Protection - Sookai

Par TatorTotTati

26.2K 1.3K 682

Huening Kai and his half-brother, Jaehyun are living together while Huening Kai goes to school. After a lifet... Plus

Flash-Forward: New Year's Eve 💖
Prologue: Childhood 💔
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
(don't) Answer this please
decision made for last 'chapter'
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Epilogue 💝
Soundtrack - One (why do I make it sound like a movie lmao)
Soundtrack - Two (idk what I'm doing)

Chapter XXVI

462 30 5
Par TatorTotTati

Note: I did not and will not proofread this I'm too lazy and tired. Well maybe after a bit idk but anyway, enjoy

Saturday - November 30, 2019 🌺

"Hyung....I'm sorry.....I am. Please forgive me. I don't want to lose you". Huening Kai said, his voice quavery and soft.

Yeonjun shook his head. "You just did". He said, before walking away form his grasp.

"Yeonjun Hyung!". Beomgyu yelled. He quickly grabbed Huening Kai by his shoulders. "Ningning, are you okay?". He asked.

"Please Hyung.....just....just go watch there for him. I'm afraid he's gonna hurt himself if he's left alone".

"Kai. I don't want to leave you alone like this". Beomgyu said. He then looked at Soobin who just nodded. He nodded back and then have Huening Kai a hug before saying, "I'll take him home and everything. You stay with Soobin Hyung. Everything is gonna be okay". And then he rushed out the room for Yeonjun. "Yeonjun Hyung!". He called out. Beomgyu grabbed onto Yeonjun's wrist to stop him from leaving the hospital. "Where are you going!?". He asked.

"Home Beomgyu. So let me go". Yeonjun answered.

"Let me accompany you then. You need it". Beomgyu insisted.

"No I don't Beomgyu. I need to be home alone".

Beomgyu frowned. "I know you Hyung. You'll start throwing a tantrum before crying. So please let me comfort you. I'm worried".

"No". Yeonjun said again, attempting to walk out. But then he felt two arms wrap around him tightly.

"Please Hyung........we both know you need someone right now.....please". Beomgyu whispered, back hugging his Hyung tightly. Yeonjun sighed. After a few seconds, he murmured an okay. The two walked to the bus stop together in silence. Every now and then, Beomgyu would look at Yeonjun and see his blank and dull expression. He sighed, it hurt to see him like that. He just wanted his Hyung to happy. Both of them. When the bus arrives at Yeonjun's apartment complex, Beomgyu signaled Yeonjun to leave and followed behind him. Beomgyu could tell Yeonjun wasn't gonna try and hide his feelings. He dragged his feet, kept his head low, and didn't say anything. Not even nod or shake his head. Beomgyu unlocked the front door with Yeonjun's key and let the older inside, helping him take his jacket and shoes off. While Beomgyu settled his stuff down as well, Yeonjun threw himself onto the couch and immediately started crying. The younger gasped softly and then sat next to the older. He embraced him tightly and let the older cry into his chest.

"Shhhhh.....It's okay Hyung.....just let it's gonna get better. I promise". Beomgyu whispered. He could feel Yeonjun clutching onto his sweater tightly, struggling to breath as he sobbed uncontrollably. Soon, Beomgyu found himself crying as well. But he ignored it and just hugged Yeonjun tighter. He was gonna do everything he could to make him feel better.


Thursday - December 5, 2019 🌺

Note: I know it'd be Soobin's birthday but seriously I can't just write up a whole chapter for just that. So I'm sorry my Binnie. No birthday. Anyway, back to the story.


Incoming call from "Hyuka The Pabo"


Beomgyu groaned loudly, barely awake to realize what was even happening. He tried to cover his ears from the horrific sound but he couldn't. Beomgyu quicky grabbed his phone from the nightstand and answered the call.


"Beomgyu Hyung? Why did you take so long to answer?". Huening Kai asked.

"Oh sorry. I forgot you existed". Beomgyu said, getting out of Yeonjun's bed and slipping some slippers on.

"Haha, very funny Hyung".

"I know. I'm a comedic genius". Beomgyu said before smirking.
"But anyways, what's up?". Beomgyu sighed as he leaned against the wall, trying to stay quiet so he wouldn't wake up Yeonjun.

"I just wanted to check in. I'm still worried about Yeonjun Hyung. Soobin Hyung too". Huening Kai answered. "Is he doing alright with you?". He asked.

