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"I told you I'm doing these Fucking interviews." I pointed to the seat in front of my desk for Nick to have a seat.

"Interviews have always been done in my department" Nick takes a seat "Do you really want to trouble yourself with a HR task?"

"Maybe if the marketing department wasn't full of cocky Bastards, I wouldn't have to do this shit." I looked out the high-rise window "I don't understand why we can't keep a female in that department? Every fucking time a woman gets hired they quit within a year and now we have a woman interviewing for the job, I will see to it personally if she is qualified for the job or not."

"It's marketing maybe they aren't cut out for it." Nick gave a smug answer leaning back in the chair.

"That's bullshit and you know it!" I slammed my hand on my desk "every other department has woman working for years in it, I don't understand why this particular department can't."

There's a knock at the door and I yell "Come in."

Georgia enters the room "All the candidates are here."

"Where they early?" I asked her. I like it when the people interviewing for a job from me is early. It shows respect and seriousness.

"Yes sir, Mr. smith and Mr. Kristoff were here a half hour early and Miss. Blackwood was here an hour early"

"She was here a full hour?" I sat up straight in my chair "I'll interview her last, bring in Mr. Smith first." I looked at Nick "Nick you can leave my office now."

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Nick asked not getting up.

"Do I look like a man who needs help." I shot him a look "Don't answer that, just get the fuck out."

"Yes sir." Nick said getting up.

"I'll send up the application of the applicant I want to hire after the interviews." I told Nick as he walked out of the door. I looked at Georgia still standing by the open door "You can go get Mr. Smith now."

"You could ask politely." Georgia wasn't budging.

I just looked at her and threw my hands in the air, "Georgia can you please get Mr. Smith for the interview."

"Your Mother would be so proud." Georgia said in her sarcastic voice I gowned to love then she closed the door.

A few minutes later Georgia walked in with Mr. Smith

I stood up and reached my hand over to shake his. I had his resume and questionnaire in front of me.

"So how are you Mr. Smith?" I asked him not really giving a shit of the answer but there are procedures I must follow.

"Very well Mr. Kane and very excited to be interviewed by one of the most influential men in New York City.

What a bunch of crap. This dick doesn't care who interviews him and I'm sure he will bring up his degree from Harvard, the same prissy school I dropped out of.

"Influential hum, well thank you for that" I smirked at him.

"Sir if you would look at my resume you would see I graduated Harvard top 10% of my class" He smirked back.

There it is, the smugness of an ivy league graduate "Yes I saw that, very impressive" I said to him.

Hell, I should be teaching acting on the side.

"I read somewhere you went to Harvard too" his eyes glistening.

Dick move. Everyone who knows me knows to never bring up my schooling.

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