The imperfect perfect man

By michking126

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Lilith Blackwood survived nearly being killed by her abusive husband Christian. She woke up 3 days later in... More



138 5 0
By michking126

After Alexander left the room, Mr. and Mrs. Harris followed but John stayed behind in the room with use.

"So, I hope you're happy you completely fucked us." Frank came over to where I was sitting "You shouldn't have told that sappy shit, it made our boss look weak."

"It made your boss look human and not so much of a dick" John turned to look at Frank.

"Oh, I guess they left their pathetic worker here, you must not be too much of an asset to them since they forgot about you." Frank spat the words out to John and John laughed but was pissed at the same time.

"That's enough Frank!" Zach stood up "I'm so sorry Mr. Wellington I apologies for my colleague rude behavior."

"Oh, pleases he's a nobody" Frank turned his attention to me "Maybe you deserved everything your husband gave you, since you obviously don't know your roll."

I couldn't speak I was in shock by what he said.

"That's enough Frank!" Zach shot up out of his chair to confront Frank, but Frank was now in my face.

"I bet you made that shit up so that Mr. Kane would give you a job, I bet you fucked him to get the job, because you're sure as hell not here because of your brain. So how many times did you blow him? Probably more times than I can count on my fucking hands." He was still yelling at me while Zach and John were trying to get him away from me. "You go into his office more then anyone so are you fucking him or what?" He grabbed my wrist "If I was your husband, I would have beat your slutty ass too."

It took Zach, Richard and John to get Frank out of the room and when they closed the door I broke down and cried. Frank wasn't right about me making up the story about my husband, but he was right about me sleeping with Alexander. I know I love Alexander, but did I start sleeping with him for my job? What if I didn't want to sleep with him would I still be working here? How did Frank take my love for Alexander and turn it into something shameful and dirty? The door opened and Zach came in followed by Richard.

"All the things that Frank said are wrong, you are one of the smartest women I know. Him attacking you like that wasn't right and he will be dealt with properly." Zach tried to assure me.

"I don't want him to get fired because of me, I'll just stay out of his way." I said to Zach wiping the tears from my eyes.

"He's had it out for you since day one or any woman that happens to work for our department" Richard put his hand on my shoulder "I would much rather work with you than him."

"Frank didn't realize who John was and him having an outburst like that in front of a partial owner of J & J Investments, he just signed his pink slip himself." Zach helped me up "Mr. Kane wants to see you in his office."

I walked out of the meeting room and to Alexander's office. I knocked first instead of just walking in.

"Come in" He called out from his office to me and I opened the door.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris where sitting by the desk and John was just pacing around the room. John looked up at me "are you alright?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine." I replied to him.

"Jesus Christ John sit down." Alexander yelled at him.

"If that is the way you allow your male employees to treat your female employees that's disgusting, but I've seen the way you treat women and Lily first hand..." John started to say.

"Shut the fuck up John and sit your ass down." Alexander yelled at him.

"You're not very professional, are you?" John said taking a seat.

"Not when it comes to you, asshole" Alexander smirked at him "Lilith please have a seat by me." Alexander pointed to the seat next to him.

I sat down and looked at him "I'm sorry Mr. Kane if I wasn't very professional in the meeting room, I just hate it when people speak so negatively about you."

"You don't need to apologies. What you said in there made me sound like a Goddamn saint, I was quite impressed with myself." He winked at me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. God, I love this man.

"That little outburst that Frank just had in there with you, will never happen again because as of right now he no longer employed at Kane enterprise." He put his hand on my hand "Lilith you got this job because you earned it not because I felt sorry for you. When I interviewed you, I saw something great in you and I also checked your school records and they were phenomenal. The slides you did for the McKenzie Ray Foundation were astonishing and you are the reason we got this account."

"We really want to work with you" Mrs. Harris smiled at me.

"Even though you have to work with John." He paused and gave John a dirty look then looked at me "I trust you."

"You on the other hand I don't trust." Alexander pointed a finger at John but not in an angry matter.

"You just don't like competition." John smirked at him.

"Trust me you are no competition when it comes to my Lilith." Alexander said possessively.

"Your Lilith?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Did I stutter?" Alexander now stood up out of his chair and I placed a hand on his shoulder. When he looked down at me, I shook my head no and he sat back down.

"We should be leaving now." Mr. Harris said standing up followed by Mrs. Harris, "We look forward to working with you Lilith."

