
By JessicaLouAuthor

129K 6.9K 3.4K

{18+ COMPLETED} "I don't understand why you won't tolerate the idea when we're both about the same no-strings... More

Author's Note
Chapter One ~ March 2028
Chapter Two ~ March
Chapter Three - March
Chapter Four: March
Chapter Five ~ March
Chapter Six ~ March
Chapter Seven ~ March
Chapter Eight ~ March
Chapter Nine ~ March
Chapter Ten - March
Chapter Eleven ~ March
Chapter Twelve ~ March
Chapter Thirteen ~ April
Chapter Fourteen ~ April
Chapter Fifteen ~ April
Chapter Sixteen ~ April
Chapter Seventeen ~ April
Chapter Eighteen ~ April
Chapter Nineteen ~ April
Chapter Twenty ~ April
Chapter Twenty Two ~ April
Chapter Twenty Three ~ April
Chapter Twenty Four ~ April
Chapter Twenty Five ~ April
Chapter Twenty Six ~ April
Chapter Twenty Seven ~ May
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ May
Chapter Twenty Nine ~ May
Chapter Thirty ~ May
Chapter Thirty One ~ May
Chapter Thirty Two ~ May
Chapter Thirty Three ~ May
Chapter Thirty Four ~ May
Chapter Thirty Five ~ May
Chapter Thirty Six ~ June
Chapter Thirty Seven ~ June
Chapter Thirty Eight ~ June
Chapter Thirty Nine ~ July
Chapter Forty ~ July
Chapter Forty One ~ July
Chapter Forty Two ~ July
Chapter Forty Three ~ August
Chapter Forty Four ~ August
Chapter Forty Five ~ August
Chapter Forty Six ~ September
Chapter Forty Seven ~ September
Chapter Forty Eight ~ September
Chapter Forty Nine ~ September
Chapter Fifty ~ September
Chapter Fifty One ~ October
Chapter Fifty Two ~ October
Chapter Fifty Three ~ October
Chapter Fifty Four ~ October
Chapter Fifty Five ~ October
Chapter Fifty Six ~ November

Chapter Twenty One ~ April

2.6K 146 119
By JessicaLouAuthor

I'm so jealous. Savannah just sent me a picture of her cheese and tomato pizza from her lunch with Alice, Brett's sister. All while I sit inside the kitchen eating an old apple. I'm salivating at the mere sight, the gooey mess looking absolutely mouth-watering, and extremely irresistible.

Fantastic. So not only am I missing out on edible delights, but I'm also currently experiencing the longest dry spell of my life. What a life you're living, Becky Gordon.

I'll deserve a damn medal at this rate. Don't get me wrong, there are worse things than having to give up sex for someone you might potentially be falling for, but at the same time, I've been exercising my right to bedroom fun on an almost daily basis since I was seventeen. I'm definitely suffering from withdrawal, the number of dreams I'm having tripling over the last week. That's got to be a sign that I need it, right?

It's a shame that I agreed with Ellis. Eventually.

My phone suddenly springs to life, sounding out loud and clear around the kitchen. Launching myself over to the side, I pick it up, unable to stop myself from smiling at the name on the screen.

"Hello," I say as soon as I raise the phone to my ear.

"You picked up!"

"How do you still seem surprised every single time?" I reply to Ellis, shaking my head even though he can't see me.

"I don't know. I'm trying to work away eight years of your rejection," he says and I roll my eyes.

"You brought some of it on yourself." I remind him and hear the sigh down the phone.

"We're heading into dangerous territory," he answers and I laugh.

"True," I agree. "Why did you call?"

"Is it a crime to want to hear your angelic voice?" he replies, a teasing hint to his tone.

"Angelic?" I scoff. "Shut up, Wakefield. No fucking cheese."

"But I know how much you love it."

"You're fucking irritating."

"You love it."

