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I spent my day in the office, but I wasn't really there. I kept reliving the fight this morning over and over in my head. I wish I didn't snap at her. She needs me and I don't know how to get to her. She keeps pushing me away and it's getting harder for me to push back into her life. We're strangers now, how did this happen to us? I must have been so deep in thought I didn't even hear the knock on the door.

"Hey boss, is everything alright?" Denise walked into the office.

"Yeah, sorry was just zoned out." I looked up at her, "What's up?"

"Maybe you should go home early today, you look tired." Denise told me.

"I don't give a fuck about my appearance Denise what do you need?" I snapped at her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."

I rested my chin on my hands.

"How's Lilith doing?" She asked me, "I tried to call her for our afternoon gossip, and it went straight to voicemail." She was looking at her cell phone, "something just doesn't feel right."

"Nothing feels right anymore." I looked down at my desk. "I'll call the house and have them check on her." I told Denise.

I picked up the phone and called the house number and it just kept ringing.

"That's odd, someone should have answered the phone." I hung up the phone, then my phone rang.

"I guess they didn't get to the phone in time." I said then answered my office phone. "Alexander Kane here." I answered it.

"Alex it's John, where is your wife?" John was shouting at me.

"Hello to you too." I said sarcastically.

"God dammit Alex where's your wife!" John shouted into the receiver.

"She's at home why?" I yelled back at him.

"Somebody needs to check on her now." John insisted, "I called her to say hello and she seemed off."

"She's been off for the past month and a half and before that too." I was irritated with him. "I'm leaving work soon anyway. I'll have her call you."

"It might be too late." John sounder worried now, "I think she's trying to kill herself."

I dropped the phone and ran out the office door past Denise. I meet Damian at the front of the building and tried to call Lilith, but it went straight to voicemail. Damian's cell phone rang, and it was Sophia.

"Ask her where my wife is?" I ordered Damian.

"Her and Britney picked up the kids early and are taking them to dinner and the movies like Lilith wanted them to. Sophia was under the impression that Lilith told you." Damian repeated what Sophia was saying to him. "Lilith even wanted us to go with them so that you could spend time with the kids."

"Son of a bitch." I shouted. "Tell Sophia do not let the kids go home unto I say they can."

"What's going on sir?" Damian asked me.

"hopefully nothing." I said to Damian, but I had a bad feeling that John was right.

I dialed Maxwell's number and he answered, "Maxwell where's Lilith?"

"She said you all where going out to dinner and she gave myself and the rest of the staff off sir." Maxwell answered confused.

"Fuck!" I screamed, "Damian get me home as fast as possibly I don't give a shit about speeding." I yelled at me and hung up on Maxwell.

"What's going on sir?" Damian asked again.

"I think Lilith is going to try and kill herself." I told him.

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