"I look forward to working with you also." I said and shock each of their hands.

They also shook Alexanders hand and John walked over and kissed my hand, "See you soon Lilly."

"Get the fuck out of my office John." Alexander said pointing at the door and John winked at me and walked out.

"You know he only does that to get a reaction out of you right?" I said to Alexander.

"He wants you." Alexander said holding my hand.

"No, he just likes to mess with you. That whole thing at the banquet was to see if you really wanted me." I told him.

"What if I would have left with my date, would you have left with John?" Alexander asked sounding nervous about my answer.

"No. I would have walked back to the office and cried my heart out on your couch." I told him.

"I'm such a dick." Alexander started to say, "he was right about something though."

"What was he right about?" I asked him.

"You are too good for me." Alexander leaned over his chair and kissed me.

That night we walked into the house, and Alexander was the happiest I've ever seen him.

"Baby you are amazing, I'm so proud of you for landing that account and keeping your composure when it came to Frank." He kissed me "Know what I want to do?"

"Make love?" I answered him knowing that's what he always wants to do.

"I want to take you out to dinner and celebrate." He kissed me again "Then make love to you. Now go get a sexy dress on woman" He slapped my ass.

"This obsession with my ass is really concerning." I smiled at him and he grabbed me.

"If you didn't want to go out to dinner you should have just said so" He picked me up wedding style and brought me to the nearest guess room.

"What no bedroom?" I laughed.

"Baby I'm about to rip your clothes off, we won't make it to our bedroom" He kissed me and kicked the door shut.

Between our two work schedules it was a hectic few weeks. Now well into January I was meeting more with John about the McKenzie Ray foundation which was pissing Alexander off. I think John was doing it on purpose, he knows Alexander doesn't like our friendship, but he will call my cell phone at night with any little excuse to talk. John and I have formed a good friendship since working with the foundation, John's not attracted to me and I'm not attracted to him, but Alexander doesn't care he still hates how much time I spend with him.

"Why the fuck does he have to call you all the time? And you're at work why not call your work phone? Why is he always calling your cell phone?" Alexander was walking around his office while I was sitting on the couch.

"You know you're hot when your jealous" I laughed.

"You think this is funny?" He stopped walking around and was now staring me down, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, absolutely not" I tried to maintain my composure but was losing rapidly.

"You're fucking laughing at me? I'm pissed that this bastard keeps calling you and you find this amusing." Alexanders now standing over me.

I smiled at him "I find it amusing because you have nothing to worry about." I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist "If you could only see you the way I see you, you would never think for one moment anyone could come between us." I hugged him tighter "If you don't want me to be friends with John I won't be."

"Then I'm the asshole who won't let his wife be friends with guys." He hugged me tighter "Either way I lose." He looked down to me "You think I'm hot when I'm jealous?"

"I love you." I kissed his lips.

"I love you too" He replied.

I went to walk out of his office, but he wouldn't let go of my hand and tried to pull me back to him then my phone rang.

"Are you Fucking kidding me." He looked up to the ceiling trying not to explode.

"I'll take this at my desk." I walked quickly out of his office.

"John you need to stop calling me on my cell it's really pissing Alexander off." I spoke into the receiver.

"Aww what a baby he can't handle his woman being friends with a man." John made a dramatic inhale into the phone "What a scandal, Mr. Kane's girlfriend is friends with his arch enemy, the press would eat that shit up."

"John please I love him, and I want to do what's right and if you can't respect his wishes then we can't be friends." I felt bad saying it.

"I guess after all those years of treating women like shit, now he has a good one and he's so afraid of losing you that he would make you give up a friendship with me." He sounded hurt.

"He didn't ask me to give up our friendship and, I'm not giving up our friendship, just dial it down a bit. Stop going out of your way to upset him. If you're really my friend, then respect my relationship with Alexander please." I pleaded with him.

"Okay I will." John paused for a moment "Just for you, not that ass hat."

"Goodbye John." I said into the receiver.

"Goodbye Lily." He said then hung up.

I sat at my desk for a little bit until Denise walked up to me.

I picked up a gift bag under my desk "Happy Birthday Bestie." And handed it to her.

"Awww.  you shouldn't have." Denise said ripping into the gift bag. "Wow this dress is beautiful, did you make it?"

"Yes, I did." I gave her a shy look, "I hope you like it."

"I love it." She held it against her body "It's a Lilith exclusive I'm going to look so hot tonight." Denise had the biggest smile on her face, "We are going to a bar in the village."