"Wanna bet? I can prove you wrong by giving up on this and going out to the bar tonight, grabbing the first-"

"Alright! Shut up!" Ellis cuts me off and I chuckle.

"Seems like you don't want that to happen?"

"I don't," he replies blatantly.

"Then put that fucking cheese back in the refrigerator," I tell him, looking around and grabbing hold of the fabric from the kitchen side, walking back over towards the dining table where I've spread out more fabric and scissors than is possible to use. "What are you up to today?"

"Nothing. I was supposed to be going to a wedding but-"

"But? But what?" I exclaim, falling down into the seat with a thump. Who in their right mind turns down a wedding? Happy, joyful celebrations, with tons of alcohol.

"It's Brett's friend. One he used to play football with and... I didn't have a date," Ellis replies.

"A date? You literally didn't go because you had no-one to go with?"


"What about me?" I press, sitting upright and digging my elbows into the table as I lean on them.

"Umm, Bec... you literally said you wanted to keep us a secret. Brett is not only someone that you know, but he's in some sort of complicated relationship with your best friend," he retorts and I grimace as I realize he's right.

"Fuck," I exclaim.

"Language! You're a lady," he teases and I grit my teeth.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you!"

"Maybe we can have our own alcohol fest?" Ellis says, swiftly changing the subject back to the lack of options we have despite free alcohol being on the cards. I bite my lip, slouching down in the chair as I think. There's nothing quite like a good wedding. Even if you don't know the bride and groom, you can always see how happy they are, love literally fucking leaks out of everyone, making for extremely enthusiastic, generous and drunk guests. So many guests...



"Let's go to the wedding," I announce.

"Did you not hear what I said? Brett-"

"I get it. Brett will be there." I shift on the chair, pushing the fabric off of the table, already knowing that I'm done with it for the day. "We can avoid him."

"He's the best man!" Ellis exclaims.

"That'll make it more fun." I laugh and he scoffs. "Come on, Ellis! You love a good challenge."

"A challenge?"

"Staying hidden all night from anyone we know," I confirm, already looking down at my nails and trying to decide which color to paint them.

"Alright. Let's do it," Ellis agrees quickly, just like I knew he would. Him and I love any obstacles we face, desperate to attempt to overcome them. Especially when alcohol is involved.


"I'll pick you up in an hour," Ellis replies before I pull the phone away from my ear and hang up, grinning widely as I put it on the table. Jumping up, I head straight for my bedroom, wrenching my closet open and ignoring the clothes that fall out, instead reaching in to the dress section and attempting to decide which one I should choose.


Pushing the door to the building open, I step out to see Ellis leaning against a cab, hands shoved into the pockets of his pants. And holy hell... the fitted black tux emphasizes his looks, every girl that walks past him not missing the opportunity to gawk at the freaking Sex God. I feel my own jaw go slack, nearly falling open before I regain my composure and shut the door behind me.

At that second his attention turns to me and he pushes away from the car, straightening up and grinning as I step closer, pushing my black curls back over my shoulder.

"Wow!" He breathes out, eyes trailing from my red stilettos, up to my black, long skater dress adorned with lace. "You look incredible."

"Don't I just," I reply with a cheeky grin, placing my hand on his chest and pushing him back slightly. "I don't know whether Sav is coming back here after lunch," I tell him. "Let's not risk being seen twice in one day."

"Alright, so you don't want to risk Sav seeing us," Ellis says, walking over and pulling the door of the cab open for me, "but my best friend is fine?"

"Brett is less observant. All men are." I scoff as he slides in beside me.

"I beg to differ," Ellis retorts before leaning forward and giving directions to the driver.

"Oh, really?" I smirk. "Prove it."


"I don't know." I shrug. "There is no way that you are more observant than me."

"Okay." Ellis grins, sitting back in his seat as the driver pulls away. "What was I wearing that night in college that we arranged to... you know..." He trails off, looking ever so slightly awkward. I sit forward, a smile on my face to make him feel at ease, resting my hand on his knee.

