Chapter Nine: Belsenth

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The mental voice sent fear coursing through Yina's blood as she took two steps back.  Tripping over a rock she fell flat on her ass.  How was she supposed to be able to stop a dragon of that size.  Who knew what kind of magic it possessed either, glancing over at Nyssa the young dragon had a different response.  

Nyssa's violent wings started to glow the same crack like lines glowing a brilliant bluish white.  A low hiss could be heard from the dragon, every fiber of her being hated and despised her father.  "You will have nothing."  Nyssa sent back anger hiding the natural fear she should be feeling.  

Laughter, dragons could laugh?  That was what was coming from the colossal dragon known as Belsenth.  "You really think that you can hope to beat me.  Just as foolish as you mother."  The dragon sent with less power as before.  

"Do not mention her ever again."  The little dragon roared as a giant bolt of lightning rippled up her body and blasted from her horns straight into Belsenth's face.  The force of the lightning surprisingly sent the beast backwards a few paces.  Smoke rose from the side of his face as he turned back to face them.  

"Such power, and soon that power will help me become a Abyssal dragon."  Belsenth stated as Yina saw his muscles start to tense up.  

The fear was still there but the desire to protect Nyssa was stronger as she burst into motion scrambling to her feet.  Her only saving grace was she was closer, the large dragon pushed off the ground raising a claw to rend open the young dragon.  

With all of her newfound bound strength Yina shoved Nyssa out of the way just as the claw came down upon her.  Due to her smaller size the claws themselves missed, instead she was pinned up against the wall.  All five claws had dug deep into the stone,  only inches separated her from being smashed.  

Snapping her wrist two blades snapped from from her right vembrace as she slammed the blade into the scaleless palm of the dragon.  As the blade sunk in a electrical charge much weaker then Nyssa's ripped across the blade and into the dragon's body.  

Yanking free from the rock due to the pain, Belsenth roared in anger.  The motion caused chunks of rock as well as Yina to fly across the cave.  The impact on the ground was the better part of the experience, several head sized rocks then landed on various parts of her body.  Even now she could tell what a huge difference the resilience a bound had over a normal human.  

Blows that would normally break bones or even kill her now seemed like heavy blows instead.  This would not save them from the colossal dragon though, Yina had no idea how they would accomplish this.  The bright flash of another bolt of electricity lit the cave up, otherwise she would not have known it had happened.  

Nyssa's feelings were all over the place, her anger was doing a good job of pushing back the fear and sadness of losing her mother.  The fact that she was just born meant she was not going to be able to keep up these powerful attacks she was using.  "Nyssa, we have to escape."  Yina sent trying to get through to the little dragon.  

They had to regroup, currently she was behind the dragon while he went for the prize, her Nyssa.  A idea started to form, a bad idea, but hey a idea was a idea after all.  stabilizing herself she took a deep breath releasing the two blades from her left vembrace as well.  "Please don't die."  She whispered to herself.  

Charging forward she sent to Nyssa, "Bolt to his face."  Several seconds later the flash of her lightning ripped through the cave Belsenth roaring more in frustration then pain.  Yina used this moment to leap onto the creatures tail and climb its back.  

As soon as she had taken two steps the dragon felt her and spun trying to dislodge her from his back.  Luckily this sent her for the target of her crazy plan, his wings.  With every bit of strength she could muster she stabbed deep into his wings and slid down using the extra momentum he had given her to rip a good size hole into them.  

Yina tried to channel lighting through the blades like she had before but nothing happened.  The moment was lost as Belsenth flicked his wing with great strength sending Yina flying again.  So far her fight had been spent mostly through the air.  

"You ants are starting to anger me."  Belsenth roared as his scales started to glow brightly a light starting to form in his mouth.  Turning his head to Yina he wanted to end her first, alone the little dragon would not last long.  A beam of what seemed to be pure sunlight ripped from the dragons mouth melting the stone as he swept the beam up to intercept Yina.  

"NOOOO!!" Screamed Nyssa as her entire body turned into electricity flashes across the cave with great speed.  As the dragon made contact with Yina she to shifted into electricity and slammed into the ground out of the beams path solidifying.  

"What was that."  Yina gasped, her entire body was still tingling from the experience.  It had felt as if she was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  A energy she had never felt swept through her, reinvigorating her as she watched the beam end.  

Turning the dragon charged up to release another beam when halfway through the charging the scales faded into its normal color.  "Damn that creature, she was at least not dumb."  He mumbled to himself as he prepared to charge the two instead.  

Glancing around quickly Yina sighed with relieve as they had landed just beside the small cave that had let her get her.  "We need to do that lightning thing again but through here."  She stated pointing to the cave.  Together they both attempted to repeat the ability to turn into lighting but nothing happened.  

Belsenth continued to approach them gaining in speed as he leaped the tips of his wings brushing against the roof of the cave causing a few more bits of the cave to collapse.  Pushing Nyssa back, the foolish Yina used her own body to try and protect the dragon.  The claw tips ripping into her side, the leather doing little to nothing to protect from them.  

The tingling sensation filled her body again as Nyssa bit her on the arm and the two burst away in a crack of lightning.  The sensation was longer then time as they soared through the crack twisting and turning avoiding the walls until they burst out of the mouth.  

Screaming like a little girl Clous was till there.  materializing the two of them fell into a pile blood already soaking a good portion of Yina's side.  "What in the hell happened."  Clous stated running over pulling off his cloak to help with the wound.  

"No time, you need to use your power.  Send the sonic power through the cave and collapse it, please."  Yina begged as she tried to push him back towards the cave.  A confused look passed over his face before he nodded and rushed back to the entrance.  

Taking a deep breath Clous closed his eyes and pulled both arms back to his sides.  The air around his hands started to distort creating a loud pitch noise.  Exhaling he trust both of his hands towards the cave, sonic energy releasing bouncing against he walls of the small cave.  

Yina hoped this would be enough, If they got the cave to collapse the that could kill him.  At worse trap him while they escape.  Everything started to grow blurry as the high pitch noise ended and Clous was back at her side panting and covered in sweat.  "What did you do foolish girl."  He yelled from what she could see he was looking at Nyssa when he said this.  

"No choice."  Is all she could get out of her mouth before everything went black.  

Panic filled Clous as he pulled open his bag and quickly started to patch up the gruesome wounds on Yina's side.  After clearing the blood they were not as deep as he first had guessed, if she had not been bound it would have killed her.  The enhanced healing they gained would allow her to live as long as he could stop the bleeding.  

Several minutes later and she was bandaged tightly, dark maroon color was already spreading across the cream colored linen.  "Well dragon, follow us."  Clous stated as he pulled Yina up in front of him on his dragon.  

"The name is Nyssa."  She shot to him mentally with a little bit of rudeness for being called just dragon.  Clous just sat there for a moment mouth open.  Normally only the dragon and the bound could speak.  Shaking his head he motioned for Risang to fly and they took off towards Sastan.  

Dragon Binder: Book One of the Dragonblood Priestess Series (First Draft)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora