Rush [Sokka - Book Three]

By -hxppygirlhxdley-

22.9K 985 1.1K

"nothing about this is right. you were with me, and now you're gone. gone like the rush of a river to an ocea... More

Extended Summary + Playlist
⚝Chapter One⚝
⚝Chapter Two⚝
⚝Chapter Three⚝
⚝Chapter Four⚝
⚝Chapter Five⚝
⚝Chapter Six⚝
⚝Chapter Seven⚝
⚝Chapter Eight⚝
⚝Chapter Nine⚝
⚝Chapter Ten⚝
⚝Chapter Eleven⚝
⚝Chapter Twelve⚝
⚝Chapter Thirteen⚝
⚝Chapter Fourteen⚝
⚝Chapter Fifteen⚝
⚝Chapter Sixteen⚝
⚝Chapter Eighteen⚝
⚝Chapter Nineteen⚝
⚝Chapter Twenty⚝
⚝Chapter Twenty One⚝
⚝Chapter Twenty Two⚝
⚝Alternate Ending⚝

⚝Chapter Seventeen⚝

690 35 38
By -hxppygirlhxdley-

When Konno woke up the morning of the Invasion, a deep sense of anxiety coursed through her body like a strong wave, pulling her under the murky water of doubt and fears. Something buzzed in the back of her mind, reminding her to protect her heart and her mind from the pain. Maybe it was because Sokka told her he loved her. Every fiber in her being told her to get as far away from these people before they hurt her like others in the past. Yet she couldn't ever leave them. They helped her in more ways than she could ever imagine. Or maybe it was something else that made her fear the future, something else that she couldn't really put her finger on. 

The rustle of the papers pulled Konno out of her mind. Sokka was studying the three maps with intense concentration; he was wearing his Water Tribe gear. He looked very nervous as he swiped his hand across his forehead. Perspiration beaded along his skin, so she bumped his shoulder with hers. 

"Hey," he said with an easy smile. His eyes glanced down at her body, taking in her Water Tribe outfit. "I haven't seen those clothes in a long time. How does it feel being back in them?"

She touched her shirt absentmindedly while saying, "It makes me even more homesick."

Sokka tugged on her hand. "Don't worry," he said, lacing his fingers through hers. With his touch, the anxiety that was rushing through her veins seemed to slow down just enough for her to smile. "Today is the day that the war ends. Tomorrow, we'll head out to the Northern Water Tribe together."

"How are you so confident?" she asked him softly. "What if something goes wrong?"

"I've been preparing for this for a long time." Sokka shrugged. "Even though I can't stop thinking that something will go wrong, I have to believe in myself and what is planned. If I don't, nothing will go right."

Konno slipped her hands out of his as Katara handed her and Sokka cups of water. Katara was also wearing Water Tribe gear. Konno was the only one who didn't have any sort of armor or gear on because Sokka forbade her from fighting. For once in her life, she was okay with a male telling her what to do. She didn't want to fight anyone because she was afraid of dying. Even worse, she was afraid of killing someone. She didn't ever want to do that again.

"Top of the morning, Momo!" Aang said cheerily. He looked very different than when he wasn't sleeping. He looked more prepared for today than he was recently. 

"Sounds like you slept well," Katara said. Her lips twitched as if she didn't want to smile even though she looked happy.

"Like a baby mooselion." Aang jumped into an attacking position, saying, "I'm ready to face the Fire Lord."

"So, what's your strategy for taking him down?" Toph asked. She waved her fingers in front of her eyes. "Going to get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action?"

Aang's good mood suddenly deflated, leaving him looking so dejected. "I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe."

Konno blinked. She glanced toward the sky and saw the moon slowly disappearing as the sun rose higher and higher into the clouds. If there was anyone who could help, it would have been Yue. She was apart of the universe now, being a spirit and all. 

"You know what I just heard?" Toph asked. She leaned back onto the rock where she was sitting, placing her hands behind her head. "Blah blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah blah something about space."

