Dragon Binder: Book One of th...

By RussellKephart

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Dragon Bound, where one binds themselves to a dragon egg hatching it, gaining powerful magic and strength. T... More

End of a Emperor (Bonus Scene)
World Map
Chapter 1: Yina Athara
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: The Spar
Chapter 4: Family
Chapter 5: Defiance
Chapter 6: Dragon Egg
Chapter 7: The Binding
Chapter Eight: Sad Farewell
Chapter Nine: Belsenth
Chapter 10: Healer
Chapter 11: Criminal
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Unexpected Ally
Chapter 14: Escape
Chapter 15: The Plan
Chapter 16: Flight
Chapter 17: Ardasha
Chapter 18: Uncontrollable
Chapter 19: Smuggled
Chapter 20: Separate Paths
Chapter 21: Journey
Chapter 22: Growth
Chapter 23: The Storm
Chapter 24: Revelations
Chapter 25: Final Stretch
Chapter 26: The Raptors
Chapter 27: Stranger
Chapter 28: Finale
Chapter 29: Cost of Battle
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31: Bredan
Chapter 32: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 33: Momentary Relaxation
Chapter 34: Docks
Chapter 35: Departure
Chapter 36: Open Seas
Chapter 37: Broken Calm
Chapter 38: Unexpected Victory
Chapter 39: Voyages End
Chapter 41: Hydra
Chapter 42: The Roost
Chapter 43: Rebel Lily

Chapter 40: Alary

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By RussellKephart

The duo stayed in the air for as long as Nyssa could hold them up, which honestly was about half a hour.  She was still smaller then a full grown dragon, even if she had grown recently due to the primal incident in the forest.  

Once back on the ship, they found out it would be another day yet before the ship would be able to dock with the town.  It was moving away from them, granted at a much slower rate but still enough to extend the trip.  

"Why can we not just fly there?"  Yina asked Adar as they stood against the railing.  Yina had changed back into her more proper clothes thinking they would arrive soon.  She hated wearing dresses but sadly it would be better to seem like a noble woman then a bound especially when people were looking for a bound woman.  

Adar was in his normal attire, casual pants and a tight fitting shirt as he turned around and leaned on the rail of the ship.  "It is much easier to get into the city from ship then flying in on dragons.  People tend to frown upon random dragons showing up without notice.  Tends to raise alarms, due to one talented bound can do a lot of damage to a place before enough people can subdue them."  Adar explained with his arms crossed.  

With the wind yanking on her braid Yina looked out at the ocean contemplating the words.  "That makes sense actually, I am still so shocked at how little I was taught about the real world.  I understood people looking down on me because of my noble birth, but a good chunk of it was true."  Being told that you did not  understand how real people lived had infuriated her, and now she understood it.  

"Do not let it bring you down.  Many people who live in cities, especially capital cities do not know much about life outside the walls either."  To them life was simple yet they never had to worry about animals or wild dragons coming in and attacking them.  Most did not even have to risk their life just to get their jobs done.  

Pushing off the rail she spin around and walked a few steps away before glancing back at Adar.  "You are right, thanks for that.  I think I am going to go get some more rest.  Nothing else to really do while I wait anyways."  She explained pulling at the dress she now wore huffing at it.  

True to her words, Yina did rest, just not in her room but instead down by Nyssa.  The two had not spent a great deal of time around each other since the sea trip had started.  The rocking of the ship still made the young woman nauseous but it was at least bearable.  

"So what is our plan once we get to town?"  Nyssa send to Yina, laying on her back wings spread wide open across the platform.  The sun made her violet scales look like moving colored water.  

Yina had put a lot of thought into that actually, but she was still so unsure of the next move.  "I think we should try to find the storm isles, your mother..."  Looking over she could see and feel the pain that using that word caused the young dragon.  "Seemed to think it was our only option."  All they had to go on was that, with the hope that Nyssa's aunt would be there.  

Anyone she asked had laughed at her when she mentioned it, apparently it was this big myth that a set of islands were hidden far to the west out at sea.  No one has found it, or at least returned to tell the tale.  The sailors explained that once you get to far out to sea the storms are far worse and it was almost suicide to sail that far.  

