Chapter 30

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Mitsuki yelled an 'okay' back as confirmation she heard me. I made my way out the door and started making my way to the abandoned side of town. As I arrived at the facility I walked right past it and made my way to the familiar bar..."I hope they don't mind me dropping by all of a sudden..."


I took a deep breath as I moved a panel next to the door to input the code. Once the code was put in, I heard a soft click signaling it was unlocked. I pushed open the door and shut and locked it behind me. I made sure to be as quiet as I could, as to surprise them.

As I walked through the bottom floor of the bar, I could hear the conversation of my loved ones above me. I smiled and made my way to the stairs that would lead me to the main bar they hung out at. As I got up there, I approached the door and knocked. I know, stupid idea, but I wanted to mess with them.

I heard panicked murmuring behind the door, before I heard twice yell "Who is it!". In my best All Might impression, I shouted, "I..." I flung open the door and continued, "AM BACK HOME!" In unison they all yelled "(Y/N)!?" Dabi and Toga both ran to me and hugged me as hard as they could, Toga starting to tear up from my return. I hug them both back and whisper "I'm home..."

For the next hour I had a tearful reunion with everyone and they helped me get set up in my old room. When I walked in I instantly noticed the empty plates on the nightstand, and a familiar pair of giant boots next to the bed.

"Has Dabi been in here recently?" I turned to Toga who was helping me get settled back in. "Oh yeah, ever since he put you in the hospital he's slept in here. He feels terrible for what he did, he still doesn't forgive himself..." Oh Dabi...It wasn't your fault...It was mine...

I sighed and picked up the plates from the nightstand, and brought them to the kitchen sink. After I dropped them off I went back to the room and took his boots back to his room. When I returned AGAIN Toga had just finished putting away my things so I was good to relax.

I face planted on the bed and let out a groan. Toga giggled and sat on the bed next to me. "it feels great to be back..." I was content, happy, relaxed, hell even excited. All my anxiety had seemingly just disappeared after I arrived. Though, I feel terrible about lying to Katsuki and Mitsuki...

They welcomed me in their home after everything, I can't thank them enough after that. But they could never replace the family and memories I have here...I sighed and Toga leaned back and onto my legs, trapping me on my bed. "Togaaaaa we need to eatttt" She laughed and looked at me "No ❤"

"TOGA PLEASE I'M HUNGY" She burst out laughing "HUNGY???" "SHUSH JUST GET UP" ...She didn't get up- B o i- "KUROGIRI TOGA IS BULLYING ME" And just like that a purple portal appeared and our favorite mom appeared. "Toga please get off your sibling."

She huffed and got up. I chuckled and we made our way down to the dining room to eat dinner. As we got down there everyone looked at me and Toga weirdly. I looked at the all, "What?" Mr.Compress faced us, "We heard your little...conversation??? upstairs" Me and Toga stared at eachother then back at everyone.

We both burst out laughing and some of the others even joined us. Kurogiri settled us down and got everyone dinner. We all sat at the table and enjoyed the wonderfully cooked meal by Mamagiri. Toga and Dabi sat right beside me. Everyone was talking and had a nice conversation.

Then, Shiggy spoke "So (Y/N)...Hows living with the other villain?" Huh? "Other villian? What do you mean?" He smiled "That Bakugo kid of course!" I stood up quickly and slammed my hands on the table, surprising everyone. "Katsuki is NOT a villain! Why would you say that!?" He just kept smiling... "Dear (Y/N)...The way he acts, his quirk, hell even his resting face gives off bad vibes! He's destined to be a villain the way he's heading."

I stood my ground, my anxiety was building but I couldn't let them know that. "Just because he is rude to others doesn't classify him as a villain! And his quirk has already saved people! He helped save his classmates at the USJ attack that YOU planned behind my back!" Dabi stood up and put his hands on my shoulders "Let's calm down (N/N)..."

I swatted his hands off me "No! I won't calm down! I refuse to let you guys insult my lover!" And with that...everyone went dead silent. After a few moments Dabi spoke, and he sounded pissed "What do you mean lover?" I was also still pissed, I walk back into their lives knowing the risks and they vilify my lover! "Exactly what it means! Me and Katsuki are together!"

I thought the room couldn't get quieter, but it had. Shiggy then spoke "Why did you think it was a good idea to date the guy who HURT you?" "Because he apologized! He didn't know of my past! He STILL doesn't!" Dabi yelled, "It still doesn't make sense! He's rude to EVERYONE and you thought it was a good idea!?"

My fists warped into a fist as tears streamed down my face, I no longer had that look of innocence in my eyes, it was replaced with anger. "Shut the fuck up! Both of you! I'm allowed to date whoever the fuck I please!" I pulled my fist back to hit Dabi, but Toga grabbed my arm "(Y/N) please!"

"Let me go Toga! I refuse to just sit and listen to them insult my lover!" "I understand you're angry but please! We can't lose you again! We lost you twice already!" It hit me. I've put them through so much...I fled the league to become a hero...I went into a coma that I wouldn't of woken up from unless All for One...

I put them through so much...And I dare show my face here again after it all...I lowered my fist, but the tears kept coming. I looked down to the floor, muttered an apology, and walked to my room. I locked the door behind me and laid in my bed. I didn't deserve them...

I grabbed my pillow and cried. I cried until I had run out of tears, passing out from the exhaustion of it all. But I had no dream, I was only surrounded by darkness. It stretched on for miles, no light was visible in the slightest. I ran in a random direction, hoping to find someone. ANYTHING.

I tripped and landed on my leg, effectively spraining it. "Ow..." I tried to stand, only to fall again. I started crawling. If I wasn't gonna walk I was gonna crawl, I'm not giving up yet.


But all there was, was the darkness...

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