The imperfect perfect man

Por michking126

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Lilith Blackwood survived nearly being killed by her abusive husband Christian. She woke up 3 days later in... Más



362 11 1
Por michking126

     Life doesn't always go in the direction you expect it to go, sometimes it leads you to your destiny or sometimes you create your own destiny. When you're a kid you dream of being a doctor, lawyer, scientist, actor, singer or anything you want to be when you grow up.

      All I ever wanted was a family. A forever family that would love me unconditionally the way my parents did before they died. Life didn't work out that way.

     I woke up three days later in a hospital, the same hospital I spent so much time healing after fights with my husband. So many times, wishing that I could just not wake up and the nightmare of my life would finally be over, but I always woke up and I always went back to that life that I couldn't escape.

Dr. Stevens walked into the room after his wife nurse Susan told him I was awake.

Dr. Stevens gave me a concerned look, "You really scared us this time, I didn't think we would get you back."

I tried to speak.

"Don't try to talk you're on a ventilator" He walks over to me, "You can't keep living like this" He put a syringe into the ventilator and pushes medication in, then tells me "keep coughing" he starts to slide the tube out of my throat. "This is the worst he's ever done to you, and if you don't leave him now, the next time we see you will be in the morgue."

"What about the baby?" I asked him already knowing the answer.

"Lilith, I'm sorry" He put his hand on my shoulder "When you got to the ER the placenta detached from the uterine wall, she suffocated, and if it wasn't for your neighbor calling the ambulance you would have bled to death."

"I would like to be alone Dr. Stevens." I said to him trying to keep it together.

He turned around and started to walk towards the door.

"Thank you for saving my life." I said to him in a quiet voice.

"I wish I could have done more." He answered back as he closed the door.

I just broke down and started crying. The last time I cried this way was when I had my first miscarriage eight years ago. I haven't cried since until today.

I must have cried myself to sleep because I woke up when the door opened, and my neighbor Jackie walked into my room with her husband Ben.

With tears in her eyes she hugged me "Oh my God you're alive."

"All because of you Jackie." I hugged her back.

Ben looked me straight in the eye as he spoke "Christian is down at the information desk trying to find what room you are in. Dr. Stevens keeps having them switch your room number so he doesn't know what room you're in, but it will only last so long until he finds you." As he was speaking Dr. Stevens enters the room.

Dr. Stevens interrupted Ben while he was talking to me.

"I found a facility that we can send you to recover from your injuries. I put you under my wife's name so that Christian can't find out where I sent you, but after you heal, I don't know what else we can do for you."

"I'll be fine." I said with a shaky voice.

"You have a broken arm, dislocated shoulder, fractured foot and broken leg, along with internal breeding. Also bruising over 90% of your body, you are anything but fine. You are lucky to be alive."

Ben spoke up as Jackie held my hand "Once you are healed, I have a car I was going to sell, but I'm going to register it under my name and give it to you. We will fill it with blankets and food. We don't have a lot of money, but we can give you a hundred dollars and a metro-card with five trips on it from New Jersey to Penn Station in Manhattan."

"You don't have to." I said blinking away tears.

Finally, Jackie spoke "If you don't leave now, I'm so afraid the next time I see you leave your house will be in a body bag." She wiped the tears from my eyes, "You need to run and disappear and the best place to disappear is in Manhattan."

Three months in the rehab facility was all I could take. Once my leg, foot and arm were healed enough I left. I knew the longer I stayed in that facility the sooner he would find out where I was then drag me back home. I parked the car Ben gave me at a train station and slept in it for a week until some of the bruising on my face and swelling on my left eye went down enough to cover it with make-up Jackie left me in the car. It's mid-November and I need to find a Job and a place to live before the weather gets colder. I boarded the train to Manhattan.

I got off the train and started to walk up to the streets of New York. So many people walking all different ways and huge building towering over me I felt so small, claustrophobic but free. I could really get lost here and I couldn't wait to start my new life.

I walked for a while in the direction people pointed me to the Manhattan library. I sat down at one of the computers and started writing my resume. I never had a real Job before, just cleaning neighbors houses when Christian was at work to try and save money to leave him, but when he found out what I was doing he put an end to it by breaking both of my arms and taking the money that I was saving. In that brief time of cleaning houses, I met Jackie and she was my savor. She let me use her computer to go to school online without him knowing so I ended up getting an associate degree in business for marketing. Now I'm sitting in this huge library writing up my resume and emailing it to different companies here in Manhattan.

"Please God let this work, I can't go back to New Jersey, I can't go back to him." I kept repeating over and over in my head.

When it was getting close to closing time I started heading back to Penn and back to the train station where my car was parked.

Next morning, I woke up in my car and went to the bathroom to clean up before boarding the train to Manhattan again.

"I have only three train rides left after this, please let this work." I whispered to myself.

