Chapter 30:

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Grumbling a little at Adar, Yina strolled over to her friend and placed a hand gently on his shoulder.  "Tyn, snap out of it, we need to get going."  When no response really came she started to shake him a bit hoping that would work.  Just like before though, he just stared at the ground blinking rarely. 

Grumbling she paced back and forth in front of him trying to figure out the best way to fix this issue.  Adar was waiting rather impatiently for them leaning up against a tree.  Adar's jaw was clenched shut, he was clearly unhappy about still being here. 

Growling, now frustrated herself she turned to Tyn and reached out a spark of electricity rippling from her hand.  As soon as the electricity made contact with him he let out a small scream.  Shortly after however he was breathing hard, shooting a dagger glare at Yina. 

"What in the hell was that for.  You could have killed me."  He screamed pointing to the water still falling from the sky.  Small wisps of smoke left his body still from the attack. 

"Well you were feeling all sorry for yourself and dead to the world, figured I would at least help you be dead."  Yina shot out with a small giggle.  "We need to go, come on."  Turning she left the young man his face still contorted in a fit of rage. 

"Wait for me."  He roared taking off at a sprint to try and catch up to the bound slowly leaving him behind.  They kept this up for about a hour before slowing down to let him catch up, gasping for breath. 

"That will teach you to lull behind."  Adar stated with a smirk unstrapping the swords on his hip and handing them back to him. 

"Ttthanks."  Tyn stammered as he fumbled with the two blades, almost dropping one in the process.  Awkwardly he attached them to his own belt while keeping up with the rather fast pace the others were forcing him to take. 


The three ran in silence for the rest of the day, making great progress.  Even with their enhanced stamina, Adar and Yina were both still quite tired, Tyn on the other hand looked like he was about to die. 

"I will be back in the morning, you two rest here for the night."  Adar stated as his dragon landed next to him sending dust everywhere.  Nimbly Adar bounded up his dragon's leg and easily onto its back. 

"Where is Nyssa."  Yina hissed not seeing her own dragon with his.  Lightning started to course along her arms as she took a few steps forward. 

"Easy, easy, she is save.  I am about to go make sure she gets medical attention as well as grab a wagon to help expedite our trip to the port city.  We need to of course get you off the mainland as soon as we can."  Adar stated in a arrogant tone before they took to the sky. 

Growling Yina shot a bolt of lightning in Adar's direction.  The man was already way out of range, but it still made her feel a bit better.  Pacing for a few more minute, she was worried about her dragon.  At this stage though she had no other choice but to continue to trust in Adar.  

Slumped up against a tree to try and get out of the worst of the mist Tyn was eyeing both of the swords.  Looking up at her he smiled weakly.  "Hey Yina, I got a question for you."  Scooting over to make room for her to sit next to him.  

With one final glance at the sky where Adar had vanished she let out a sigh and moved to set next to him.  "I hate this mist."  She muttered leaning up against him to get some form of warmth.  "What is up?"  

A long pause spread out as the mist hitting the trees drowned out the rest of the noise.  "That vine dude, wh what did he do?"  It had been a crazy thing watching him be taken over by the vines and powered up to that extent.  

"It is not common knowledge.  Each of the nations has a unique symbol that they place upon their dragon eggs.  It is why I am wanted for death as well as any binders who usually try to leave a nation.  These unique symbols each give the bound different abilities."  Yina explained eyes a bit distant.  

"Sastan's symbol gives us a connection to nature.  That is of course only if our magic is nature based.  When i went berserk in the forest, that was due to this power.  We can call upon the nature of our magic and gain massive boosts in power.  If you are not strong enough already the consequences are dire."  Reading about it in books had been one thing, but Yina had never even imagined just how powerful it was.  

The sheer amount of power that had flowed through her in her primal rage was insane.  Then seeing the Raptor use it, how the vines had physically dug into his body.  "Most countries keep it as secret, I do know Efris the desert nations.  They are able to pass on the binding to a blood relative, keeping the dragon alive.  Rumor has it the king's dragon is old enough to be a Elder dragon."  

"Wow, I had no idea.  I kind of get now why they are so strict... Not that I am siding with them mind you."  Tyn stated holding up his hands as she pulled away from him glaring.  "Just the thought of a dragon bound with more then one of those is a bit terrifying."  Even without knowing the others he doubted they were trivial.  

Yina grumbled a bit before leaning back on his shoulder pulling out a blanket to wrap up in.  "Well I am one of those who has two.  Nyssa's mother taught me a new one, from what I know its of none of the nations.  It is what lets her use magic as well."  It was going to be a miserable night that was all she knew.  

"Before you get to comfortable, we need to get further away from the road.  I doubt we can stay up for watch with how we have been pushing ourselves."  Tyn muttered standing up and helping Yina to her feet.  After a little bit of searching they found a relatively protective tree in which they were getting very little mist on them.  "This should work."  

Like he thought, it did not take long for the two to fall asleep wrapped up in the same blanket to try and keep warm.  It was still a very cold night of fitful sleeping for Yina, Tyn on the other hand was out to the world.  

Due to this, Yina was awakened by the sun rising.  Pulling her sore body up as delicately as she could, she made sure to wrap the blanket around Tyn.  "Sorry for pulling you into this shit show."  She whispered to him before kissing his forehead and heading back towards the road.  Luckily for them the mist had died out, she had never had to travel without a covered wagon before. 

The sound of horses caused her to quickly slide behind a tree lightening jumping between her fingers.  It was nice that she was able to at least call upon it whenever she needed to now, she had a long way to go but it was a start.  The horses and wagon were moving slowly, squinting Yina saw that it was Adar.  

Taking a single step out of the tree she eyed him.  "Well at least you came back."  Rolling his eyes Adar waved to her and jumped down keeping a hold of the reins.  He was in new clothes, black pants and a red shirt.  "I see you didn't have to sleep in the rain."  She hissed.  

"Hey, it took me most of the night just getting everything set up.  I have slept only a few hours thank you."  He growled.  "Where is the scrawny one at?"  He asked looking around.  

Sticking her tongue out at him she just walked away back into the woods to get Tyn.  Bending down she shoot him a bit, before she could even say anything a blade was slashed at her with one fluid movement.  If her reaction time had been any slower she would have been in bad shape.  Sliding across the mud from her quick movement she looked at Tyn's frightened face as he dropped the blade.  "I AM SO SORRY."  he pleaded.  

"Do not worry, after what you have been through it makes sense."  Standing back up she reached out her hand.  "Adar is back lets get out of her."  Her heart was still racing, but she did not want him to hate himself any more then he already did.  Pulling him to his feet she forced a smile, "Lets go."  

Turning to walk away the smile faded and the worry started to flood it.  Yina did not fear Tyn, but she was worried that he might be scarred for a long time.  Luckily the group had little supplies left and quickly they were on the road, hopefully only one more day before they could leave the continent behind.  

Dragon Binder: Book One of the Dragonblood Priestess Series (First Draft)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang