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"Are you okay Lilith you look pale?" Denise asked me.

"My head is really hurting me, and my vision is blurry." I kept rubbing my temples "I have an appointment with my doctor in a half hour, she's squeezing me in before the meeting at 3."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Denise asked looking concerned.

"No, it's okay, I'll tell Alexander I'm going, and he'll probably have Damian drive me instead of walking." I told Denise and started walking to Alexander's office.

I walked to his door and his assistant stopped me.

"You can't go in there." Stacey said with an attitude.

"Oh, I guess I forgot to introduce myself I'm L..." I started to say.

"I don't care what your name is, why don't you write down what you want or make an appointment and go back to your little cubicle and I'll see that he gets it personally." She gave me a sassy grin.

"That's not how it works here." I was rubbing my temples because my head was pounding.

"It's how it's going to work now with me here. You are a little worker with a little cubical and I'm the personal assistant to the CEO." She tilted her head to the side, "I trump you." Then she gave me an arrogant smile and started to file her nails.

"His wife always has access to his office." I told her and was going to tell her I'm his wife, but she stopped me.

"Not anymore, he's getting bored of her." She smirked.

"Why would you say that?" I asked her.

"He told me when we were having lunch together." She looked up at me "I'll probably be your boss's new wife in a few months, so you better be nice to me."

My world just came crashing down. I didn't want to start crying in front of this woman, so I walked to the elevator and left. I got out to the front of the building and started to walk the 5 blocks to the doctor's office. My eyes kept filling with tears while I was walking and thinking of what she said to me. I couldn't tell if my vision was blurry because of the headache or the tears. I reached the doctor's office and my feet were killing me from walking. I checked in with the receptionist and waited in the waiting room. My phone rang a few times and I looked at the caller id to see it was Alexander and sent it to voicemail.

"Mrs. Kane." The nurse called my name to follow her.

We walked into the examining room and she took my blood pressure.

"It's still high, the doctor will be in shortly." She said and turned to walk out of the room.

"Thank you." I said to her as she closed the door.

I waited for a few more minutes and kept looking at my phone that wouldn't stop ringing. Alexander sent me a text message.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to the doctors, I would have gone with you." I read.

"Your future wife wouldn't let me talk to you, I had to make an appointment, or write it down and she would personally give it to you." I wrote back.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He responded.

"I have to go." I sent a quick response and turned off my phone.

Dr. Lindsey walked in and checked the computer with my results. "Your blood pressure keeps going up and your only at the beginning of your 2nd trimester." Dr. Lindsey looked at me "You need to go on bed rest, and I need to see you in a week, but if your pressure goes any higher then we'll have no choice but to deliver the baby early."

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