"That's cool. Who's going? You and your sister?" I asked her.

"And you. It's my birthday and you can't say no." She started giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but can I bring someone." I asked her.

"Girls only, it's a girl's night out no boyfriends" She winked.

"It's my friend Sophia." I said to her but not telling her Sophia is really Alexanders maid or house manager as he puts it."

"The more the merrier." Denise put the dress back into the bag and went to her office.

5 o'clock came around and people were starting to leave. Alexander came out of his office and stood by my desk waiting for me to be ready to leave.

"See you tonight bestie." Denise called out to me from the elevator. "And thanks for the dress can't wait to wear it tonight."

"See you tonight." I called back forgetting that I haven't told Alexander where I was going.

"What's tonight?" He asked me.

"Girls night out. I was going to see if Sophia wanted to join us." I looked up at him "It's Denise's birthday so we are going to a bar in the village."

"I think she would like that." He kissed me after everyone left "Let's go home."

We drove back to the massive house that I now consider my home. We walked in the door and Sophia was waiting to take our coats.

"Hey Sophia, do you want to go out with me tonight for a girl's night out?" I asked removing my coat.

She looked at Alexander for permission.

"It's up to you if you want to go." He took his coat off.

"I don't think I have anything nice to wear." Sophia looked down at her pants and shirt.

"I have some dresses you can have. Let's go to my closet" I wave for her to follow me.

We walked up to mine and Alexanders room to try on dresses. I got out a few different dresses I made.

"Do you like any of these?" I asked putting four dresses on my bed.

"They are beautiful, but I'm sure they are too expensive." She was eyeing the black one with flower prints on it.

"I've made all of them. On the weekends I used to work for a fabric store, and she would give me any fabrics I wanted for helping her out." I picked the dress she was staring at "Try it on."

She started to walk out of the room "Sophia you can use the bathroom in here." I pointed to the bathroom door.

"Oh. I can't that's Mr. Kane's and your bathroom." She looked down.

"I would like to think that we are friends." My face felt sad at that moment "I know you work here, but I don't have a lot of friends and I consider you a very close friend." Maybe I was wrong. Maybe what I thought was started to be a good friendship was just her being polite to me because I'm going to marry her boss.

Sophia smiled big and ran up and hugged me, "I consider you a very close friend too."

She walked into the bathroom and tried on the dress.

A few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom, looking amazing in the dress.

"Wow you look beautiful. That dress is going to render Damian speechless." I joke with her.

"Damian doesn't like me" She smiled shyly.

"I've seen the way he looks at you and he likes you, but do you like him?" I asked her.

"I think he's gorgeous. I watch him washing the car with no shirt on and." She stopped talking getting a little flush.

"Your imagination can get a little dirty." I laughed.

"Every time I watch him washing the car I wish it was me he was washing." She laughed out of embarrassment of saying that.

It was good seeing her relaxing and having fun. It was nice having someone to have girl talk with. I only had a couple of friends in school because I was the foster kid who never had the right clothes or shoes. Girls would make fun of me because I didn't fit into the stereotype mold of what a girl should look like. I started making clothes in high school just to blend in instead of standing out for all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, I caught Christians eye and I wished I would have stayed, the girl who no one wanted to talk to. But now I have a man who is so good to me and I have friends.

"I'm going to get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs." I told Sophia.

"Ok see you downstairs Lilith." She said and closed my door.

I tried on a few different dresses because the first two where a little snug on me. I found it strange that they didn't fit because I haven't changed the way I was eating, except now I actually was eating so I guess I was gaining weight. I should really start exercising I thought to myself. I put on the black one I made a few days ago and it fit nicely but I notice my chest looked bigger in this dress. I did my hair and make-up and walked down the stairs where Alexander was standing with Sophia and Damian.

"She looks great right Damian" I said pointing to Sophia and Alexander gave me a weird look.

"She is beautiful." Damian said smiling at her "Oh, Ms. Blackwood I'll be driving you there and back."

"I bet you are." I smiled at Damian then, looked at Alexander, "You don't trust me to drive?"

"I don't want you to drive if you're going to drink and besides, I feel more comfortable with Damian taking you ladies." Alexander kept staring at my chest. "Are you going to wear a sweater over that dress?"

"No, it's fine the way it is." I said to him.

"You look different in that dress." He kept looking at me "Have you gained weight?"

Sophia smacked her hand to her head and Damian turned away when Alexander said that.

