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I was on cloud nine at work. I can't wait for her divorce so we can get married. I was having a conversation by Zach's desk when I saw Damian walk off the elevator.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking for Lilith "Where's Lilith?"

"She was attacked in court today." Damian couldn't look me in the eye.

"What the fuck do you mean she was attacked in court? She had a bodyguard." I was seething "Where were you? Where were her lawyers? How was he able to get to her?" I'm beyond pissed now.

"We thought she would be ok since he was thrown out of the building. She went into the bathroom to calm down after he snapped in court and he came back into the building and cornered her in the bathroom." He paused "She was unconscious for a while but came too in the ambulance. I need to get you to the hospital."

"Let's go, but this conversation isn't over and there will be hell to pay if she loses our babies. He's already taken so much from her." I said running to the elevator.

We got to the hospital she was at in New Jersey and I saw Brent, Mr. Smith and Mr. Campo.

"What the fuck happened?" I yelled at all of them.

"He attacked her in the women's restroom." Brent answered.

I walked over to Brent "You're fired. Your only job was to keep her safe and you couldn't even do that." I looked him dead in the eyes "Get the fuck out of my face I don't want to see you here."

Brent walked out of the waiting room and out of the hospital. I walked over to my legal team.

"You told me nothing would happen to her. You told me she would be safe." I kept getting louder, "You told me not to go to this court date because it would look bad for her!" I was shouting now "If my babies die, I will personally hold your fucking law firm at fault."

Just then Mrs. Lopez walked out of Lilith's hospital room. "She heard you yelling and she's asking for you." She looked grimly at me.

"We're nowhere near finished here." I said to all of them and walked into Lilith's hospital room.

She looked at me and broke down crying. I never seen her cry like that before so broken, so weak. Her face was swollen, and she had a gash along her forehead. She had bruises all down her body.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I let this happen." Lilith said between heavy sobs.

"This isn't your fault baby." I held her close to me "You didn't cause this, that son of a bitch did."

"I thought he was already gone, I went into the bathroom to compose myself and he walked in. I couldn't fight back I just laid there trying to hold onto my stomach. If our babies die it's my fault." Lilith was crying even harder.

"This isn't your fault, you did everything right and our babies will be fine." I tried to reassure her, but I wasn't even sure myself.

"What if they aren't ok? What if I lost them? What if I lost your babies, then I'll lose you..." She kept crying but I interrupted her.

"You will never lose me I promise. And if we lose them, we will take care of you first and when you're ready, we will try again." I kissed her head "I love you".

As I was talking the doctor walked in with the sonogram machine to check on our babies. I held my breath as he placed it on Lilith's belly and turned the machine on. Please let there be a heartbeat, please let there be a heartbeat. I kept repeating over and over in my head. He turned the sound on, and we heard the two most precious sound in the world, their heartbeats and I started to cry.

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