Chapter Eight: Sad Farewell

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The moment between the two was beautiful, Yina watched as the two of them nuzzled the sides of their faces.  It was short lived however, another loud noise caused a little more of the back wall to collapse.  "That did not sound good."  Yina muttered approaching Nyssa and resting a hand on her neck.  

Strange sensations were still trying to take over Yina, she could feel the presence of her dragon.  Sense that she was afraid, and around that fear was also sadness.  She could still not believe that she had a dragon of her very own.  

"Yes, time is short.  Nyssa my child, please you must start taking the power of rest."  The sadness in her thoughts was strong.  Moisture could be seen pooling around her eyes, Yina had no idea a dragon cried.  

Nyssa nodded and reluctantly headed towards the nearest egg.  "I understand."  Was all she sent to the other two as she started to devour the egg.  It was slow going as she was only a little bigger then the egg itself.  With each bite that she took Yina could feel more power flowing into both of them.  

"As I stated, you will need to make your way to the Storm Isles.  They are to the far east of the shore.  It is not hard to really miss them as the name suggests it is surrounded by constant storms.  It could protect you from Belsenth, Nyssa's father."  The dragon explained as she watched her daughter work.  

"I still do not see why you have to sacrifice yourself.  Having you on our side has to increase our odds of winning."  Yina pleaded as she approached the mother dragon.  She could feel some of Nyssa's emotions on the subject becoming her own.  It was a strange sensation to be bound to a dragon and to feel their emotions.  

"Dear child, he would kill me before we even had a chance to leave this cave.  You and Nyssa will be able to escape the way you came.  I just pray that he follows you back to your city, even as powerful as he currently is your army of dragon bound should be able to handle him.  If he becomes a Abyssal they would be slaughtered."  Turning her head back to the crumbled wall she hissed,  even Yina could tell that the wall was very close to being broken open.  

The weight of that knowledge was heavy on Yina.  How could something become so powerful that a fully trained army of dragon bound would be laid to waste with ease.  Glancing at her dragon, she was halfway done with her siblings eggs.  It was natural for dragon's to consume eggs to gain the strength and magic of the unborn dragon.  

"As I stated, I am lucky to have met you.  We dragon's taught you humans how to bind to us in the past for one reason.  To end the Abyssal scourge that ruled over both dragons and humans.  Only you have the power to create true Dragon Bound, the kind it will take to kill Belsenth if he becomes a Abyssal."  She explained, as she did this she started to rip more claws off of her skin on her neck.  

"I knew that we did not figure it out like all the history books stated."  Yina muttered more to herself as she watched in fascination at the scale removal.  The power welling up in her was intoxicating, she could not fathom how much of it there was.  She had learned that it takes a few months before the power gained from becoming a bound settles and harmonizes.  

The magic can be used but it is unreliable and hard to control.  With how much power Nyssa was consuming, there was a high chance that controlling whatever magic the two of them had could prove problematic.  

Luckily a dragon bound to a human grew much faster.  The books stated that once bound a dragon can reach adulthood in half a year.  Something about the bond between the two helped to increase the speed of growth.

"Once you and Nyssa stabilize the power she is gaining here, you should be near his strength.  Just be careful he has lived for over seven hundred years.  His experience in staying alive and killing his targets is great."  The mother dragon added as she lowered her head to the ground.  "It is time Nyssa."  

A whimper came from the young violet dragon as she had just finished consuming the last egg.  Walking over the two of them touched foreheads with each other.  As soon as this happened flashes of images assaulted Yina as she gasped in pain falling to her knees.  

Memories of Nyssa's mother were flowing into the young dragon, it was to fast to catch much and in a jumbled order of events.  Yina had heard that when a dragon was born it contained some memories of its ancestors.  She had never heard of them being able to send out memories this way.  What were all the secrets that the dragon's possessed that they just did not know about.  

The barrage of memories finally ended, Yina tried to pull up any one of the memories she had seen but it was just blank.  It seemed she did not get them but Nyssa had, somehow their bond had allowed her to glimpse some of it.  "Those over time should help you, especially when you meet Nyth my sister.  Goodbye my love."  The dragon sent.  

Nyssa shook with fear and sadness as she looked into her mothers eyes.  "I love you to mother.  I do not want you to go."  It sent pleading her not to make her do this.  

"You will have Yina, together you will be the family that was stolen from you.  Now hurry."  She sent to Nyssa as another crash reverberated.  This time a hole had appeared, in it a giant dragon eye peaked through.  

"WHAT IS THIS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!"  It roared slamming into the rock wall with even more force.  It was a matter of minutes now before Belsenth would be upon them.  

With the new threat so close Nyssa struck out with her claws slicing open her mothers neck.  Several veins and at least one artery had been severed blood rushed out faster then Yina thought could ever be possible.  The seconds were long, but half a minute later the shift began, Yina had never seen a dragon revert back to a egg.

The process was quite a sight, her body started to glow a light violet color.  A pulsing that was slow at first began with each pulse the body grew smaller.  It was as if it was pulling itself together to become smaller.  As the speed of the flashing grew so to did the speed of the shrinking.  Until finally all that was left was a solid violet egg, the light dimming out.  

"MOTHER."  Nyssa screamed as she snatched up the egg and held it close pain flooding the bond that to two shared.  Taking shaky steps Yina arrived at her dragon placing a hand on her back.  "I kn kn know."  Was all the dragon sent out as she began to eat her mothers egg.  Tears streaked down the dragon's face with each bite the pain they both felt increased.  

It felt like the cosmic forces were being funny, as soon as the last bit of egg was devoured the back wall shattered sending rocks flying across the entire cave.  Yina felt several slam into her, while others just nicked her flesh slicing through her skin.  No pain was felt, the sight of Belsenth caused everything else to become pointless.  

Standing were the wall used to be was a massive sleek dragon.  He was easily double the size of any dragon Yina had ever seen.  His scales flowed back across his body almost seamlessly causing him to look more smooth then other dragons.  The scales were a grey color with white highlights, making them look as if they were shining.

Belsenth lacked horns, the smooth aspect of his head was unnerving making him look more dangerous.  His hands and feet were less that, and more just giant blades each claw at least the size of Yina's leg.  Spikes ripped from the smooth surface of the dragon's scales running all the way down his back ending at the tip of his tail.  

"They are mine human.  All mine."  The deep mental intrusion stated.  

Dragon Binder: Book One of the Dragonblood Priestess Series (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now