"What?" I said a little shocked and now feeling really uncomfortable in this dress I just made.

"Fuck. No baby, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that you have curves in that dress and a really nice rack." He walked over to me "You want to go upstairs for a bit."

"No, I want to leave before you insult me some more." I said to him and grabbed my coat off the coat hanger.

He came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist "Try not to drink too much tonight please."

"I'm not going to drink my stomach has been hurting for a few days. I guess it's all the weight I've been gaining maybe I should go back to my one meal a day diet."

"You know that's not what I meant" Alexander whispered in my ear "You look sexy as hell in that dress and all I want to do is take it off of you. So, go out have a little fun and come home and let me fuck you in that dress." He kissed my neck "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed him then Sophia, Damian and I walked out the door.

We pulled into a parking garage by the bar and Damian walked us in.

"I'll be by the bar have fun Ladies." He said and walked over to a bar stool and sat down.

We found Denise and her sister Sarah on the other side of the bar. We walked over to her and sat down.

"It's my birthday let's do shots." Denise shouted a little inebriated and everyone at the bar cheered and they did shots with her.

She wrapped her arms around me "I'm so happy it's my birthday."

"I see that" I hugged her back "This is Sophia, Sophia this is Denise and her sister Sarah."

They all shook hands and said their hello's. All of the girls started drinking and I just got a club soda to settle my stomach.

"You have to have a drink with me, it's bad luck not to drink with the birthday girl." Denise was slurring her words now.

"What time did you guys get here?" I asked Sarah who wasn't as drunk as her sister.

"She's been hitting the bar hard today, Randal broke up with her after she got off of work." Sarah took a sip of her drink "The jerk actually had the audacity to tell her that if he would have remembered today was her birthday, he would have waited till tomorrow to break up with her so they could have sex on her birthday."

"What an asshole." I said in shock.

"I know right. Fucking dick." She took another sip "The jerk was cheating on her with a bimbo from his job, but there is this guy who is really sweet and is in love with her for years. I'm going to give it a few weeks then give him her number she'll be fine. And I hated Randal so I'm celebrating their break up." She lifted her drink to cheers mine "cheers"

"Cheers" I clinked glasses with her.

"Oh, wow Alexander UN-cuffed you from his bed long enough to go out without him." John sits next to me "Dangerous move on his part." He tries to order a drink.

"I can go out whenever I want, and we aren't into that kind of stuff." I said to him "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to get a drink" He waved again to the bartender but no luck. "I'm sure if you wave your breast at him, he'll come running over here."

"Is everyone going to insult me today. I didn't think I gained that much weight." I was starting to feel self-conscious and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I didn't mean it like that." He was shocked by my outburst

"I've heard that also today." I said drinking my club soda.

"I just meant since you're a female you would have a better chance of getting his attention than me." John looked apologetic.

"I think you should stop talking before you dig yourself an even bigger hole." Sarah said to him "Oh and she has a boyfriend so back off."

"I know she has a boyfriend, I went to school with her boyfriend, I hate her boyfriend." John shouted back to Sarah over my head.

"He's a good man" I said to John while waving down the bartender.

'What can I get you beautiful?" The bartender asked me.

"I'll have a Jack and coke and the lady will have another club soda." John answered the bartender and the bartender left to get our drinks. John leaned over to say something in my ear "What's your friends name? Or do I have to breakout the corny pick up lines?" He asked me.

"Sarah this is John, John this is Sarah." I pointed to each of them.

"Now I'm going to dance my ass off since I have so much weight to lose." I said.

"Oh, Alex would love that." John scuffed.

"Alexander's obsessed with my ass." I laughed.

"I'm sure every guy will be obsessed with your ass as you shake it on the dance fall." John said then pointed in Damian's direction, "remember big brothers watching you and reporting everything to Alex."

I got out of my chair to go dance with Sophia and Denise giving John and Sarah some time to get to know each other. When I got up John took my chair and they were engaged quickly in conversation.

I started dancing but after the first song I was feeling a little dizzy, so I went to sit down at an empty table.

Sophia walked over to me with a water bottle in her hand "Drink this you look a little pale." She looked concerned.

"I'm fine just a little tired." I took the water and started drinking it "You should go talk to Damian he's been staring at you all night."

"You think?" She looked across the room where he was and smiled.

"I think he would like that." I told her and shooed her away.

Another hour passed and I was really tired and ready to go home. John walked over to the table I was sitting at and sat down.

