Bakugo x Depressed Reader (DI...

By random_writer_uwu

91K 2K 2.4K

(Y/N) is a girl wanting to achieve her dream of entering UA High and becoming a hero, but she comes to find o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thanksgiving special!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 (unfinished)

Chapter 14

2.2K 53 57
By random_writer_uwu


Shigaraki laughed to himself then turned to Dabi "Let's get our (Y/N) back, shall we?"


I woke up around nine am and walked to my door to get some food from downstairs. It was a Saturday so I was okay to hang out with people or go to the gym to train my quirk. As I walked out of my room the first thing I hear is Mitsuki and Katsuki fighting again. I chuckle and go downstairs. Mitsuki saw me and greeted me with a good morning before going back to fighting with Katsuki, and Marisu waved to me from the table. I walked into the kitchen and started making some scrambled eggs with some toast. While the toast was in the toaster and the eggs were on the burner, I started making some coffee. Once it had all been finished I sat down next to Marisu and ate my breakfast. Suddenly Katuki comes over and steals a piece of my toast "Hey! Go make your own food!" He smirked "Gotta grab it if you want it back Hydration!" He dangled the toast above my head "Katsuki you know I can't reach it!" I was just as tall as Izuku but I still couldn't reach it. I eventually gave up and ate my eggs and drank my coffee. I decided I was gonna go to the gym and work on my quirk. I ran upstairs after I put my dishes away and packed a duffle bag of workout clothes, water, and my phone. I saw Katsuki's speaker on the other nightstand and I peaked my head out of my room "Hey Katsuki! Can I borrow your speaker you got yesterday?" After a few seconds he yelled "Whatever just don't break it!" I smiled and out the speaker in my bag. I went downstairs and put on my tennis shoes, and right before I was about to leave Katsuki stopped me "Hydration! Where are you even going?" I turned around and he saw the duffle bag on the floor "I'm heading over to the gym to work on my quirk a bit!" I smiled and he said to wait at the door, I was confused but I stayed there. Katsuki came down a bit later in a black tank top and camo pants. He put on his shoes and put a hand on my shoulder "Well are we gonna go or stand here all day?" I realized he was coming with me then we walked out the door and to a gym. We had already passed a gym and I kept walking forward while Katsuki looked confused "Oi! Hydration! The gym is right here why are you still walking?" I stopped and turned to face him "Oh! I go to the one on the outskirts of town! They have a reserved area for me in a patch of forest since I've been going there for a few years." He seemed shocked but followed me anyways. While we were walking our hands kept brushing each others and he grabbed my hand again, this happened yesterday as well so I wonder if it means anything

After 15 more minutes of walking I see the gym and point it out to Katsuki. On the outside it looked abandoned and old. He laughed "Hydration this is abandoned what do you mean this is it?" I smiled and dragged him inside. On the inside it looked like your average gym but with more quirk training areas. Katsuki was in awe, this looked nothing like the outside. I go up to the front desk and see Koizumi Yuki, the front desk lady and one of my friends. "Hey (Y/N)! Glad to see you back! It's been a few weeks where ya been girl!?" I laughed "I got held up by you know who and I got sick" She made an o shape with her mouth "So do you want the usual or do you want one of the trainers?" I looked back at Katsuki who was still in pure shock and awe, I lightly tap his shoulder and bring him back to reality. "Well I brought a friend with me today so I'm gonna need a bigger patch of forest, preferably the patch that is made for quirk users that involve fire. My friend Katsuki has an explosion quirk and I don't wanna pay for damages." we both laughed and Katsuki yelled "But if Mayumi is here that would be great!" She nodded and pulled out a button. She pressed the button and said "Mayumi your needed for quirk practice, go to the fireproof forest, the larger patch." She put the button away and gave us locker keys and pointed Katsuki in the direction of the male locker room. We both got ready and I led him to the patch, it was a huge clearing and all the trees had a shine because they were covered in a fireproof film. I saw Mayumi standing in the middle and I tackled her "Hey Mayumi! Long time no see!" She flipped me over "Oh hey (Y/N)! Don't sneak up on me like that! Anyways you here for training today?" I nodded "Yup! I also brought a friend so he is gonna practise on one side while we spar on the other" She nodded and walked over to Katsuki "Hello there! I'm Arakaki Mayumi! But you can call me Mayumi!" She stook out her hand to shake his and to my surprise he shaked it. "Bakugo Katsuki. What's your quirk? I might wanna spar later as well." Now it was my turn to be in awe because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Katsuki wasn't yelling or demanding something? Is he sick??? "Right! My quirk is called 'True Archer'" She lifts her arm up to demonstrate her quirk, soon her forearm transforms into a crossbow and she pulls an arrow out of the container she brought "My quirk allows me to turn my forearm into a cross bow and shoot arrows, some of my senses are heightened as well. My sight and hearing are highteded. While this helps me have better accuracy it can also be a con. Since my hearing is also better I'm weaker to loud noises. Without training I can only do one arm but since I have been working on my quirk I can do both arms and hold arrows on the slots without instantly shooting them. I do have to supply the arrows, I can't make them." Katsuki seemed to listen to it all and soak in the information "It might be an unfair fight if you fight me then, my quirk allows me to make explosions in the palms of my hands." Mayumi nodded and wished him luck on training. I just stood there dumbfounded that Katsuki can actually be nice to other people that aren't me. Mayumi came up to me "So (Y/N), how much have you grown with your quirk since we last sparred?" I looked at her "Well I can absorb more water and release more all at once but it drains me the more I use." She nodded "Before we spar I want you to try to make basic shapes out of the water, I know it's possible with your quirk." I stared at her for a moment "Mayumi you know I'm not that far yet..." She smiled "Yet! You're not there YET! If we work on this then we can go into more complex shapes and it can help you in the sports festival coming up. With enough practise you could make weapons with the water, but today I want you to try to make a circle." I nodded and took a deep breath. I help my hand out and lifted my fingertips up, slowly water came out at a slow rate and I tried to manipulate it into a circle or a sphere. The water slid down my finger and into my palm, it wasn't working well. Mayumi comes up behind me "Relax a bit and imagine the water making a circle." I took another deep breath and tried again. This time I got the water off of my palm and it was floating above my fingertips as a big blob "Hey you're getting there! Keep going!" I keep focusing and eventually I was able to keep the blob of water as a sphere for a minute "Great job! Now that you have that down try other basic shapes for 10 more minutes then we can spar." I nodded and got to work