I walked back to the library to check my emails and continue my job search. I was sitting at one of the computers when I felt a trap on the shoulder. Slowly I turned to the person tapping me and held my breath fearing it was Christian, but it wasn't.

"I thought it was you" a woman's voice laughed "Lilith what a small world I haven't seen you since high school" She hugged me as I stood up. "James come here look who I just ran into." she waved her husband over to us.

"Lilith it's been what eight years since we last saw you?" James asked.

"Yeah it's been a while" I said as he hugged me. I stepped away from him and looked at the two of them, "It's great to see you two." I looked at my childhood friend Sammy and saw that she was pregnant. "Congratulations when are you due?"

"I have three more months, this is baby number two" She laughed "Do you have any kids?"

"No" I sighed "I had a stillbirth a few months ago."

"I'm so sorry." was all she could say.

"Thank you" I said back. "I'm looking for a job in Manhattan so I can relocate here since I left Christian."

"Honey didn't you say your company is hiring?" She said turning to face James.

"Yeah in the marketing department." James answered Sammy.

"Really?" I smiled a little. "That would be great since I have a business degree in marketing."

James pointed to the computer, "print out your Resume and I'll hand it into HR when I get to work tonight."

"James is the head of the custodian department, it's not a million-dollar position, but it pays the bills" Sammy smiled.

Sammy was always into business classes and young leaders of America clubs back in high school, but she looks happy as a Mom. I really envy her.

I printed out my resume from the public printer and handed it to James

"You forgot to add your address and phone number to your resume." he pointed to my resume in his hand.

"Right now, I'm living in my car at the train station in Hoboken, New Jersey and I don't have a phone." I looked down so defeated, "all I have is an email address that I set up here at the library."

"Oh" Sammy frowned.

"I left Christian a couple of months ago with the help of my next-door neighbors. I really don't have a lot. I don't even have professional clothes for job interviews." As I said it reality set in, how am I going to do this? Feeling defeated I looked down at my feet.

"we'll help you any way we can" Sammy stood next to me "use our address and my phone number on your resume. I'll leave a message with the staff here if you get any job interviews."

"You don't have to..." I started to say.

"Nonsense we really want to help you. I hated that son of a bitch and didn't know why you married him. I'll speak to my friend in HR at my job and see if we can get you an interview tomorrow." James said.

Sammy nodded "I have a ton of profession clothes that will fit you, you can have them since I won't be headed back to the workforce any time soon." She laughed as she pointed to her belly.

"Thank You." Tears started to fall down my face.

I never knew people could be so kind. Everything happening in my life right now is directing me to a future that I can be proud of.

Sammy hugged me again "We are so happy we can help. If our apartment was bigger, we would offer you a place to stay." She looked a little sad when she said it.

"You are doing so much for me. I really appreciate this more than you can possibly even know." I smiled. "You've given me hope."

"I'll meet you here tomorrow to bring you the clothes." Sammy smiled, "I'm so glad we got to see you again"

"Me too" I gave a shy smile "Thank you again"

"Don't mention it, we're happy to help." James smiled.

We gave each other one final hug then they left.

I stayed at the library a few more hours, then caught the train to the Jersey train station.

Next morning routine, got out of my freezing car went into the bathroom and washed up changed my clothes and boarded the train to Manhattan. I knew I would be meeting Sammy at the library to get the clothes she was giving me. I went into a bagel shop for a coffee and a bagel. I can't spend too much of the hundred dollars because I need it for when I run out of the round trips for the train. When I walked out of the shop there was a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. He was way too skinny for his height, so I gave him the bag with my bagel and coffee in my hand. He needed it more than me. I walked a few more blocks to the library and relished in the warmth of the place. Instead of sitting at a computer I walked around looking at the different books and picked one out sat down and started to read.

"There you are." Sammy was standing in front of me, "I've been looking everywhere for you."

She put down the bag of clothes next to the chair I was sitting in and sat next to me.

"Thank you for the clothes" I smiled at her.

"No problem" she replied "Oh, I have great news. James spoke to his friend in human resources and he handed in your resume." Her smile grew wider, "you have an interview tomorrow at 9 in the morning."

"That's amazing thank you so much." I can't believe my luck is finally changing.

"Don't thank me yet, the job is with Kane Enterprise" She paused, shifted in her chair to get comfortable "Mr. Alexander Kane is the CEO. It's been in his family for generations and he is not the nicest. He's kind of an asshole."

"I've dealt with assholes before, I was married to one for eight years." the thought of Christian made me frown.

"For this interview I would wear the navy-blue suite. It's a power color and really will stand out, and if he doesn't like the color, he'll love your long legs in the skirt." She laughed "In all seriousness do your research on the company and Mr. Kane. It will help if you know a little bit about the job your Applying for, and the man who will be hiring you."

She stood up and so did I. "I'll see you around" she said and gave me a hug.

"See you around" I said, and she walked away.

