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"Hey baby I was just talking about you. Let me put you on speaker with Richard." I was laughing at something Richard said. "Oh, the bank people even though they are a pain in the ass they really came through with the loan for the foundation." Alexander was still talking, "Baby why are you so quiet and did you just call me Alex?"

"Alex." Lilith's voice was quiet.

"In the 15 years we've been married you've never once called me Alex." I found it odd.

"I love you." Lilith said out of breath and I knew something was wrong.

"Where are you?" I was starting to panic.

"I'm outside the house. Kids are in the panic room." Lilith was trying to talk but having a hard time.

I picked up my phone and ran to the elevator. Damian was waiting out front for me since I was planning on leaving early anyway. He opened the door for me.

"Get me home now and call the house to find out what's going on." I told Damian. "Baby keep talking to me. What happened?"

"Christian." Lilith whispered.

"What about Christian? Is he there?" I asked her.

"He shot me and himself." Lilith was still whispering, "I love you."

"I love you too and you will be fine just keep talking to me ok." I was trying not to sound panicked, but I was. "Keep your eyes open and keep talking to me." I looked at Damian, "Get an ambulance to my house now."

"They are on their way. Sophia called them and she's going to check on Lilith and the kids." Damian reassured me.

"I remember the first time I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Thank you for loving me." Lilith took a short breath, "Thank you for this life you gave me."

"Don't you dare do that, you are not going to die, you are not going to leave me." The tears started to fall from my eyes. "I need you, the kids need you, so many people need you, so don't you even think about giving up."

"My beautifully imperfect perfect man." Lilith whispered, "you fixed me when I was broken. You showed me how to love when I didn't know how to, you gave me what I wanted more than anything in this world a family. Please keep talking I need to hear your voice." Lilith started to cry, 'I don't want to die alone."

"You're not going to die." I took a shaky breath then heard the sirens in the background on the phone, "you hear that? Helps coming and Sophia is coming to help you too."

"Lilith!" I heard Sophia cry out her name while I was still on the phone with Lilith.

"Check on the kids. They are in the panic room." Lilith told Sophia.

"No! Let Sophia stay with you." I told Lilith, "The kids are ok, you saved them."

"They're scared and they need you more than me right now, please Sophia go to them, I have Alex with me." Lilith insisted.

"Baby what are you doing? You need Sophia to help you now." I yelled at her.

"I don't want her to watch me die." Lilith whispered. "Thank you for the proposition."

"Lilith." I called her name through the phone, but she didn't answer. "Lilith please answer me." She still didn't say anything, "Baby don't leave me." I dropped the phone to the floor of the car, "Please God don't take her from me."

I picked the phone up after a few minutes and was just listening to the emergency personnel.

"This one is dead, self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head." I heard someone say about Christian. Good that son of a bitch is dead.

The imperfect perfect manWhere stories live. Discover now