"The spirits are real," Konno said. Her voice was even and steady. She didn't allow any of her anger to enter it. "Trust me. It isn't 'mumbo jumbo.'"

Toph sniffed. "Whatever."

Konno clenched her jaw and looked away from her. She shouldn't have been getting so angry at Toph. There was no need for her to waste that much energy on her. She sucked in a breath of the salty air, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, she frowned. Fog rose up on the horizon.

"Oh, no," Katara said. She was also looking at the horizon with a frown on her face. "Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?"

"No," Sokka said, shaking his head. "That is the invasion."

Aang and Toph got into stance, raising their arms above their heads. A couple of earthen docks rose out of the water in preparation for the fleets to come in. Soon enough, the ships were cutting through the water close to them. There were at least ten ships, if not more. Konno couldn't believe that they had gotten that much people to help them with the Invasion.

A familiar man stepped off of the ship he was on. He was also wearing Water Tribe armor. Sokka was the spitting image of his father. It had been a little bit since Konno saw Hakoda, but he still looked as good as he did before. A smile broke out on his face as Katara threw herself into his arms.

"You made it, Dad!" Katara said happily.

Konno's heart clenched at the sight. She wished she could embrace her mother like that again. She was happy that Katara had gotten over the rift with her father, but now it was her turn to get over the rift she had with her own parents. 

"Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?" Sokka asked him hopefully.

Konno stepped closer to the happy family. She stood awkwardly near Bato and nodded to him. He nodded back. These people had quickly become family to her. They spent many nights on the ship waiting for Aang to wake up after Azula shot him with lightning. Those nights were horrible and happy all at the same time. 

"I did. But, I'm a little worried, Sokka," Hakoda said. He glanced behind him. Konno gasped when she saw the two swamp men descend from the ship. She hadn't ever thought that she would see them again. She wasn't sure if she wanted to see them again. "Some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type."

"Whooo-wheee," the shorter man said excitedly. "This place ain't nothing like a swamp." He pointed to the rock where Toph had been sitting on earlier. "What'd you reckon this is, Tho? Some sort of exploding Fire Nation exploding trap that would eat ya?"

"It's just a rock, Due," Tho said.

"Well, I'll be." Due looked around them, and his eyes landed on Konno. He smiled and said, "What're you doing here?"

"I'm with them," Konno said, gesturing to Sokka and the rest of them. She didn't know what else to say to him.

"It's nice to see you again," Due said with a nod. "You look better than when you were at the swamp. Your eyes . . . they're brighter now."

Konno swallowed hard. She didn't know that it would have been this hard seeing him. The last time she saw him, she was in the darkest place of her life. She had run away from home to get away from all the pain. It followed her there, and she would've died because of it if they hadn't found her. Seeing these two men again almost brought the pain back. Almost. She was stronger now, though. Even though she missed Yue and Navrek dearly, she knew they would want her to be happy.

"I just wish they would wear pants," Bato said, his eyes wide. 

Hue scratched his abdomen as he said, "Pants are an illusion and so is death."

Konno didn't believe that at all. She knew death was real, realer than anything else in the world. It had ravaged her city and her life, but she wouldn't let it defeat her. She had gotten real close to Death, more times than she would like to admit. Yet she was still surviving again and again and again.

A young man with an ugly moustache walked forward, a grin on his face. "Hi, Katara," he said, almost shyly. 

Konno was surprised to see Katara run into his arms. She thought Katara liked Aang, but she wasn't sure anymore. "Haru, it's so good to see you!"

Aang grabbed Toph and Konno's arms, dragging them forward. Konno could feel the jealousy rushing off of him in waves, so Konno whispered, "Haru isn't really that good-looking, Aang."

"That moustache is hideous," he said, laughing. Katara pulled away from her hug with Haru and glanced at Aang.

"Toph, Konno, this is Haru," Aang said. "When we met him, his town was controlled by the Fire Nation. So we had to hide his earthbending."

"Katara inspired me and my father." Konno was surprised to see Katara blushing. She definitely wasn't supposed to do that. "She inspired us to take back our village."

