Chapter 18: Uncontrollable

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As they approached the elevator Yina noticed that there were quite a few in the general area, several lines formed waiting for their turn to ride them.  Many of the people wore fancy expensive clothes and jewelry.  Of course the nobles and rich would never dare walk up and down stairs if it was not necessary.  

Clous seemed to be thinking as they stopped and looked at a chart that seemed to show which elevators went where.  Finally he pointed to a elevator, "That one."  With determined steps the group went towards it and waiting in line.  There were easily twenty people ahead of them, luckily it seemed they made people go in groups so it would not take that long.  

"Were we need is in the middle of the city.  Ardasha was built from the wall, however this side is lower then the other side.  The outer exit is roughly in that middle area that we need to go to."  Clous explained as they waited listening to the people gossiping in front of them.

"Did you hear dear, supposedly that stuck up high binder's daughter illegal bound a dragon and was to be executed today."  A middle aged noble woman stated to what looked to be her husband.  

"I know it must be such a dishonor to have a daughter like that."  The man stated back to his wife with venomous words.  

Yina clenched her fist at the words her emotions causing a few quick arcs of lightning to run across her body causing the illusion to shift a bit.  Clous's hand gripped her shoulder the lightning sinking into his body.  He just stood there and let out a pained breath whispering, "You need to stay calm."  

"I know."  She hissed trying to get a grip on the magic inside of her body that was moving around like crazy in her heightened emotional state.  It was getting harder as the couple continued to talk about the events with no idea who was actually standing behind them.  

"Word has it they have arrested Voren, but so far they have no proof that he helped his daughter escape.  This will look so badly on our nation, having allowed a binder to escape."  The man muttered.  

Thankfully the line shifted and the couple got onto the elevator filling the last of the spots for that trip.  Yina however still was having issues controlling her powers, her eyes were closed as she focused on taking deep calming breaths.  Everyone was tense, praying that the illusions held.

Several minutes later the elevator showed back up and they shuffled onto the platform, two others were forced to join them.  Yina backed away to the farthest corner the rest filing around her shielding her.  It would be a futile attempt, if she lost control the lightning would be a sure sign that she was there.  

The main population probably would not know what she could do, but the guards had seen the lightning Nyssa had surging around her body.  That would have been sent to the guards here as well.  Once a bound's magic was known, it was their signature, especially rare powers such as Yina's.  

Time passed slowly as the elevator made its slow progress down into the belly of Ardasha.  Luckily for them the other two did not seem to know about what had happened in Sastan or at least did not want to discuss it.  By the time the elevator stopped Yina was close to losing control, Liat's face was scrunched in concentration as he prevented the coursing arcs of lightning from breaking the illusion.  

Racing as fast as they could not to draw attention the four found a dead end alleyway.  Letting the illusions drop Liat was panting, with a quick flip of his hand a wall appeared at the entrance to the alley.  Sliding down the side of the wall he tried to catch his breath.  

"What do Ido."  Yina pleaded as she was crouched over in pain.  The lightning itself did not hurt, but trying to contain her magic did.  The magic in her felt like it was ripping its way out trying to escape.  Nothing she could do was working, arcs of lightning now danced across her body.  

The sound of a sword being drawn drew their attention as Tyn stepped forward with the obsidian blade in his hands.  "Release it, the sword should absorb most of it."  His voice was shaky as he spoke.  

All of them stared at him with shock, that sounded like a very bad idea.  Grumbling Clous pushed him against the wall and wrenched the blade from his hands.  "No, I will hold it.  As a bound I should be able to survive the attack even if the sword does not absorb it."  He explained.  

"You should fire it towards the dead end, that way if something goes wrong it will not go through the illusion."  Liat added still trying to regain his composure.  Nodding Yina and Clous changed positions.  

Taking labored breaths Yina looked up fear in her eyes.  They made contact with Clous's and with a confident nod he tried to reassure her.  With a scream she released all the pent up magic inside of her body as several bolts of lightning ripped from her chest towards Clous.  

With deft motions he moved the blade making contact with as many of the bolts as he could.  Upon contact with the sword the lightning spiraled down the blade and into Clous.  They were mostly negated by that point, however two of the bolts slammed into his chest blasting him into the back wall cracks spreading from his impact.  

"No."  Yina muttered as she collapsed into a heap the magic inside of her practically completely gone.  Tyn rushed to Clous's side, helping him set up.  

"I am fine."  He coughed blood running down his chin.  "Honestly, it barely tickled."  He tried to laugh it off but it only caused him to wince in pain.  "We should probably rest here for a bit though."  

Liat nodded in his agreement regaining his feet and helping Yina against the wall.  Replacing his sword to its sheath Tyn went to sit next to Yina and grabbed her hand.  With a quick snap she pulled her hand way fear still evident in her eyes.  

"It is fine, you will not hurt me."  Tyn whispered pulling her hand back to the ground and held it.  Gently he pulled her head onto his shoulder and just sat in silence.  He felt useless, but he knew that if the lightning had drawn attention they others were in no shape to fight.  

A hour later Clous pulled himself up his coughing fits had ended a few minutes before.  It was still amazing to Yina to see how fast the bound healed.  It was evident though that he was still hurt, but doing his best to not show it.  

"We need to get moving, if we are not there soon he will assume we were caught and are not coming."  The other three gathered there stuff and started to follow, a new illusion wrapping around the group.  They could not risk someone noticing the lightning earlier.  

It did not take long for them to navigate the rest of the way to a storefront.  Deep into the city the store fronts were part of the walls instead of just stands out front.  This was most likely the first point of contact with any foreign traders.  Pushing through the door they entered what looked to be a produce store.  

"Is Vabur here?"  Clous asked through clenched teeth.  His ribs were probably still broken, from what Yina remembered bones took a lot longer then flesh did to heal.  

A tall lanky man stood behind the counter and glared at them a little.  "Who is asking?"  He shot at them.  Pulling a card from inside of his shit pocket Clous waved it in front of him.  A seal that Yina recognized, but probably shouldn't, was on it.  The seal was black and had a picture of a raven on it.  It was the symbol that her father used when he made his black market deals.  

With wide eyes he bowed respectfully and rushed quickly out of the room into a back door.  Ruckus could be heard before a short stocky man chased the lanky guy back to his counter.  The short man had a full red beard and short red hair.

"Sorry for his insolence, I am Vabur.  Let us talk in private."  With one more glare shot at his worker he motioned for them to follow back through the door he had just come from.  The man had nice clothes on, black pants with a black shirt on.  Over the shirt was a maroon vest a few light stains on the black shirt.  

Once in a private room he turned to them.  "I almost thought you had not made it.  We have little time, so we must hurry."  Yina liked his down to business attitude, mostly because she was ready to get out of this city.  To her this was the first obstacle and probably the hardest, unless she did not make it to Alary before the Raptor's caught up to her.  

Dragon Binder: Book One of the Dragonblood Priestess Series (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now