Alive | ør | Asleep •Jyler•...

By -M-I-N-E-

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Alive | ør | Asleep, Book Two of: We're Human. COMPLETED Disclaimer: it mentions depression, self-conscious... More

𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ ꪮꪀꫀ
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𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗦𝗶𝘅

17 3 0
By -M-I-N-E-

I will add a header photo later. I am running out of edits for the headers so if you have any edits you want me to use, let me know where to find them and I will give credit.

Warnings: none

Words 1014


• Asleep

"Hold my hand." Tyler instructed, quickly grabbing Jenna's hand as they walked towards the graveyard.

They moved their normal pace as if they were only there to see a friend who perished. They looked down at the gravel path as they approached a gravestone just in view of the wall. They didn't want to get too close or the watcher's might suspect something fishy.

"Right here." Jenna whispered as they both crouched down to the sand. Tyler slipped his backpack off his shoulder, unzipping the bag and reaching his hand for the tape.

His heart began to beat faster and faster as he got closer and closer to freedom. He ripped a long strip of tape handing it to Jenna as she placed it diagonally from her chest down across her stomach, and another one yet vice versa, creating an X.

Once they were all taped up, and the backpack as well, they stood up. Tyler placed his fingertips on Jenna's belly, guiding his hand across the fabric of her shirt and to her back. "I'm gonna go first." He smiled softly, leaning over and kissing her belly. "I don't know what is past the trapdoor. Whatever happens we keep goin', okay?" Tyler's 'sweet voice' accent was heavy, filled with comfort, but serious.

Jenna hesitated before nodding, she understood the dangers were high. And even worse was the fear of the unknown gnawing at her gut.

Tyler held her chin between his thumb and fingers, tilting her head slightly. They kissed each other's lips softly before continuing on towards the wall.

They moved quickly towards the ditch, their feet sliding through the sand.

It was just turning 5 o'clock, and the sun was just barely peaking over the wall on the other side of the city. The sunset made a beautiful yolk color. A dull shade of pink conquered the sky making clouds some sort of brown.

Of course they weren't looking at the stars or the sunset like they loved to do. They were determined to escape the clutches of the city and it's terrible devilish bishops had on them.

Not only that. They had this nagging fear of getting caught, or even lost. Their insides were exploding with anxiety and excitement all at once.

Tyler slid down the ditch, opening his arms to catch Jenna if she needed him to. Of course, she slid down herself. She wasn't useless, just needed to be protected for the baby's cost. Sometimes Tyler forgot that. Sometimes he felt as though he had to keep her from danger at all times. Now seeing that she had a determined face and a will to do whatever it takes, he had realized that she wasn't only his wife, and soon to be mother. She was a badass. And the thought of freedom is what fueled her willpower and confidence.

Jenna nodded her head towards Tyler, and he nodded back. Some sort of sign of their readiness. He bent down, grabbing the metal hatch from the wooden trapdoor surface, before tugging quickly. It was rough at first but after the third pull it had broken free. The scary darkness of the unknown cowered in fear ar the light of the setting sun.

Jenna quickly dashed through, the darkness engulfing her. Tyler quickly jumped inside, flinging the door closed just as "Attempted Perimeter Escape" ran through his ears. They must've been triggered by the trapdoor.

Darkness flooded Tyler's eyesight making him completely blind of his surroundings. He could hear nothing but the small dripping sounds of water hitting water.

Before he could think of what to do next the trap door flung open, the light cascading through the opening as a herd of watchers swarmed through.



Tyler felt his body jolt as he opened his eyes. He felt droplets of sweat run down his back and collar bones as he sat up. His breathing got quicker as he began to wheeze for breath. He felt like his lungs were closed, and his body wasn't doing what it needed to breathe.

The darkness of the bedroom was eerie and uncomforting until a small hand rubbed his lower back, and he immediately felt himself calm down and began to feel his lungs open up.

"Breathe, honey." Jenna mumbled tiredly, her free hand flinging up to her forehead as she stretched.

Tyler stared at the darkness in front of him, his watery eyes drying up now that he could breathe. Once his breathing was calm he laid back down, Jenna's hand still under his back. He lifted his butt for her to remove her hand, but instead she flung her other hand over. She rubbed her hand on his chest an down his stomach. She fixed the rim of his underwear, all to give him butterflies. He took a deep breath, as indeed butterflies did swarm his chest. "What'd you dream about?" Jenna whispered.

"You." He answered simply. "It's always you."

Jenna pressed closer to him, wrapped her arms around him. "Well, I hope I wasn't the one to make you hyperventilate just then."

Tyler shook his head, "no." He took a deep breath, his chest lifting along with Jenna's head. "I've been having this repetitive dream." He swallowed, "like, every time I close my eyes I... I continue the story of this place."

Jenna hummed, her cheek pressed against his tattooed chest. "That sounds fun." She mumbles sluggishly. She was almost asleep. "Mm—What place is it?"

Tyler rubbed his hand across Jenna's back, the fabric of her shirt lifting as he took advantage of the feeling of her skin on his hands. Soft, warm, and magical. It soothed her, making it even more difficult to keep conscious. "It's called Dema." She hummed, although it was so quiet it was almost inaudible. "It's my own little hell." He mumbled softly. He waited patiently for Jenna's response to his odd sentence.

However, it never came. Jenna was already asleep.


I have been so busy. Sorry. I'll be posting another chapter to make up for Saturday and Sunday.

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