 Now it's time to do my research and get ready for this interview tomorrow. I walked over to the computer and looked up Alexander Kane. He's a 30-year-old billionaire and beautiful. He has dark sandy blonde hair and his eyes look like they are two different colors. Ones blue and the others blue with some brown in it, which is strange but fascinating at the same time. This photo of him has to be photo shopped because no one is this good looking and not a model, I thought to myself and continued to read.  His family owned Kane Enterprise for over 90 years and it was founded by his great-grandfather in 1920 and passed down to his son Charles Kane who passed it down to Richard Kane and finally Alexander Kane.

"Kane Enterprise is a company that buys struggling companies and builds their reputation back up for a profit. It started out as a marketing firm that quickly grew as it took on a news paper followed by publishing company. They now own fifty-six smaller companies including real estate, restaurants, hotels, clubs, concert venues etc..." I read quietly to myself

"So, let's look up the Marketing department." I whispered to myself.

"The marketing department of Kane Enterprise is one of the best in the country. They work with 100's of companies to advertise their products and promote their companies. Mr. Kane acquired a lot of the businesses he owns by buying the companies that he was supposed to promote. He would offer them a substantial amount of money to buy out the companies and give them stock of 5% of the company they founded. Mr. Kane doesn't sell stock to Kane Enterprise, so he doesn't have to deal with shareholders and a board. He can run his company as ruthless as he wants."

"Wow" Now I'm a little nervous about this interview.

I'm very shy and men like him intimidate me. I don't know if I can do this, work for a man who just the profile of his company alone scares me. I need a job and I need to make sure Christian doesn't find me, so I'm going to go to this interview tomorrow and do my best to get this job drive my car to Manhattan and rent a place. I'm not going back to New Jersey, I'm not going back to a husband that hurts me.

"I really need this Job." I whispered to myself.

That night in the car I took the blue suit that Sammy gave me and hung it over the front seat of the car so it wouldn't get wrinkled. She even gave me a pair of shoes, she remembered my shoe size from high school. I reached into my pocket and took out the papers I printed from the library and started reading it again. I tried to memorize important people's names and different facts. I know I won't be interviewing with, Mr. Kane. Probably only someone from the HR department but I really do want to impress them, because if I don't get this job, I don't know what will happen to me when the weather gets cold out, and I'm still sleeping in my car. I should try and sleep, so I'm rested for the interview in the morning.

That morning I woke up two hours earlier so I could wash my hair in the sink without anyone seeing me. I washed up and got dressed in the navy-blue suit. The skirt is a little short, I'm not used to wearing anything this sexy. An outfit like this back home would send me to the ER. I pulled my dark brown hair in a clip and started to head for the train.

I arrived at Penn station at 7:30 am. I wanted to get to the building early so I could use the restroom and fix my hair and make-up and relax my nerves before the interview. I arrived at the tall intimidating building. When you first enter the building, you walk through metal detectors and security guards. I walked up to the information desk to check in and get my visitors pass.

"Can you please tell me where the restrooms are?" I asked the woman behind the desk

"Down the hall 2nd door on your left." she answered typing something on the computer.

She looked up at me, "There was a change of plans. Your interview will be with Mr. Kane on the top floor."

"Still for 9 am?" I asked trying to calm my shaky voice.

"Yes, you and the two other candidates will be waiting in the meeting room. Just ask for Georgia when you get up there." She went back to typing "She's expecting you."

I first stopped in the restroom to touch up my make-up and fix my hair. Looking in the mirror, I almost didn't recognize me. For so many years I had bruises on my face or dark circles around my eyes. I looked tired and old, too defeated to face the world and too lost to know which way to go, but now I look almost human, I look like my age, I look 25. No bruises, dark circles, or cuts, my skin looked young and vibrant. The last time I looked like this was when I was a teenager, before Christian destroyed everything good in me, before life ruined me.

After I walked out of the bathroom, I went to the elevator to take it to the top floor. I found Georgia sitting at a desk in front of a huge office with the name Mr. Kane on the door.

She must be his personal assistant. She's a beautiful older woman with blonde hair and some grays. She looks to be in her late 50's and she looks kind. She gave me a polite smile as she stood up from behind her desk.

"Follow me miss. Blackwood," She walked me to the meeting room "If you would have a seat please, you're a little bit early." The room was huge with a table in the center and about 40 chairs around it.

"yes, I'm sorry I wanted to make sure I wasn't late to the interview." I looked down frowning at my hands. Maybe I shouldn't have come here so early.

"It's better to be early than late. Mr. Kane is a stickler for punctuality, and he is normally the first to get to work and the last to leave." She smiled as she closed the door.

A half hour later the two other men interviewing for the position joined me in the meeting room.

They talked among each other, laughing, telling jokes, pretending I wasn't even in the room. I'm not real competition to them in their eyes, so I'm not worthy enough for them to introduce themselves to me.  

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