Not to mention ships could only carry a finite amount of supplies, once you ran out well it was supposedly not a good way to go out.  The only hope out of all these stories though, was that a few ships each year still tended to strike out and try to make a name for themselves wanting to be the first to find the legendary isles.  

If that was the case, then the group could at least be able to make an attempt.  When she brought it up to Adar though, he would just grow grumpy and tell her that his job was to take Yina directly to her grandmothers, not go on a foolish adventure to find the storm isles.  

Tyn had been neutral to the idea, thinking going to her grandma was the better starting move.  It was possible that they could use her to help them find it, but he was also willing to follow her if she decided to be reckless and leave before that time.  

"I think if we try to find it, we will."  Nyssa stated at long last turning her head to face Yina's.  "My mother seemed sure that we could, I just wish I knew why she was so confident that we could."  Letting out a sigh she turned onto her side and wrapped a wing around Yina. The warm evening sun did not take long to lull both of them to sleep as their minds continued to worry and wonder about what they needed to do.  

The bell woke the duo up yet again, grumbly, Yina pulled herself out of the wings of Nyssa and quickly scurried up the ladder that was attached to the floating platform.  Running a hand through her hair, she was quick to tell that it was a hot mess.  Adar was going to be furious with her, so she sprinted to her room hoping to fix the problem.  

Both Tyn and Adar were waiting outside of her door, both looked up with the look of impatience.  "I told you we should have went to check if she was with Nyssa."  Tyn stated flailing his hands up into the air looking at Adar with annoyance.  

"I thought she would be smarter then that."  Rebutted Adar as he turned his attention onto Yina herself.  "Glad we were knocking on your door for the last ten minutes."  It was not until that moment that she realized both of them were in nicer looking clothes, naturally Adar's were better looking then Tyn's.  Surprisingly that bothered Yina, but she kept her mouth shut about it. 

Rolling her eyes she pulled out her key and unlocked the door and took one step in before glaring at Adar.  "What I do is not your concern, I will be ready shortly."  She stated slamming the door in his face.  

Lightning surrounded her body as she walked into the dark room, she did not really want to wait for her eyes to adjust as she lit a few of the lanterns with lightning.  Quickly she changed and used a relatively fresh bucket of water to clean her hair.  True to her words the woman was ready to go pretty fast.  She had decided to go with a very loose ponytail with a few braids near the end to keep it from moving about.  

The two were still waiting as she threw open the door.  "Thank goodness, the boat literally just pulled into the dock.  We have quite a bit to do before we can finally get situated for our roughly month wait."  Adar did not wait for a response to this as he took off.  

"A month?"  Yina asked looking at Tyn who just shrugged his shoulder and nudged Yina with his shoulder to get her to follow along.  Sure enough as they walked out of the small building she had a room in the walls of wooden buildings rose up around them.  "Wow."  Was all she could say.  

"We need to get Nyssa right?"  Yina almost had to shout at Adar as she pushed her way past sailors furiously working on the main deck.  

Stopping he turned to them and waited a few moments for them to catch up.  "Not yet, we have to register not only us but our dragons before they can officially enter the city.  We will also have to always get permission before taking to the skies with them."  He explained, not letting her question any of that he turned and kept on moving.  

Walking up onto the ramp to get off the boat Yina stopped and just took it all in.  From where she was standing the place looked like any normal dock in a city.  Buildings came all the way up to the docks.  She knew that water was under those buildings but could not see them at all.  

"It is amazing how they could accomplish something like this.  I can barely wrap my head around it."  Tyn stated next to her as he too was taking in the city for the first time.  The two quickly went down the ramp and onto the docks.  The moving motion she felt of the ship was gone, not entirely but to the point that you had to really pay attention to notice it.  

"This way."  Adar shouted waving one of his hands in the air to let them notice him.  Rolling their eyes at each other Tyn and Yina moved towards him, he was standing in front of a building that conveniently was labeled "Registration."

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