An older man stepped up behind Haru, placing a hand on their shoulders. "You helped us find our courage, Katara," the man said proudly. "Now we're here to help you."

Konno glanced over at Sokka. He looked a little lonely as he watched the rest of them, so she pulled her arm out of Aang's grip and walked over to him. She slipped her arm around his waist.

"What're you doing here?" he asked her.

"You looked lonely," she said with a 'duh' tone. "Now you're not lonely."

Hakoda turned toward the two of them with a smile on his face. "How are you doing, Konno?" he asked.

"I've been good," she said truthfully. "I've been really happy lately."

"I'm glad," Hakoda said brightly. "I'm so happy that you two found each other." His eyes dimmed slightly, but his smile grew wider. "The two of you remind me of Kya and myself when we were younger."

Konno smiled. Her grip on Sokka tightened as he said, "Dad -"

Suddenly, a boat exploded behind the three of them. Sokka blocked Konno from the flying pieces of the ship, sheltering her head. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest, but he made her feel safe. He would always protect her from everything.

"Are you okay?" he asked her quickly.

"Yeah. You?"


He took her hand as the three of them ran over to the smoldering boat in the water. A man with crazy hair appeared from the lower deck, his face covered with orange goo. He coughed hard as a boy in a wheelchair wheeled himself down the gangplank. Two other boys trailed behind him.

"Was that a new invention?" Sokka asked excitedly. He seemed to know who these people were.

"Yes," the crazy-haired man said. "But unfortunately, the incendiary capabilities of peanut sauce proved to be a failure."

"You're making peanut sauce bombs?" Sokka asked him.

"They're destructive," the bigger guy said. A littler boy sat on his shoulders.

"And delicious!" the littler boy said.

"Dad, Konno, this is Teo and his father, the Mechanist," Sokka explained, pointing to the boy in the wheelchair and the crazy-haired man. "And those two are Pipsqueak and the Duke."

"Hi," Konno said to them. She didn't know why she was so awkward around these people. She wasn't really one to talk to new people. That was why she only had one friend for her whole life until she met these people.

"Hello," the Mechanist said distractedly. His mind was already elsewhere.

"Were you able to complete work on the plans I sent you?" Sokka asked him.

"Yes, I was, and I think the Fire Nation would be quite surprised," the Mechanist said with a wink. 

Aang appeared next to Konno, a smile on his face. "Aang," Teo said, wheeling forward. He held a pole-like object in his hands. "My dad and I made this for you."

Aang took the object from Teo. Blue wings popped out from the sides, resembling his old glider. "A new glider!" Aang said, admiring the pole in his hand. "This is amazing."

"And as a special feature, I added a snack compartment," the Mechanist said. He placed his head under the handle and pulled it. Peanuts tumbled out of the compartment and into his mouth.

"Oh well, I'm sure that will come in handy," Aang said with a smile.

"Wow, I sure am hungry," Tho said, walking past Konno. He was patting his stomach as he walked, glancing around their little campsite. 

"Katara and I stayed up late last night making food for you all," Konno said, taking a step forward. Tho and the rest of the swamp people looked at her, frowns on their faces. "I'm not sure if it will be up to your standards, but it will be good."

Katara walked over to Konno and smiled warmly to everyone. "If you all will follow me, I'll show you where the food is," she said to all the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom warriors. They all looked very hungry for breakfast as they followed Katara.

Sokka and Konno walked back over to where his maps were. "I'm glad we had breakfast early," Sokka said to her. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten anything to eat. And I need to eat in the morning."

"Or else you'll be grumpy," she teased, laughing. "Yeah, I'm glad you got to eat, too."

He stuck his tongue out at her with a quick roll of his eyes, but he laughed, too. Then he fell silent, tapping his hands against his legs. "I'm nervous," he whispered to her, his eyes doing a sweep of the area. "What if I mess up in front of everyone?"