Beomgyu sighed. "He's made lots of progress. I've been making him food, cuddling him, getting him to relax, and he seems to be enjoying my company. He can just get really emotional randomly". He explained.

"Well I'm glad it's not as bad. Thank you for taking care of him. And well.....talking to me".

"Of course Ning. There's nothing neither one of you could do to make me not help you out".

"Do you think Yeonjun Hyung wants to talk yet?". Huening Kai then asked, a small bit of desperation and hope in his voice.

"I'm not sure. We avoid the topic but I'm gonna try and get to him to consider it today. It's about time". Beomgyu sighed, looking over his shoulder to make sure Yeonjun wasn't awake. He looked at the older with a sad expression. The frown on his face while sleeping wasn't intentional.

"Anyway uh, I'm gonna start getting ready to go to school. Jungkook Hyung is nagging at me right now. You stay with Yeonjun. I'll text you if anything important happens". Huening Kai then said softly.

"Alright. Sounds good. You work hard alright?". Beomgyu responded, smiling.

"Of course. You have a good time with Hyung. Talk to you later. Bye Hyung".

"Bye Ning". Beomgyu hung up and then walked back to Yeonjun's bed. He then gently ran his fingers through Yeonjun's hair, unsure of what to do exactly. He needed to get him to open up. Beomgyu sighed softly and then decided that he needed to get the day started. He went inside the bathroom to wash up and then headed towards the kitchen. He basically already had this routine taking care of Yeonjun. He started pulling out ingredients to make some chocolate chip waffles and a fruit mix for Yeonjun. By the time he was done, he heard Yeonjun enter the kitchen. While he was setting up the plates for them, two strong arms wrapped around his waist. Yeonjun sighed and rest his head on Beomgyu's shoulder.

"W-What are you doing Yeonjun H-hyung?". The younger asked.

Yeonjun whimpered. "I just really wanted a hug from you Beomie". He answered softly. Beomgyu sighed softly and nodded. One part of him wanted to push him off but the other, just hold him closer. Beomgyu put a few things away before turning around to embrace the older tightly.

"Is this better?". He asked. The older nodded with a small smile. Beomgyu rubbed Yeonjun's back in a comforting way. It made the older feel safe and at ease, but also a little embarrassed and happy. "Come on now. We need to eat. I am taking you out today".

"Where are we going?". Yeonjun asked.

"It's a surprise". The younger said with a smirk. An adorable one. (Idk if that's a thing)

"But I have to know what to wear Beomgyu". Yeonjun said before giggling.

"You look hot- I mean great in everything Hyung". The younger replied.

Yeonjun tilted his head, using his curiosity as a tease. "What was that? You said I'm hot?". He asked.

Beomgyu's ears and face turned red. "N-no! I-I did n-not! You j-just m-misheard Hyung!". He stammered. Beomgyu quickly tried to avoid the subject by sitting them both down to eat. Yeonjun found it so cute and amusing. The two boys sat down the dining table, feasting on their breakfast together.

"Beomgyu seriously. I don't know what to wear. Please tell me where we're going". The older begged.

Beomgyu smiled and shook his head. "Nope! I said it's a surprise!". He exclaimed.

Yeonjun groaned loudly. "Oh my goshhhhhh fineeeeee!". He whined. Beomgyu clapped cutely and then marched out of the room happily so they could both change. Yeonjun chose to wear ripped tight jeans, a white t shirt, a black blazer, black belt, and black dress up shoes. Because black looks really good on him. Beomgyu wore some normal tight jeans, a white button up shirt, and white comfortable shoes. They both walked out, a little excited for this day. They hadn't gone out together for a while, mostly just staying at home to calm down.

"Alright. We'll be taking the bus everywhere so just be prepared". Beomgyu said.

"Of course! We gotta ride in style!". Yeonjun exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Beomgyu.

"You seem very very excited you know". Beomgyu then said, facing Yeonjun.

"That's cause I am. I've never get to do this with you". They both smiled at eachother softly before turning their attention back in front of them.

Time Skippppppp

"The arcade!? I haven't been here in ages!". Yeonjun exclaimed with a huge smile.

"Thought you needed something fun to do. Now come on! Let's go play some games!". Beomgyu dragged Yeonjun inside, excited to try all the games with him. They did some racing games, basketball, pockey, etc. (I'm so tired and not motivated right now so this gonna be short) Yeonjun then gasped when he saw a plushie claw machine. He ran towards it, Beomgyu curiously following behind.
Beomgyu watched as Yeonjun got excited about it and it was cute. But after a few seconds, he saw Yeonjun slowly frown and then get lost in his thoughts. He gently grabbed him by the shoulders to try and look at him.

