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That night he made love to me so gently, so afraid that any movement would hurt the babies or me. He's such a good man, I've never known men like him existed. He's strong, a little arrogant, sometimes selfish, but his heart is so full of kindness, love, devotion, and beauty. I never knew a man could be as beautiful as he is and he's mine. I get to love him, I get to be loved by him, I get to wake up every morning to him and go to sleep with him. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up from it. I never want to leave this subconscious world of him, but he's my reality, he's my safe place, he's my home.

"So beautiful who's going to get to tell the staff I knocked you up?" Alexander turned to face me in bed.

"I get to tell Sophia you get to tell everyone else." I smiled at this amazing man in bed with me.

"You and Sophia have become really good friends, haven't you?" He kissed my nose "You do know she's our house manager."

"She's a person. She's a good friend and I like talking to her." I turned on my side.

"Is that good for the babies?" He asked me concerned that it would hurt them.

"It's fine. When we get married can I make some changes in the house?" I asked a little cautious.

"What kind of changes?" He asked a little skeptical.

"Maybe instead of the staff standing watching us eat they could eat with us?" I asked him.

"Why?" He had not a clue that, that wasn't normal.

"Because it's a big table and it would be nice to fill it with talking and laughter." I paused "When it's just you and I and you're reading the paper it gets lonely." I looked at him feeling as if I said something wrong.

"If that's what you want." Alexander replied. "What else?"

"Don't make Sophia wear that stupid uniform it's out dated." I looked down right away.

"It's a standard maid's uniform. Her Mother and Grandmother wore the same one." He was getting annoyed with me now.

"I'm sorry it wasn't my place to say that" I felt wrong making demands of him when we aren't even married.

"Yes, it is your place to say. You will be the lady of the house. You will be in control of everything, so if you don't want, your friend in an outdated uniform she doesn't have to wear it." He kissed me "I'm starving let's go eat" And then he was out of bed.

Sophia knocked on the bedroom door "Lilith did you want to speak to me?" She asked through the door.

I walked to the door and opened it "Sophia come in I have something to tell you."

"Is Mr. Kane okay with me being in his room?" Sophia asked looking around.

"It's fine Sophia" I reassured her.

"What is it?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm pregnant." I squealed.

"Oh my God I'm so excited for you." She hugged me really hard.

"Sophia, I need to breath." I laughed.

Sophia pulled away "Sorry, I'm just so happy." She said crying "And Mr. Kane is so much nicer since you two got together."

"Thanks Sophia" Alexander came out of the bathroom all dressed for work.

"Sorry Mr. Kane" Sophia looked embarrassed and mouth to me "Why didn't you tell me he was still here?"

I mouth back "Sorry."

"It's fine Sophia, I was a complete ass to all of you, but that will change I promise." Alexander smiled "Oh, and as for those outdated uniforms, I think you can just wear your regular clothes." He added.

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