the title boss." I pointed to the bathroom "Now go pee." She gave me the look, "Please go pee." I smiled.

"I thought so boss." She walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

I knocked on the door a minute later "Are you done?"

"I just got in here. It takes 5 minutes" She called out through the door.

"Oh my god this is torture" I dramatically flopped in my chair.

"Patience" She laughed.

"You are talking to a man who doesn't have that word in his vocabulary." I looked up as she opened the bathroom door and walked over to me. "What does it say?" I asked her and she handed the stick to me and it was a digital test that said Pregnant. I jumped out of my chair and picked her up and spun her around "we're pregnant?"

"Yes" She smiled, and tears started to stream down her face, and I kissed her.

Now people were starting to come into work, and I ran out of my office past Georgia who gave me a crazy look and I yelled to everyone. "Raises for everyone! I'm going to be a Father."

Everyone clapped and I walked back into the office and swept Lilith in my arms and kissed her. "You've made me the happiest man."

"I still need to see a doctor to confirm the pregnancy." She told me "And make sure everything is okay."

"I'll ask Georgia to get some numbers for different baby doctors and you can choose which one you want to go see." I looked at her "I would like to go with you."

"it's OBGYN's and I would like that too." She smiled so brightly at me. "I have to get to work."

She gave me one more kiss and walked out of my office.

Georgia knocked on my door "May I come in?" She asked me.

"You've never asked permission before why start now?" I yelled back and she opened the door.

"I figured now that your starting to act like a grown up I should treat you like one." She closed the door and sat down. "I can't believe you're going to be a Dad."

"I've always considered you as a mother to me after my mother died and I really respect your opinion" I said taking in a deep breath, "Do you think I'll be a good Father?" The fear of becoming my Father was starting to creep in.

"I think you will make a great Father and Lilith a great Mother. She's good for you, she's your other half." She smiled at me "You came alive the day she walked through your office door."

"She makes me want to be a better person, I want to be a great husband and Father, I want to give them everything." I looked down "I don't want to fuck this up."

"You won't fuck this up" Georgia assured me.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Because you hate failing, so you would never fail them." Georgia said then she handed me a note pad "Here is the number for a really good doctor, she delivered you and her practice is a few blocks away."

"If she delivered me that makes her old, maybe we should find a younger doctor?" I cocked my head to the side "I mean I wouldn't want her to drop the baby or anything."

"And just like that you're back to your childish ways" She raised an eyebrow at me "Give her a call today" Georgia got up and walked out of my office.

I gave the number that Georgia gave me to Lilith, and she called the doctor to make an appointment for the afternoon. Lilith likes the thought of having the doctor who delivered me deliver our baby. She worked with Zach on the presentation for the brewery project until 1 pm then we went to the doctor's office.

"It's a beautiful day we could walk" Lilith held my hand as we walked out of the office building.

"It's the middle of January and cold as hell we'll take the car." I looked at her.

"Hell's not cold" She laughed at me.

"Yeah but I am, get in the damn car." I told her.

"So bossy" She said sliding into the back seat.

"What can I say you're marrying an asshole" I slid next to her.

"Stop doing that, it makes me mad." She had a stern look on her face.

"What did I do?" I gave her my innocent look.

"Stop calling yourself names like that. You're a beautiful man with an equally beautiful soul, you're not an asshole, so please stop calling yourself that." She touched my cheek "No one calls the father of my child an asshole, not even you."

"Wow. You think I'm beautiful?" I asked her.

"That's the only thing you got out of what I just said?" She looked puzzled.

"You don't call a man beautiful, you call him, handsome, hot, stud, a Greek God, but not beautiful. Woman are beautiful men aren't." I smirked at her.

"Any man can be handsome, hot, a stud or Greek God, but there is only a certain type of man that is beautiful. The light inside them is so pure and brilliant that it shines out and all around them making them the most beautiful men you have ever seen, and you are one of them. You took my darkened world and lit it so magnificently with your beautiful light. You showed me hope when there was none, you gave me back my faith when I thought I lost it, you brought me back to life when I was ready to give up, you showed me a future that I thought I would never have." She said touching her stomach "You gave me a part of you that I will always cherish, so when I say you're beautiful, you truly are the most beautiful man I've ever seen."

I kissed her passionately, then leaned my forehead against hers "Thank you for walking into my life when you did." And I kissed her again.

"We're here sir" Damian said pulling the car in front of the doctor's office.

"Let's go meet our baby." I opened the car door and help her out.

The waiting room was white with teal trim and magazines on side tables. Baby magazines, birthing magazines, breastfeeding magazines, how many fucking magazines does one office need? Everything's digital now a days who the hell reads magazines? I kept thinking to myself then Lilith picked up one and started skimming through it.