"Hyung? What's wrong?". He asked. Yeonjun didn't even look at him, he was still zoned out. Beomgyu grabbed Yeonjun by the chin to look into his eyes. Yeonjun blinked a couple times, finally paying attention to his surroundings. "What's wrong?". Beomgyu asked again.

"It's just that......I used to get a lot of plushies for Kai.....when we'd play games.....". The older explained, his eyes fleeing to the floor.

The younger nodded and then sighed. "Maybe it's time for a change then". He said.

"What do you mean?". Yeonjun asked the younger, looking up in confusion. Beomgyu walked up to the claw machine and put some coins in.

"I'm gonna get you a plushie instead". He said with a cute but concentrated expression. Yeonjun nodded and leaned against the glass, looking at Beomgyu with a calm expression. Something about this boy was just so mesmerizing. Yeonjun had no idea why he had been feeling so many things these past few days. About Beomgyu. It was similar to way Huening Kai appeared in Yeonjun's mind. Was that weird? Normal? Good? Bad? Yeonjun didn't know, but he sure liked it. "I got you one!". Beomgyu then exclaimed, snapping the older out of his thoughts. The younger grabbed the plushie out of the bucket and handed it to the older with a smile.

"Look! A new bear plushie for you! Now you can have something familiar to cuddle at night! And it's so cute too!". Yeonjun grinned as he looked at the bear. He then looked up and said, "But I already have you Beomie".

The younger turned red, stuttering pathetically, unsure if how to respond to that. "S-shut up! Don't s-say t-things like t-that!". Beomgyu gently slapped Yeonjun's chest. "Let's just go eat some ramen now". Yeonjun chuckled and quickly caught up to beomgyu. They walked to a different bus stop and luckily didn't have to wait long. After maybe a 15 minute bus ride to the hotpot cafe, they arrived at their street and walked the rest of the way. While walking, Yeonjun put an arm around the younger's waist, a smug look on his face. "You're really cute Gyu". He commented, not paying attention to how flustered he was making Beomgyu. After a couple minutes of walking, They entered inside the cafe and immediately settled down at a free table and then waited until a waitress came over. They asked for two packets of ramen, broth, and some small vegetables. When the waitress brought the food back, the two boys began to make their ramen, exchanging in conversation.

"Did you enjoy the arcade?". Beomgyu asked.

"Hell yeah. I had fun and I got a bear plushie from you. It couldn't have gone better". Yeonjun answered. Beomgyu giggled and then smiled. He was glad he was doing a good job at making him feel better.

"Has this been helping taking your mind off of things? You know? Us?".

Yeonjun hummed softly. "Yeah. It's very nice actually.....I don't usually stay at home this much..........with someone". He said before chuckling softly.

"Well I'm glad you're in enjoying it Hyung".

"Well, it's mostly just because you're here babe". Yeonjun said. Beomgyu's ears and cheeks both turned a crimson red from the comment. He then faced Yeonjun who looked back at him. The older winked playfully before blowing a kiss. The younger giggled and then rolled his eyes before looking away, smiling once again.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu walked down the concrete in silence. Just enjoying the peaceful sounds of the park and the view of the lake and pretty trees. It was nice to have this refreshing time together after a long day and week. Yeonjun casually intertwined their fingers but Beomgyu wasn't gonna stop him. He'd just hold it tighter. After a couple minutes, they arrived at the lakes bridge. Both Beomgyu and Yeonjun leaned against the railing to look down at their reflection, which had some flowers and fish too. Beomgyu smiled, giggling at the fish as he watched them swim. Yeonjun looked up and stared at Beomgyu, adoring the way his eyes shone and his smile only got bigger.

"Hey Beomgyu?". Yeonjun said, in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes Yeonjun Hyung?". Beomgyu made eye contact with the older.

Suddenly, Yeonjun brought himself closer to Beomgyu and then slowly leaned in until their faces were only a couple inches away from eachother. Beomgyu was very confused and nervous. "What if I asked you to kiss me? Or permission for me to kiss you?". He asked.

Beomgyu froze in his spot. "".


The younger sighed. " head would tell me to kiss you....but my heart would say no". He answered.

"Why?". The older asked.

"'d be wrong. You're in love with Huening Kai. Not me".

"But what if my feelings changed? A lot?". Yeonjun asked.