"I have no idea," I admit. "But there's no way that you know what I-"

"It was a shiny blue mini dress." He cuts me off. "Your cleavage was a mess of criss-cross laces up to your neck. So fucking sexy."

"I... You..." I trail off, eyes wide as I watch Ellis' expression morph into its classic cocky one as he sits back.

"I loved that dress," he says before turning to the window. I quickly tear my gaze away, over towards my own window, desperate to hide the uncontrollable smile that covers my face from his words. He remembers.


This wedding is nothing short of magnificent. I guess that's what happens when you're a successful, famous football player with money to burn. The ballroom is covered with white mesh coverings from the ceiling, the tables decorated with gold flowers.

Ellis and I managed to slide in undetected, swiftly grabbing some champagne from the tray of a passing waiter, downing it in five seconds and swiping another.

I'm the one who spots Brett first, his head low as he walks across the room alone, straight for the groom, not a single look our way.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask quietly, turning my face away and back towards Ellis. He shrugs.

"He's still pining after Sav," Ellis answers, his eyebrows furrowed. "I reckon it's about time he moved on." I reach out, lightly punching his ribs as he yelps. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Those kids are made for each other," I retort. "They just won't admit it."

"Maybe." Ellis shrugs. "But how many more times are they going to hurt one another?"

I shake my head, looking down at my glass. "What if they don't hurt each other again?" I suggest before moving my gaze up to meet his. "Isn't that exactly what we're trying to do? We've fucked up in the past, just like they have."

"That's true." He smiles before looking over at the crowded dancefloor. "Care for a dance?"

"In these heels?" I scoff. "Are you having a laugh?"

"I... Uhh..."

"I'm kidding." I smirk, reaching out and grabbing hold of his hand. "No pain, no gain." I grin over my shoulder, his hand intertwined with mine as we head towards the music. The way his fingers fit into mine has me almost tripping, the alcohol clearly working its magic as flutters float from my stomach up to my chest.

I lead us through the moving crowd, right into the middle where we're conveniently hidden. Letting go of his hand, I turn to face him with a smile as he reaches out, latching onto my waist and dragging my body against his.

"You don't waste any time, do you?" I say with a grin as I wind my arms around his neck, tempted more than anything to run my hand through his neatly styled brown hair.

"That's not my style," he replies, shifting his hands to force my hips to move in time with the music. "I know that it's not yours either."

I grin before leaning up, our faces only inches from each other. "Maybe," I admit, my voice low and quiet, unable to force it any louder, the closeness, the action forcing us to touch, the pure adrenaline that having Ellis around causes me to have, overwhelming me.

"That's good then." Ellis grins, his voice husky as his hands begin to move from my waist to my ass, slowly but surely, and almost teasingly. I do nothing but accept whatever he wants to do as my hands wrap tighter around him. Leaning up, I graze my lips against his, wanting more, needing him to show me how much he craves me, and only me.

To my surprise, he accepts, not letting me pull my mouth away, instead claiming it as his own, deepening the kiss and prolonging it as we continue to dance, everyone around us completely forgotten. We're absolutely alone, soaking up each other's company as we explore the other, both of our hands subtly around one another. As my touch eventually claims the large tent at the front of his pants he hisses, pulling back and shaking his head at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks and I smirk.

"Dancing," I reply in an obvious tone, using the fact that he's stepped away from me to move my hands slowly down the sides of my body, over every single curve. His sparkling eyes follow my every movement as he freezes on the dancefloor, ignoring the Fleetwood Mac song that's currently blaring around the room. I make a move to trail my hand along the top of my breasts but he quickly steps forward, grabbing my hand and yanking me behind him, away from the dancers and towards the edge of the room. "What are you doing?" I exclaim and he laughs, picking up a glass of champagne and handing it to me.

"Stay here," he instructs and I furrow my eyebrows.


"I'm going to find us a room in this hotel," Ellis answers before suddenly disappearing into the crowd. Oh. Oh!

