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I can't believe how fast six weeks went by. Britney is a God sent she helps with the babies during the daytime so I can sleep or get things done. Sophia helps every chance she gets, and Alexander is such a patient and loving father. He is so good with the boys and such a hands-on Daddy. Every time I watch him with the boys it makes me fall in love with him all over again. I don't know how I got so lucky but I'm so glad that I am lucky enough to have him.

Britney is packing the diaper bag and I'm getting ready for my six-week check-up. Going over in my head if I should be honest and tell the Doctor we already had sex, or do I keep it to myself? Maybe she won't ask, or I'll tell her we had sex one time, I mean how would she know right?

"The Babies are ready, and the diaper bag is packed." Britney pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you so much Britney you are a lifesaver." I walked over to her and picked up Ashton in his infant seat and she picked up AC and we started to walk to the car where Brent was waiting for us.

In the car my phone started to ring, and I saw it was Alexander.

"Hello, My Love" I answered it with a smile.

"Hey Baby, how are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Good. Brent is driving us to the Doctors office now." I spoke into the phone.

"I wish I could be there with you, but this Fucking meeting with HR has me in a bad mood." Alexander said in a snarky voice.

"Aren't you still in the meeting?" I asked him.

"Yes, I'm looking at them right now as we speak, and they all know how pissed I am." He paused "I don't know who changed the fucking hiring requirement, but we had a few qualified applicants denied and some not so qualified applicants who wear short skirts hired."

"I don't know, you kept looking at my legs when you interviewed me." I laugh "My short skirt really worked in my favor even though I felt uncomfortable in that skirt."

"You're not helping right now." He spoke in a low voice, "And if you only knew half the things I wanted to do to you in that skirt that day..."

Someone in the room clears their throat.

"Anyway, are you coming here after your check up?" Alexander asked changing the subject.

"Yes." I told him.

"Good I want to show off our little men, and I miss seeing you on my couch." He laughed.

"I'll see you later." I blushed.

"See you in a little while, I love you." Alexander said sweetly into the phone.

"Love you too." And I hung up.

We waited in the waiting room for my name to be called and Britney stayed in the waiting room with the boys while I went in to see Dr. Lindsey.

"How are you feeling Mrs. Kane?" Dr. Lindsey asked me.

"I feel good and please call me Lilith." I told her feeling a little nervous on the examining table.

"Any pain after the twin's birth?" She asked.

"No, I feel great." I told her then she asked the dreaded question.

"Have you had sex since giving birth?" She asked.

"You've seen my husband, I can't keep my hands off of him." I laughed.

"I'm sure it's the other way around." She kept examining me "I'm sure he can't keep his hands off of you. Protective sex?" She asked.

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