"So, I guess you're the reason why magazines haven't gone out of style yet." I laughed point to the magazine in her hand.

Lilith smacked a magazine into my chest "Start reading."

"You want me to read a birthing magazine?" I started skimming through the pages to a page with a woman giving birth "Oh my God. What the fuck is this?" I turned the magazine towards Lilith "How is that even possible?"

"You never took Health in school, have you?" Lilith laughed at my facial expression.

"I learned how to put a condom on a banana, that was the extent of health class." I closed the magazine.

"If you would have learned to put a condom on, would we be here?" She asked me.

"I was the master of putting condoms on, just not with you." I put the magazine back on the table "So, yes we would still be here."

After half an hour in the waiting room they finally called Lilith's name and we went in. The nurse gave Lilith another test that was positive and drew blood and place us into a room with a Sonogram machine. She laid on the table waiting for the doctor to come in.

"Mr. Kane Ms. Blackwood so nice to meet you." She shook Lilith's hand first then mine "So you're the first baby I have ever delivered and now I'll be delivering yours."

"Georgia said you're the best doctor and I trust her." I shook her hand back.

"We'll do the internal exam first so if you would step out for a moment Mr. Kane..." Dr. Lindsey started to say.

"Absolutely not" I held Lilith's hand "I'm not leaving her."

"Alexander it's okay she's just going to do an exam down there" Lilith pointed downwards "Then you can come back in when she's done."

"You're going to go between my fiances legs and don't want me to see. Maybe we should go to another doctor." I was getting just as little louder than normal.

"Alexander get out of the fucking room" Lilith cursed at me for the first time.

"I'm going to chalk that up to hormones" I said slipping my hand out of her hand.

"Chalk that up to whatever you want, just the sooner you leave the sooner you can come back, and we can see our baby." Lilith was getting a little louder too and I walked out the door.

I waited outside the door for a few minutes when the doctor finally opened the door to let me back in.

Lilith looked at me and smiled "I'm sorry for cursing at you." I grabbed her hand and held it while the doctor put this long pointed wand looking thing with a condom on it into Lilith and we heard the heartbeat. That was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

"I'm going to start taking pictures of the baby and doing the measurements." The doctor informed us.

You could see two little dots or little dinosaur shapes in a circle. I've never seen anything like that before.

Lilith pointed to the screen "Twins?" She asked the doctor.

"Congratulations you're having twins" The doctor smiled at us. "It looks like your 6 weeks along so your due date is September 17th, but with twins you can go earlier than that."

"Oh, wow baby, twins. Two babies at once incredible." I had a hard time speaking looking at my two babies on that screen.

"Well when you do something you go to extremes." Lilith was now crying "I can't believe this, I'm so happy." She looked at me "Thank you."

"Thank you for changing my life." I leaned in and kissed her.

The doctor gave us a print out of the sonogram and a CD of it and we left.

We got into the car "I'm never getting rid of my office couch" I said to her and kissed her.

"Why the couch?" Lilith asked.

"Because that's where our babies were conceived" I joked with her.

"It could have been your desk, or the shower, or the bathroom counter, or the wall by your door, or the floor, or..." She kept going.

"Okay I get it, I'll make that whole office a shrine to you and our babies." I kissed her again "It could have been every room in the house too, how about I just give you everything?"

"All I want is you and our babies" She said touching her stomach.

We got home and Lilith kept staring at the picture of our two babies.

"I wonder if they're boys or girls?" She looked at me.

"Well it's going to be one or the other." I kissed her nose.

"Smart ass" She tapped my arm.

"Oh, there was some questions I wanted to ask the doctor and I forgot" I looked at her.

"We can ask next visit What did you want to ask her?" She leaned her head on my chest when we sat down on the living room couch.

"Can we have sex while your pregnant?" I looked at her.

"Would that be a deal breaker if we couldn't?" She laughed.

"No, I would just break the rules." I kissed her neck.

"We can have sex while I'm pregnant." She told me. "What's the other question?"

"How long after you have the babies can I knock you up again?" I moved from her neck to her clavicle.

"So impatient" She moaned.

"Let's go make love." I picked her up off the couch and headed for our bedroom "But you on top, I don't want to frighten them."

Lilith laughed as I opened the door and put her on the bed. She's so beautiful, especially now, at this very moment she is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on because she is pregnant with my children. I wanted this memory embedded into my brain, the way she looked lying on our bed with a part of me growing inside of her. There will be many memories but never a moment like this. Looking into her eyes, I'm looking into the future, a future I thought I would never want, but a future I now can't live without.

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