Chapter 19

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After about 20 minutes Mr.Aizawa showed up and tapped me on the shoulder while saying "You ready to see everyone's faces when they see you walk in after all this?" I turned around and laughed "You know I am!"


Mr.Aizawa had escorted me to his car and we drove up to the school. Once we got there Mr.Aizawa helped me get my things and we went into his office to talk "So Ms.(L/N), I think we should talk about a few things before heading to the classroom. I had notified All Might that you are coming so he is keeping the class distracted currently." I nodded "What do you need to talk to me about sir?" "I need to know if you still have contact with the villains, and if you do what kind of connections." shit- "Well to be honest, I have their phone numbers. They had bought me a new phone since Dabi had destroyed my last one. They put all their numbers into my contacts but I haven't texted any of them yet. Might I also mention they had visited me one night in the hospital to let me know they bought me an apartment. While I wish to live with Katsuki for the time being, at some point I would like to move into the apartment with supervision as to not make you think I'm working with them. If I can convince Katsuki he could move in there with me, but the villains did say they would visit from time to time just to check in on me. I know it's wrong, but they are like a family to me...Even after all this happened I hope you will allow partial contact with them as I see Toga like a sister and the rest like siblings!" I stood up and bowed my head "...Ms.(L/N) I know you're aware at how bad this is correct? This will affect your future career if word gets out to the public that at U.A student is hanging out with villains. *sigh* But I will talk with the other staff members to see if we can come to some kind of agreement." I shot up and ran behind his desk and hugged him "Thank you Mr.Aizawa! Thank you!!" A few tears ran down my cheeks and he rubbed them off "Now let's discuss your limits when it comes to school." I nodded

15 minutes later

After about 15 minutes we settled that I would watch the others during gym and maybe participate if it didn't involve to much. As for the rest of the school day, I was allowed to attend classes but if I was ever in any pain I was allowed to get up and just go to the nurse. Mr.Aizawa did mention he would like me to stay with Katsuki for parts of the day though just for my safety. I agreed and we made our way to the classroom. As we stepped in front of the door I could hear Katsuki yelling at Deku, Mineta being a perv, I think on of the girls screaming something, and All Might trying to keep it together. I laughed and Mr.Aizawa just sighed and opened the door and signaled me to wait outside. He walked in and instantly everyone calmed down and sat down. He said that I was going to arrive today and to take it easy with me since I was still healing. Before he could finish telling them about my condition I burst through the door, startling all the students and even All Might a bit "I'M BACK BITCHES!!" Katsuki was the first to stand up and tackle me, followed by the girls and Deku "Hahaha! Did you guys really miss me that much?" They all shouted yes in unison, it was kind of scary to be honest-

After everything I sat down in my desk and Mr.Aizawa started the lesson for today, before getting out his sleeping bag and shifting the responsibility of class to All Might who was still in the room. All Might decided we should head outside and stretch before everyone worked on their quirks. Everyone had gotten excited except me, I just got up and grabbed my uniform and went to the locker room. Slowly the girls flowed into the room and started changing. After some girls already changed I still had my uniform in hand. Momo saw this and walked over to me, creating a curtain in her other hand "If you want some privacy you can change behind this curtain (Y/N)!" I grabbed the curtain and thanked her, setting up the curtain and changing into my gym uniform. After I was done I walked out with Mina and Ochako. All the other girls had left and they waited for me to be done. We started walking and Mina spoke up "So (Y/N)...About what happened in the hospital..." "A-Ah...Right...What about it?" "It just...It doesn't sound true...I know you aren't a villain and didn't know this would happen, but it just still doesn't feel real..." I looked down at the floor as we kept walking "Yeah...I'm sorry I never told you guys...I thought I would get expelled or you guys would hate me..." Both of the girls hugged me and Ochako said "We could never hate you (Y/N)! You are like the light of the room! When you were gone it felt so dull and dark...No one was really in a good mindset once we found out you were in a coma...Those 3 months seemed to drag on..." "Wait...Oh crap! Did you guys do the festival!?" Mina looked at me and smiled "The school decided to wait until you recovered since a villain attack put you out of commision! At first they were gonna do it right after the U.S.J incident but then you went into a coma and the media went wild, they kept trying to ask if we would do it since one of the hero course students was in a coma. Mr.Aizawa stepped in and said we would wait until you were better though so you could still be on the same level as us!" I giggled "I appreciate it guys! Now...Let's head to gym!" Both the girls nodded as we walked out to one of the bigger gyms. We walked in and almost all the students were already training their quirk or fighting eachother to improve fighting styles. Ochako and Mina ran off to practice and I walked over to All Might. Once I was next to him I just sat down and watched everyone train...and have a lot of fun...curse this stupid burn! Why can't it just heal already? After about 20 minutes I got tired of sitting there and against literally everyone telling me not to the day before, I started using my quirk and started making small shapes. No one noticed me at first, that was good, so I kept going. I was making small spheres, cubes, and triangular prisms, I remembered that Mayumi wanted me to do 3d shaped once I could hold 2d shaped for 30 seconds. I was holding a sphere for a bit and decided to do something funny. I giggled and walked around the gym until I had a clear shot of Katuski. I broke the sphere into smaller ones to make water bullets and when he was yelling and Kirishima I threw the water at him. I got him straight in the back of the head! Yes! "OI! WHO THE FUCK THREW WATER AT ME!?" I started laughing quietly until eventually I burst out laughing and fell on the floor. Everyone noticed me at this point and All Might walked over to me "Young (L/N), did you use your quirk?" Everyone was looking at me but this time with worry, I just looked at him and smiled a bit then looked back at the ground as my smile faded "Yeah...It's just..." I grabbed my arm and stood up "It's just not fair really...The burn doesn't even affect my quirk but i'm basically banned from all physical activities..! I was able to use my quirk and it didn't hurt me, so what's stopping me from training with the rest of them besides my stupid injury?" All Might sighed "Young (L/N) I need you to understand that we are all just worried for you and don't want you to get hurt again" I shot my head up and looked at him with a tint of anger in my eyes, the class seemed shocked "Whenever you had a life threatening injury would you let that stop you from training? Would you let a horrible even that could of well ended your life stop you? No! The All Might I know and watched growing up wouldn't let any injury stop him! So why is it different for me..."While everyone just looked away awkwardly Katsuki walked up to me and hugged me "I just don't want to be held back by something that will be gone in a few days...It's not like I broke a few bones like Izuku *giggles*..." "H-Hey (Y/N) that was kind of mean!" Izuku looked at me and kind of yelled. I laughed again "Am I wrong though? Even when you break your bones you come back the next day and keep training, you don't let a few broken bones stop you, so why should I let a little burn stop me?" All Might separated me and Katsuki and looked at me "I guess as long as you can be supervised I don't see the harm in letting you train" He gave me his signature smile and I flashed one back "Thank you All Might!" After that everyone went back to training and I started working with Kirishima and Katsuki. Katsuki would let off constant explosions at Kirishima to help his hardening, I would shoot water at Katsuki to help cool him down and let him use his quirk longer, and so I can practice my aim with small amount of water like the bullets I made earlier. This continued on for 30 minutes until we went to go to our next class.

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