"She's amazing." John smiled like a man who just saw his future.

"That she is." I picked up my water bottle and drank. "So, did you get the digits, or did you chicken out?" I put the cap back on my bottle.

"I'm the man who gets what he wants so of course I got the digits." He showed me his phone.

"For someone who hates my boyfriend you sure sound like him right now." I laughed.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." He said to me, "Do you need a ride home?"

"Did you forget already about big brother?" I said to John pointing in the direction of Damian "I'll talk to you later."

With that John walked out of the bar and it was getting late, so I found Sophia and Damian to leave. Before we headed out, we found Sarah holding up a very drunk Denise and helped them to the car waiting for them.

On our way home, I sat in the back while Sophia sat next to Damian in the front seat. I received a text message alert from John.

John: "Thank you for tonight you might have just changed my life."

Lilith: "I'm glad you had a good time. You better be good to her"

John: "I never had that feeling before."

Lilith: "What feeling?"

John: "looking into someone's eyes and seeing your future in them."

I smiled and responded thinking about Alexander.

Lilith: "It's the most amazing feeling in the world."

John: "That it is. Have a good night and thank you for the best night of my life."

Lilith: "No need to thank me, I'm just glad you're happy."

We ended our text conversation and Damian pulled into the long driveway towards home.

2 am and I was exhausted and had to be up at 6 am. I walked up to the bedroom and saw Alexander lying in bed and I smiled. He looked so beautiful there sleeping and I didn't want to wake him but when I closed the door his eyes opened.

"Did you have a nice time beautiful?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"It was okay, I still feel a little sick." I yawned "And I'm tired."

I put down my purse and phone on the nightstand next to Alexander and walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I washed my face and slipped into my favorite tee-shirt of his that I sleep in and walked into the bedroom. Alexander was standing there with my phone in his hand.

"What is this?" Alexander asked holding up my phone.

"It's a cell phone." I said tiredly wanting to go to bed.

"Don't start with the smart-ass remarks, you know what I'm talking about." He was fuming.

"I don't know what you're talking about, so can you please just say it so I can go to sleep." I was confused to what he was trying to say to me.

"John was there?" He asked me.

"Yes. He was there with some coworkers." I answered not making a big deal out of this.

"Did you tell him to meet you there?" He asked staring at my phone.

"No, I didn't." I paused "I didn't even know he was going to be there."

"Did you fuck him?" His face was turning red with anger.

"What are you talking about?" I couldn't believe he would ask me that.

"Have a good night and thank you for the best night of my life!" He was screaming at me and then he took my phone and threw it across the room at the wall next to me.

I was frozen in fear, not knowing what he was going to do. I just stood there in shock staring at him, praying if he hit me the pain wouldn't be as bad as the pain in my heart right now.

"That text message wasn't about me." I slowly walked over to him but fearing that it was the wrong decision to walk to him. I put my hands in front of my body defensively "It was about Denise's sister Sarah I introduced them, and they hit it off right away." I was starting to cry not because I was afraid of him, but because I knew if he hit me it would change everything. "He talked about looking into her eyes and seeing his future in them and I told him it's the most amazing feeling in the world because I experienced that with you." I was standing in front of him now and he reached his hand to my face and I froze. I waited for the pain I was so used to for eight years of my life, I waited for the pain I thought I would never feel with him. I waited for the bubble of paradise I wrapped around us to fall and burn with the pain I thought I was going to feel. He touched my cheek and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry I scared you. I never want to see you look at me so fearfully again." He said with a tear forming in the corner of his eye "I'll get you a new phone tomorrow."

"It's ok, I don't need a phone." I said closing my eyes to the touch of his hand on my cheek "All I need is you."

"I don't want to fight like that ever again." He picked me up and walked me to the bed.

He laid me on the bed and took his shirt off. He leaned over my body and as I started to remove my shirt, he stopped me.

"That's my job" He leaned in and kissed me while lifting his shirt that I was wearing over my head. He kissed my neck and made a trail of kisses down my chest pulling my sensitive nipple into his mouth and sucking and licking. I let out a moan and he started on the other one pulling it into his mouth and sucking harder than the first one. I let out a loud moan feeling more sensitive in my breast then normal, but it felt amazing. He continued downwards lingering a little on my stomach touching it and kissing it then his mouth was between my legs and I couldn't help but cry out in pleasure. I kept moaning his name and with every intense moan he would match it with even more pleasure. His tongue was devouring my insides savoring every taste.