Beomgyu sighed and then held out his hands. Yeonjun intertwined their hands, looking at Beomgyu desperate and confused. "I know you think that you're in love with me. But that's not true Hyung". He stated.

"What do you mean? What if I do love you?".

"Yeonjun. You aren't in love with me. You're in love with Kai. Right now, you're just really hurting and vulnerable right now. You think you like me but it's not true. You haven't gotten over Huening Kai. So you can't say you love me........look. I know that you have some sort of romantic feelings for me and you want to give us a chance. I can see it in the way you look at me. But this is not the time to do that. We can't give this relationship chance if you aren't over Huening Kai. And believe I do think we've been closer than we ever been in these past few days, but we need more time".

"But what if I am over Huening Kai?". Yeonjun asked.

"If you were over him, you'd be willing to make up with him and to accept him. Do you understand that? In able for you to get over this, you have to accept that Kai is not yours. That he's happy with Soobin. You have to accept that pain is always gonna be a consequence of love".

"But I'm saying that I love you. Because I'm over Huening Kai and want to try this out with you".

"No. You're just using me to get over him. Loving me is not gonna make you feel better Hyung".

"But I'm not!".

"Yes you are!".

"But I want to love you! I want to be with you! Please! Because I do love you!". Yeonjun cried out, holding onto Beomgyu tightly.

Beomgyu shook his head. "You don't. I know you don't". Yeonjun whimpered softly before suddenly bawling his eyes out. Beomgyu quicky embraced him, caressing his head gently.

"I want to love you so badly Gyu! And I'm starting to feel it! I swear!".

"You have to get over Huening Kai first Yeonjun".

"Even you're breaking my heart Beom! Why!??". Yeonjun yelled before crying uncontrollably.

"You have to ask me this a lot later Hyung. You have to give us time to workout. Because as much as I'm in love with you, I want what we have to be true and not forced. Alright?". Yeonjun nodded in Beomgyu's chest, still crying. "........I love you so much Yeonjun........".

Time Skipppppp To Late At Night

Yeonjun laid on Beomgyu's chest, quiet ever since the 'conffession'. Beomgyu rubbed Yeonjun's arm comfortingly, resting his chin on Yeonjun's head. They stayed like that for a bit before Beomgyu spoke up.

"You should really talk to Huening Kai. He misses you. And I'm sure you miss him".

"I don't wanna talk to him.....". Yeonjun answered softly.

"Why?". Beomgyu asked.

"I'm still mad". Yeonjun stated.

Beomgyu scoffed. "No you're not. You're just scared".

"No I'm not".

"Yes you are".


"I've known you forever Hyung. Don't try to deny this". Beomgyu said.

Yeonjun groaned, giving up. Beomgyu was right. He was scared. "Well of course I am........ I'd be surprised if I even had the nerve to ever look at him again......I mean come on. I yelled at him, made him cry; multiple times. I probably got in the way of him and Soobin and on top of that, I caused him pain when I kissed him in front of Jaehyun. I was selfish. All the time. I have no right to try and fix what happened between us when I caused it". He explained.

"Yes you do. And plus, Kai wants to see you. He loves you so much you know? He doesn't care about how you feel about him, he just wants you to be happy. He wants what's best for both of you. And right now, he believes that you guys talking about what happened is what's right". Beomgyu replied.

Yeonjun sighed. "I hate it when you make great points. Now I can't be mad at you for it". He complained.

Beomgyu chuckled and nodded. "Does that mean you're gonna talk to Huening Kai? And Soobin too?". He asked.

".....what am I supposed to say?".

"Well there's no wrong or right. Just do what needs to be done. Apologize. And then you can decide if you and them are willing to stay friends".

Yeonjun nodded and then hugged Beomgyu tighter. "Thank you for not hating me. I really do appreciate you being here Gyu". He whispered.

"Of course Junnie". Yeonjun hummed and then stole a kiss on the cheek. Beomgyu was about to protest but he just smiled. He kissed his Hyung on the head and off they went to sleep in eachother's arms.

A/N: Omg MOAAAA! I'm so sorry this took so long to be published. I had a really hard time with it and it didn't even turn out that great so that's a little disappointing. But I hope you guys like the Yeongyu/beomjun content there. You probably expected them to get together but that won't come til later. Anyway, thanks for waiting my loves! I'll try to be faster next update! Love you guys so much! Thank you for over 5k views btw! You guys really are awesome and such angels in my life! 😚💜💜💜💜💜

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