I lift the flute to my lips, glugging back the gorgeous liquid before accepting another from the bar beside me. Could it be? Are we finally going to give in to each other? If I had known that all it would take was a quick sexy dancing session I would have engaged in that over a week ago. Damn it, Becky! You're here now, and that's what matters.

My gaze suddenly falls onto a woman wearing white across the room, laughing and chatting with a group of women. She isn't the bride, yet I recognize her from somewhere. I grimace at the outfit she's sporting, finding it nothing but disrespectful seeing as she clearly isn't a bridesmaid, but some common guest who took it upon herself to try and upstage the lady who this day is truly about.

I'm staring at her for over a minute with disdain on my face, unable to shift it. I've always had a problem with resting bitch face, so when I actually do see something I hate, hell you'd better fucking run.

A tall man appears beside her, Brett's head instantly lowering to speak with her, my mouth dropping open in shock. Of course. Now I remember her. She's Lacey, Brett's ex-girlfriend, the one Savannah has been torturing herself over in the newspapers and online. The media say she's the one who got away, Brett's true sweetheart. I wonder if she knows that my best friend is freaking pregnant?

Lacey and Brett make a move to leave the room, his hand on her lower back as I narrow my eyes at his back. Doesn't he remember Sav? The girl who's probably crying over him at home? Fucking hell, why are the two of them so damn stubborn?

I've taken two steps towards the couple before a hand wraps around my elbow, stopping me.

"What are you doing?" Ellis asks, looking from me to the couple as they disappear from sight.

"I have a few words to say to Brett fucking Winters," I snap and he shakes his head.

"What happened to being incognito?"

"I'm done with it!" I exclaim and he laughs.

"Stop! Let them work it out between themselves," he says and I pout, crossing my arms. "Hotel room?" he asks, holding up a key in his left hand.

I grin, nodding at him and giggling as we practically run from the room.


We attack each other.


My hands are in his hair, his in mine, tugging on it and causing me to moan out loud. He uses his arms to pin me against the wall just inside the door, his lips leaving mine to trail down my jaw, over my neck and making me turn to putty in his hands. My knees are weak, his arms holding me up as I push my chest out, attempting to grind it against his, using my assets to my own advantage.

"Fuck, Bec," he moans out, moving back only slightly and crushing his lips back on mine.

"How did you... get... the room?" I manage to get out, fingers curling around his hair tightly.

"It's Brett's," he answers and I freeze, shoving him back slightly and cocking an eyebrow.


"He said I could have it." Ellis grins. "Told him I'd met a girl."

"But not who?" I question, stepping back towards him and trailing my hand down his chest. He sucks in a breath as I close in on his pants, my mouth lightly sucking on his neck.

"Never," he replies and I grin, looking up at him from beneath my false eyelashes. He doesn't give me another chance to unbutton his pants, instead roughly pushing me against the wall behind us once more, his body moving over mine and mouth devouring mine.

I'm electrified, every nerve in my body switched on, pooling desire from every crevice at his dominant actions. I grind my lower body against him, exhaling at the feel of his hardness through the thin fabric. A surge of pleasure fills me and I slide against him once more, relishing in the feel. His moans urge me on, and I speed up as he pins my hands above my head.

"Ellis!" I exclaim as I throw my head back, his lips instead turning their attention to the skin just above my cleavage, every single peck heightening the sensations that flow around my entire body.

I don't let up, I can't, no matter how juvenile dry humping is. I have no control over what I'm doing, running on pure lust and nothing else. Ellis doesn't seem to want to stop me, also grinding his own length against me and doubling the experience.

My high is building quickly, understandably so, seeing as it's been so long. I don't stop it or think of what I'm doing, letting go and emitting the loudest high pitched moan as Ellis clutches at my ass, my hands digging into his shoulder as I collapse against him.

My head rests on his shoulder, eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of the door opening.

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