"You won't," she said, shaking her head. He looked over at her so she gave him an encouraging smile. "I believe in you, Sokka. When you practiced last night, you didn't stumble over your words once. What makes you think that you can't do it now?"

"There's more people now."

"Just look at me while you're up there," she said, lacing her fingers through his. "Whenever I'm nervous, you always seem to calm me down. I'll try to do the same for you."

He leaned his forehead against hers. Her eyes fluttered shut as her heart slowed down. This was what love felt like, plain and simple. This instant right here. Konno would have traded anything in this world to stay here in this moment forever. If she never left his embrace, she wouldn't have to worry about telling him how she felt. It should've been so easy, but, to her, it was the hardest thing to do in her life. 

"Sokka," Hakoda said, interrupting their moment, "it's time."

Sokka pulled away from Konno. His hands were shaking as he reached out and grabbed some scrolls. He gulped nervously, so she touched his shoulder, pulling him closer to her. She quickly kissed him and whispered, "You got this."

He nodded and took a deep breath. His steps were quick and uneasy as he walked to the platform that Aang and Toph made earlier that morning. "Good morning, everyone!" he said, glancing out at the crowd. As he did that, he tripped, his scrolls sprawling out in front of him. He hurriedly picked up his fallen scrolls before standing in front of the podium.

Konno walked over next to Katara, sitting down. "He's very nervous, if you couldn't tell," Konno whispered to Katara.

"Oh, I can tell," Katara whispered back to her.

"Uhm, so, as you know today we're invading the Fire Nation. I mean, I know you know that." Sokka laughed nervously. His eyes scanned the crowd, so she waved to him slightly. When he saw her, he seemed to calm down slightly but not much better. "Because otherwise why else would you be here. Anyway . . ." He clumsily dropped more scrolls, and Konno sighed. He didn't need to be that nervous about all of this. She believed in him. "The Fire Lord's palace is here." He pointed to a map, but it wasn't the correct one. After flipping through the maps multiple times, he finally found the right one. "It's here and uh there's an eclipse today and Aang's going to fight the Fire Lord and the firebenders won't have any fire to use so that's good for us and uhm . . . I'm sorry, let me start at the beginning."

"He needs to calm down," Katara whispered to Konno. 

"I tried to help him, but nothing helps when you've fallen deep into your anxiety."

Konno knew that better than anyone. Anxiety was like the deepest ocean, and it would drown you if you let it. She had let it keep her smothered for so long, but she was ready to swim.

"Katara and I discovered Aang frozen in an iceberg. Now, I didn't like Aang at first, but I grew to love him over time," Sokka said rapidly. Konno's eyes widened when she realized he started at the actual beginning of their journey. "Then we went over to the Southern Air Temple where Aang used to live and then we met Suki, who is a Kyoshi warrior. She made me dress like a woman and then she kissed me."

"Wow, he says beginning, he means beginning, beginning," Katara whispered to Konno and Aang. Konno wasn't really listening, though. Sokka didn't tell her that he had kissed Suki before. A frown worked its way onto her face as he continued.

"And then Aang's friend was a crazy old man and then Katara got Haru arrested and then now he's grown a mustache." Konno glanced to the side and saw Hakoda approaching Sokka, as if to make him stop speaking. "And if you look in the front row, you can see him and -"

"Thank you, Sokka," Hakoda said, placing a reassuring hand on Sokka's shoulder. "It's okay, why don't you take a break?"

Sokka hung his head low as he walked off of the stage. Konno got up and met him at the edge of the crowd, saying, "Come on, let's go take a walk on the beach."

She took his hand, pulling him toward the small beach where all the ships were docked. The crystal-clear water lapped at the sides of the ships, reminding her of her secret little cove. Each ship was the walls that blocked everyone from the cove, and the beach was where she used to sit for hours, contemplating life. 

It almost felt like she was back at her cove; a frigid breeze blew through her dark hair and little snowflakes fell down upon her. Sokka's hand slowly disappeared, leaving her alone. She wasn't afraid, though. She knew this was home. 