10 Minutes later I was able to make a circle, square, and a triangle. While I was only able to old it for a minute I had already made a ton of progress. Mayumi handed me a bottle of water and I drank the entire thing in preps for our sparring match. I noticed Katsuki stopped to watch out spar. He sat down on the grass and drank some water while Mayumi and I got into positions. "I won't use arrows since were still working on shapes and different forms alright?" I nodded and we both ran at each other. Since she couldn't use her arrows she had to rely on her dodging. A sum of the match was I would try to attack or restrain her but she would dodge. This went on for about 30 minutes until I almost passed out form using to much water. I ended up falling and Katuki had caught me. "Jeez Hydration you are really persistent aren't you?" I weakly smile "Yup...If you ask Mayumi about previous battle I actually passed out for a full day once..." He adjusted me onto his back and waved goodbye to Mayumi. We walked in silence until we reached the gym again "Can you walk? Do you need the front desk person you know to get your things? I can't go in your locker room" I giggle softly "I think I can walk..." He set me down and I used him as support until we got to the door "I'll wait out here when I'm done alright?" I nodded and went in. I got changed and grabbed my stuff and walked back out. Katsuki had picked me up again and we waved bye to Yuki and started walking home. On the way home we stopped by a gas station to get some water and snacks, then kept going. This time instead of just brushing our hands together the whole time I held his hand once he was done with his snack. He looked down at me with some red on his cheeks. I smiled back at him and I could feel the heat on my face. We walked in silence holding eachothers hands but once we got in his neighborhood I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched. I tried to shake off the feeling but it got worse the closer we got home. "U-Uhm Katsuki?" He looked down at me "What do you need Hydration?" I look around a bit "I-Is there a public-ish place in your neighborhood we can go to real quick? I can't shake the feeling that were being watched..." He face showed concern and he also looked around. After a minute of silence we jogged to the nearest public place and that was a park. This brought back some memories for sure, I smiled and walked over to the swings and sat down "Hey Katuki, remember the first night I stayed at your house?" He sat down on the swing next to mine "Of course I do, I woke up the next morning freaking out because I thought I was kidnapped for christs sake!" I giggled "I still can't thank you enough Katsuki...I know we didn't really get off on the right foot so the fact that you offered me a room at your house meant the world to me, I'll keep saying it but thank you Katsuki" I stood up and pulled him out of the seat to give him a hug. We hugged for a minutes and Katsuki broke the hug. We were both blushing and out of nowhere Katsuki gently holds my chin and pulls me closer. We were both getting closer and closer, closing the space between our faces until I saw a figure running at us "Katsuki watch out!" I pushed him away and got hit with flames, it was someone quirk. I fall on the ground and hold my chest where I was burned, I turned to Katsuki "Run! Run and get help! I'll be fine Just go!" He stood there for a moment then picked me up and started running "Katsuki! I'll slow you down, you need to get out of here..!" I was slowly passing out from the blood loss "Kat...suki..."

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