"Baby you taste so good and I love it when you moan my name" He went back to devouring me again with even more intensity "You know what I want. Give it to me"

And with that command I was shaking uncontrollably as my orgasm started from my toes all the way through my body. Orgasms with him have been incredible but this one was nothing I have ever experienced before and I wanted more.

He pulled up from in between my legs "You ok baby?" He asked while now laying on my naked body "I never seen that reaction from you before" He kissed my neck below my ear "I want to see that again" He kept kissing my neck "And again, and again" He was smiling against my neck.

"will I ever be able to get enough of you?" I asked him "I always want more of you. Is that normal?"

"Definitely normal, I mean if I was fucking me, I wouldn't be able to get enough of me either." He laughed.

I play swatted him "Let me return the pleasure."

"Anytime I'm with you it's pleasure" He kissed my cheek.

I started to move down his body kissing every inch of his chest and stomach down to his manly area. I put my mouth on the side of his erection licking and kissing it while his moaning became louder then I took him in my mouth and his breathing became unhitched.

"Fuck that feels good" He moaned.

With a smile on my face I took him in deeper. Sucking and caressing, teasing the tip of his manhood his breathing was shallow and deep. He touched my face with his hand so I would look up at him, but I didn't want to stop just yet. I wanted to taste him the way he tasted me.

"Get on top of me. I don't want to come in your mouth I want to be inside you now." He moaned "Your mouth feels so fucken good right now baby." His eyes were begging me to stop but his hips kept thrusting with the rhythm of my mouth.

I stopped for a moment "I want to taste you" I said licking the tip of his erection that was a little wet.

"You want a baby?" He asked me.

"Yes" I licked him again and his head went flying back.

I sucked a few more times and then climbed on top of him. He started thrusting hard and fast until his body started convulsing and his head hit the pillow and I fell on top of his chest. Both gasping for air I put my face in his neck and was overcome by his strong cologne.

"How much cologne did you put on today" I said feeling really nauseous.

"The same amount I always wear." He kissed me "You like this cologne."

"I'm going to be sick" I pushed off of his chest and ran for the bathroom.

I threw up a couple of times in the toilet and then leaned my head on my hands still feeling sick. He came in and sat behind me holding my hair out of the way.

"You okay baby?" He asked me not letting go of my hair.

"Yeah, I don't know where that came from, I was feeling fine before." I went to get up and he helped me.

"Wash your face and brush your teeth to get the taste out of your mouth and I'll run a bath for us." He walked over to the tub and I went to the sink.

He sat down in the tub first and I sat in front of him with my back against him relaxing.

"I'll pick up a pregnancy test tomorrow before work." He kissed my cheek. "You should stay home tomorrow and relax. I'll come home early I promise."

"The marketing team has a big meeting with Starlight brewery company, I have all the slides for the meeting on my flash drive." I leaned my head back and he kept rubbing my belly "If we don't get this account our boss will have our heads" I smiled.

"Your boss is a complete D-bag I should have a talk with him." He kiss the side of my head.

"I think my boss is the Hottest guy I've ever seen. When he flirts with me at work it is the highlight of my day." I closed my eyes "And when he touches me in places that he knows he shouldn't it's such a turn on."

"Oh, tell me more about what your boss does to you." He said reaching his other hand between my legs.

"He one time fingered me in the break room." I moaned while his finger was going deep inside me.

"He did? HR would have a field day with him" his deep sensual voice tickling my ear "What else has he done?"

"He just can't keep his hands off of me." I started moving my hips with his hand.

"I should have a talk with him about professionalism in the workplace." He started kissing my neck.

"He wouldn't listen to you." I lifted my hips to meet his rhythm.

'Why not." His fingers are deeper inside begging for my orgasm.

"He loves to fuck me in his office." And my body complied to his fingers demand and I let out a loud moan as my orgasm took over my body just for him.

"Your boss loves to Fuck you everywhere." He slid his hand out from between my legs "But tonight he's going to let you sleep." He helped me out of the bathtub.

"Why is he going to let me sleep tonight?" I said wrapping a towel around me.

"Because you've might have given me the greatest gift anyone could have ever given me" He hugged me and led me back to the bed "We'll find out tomorrow now go to bed." He laid down next to me and held me close to him and I slept like a baby.

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Some parents are just cruel. They make their kids get jobs while they sit and spend all the money. But when the kid isn't bringing in enough money wh...