Something bobbed up and down in the water. Peering closer, Konno couldn't really tell what it was. It looked like it was as big as her, and something blue flashed across her vision. She had to blink hard because it blinded her. An agonized scream echoed in her ears. When she could see again, her eyes caught sight of the ships in the dock and a confused looking Sokka standing next to her.

"You suddenly stopped walking," he said. "Are you okay?"

Konno blinked at him. She had no idea what that was or why it happened, but it was slowly disappearing from her mind. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, shaking her head. "I don't know what happened, though." She cleared her throat and asked, "I didn't know you and Suki kissed."

Sokka sighed. "I may have forgotten to tell you that little part. But it was way before we met. After we met, I knew you were the one for me."

"Is that why you were always with Yue?" Konno asked him. "Because I was the one?"

"Okay, fine, I knew you were the one when we met again in the swamp," he clarified. 

"That's a better answer," she said, laughing. "I guess I should tell you that you weren't my first kiss, either."

His mouth opened in shock. "Are you serious?" he sputtered. "You were acting like it was so bad for me to kiss Suki, but here you have the same secret. Who was your first kiss?"

Konno laughed. She smiled softly as she said, "Navrek."

"I don't have to worry about him now that he's dead," Sokka said quickly. His eyes went wide when he realized what he said. "I totally did not mean that. Wow, what is wrong with me today? I can't seem to talk right. It's because you make me so nervous that I'm messing up on my words."

Konno grabbed his hand. "It's fine. I'm fine." She would've cried back at the swamps, but she was stronger now. She would miss him forever, but she wouldn't cry over him anymore. He wouldn't want that. He would want her to smile at his memory. "Why do I make you nervous still?"

"Because you're you," he said simply. "I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever you look at me because you're so perfect for me. It's the same feeling I have right now that I had when we first locked eyes. It won't ever go away."

Konno opened her mouth to tell him when cheers rang out from the crowd. His eyes flicked over to where his father stood on the stage, a proud smile on his face. Sokka deflated, so she said, "What happened up there? I thought you were confident in your plan."

"I will never measure up to my dad," Sokka said with a sigh. "He's so eloquent, and I am not. I couldn't even give a small speech to these people because I got so nervous."

"Hey, you aren't your father by any means," Konno said to him. "You are Sokka. Regular Sokka who still has a lot to learn."

"Regular Sokka? Really?"

Konno rolled her eyes. "I only said that to get my point across. You aren't perfect, and you mess up. But the real growth is when you learn from your mistakes and build on it. Next time, you'll do better because you know what you're going up against."

Sokka let out a breath and nodded. "How did you get so wise?"

"I've been through a lot."

"Everything you have been through brought you to me."

"Exactly. I would never change anything about my life because I would miss out on being with you."

He slipped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. "This is why I love you. You're so selfless and strong and everything I have ever needed."

Her heart picked up its pace. She needed to tell him. Yet her anxiety washed over like a flood again, sealing her lips shut. They were about to go to battle. She didn't want to tell him and then lose him. She would tell him after the Invasion. That way, they could have the rest of their lives to celebrate without worrying about the war.

"There you two are!" Aang said. He landed on the ground beside the two of them. Konno was surprised to see him bald again. It had been such a long time since she had seen him like that. "We've been looking everywhere for you two. The boats are ready to leave."

"I messed up," Sokka said to Aang. "But Konno helped me see that I can learn from this."

"That's good," Aang said, nodding. "Your moment of truth isn't going to be in front of some map. It's going to be out there, on the battlefield."

"You seem so confident about everything," Sokka said to him. "How do you know we're going to win?"

"Because I already failed the world once at Ba Sing Se," Aang said. His eyes never left the horizon. "I won't let myself fail again."

Aang opened his glider and flew back over to where the ships were. Apparently Sokka and Konno had drifted away from the docks while they were talking and she didn't even notice. Fear rose up in her throat as Sokka pulled her toward the ships. This was it. It was time for the Invasion to come to fruition.

It was the beginning of the end.

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